கவனிக்க: இந்த மின்னூலைத் தனிப்பட்ட வாசிப்பு, உசாத்துணைத் தேவைகளுக்கு மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்தலாம். வேறு பயன்பாடுகளுக்கு ஆசிரியரின்/பதிப்புரிமையாளரின் அனுமதி பெறப்பட வேண்டும்.
இது கூகிள் எழுத்துணரியால் தானியக்கமாக உருவாக்கப்பட்ட கோப்பு. இந்த மின்னூல் மெய்ப்புப் பார்க்கப்படவில்லை.
இந்தப் படைப்பின் நூலகப் பக்கத்தினை பார்வையிட பின்வரும் இணைப்புக்குச் செல்லவும்: New Democracy 2005.08
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August 2005
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Comrade S
Article by Comrade E T Statement by the People’s
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♦ From the Editor’s Desk ♦ Sri Lank
♦ International Events ♦ NDP D
ust 2005
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Comrade SK Senthivel
OP THE PPER KOTMALE PROJECT rticle by Comrade E Thambiah & ment by the People’s Movement
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__ e Editor’s Desk ♦ Sri Lankan Events ternational Events ♦ NDP Diary
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From the Heights of Macchu P
Pablo Neruda
Rise up to be born with me, brother. Give me your hand from the deep Zone seeded by your sorrow. You won’t return from under the roc You won’t return from your subterra Your hardened voice won’t return. Your gouged-out eyes won’t return.
Look at me from the depth of the ear labourer, weaver, silent shepherd: tamer of wild llamas like spirit image construction worker on a daring scaf waterer of the tears of the Andes: jeweller with broken fingers: farmer trembling as you sow: potter, poured out into your clay: bring to the cup of this new life your old buried sorrows. Show me your blood and your furrow Tell me, “Here I was punished, Because the jewel didn’t shine or the Didn’t yield grain or stones on time.” Show me the stone you fell over And the wood on which they crucified Make a spark from the old flints for m
he Heights of Macchu Picchu
Pablo Neruda
born with me, brother.
hand from the deep y your sorrow. turn from under the rocks. turn from your subterranean time.
d voice won’t return. out eyes won’t return.
om the depth of the earth, ver, silent shepherd: llamas like spirit images: worker on a daring scaffold: e tears of the Andes: broken fingers: ling as you sow: d out into your clay: up of this new life ed sorrows. r blood and your furrow, e I was punished, ewel didn’t shine or the earth
rain or stones on time.” stone you fell over
on which they crucified you, from the old flints for me,
(Continued on inside back cover)
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From the Edito
The attitude of the main political parties towards the the tsunami seems cynical of not altogether callous President Kumaratunga in setting up the Joint M provide relief to the victims of the tsunami strength opponents of relief to Tamil victims in the Jathika and the Patriotic National Movement, dominated b from some important members of the SLFP. The Pre P-TOMS only after it was clear that aid for tsunami r of donor countries was conditional upon the existen the distribution of relief for tsunami victims in LTTE c
Having earlier denounced the former prime min recognition of LTTE control over a section of the N MoU with the LTTE, she found herself vulnerable an TOMS agreement on behalf of the government. Alth march on the JVP, by having a leading member go protest of the P-TOMS, the protest was of no avail. to be outdone, quit the government, following the si The Prime Minister’s vacillation on the matter expo opportunism ran in the ruling party. The UNP leader saint, with his ambiguous position, and calculated President to implement relief work effectively and wit
The genuine left as well as the ‘old left’ have, h consent of the President to the P-TOMS and encou implementing it. The JVP and the JHU applied to the the implementation of the P-TOMS, and succe implementation of certain key aspects.
Seven months have passed since the tsunami an majority of the victims is virtually the same as it wa disaster. The announcement by the US and UK go not channel any aid through the P-TOMS, which wou reach the ‘terrorists’ speaks volumes about the natur
From the Editor’s Desk
political parties towards the plight of the victims of al of not altogether callous. The early hesitation of in setting up the Joint Mechanism (P-TOMS) to ms of the tsunami strengthened the hands of the mil victims in the Jathika Hela Urumaya, the JVP l Movement, dominated by the JVP with support bers of the SLFP. The President consented to the clear that aid for tsunami relief from the consortium onditional upon the existence of a mechanism for r tsunami victims in LTTE controlled areas.
ed the former prime minister for the de facto rol over a section of the North-East, by signing an found herself vulnerable and avoided signing the P- alf of the government. Although the JHU stole the aving a leading member going on hunger strike in he protest was of no avail. The chauvinist JVP, not overnment, following the signing of the agreement. illation on the matter exposed the depth to which ling party. The UNP leader proved to be no more a s position, and calculated failure to encourage the
lief work effectively and without delay.
ll as the ‘old left’ have, however, welcomed the to the P-TOMS and encouraged her to be bold in and the JHU applied to the Supreme Court against the P-TOMS, and succeeded in delaying the key aspects.
sed since the tsunami and the plight of the vast virtually the same as it was immediately after the ent by the US and UK governments that they will gh the P-TOMS, which would permit their funding to ks volumes about the nature of their aid. Imperialist
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aid will be distributed through their agencies and N control of the imperialist states, and in a way that th the imperialist political and business interests.
While it is remarkable is that the ceasefire still hold number of killings of LTTE cadres in the North-East active involvement, of the armed forces and by imp and reprisals in kind by the LTTE against its poli denial or tacit silence on the part of the government the context of an escalating cycle of violence, whic the East to the North. The situation is fragile and can in this fashion for long.
Unfortunately for the country, the UNP and the SLF US imperialism and the regional hegemon, are pre presidential election, whose due date is still unknow political parties getting ready for a parliamentary e issues that really matter, such as the national questi of the tsunami and war affected people and regions,
What is now abundantly clear is that the parliam gathering of opportunists and careerists who do not c suffering masses. Thus it is important for the encourage the people to demand action to provide u of the tsunami and the war, resolve the national que policies of three decades ago that have landed the co
The forthcoming presidential and parliamentary elec impress upon the people that they can no mor parliamentary political system with its executive p problems of the country and the pressing need to national question based on the principle of self dete term program of mass struggle could be launched country from imperialism, regional hegemony and have for nearly three decades driven the country tow
ough their agencies and NGOs under the political states, and in a way that the main benefit will be to d business interests.
that the ceasefire still holds, despite the rising the E cadres in the North-East with the blessings, if not armed forces and by implication the government, the LTTE against its political opponents. Formal the part of the government and LTTE means little in ting cycle of violence, which has now spread from situation is fragile and cannot be allowed to go an
ntry, the UNP and the SLFP, each subservient to regional hegemon, are preoccupied with the next se due date is still unknown, and all parliamentary ady for a parliamentary election shortly after, the such as the national question and the rehabilitation fected people and regions, take the back seat.
clear is that the parliamentary politicians are a and careerists who do not care for the country or its it is important for the progressive forces to demand action to provide urgent relief to the victims ar, resolve the national question, and to reverse the ago that have landed the country in a mess.
tial and parliamentary elections should be used to le that they can no more rely on the present stem with its executive presidency to solve the and the pressing need to deal effectively with the n the principle of self determination so that a long truggle could be launched for the liberation of the , regional hegemony and their local agents, who ades driven the country towards ruin.
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Comrade SK Senthivel General Secretary of the ND
Comrades and Friends!
I wish to express on behalf of the Party Centra seeing you in such large numbers at the 27 A of the Party and its revolutionary greetings to away from us three comrades who were wi anniversary. We recall with lofty revolutio memories of Comrade S Navaratnam, Mem Committee, Comrade P Chandrakumar, Memb Regional Committee, and Comrade S Sithamp of the Party from the Northern Region.
Comrades and Friends!
Twenty-seven years ago, along with a few com New Democratic Party as a Marxist Leninist pa Sri Lanka Communist Party (Left). We started with the revolutionary determination that, in practice, we will function organisationally a party. The founder General Secretary Comrad guided us to the decision that we will be guided light shed by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong
Comrade SK Senthivel
neral Secretary of the NDP
half of the Party Central Committee its joy in e numbers at the 27th Anniversary celebration volutionary greetings to you. Death has taken omrades who were with us during the last ll with lofty revolutionary sentiments the e S Navaratnam, Member of the Central Chandrakumar, Member of the Hill Country and Comrade S Sithamparam, senior member
orthern Region.
o, along with a few comrades, we founded the as a Marxist Leninist party in the name of the Party (Left). We started our political journey y determination that, in both ideology and ction organisationally as a Marxist Leninist eneral Secretary Comrade KA Subramaniam
n that we will be guided in our journey by the -Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought. Guidance
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by Comrade KA Subramaniam with a weal understanding in the communist movement of important role in propelling the Party forward and parliamentary opportunism and, later, ex caused serious decay and degeneration in the result, it was not possible for a revolution movement to grow strong. These effects still pe
It is amid such weakness that we came forward to propel forward our party as a Marxist confidence has not weakened to this day. It w future either. Comrades and friends have wor with dedication, facing all manner of oppos challenges and difficulties, to transform the position of strength and to advance it furthe forward the historic task before them with a pr through the firm and broad-based collective w and friends that we are completing our 27 yea single Marxist Leninist Party in the commun country. We will abide by the policies draw Congress of the Party and make the Party strong one that carries forward revolutionary struggles encouragement and support given by this anni achieve that.
Comrades and Friends!
I seek your permission to place before you current political situation in the country. The serious state of crisis. On one side economic hardship to the entire people. As a result there and cultural decay. As we have been pointing o economic crisis and social decay are a c liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation. class of feudal descent are solely responsib During the past quarter of a century, this programmes along the guidelines of bodies suc the IMF, the Asian Development Bank an
ramaniam with a wealth of experience and ommunist movement of the country played an elling the Party forward. Modern revisionism ortunism and, later, extremism had already and degeneration in the left movement. As a ssible for a revolutionary Marxist Leninist ng. These effects still persist in the South.
ss that we came forward with great confidence r party as a Marxist Leninist party. That akened to this day. It will not weaken in the s and friends have worked at various levels g all manner of opposition, danger to life, lties, to transform the Party to its present nd to advance it further. They have carried k before them with a proletarian outlook. It is road-based collective work of such comrades completing our 27th year and are rising as the st Party in the communist-left terrain of the e by the policies drawn up by the Fourth nd make the Party stronger and develop it into d revolutionary struggles. We note with joy the pport given by this anniversary celebration to
n to place before you some aspects of the on in the country. The whole country is in a On one side economic problems are causing eople. As a result there is steady rise in social we have been pointing out from the outset, the social decay are a cruel consequence of tion and globalisation. The ruling capitalist nt are solely responsible for this situation. rter of a century, this class has followed guidelines of bodies such as the World Bank, Development Bank and the World Trade
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Organisation and thereby ruined and shattered The two ruling class parties of the country have this respect.
As a result of their erroneous economic polic commodities of the ordinary people, comprisin sugar and flour, have increased by the day; raised every month facilitates the rise in Particularly since the Petroleum Corporation handed over to the Indian Oil Company the pri on the rise. The real reasons for the rise in concealed. While prices soar as a result privatisation, the increases in wages are inadequ cost of living. As a result, the vast majority of and state and private sector employees are bad peasantry are being pushed below the poverty li
The government, while refusing to pay heed to to implement its privatisation programme that country. It is actively pursuing the Upper Kotm country, the Nuraicholai Thermal Power Proj privatisation of the Ceylon Electricity Boar shares of the Petroleum Corporation. The Worl early privatisation of the education and health of the country and the labour of the people multinational corporations, with the support a governments of the ruling classes.
Although the JVP with its bogus left camoufla the government for over a year, it could not practice of liberalisation, privatisation and glob from the government is not in protest of the problems of the workers and peasants but in op up of the Joint Mechanism to provide relief f tsunami in the North-East. Notably, it was dur JVP was in control at the Ministry of Agricultu from the Polonnaruwa District committed suici inability to sell their paddy harvest and settle the
by ruined and shattered the national economy. rties of the country have outdone each other in
roneous economic policy, prices of essential dinary people, comprising items such as rice, increased by the day; and the price of fuel facilitates the rise in commodity prices. Petroleum Corporation was privatised and ian Oil Company the prices have been steadily reasons for the rise in fuel prices are kept ces soar as a result of liberalisation and ses in wages are inadequate to meet the rise in ult, the vast majority of the workers, peasants, ector employees are badly affected. The rural hed below the poverty line.
refusing to pay heed to these matters, is keen tisation programme that continues to ruin the ursuing the Upper Kotmale Project in the hill lai Thermal Power Project in Puttalam, and eylon Electricity Board and the remaining Corporation. The World Bank has advocated e education and health sectors. The resources e labour of the people are being robbed by ions, with the support and cooperation of the
ng classes.
its bogus left camouflage had been a part of er a year, it could not block the policy and n, privatisation and globalisation. Even its exit is not in protest of the failure to solve the rs and peasants but in opposition to the setting nism to provide relief for the victims of the ast. Notably, it was during the time when the the Ministry of Agriculture that three peasants District committed suicide as a result of their ddy harvest and settle their loans.
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The UNP government privatised the plantation it to 22 companies. Trade unions and politic country supported the privatisation, claiming brighter future for the plantation workers. Wh plantation sector in the hill country? In the sam development of the south is also a means of de Viewing from a class basis, one will see t between the Capitalist and imperialist forces on vast majority comprising the workers, peasant growing further At the same time, the solu question, which continues to be the main cont realised. The three and a half years of understanding and ceasefire have passed procrastination and deception. Even the Joint M relief is facing stiff resistance from the JVP Urumaya chauvinists. However, the chauvinist transformed the national question into a wa imperialism that gave it their guidance and full their respective outcomes and benefits. Besid may continue to enjoy the benefits, the force making use of the ruling classes on one side other. Currently, a situation has arisen, in whic cast by them seems impossible.
There is, nevertheless, the need to expose the people and for Tamil people to mobilise th Country Tamils in the just struggle for sel necessary to create a situation in which the toil people accept it.
It is against this background that the UNP Presidential Election be held this year and cla will be resolved if Ranil Wickramasinghe bec the constitution and the executive presidential s JR Jayawardane and the UNP in 1978 solved a the country during the past 27 years? Did t political and socio-cultural development and pro
privatised the plantation sector and transferred rade unions and political parties of the hill privatisation, claiming that it will lead to a plantation workers. What is the plight of the hill country? In the same way, the so-called th is also a means of deceiving the Sinhalese. s basis, one will see that the contradiction and imperialist forces on the one hand and the ng the workers, peasants and intellectuals is he same time, the solution to the national ues to be the main contradiction, is yet to be nd a half years of the memorandum of ceasefire have passed as a period of eption. Even the Joint Mechanism for tsunami sistance from the JVP and the Jathika Hela However, the chauvinistic ruling classes who nal question into a war and the forces of it their guidance and full support have secured es and benefits. Besides, in order that they the benefits, the forces of imperialism are ng classes on one side and the LTTE on the ation has arisen, in which escape from the net possible.
the need to expose these conspiracies to the l people to mobilise the Muslims and Hill e just struggle for self-determination. It is tuation in which the toiling ordinary Sinhalese
ckground that the UNP campaigns for the e held this year and claims that all problems nil Wickramasinghe becomes President. Have executive presidential system introduced by e UNP in 1978 solved any of the problems of e past 27 years? Did they bring economic, ural development and progress to the people?
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So, it is necessary to create a climate in wh struggle to reject this constitution and the e system and replace it with a new constituti welfare, equality, democracy, development and all the people and the different nationalities. Party proposes and emphasises that a broad-bas struggle needs to be launched to achieve it. The people should not allow the continuation o chairs for the executive presidency. The game o of individuals forming the parliamentary ruling to any real change. The genuine left and dem come forward to mobilise the people along the bypassing the process of changing people political forces need to enter the arena and mobi
The new forces should ignore the old lead parliamentary path to become opportunists an Leninism and revolutionary ideals, and progre struggle by identifying the objective situation New Democratic Party places emphasises on t celebration.
Comrades and friends!
It is necessary to make certain observations a situation. The American Imperialists and their claim that they have succeeded in their efforts and Marxism from the world, have launched th tactics and schemes. American imperialism seek military and economic hegemony over the globalisation. It is prolonging the Palestinian solution in order to keep the oil wealth of the control. The invasion of Iraq two years ago an exposed the true forms of America and Brita They seek to set up a puppet regime in Iraq in t have in Afghanistan, where their aggression c Iraq and Afghanistan, the American and Bri taking a severe beating each day.
create a climate in which the entire people constitution and the executive presidential with a new constitution that would bring cracy, development and wholesome growth to different nationalities. The New Democratic phasises that a broad-based mass revolutionary
nched to achieve it. allow the continuation of the game of musical presidency. The game of switching the group the parliamentary ruling party too cannot lead he genuine left and democratic forces should ise the people along the path of mass struggle, of changing people in this pattern. New enter the arena and mobilise for it.
ld ignore the old leadership that took the become opportunists and abandon Marxism onary ideals, and progress along the path of the objective situation in the country. The places emphasises on this in its anniversary
e certain observations about the international n Imperialists and their allies, who arrogantly cceeded in their efforts to eradicate socialism world, have launched their programme of new merican imperialism seeks to achieve political, c hegemony over the whole world through olonging the Palestinian problem without a ep the oil wealth of the Middle East under its f Iraq two years ago and earlier attacks have s of America and Britain, its principal ally. uppet regime in Iraq in the same way that they here their aggression continues. But in both the American and British allied forces are each day.
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America uses the concepts such as “Islami terror”, “eradication of the Al Qaida movemen weapons of mass destruction” to justify its aggr its wars for global hegemony. It makes a list of its way to global hegemony, and makes false c malicious propaganda against them. Iran, North among prime targets of its campaign.
But a new situation is developing fast, in wh world begin to understand the true intentions capitalist countries and struggle against movements are being reorganised on the basis and we see that, from the revolution in Nepal to South America, the struggles of the people of t in confidence.
At the same time, our country faces a situatio falling into the clutches of India’s regional he of the Indian policy makers is to infiltrate the and intensify its pressure on the country so that its grips. The Indo-Sri Lanka Trade Agreemen purpose, and India is the sole beneficiary Following that, the Indo-Sri Lanka Defence signed soon.
There has been open Indo-American rivalry in t and military fields of Sri Lanka. Interference America, the European Union, India and Japan by the intention to dominate. The Sri Lankan reduced to a position where it is unable to i political decision without taking it to Washingt approval. In the same way, no economic plan without the knowledge or in defiance of the W and the Asian Development Bank.
Therefore, we need to carry out a people’s imperialist globalisation by America and i Similarly, there could be no tolerance tow
ncepts such as “Islamic terrorism” “global the Al Qaida movement” and “destruction of ction” to justify its aggression, and carries out mony. It makes a list of countries that stand in ony, and makes false charges and carries out against them. Iran, North Korea and Cuba are
its campaign.
developing fast, in which the people of the tand the true intentions of America and other nd struggle against them. Revolutionary eorganised on the basis of Marxism Leninism he revolution in Nepal to the mass uprisings in uggles of the people of the world are growing
country faces a situation in which it awaits s of India’s regional hegemony. The strategy akers is to infiltrate the Sri Lankan economy re on the country so that it could keep it within Lanka Trade Agreement was created for this is the sole beneficiary of the agreement. do-Sri Lanka Defence Agreement is to be
do-American rivalry in the economic, political Sri Lanka. Interference and intervention by Union, India and Japan have been motivated minate. The Sri Lankan ruling class is now where it is unable to implement any major ut taking it to Washington and New Delhi for way, no economic plan can be implemented or in defiance of the World Bank, the IMF ment Bank.
o carry out a people’s struggle against the on by America and its imperialist allies. be no tolerance towards India’s regional
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hegemony. The Party emphasises that the only forward a broad-based anti-imperialist struggle on behalf of the country and the people. The p that there cannot be an alternative to this approa
* * * * * We Shall Never Forget!
My house can be stormed, night or day! I can be arrested, and taken away. In my own homeland, I am not free: That is why 1 shall use an olive tree To engrave on its trunk my tragedy, To register on it every evil perfidy, To document every vile Zionist crime, Committed in our land at any time. I shall record the names of torturers. Looters, thieves, rapists and murderers I shall keep for each a detailed file, Containing evidence of everything vile, From Kafr Kassem to Deir Yassin, And crimes thereafter, or in between!
Tawfiq Zaiyyad Palestinian Poet
mphasises that the only way for us is to carry anti-imperialist struggles against imperialism, y and the people. The position of the Party is alternative to this approach.
* * * * * t!
ed, night or day! aken away.
am not free: an olive tree my tragedy, evil perfidy, e Zionist crime,
at any time. s of torturers. s and murderers detailed file,
everything vile, eir Yassin, or in between!
Tawfiq Zaiyyad Palestinian Poet
Page 16
Comrade E Thambiah
National Organiser of the ND
Part 1: A Political Nightmare
The Upper Kotmale Hydropower Project (U nightmare to nearly all Hill Country Tamil po anyone in the hill country not talking about t convention of activists opposing the UKHP posters have been put up protesting against th have been widely circulated.
The People’s Campaign Against the Upper K Project (hereafter the People’s Campaign) app the hill country to observe 15th May as a day UKHP and, in a leaflet, asked them to shut do other workplaces, hoist black flags in public p and banners against the project and distribut project on that day. It also asked them to shou Kotmale Project immediately”, ring the bells in churches, and to toot the horns of vehicles, at n is an important day in the history of the hill cou United Front government took steps to acquir the roadside between Ginigathhena and Dayaga of the majority community there. Anura Banda move to transform Nuwara Eliya-Maskeliya creating a strong vote-bank there for him. T oppressive step against the plantation worker
Comrade E Thambiah
ional Organiser of the NDP
Hydropower Project (UKHP) has become a l Hill Country Tamil politicians, with hardly ntry not talking about the subject. Since the s opposing the UKHP held on 10th April, up protesting against the project and leaflets lated.
gn Against the Upper Kotmale Hydropower eople’s Campaign) appealed to the people of erve 15th May as a day of protest against the t, asked them to shut down offices, shops and t black flags in public places, put up posters he project and distribute leaflets against the also asked them to shout out “Halt the Upper diately”, ring the bells in temples, viharas and e horns of vehicles, at noon that day.15th May he history of the hill country. In 1977, the then ent took steps to acquire plantation lands by inigathhena and Dayagama to settle members nity there. Anura Bandaranayake initiated this uwara Eliya-Maskeliya into his preserve by -bank there for him. This was yet another t the plantation workers who were already
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bitter about the government owing to the plantations during 1970-77 and the food short face. A massive struggle was launched again land.
People of the Devon Estate chased away the sur measure the land. The surveyors returned with from the Boxfort estate swam across the river a surveyors and the police who were carrying Devon Estate should leave. The police opened f an eighteen-year old youth, Sivanu Letchuman place on 13th May and since then, 15th May, the been marked as a day of remembrance with a v to commemorate Sivanu Letchumanan.
Following the police shooting, struggles brok plantations in the hill country. Students of the Hatton went on demonstrations, and were attac thugs. Following a series of struggles, the gove plans to acquire the land. The struggles and the Sivanu Letchumanan helped the Ceylon candidate S Thondaman and the UNP candidate in the elections of July 1997.
However, Dissanayake acted with vigour to s majority community on land belonging to initiated the construction of the Kotmale Accelerated Mahaweli Programme, as a resul workers were expelled from the regi Niyanganthara, Paluwatte, Thavalantenne and P
He also attempted from time to time to impleme Project as a sequel to it. The project was defe result of continued opposition from the people f Talawakelle, Lower Scalpa and Holyrood. Af People’s Alliance attempted to implement the in the face of opposition. Karu Jayasooriya, the the United National Front government that
ernment owing to the closure of several 0-77 and the food shortages that they had to gle was launched against the acquisition of
state chased away the surveyors who arrived to surveyors returned with the police, and youth swam across the river and demanded that the ice who were carrying out measurements on ave. The police opened fire on them and killed uth, Sivanu Letchumanan. That incident took since then, 15th May, the day of his funeral, has of remembrance with a variety of programmes u Letchumanan.
shooting, struggles broke out in schools and country. Students of the Highlands College in strations, and were attacked by the police and es of struggles, the government abandoned its d. The struggles and the ultimate sacrifice by helped the Ceylon Workers’ Congress n and the UNP candidate Gamini Dissanayake 1997.
acted with vigour to settle members of the on land belonging to the plantations. He tion of the Kotmale reservoir under the Programme, as a result of which plantation lled from the regions of Punduloya, tte, Thavalantenne and Pussalawa.
time to time to implement the Upper Kotmale it. The project was deferred indefinitely as a osition from the people from the plantations in calpa and Holyrood. After 1994, the United pted to implement the project and deferred it n. Karu Jayasooriya, the Minister for Power in Front government that succeeded the UPA
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attempted to implement it. The Malayah (Upcountry People’s Front) backed him and, s when the leader of the UPF was ministe Development Programme.
It should also be noted that the UKHP was gra in 1982 when S Thondaman, then leader of the of the Cabinet. The project was suspended as a the people of Talawakelle, Lower Scalpa and signature campaign by the Ilankai Thesabakt (Sri Lanka Patriotic Youth Movement). Again i afoot to implement the project. An article publis exposed in detail how Talawakelle town, th Talawakelle, the temple, cinema and the Talaw School (Madhya Mahavidyalaya) would be sub the project.
Acts of protest have intensified since then. Wh the year 2000 to implement the project, the CW Talawakelle in protest, and the workers went When the CWC joined the United People government in 2004, it was speculated that th implement the project since the CWC was lend project. The CWC denied this initially, but CWC MP and minister in the UPFA governm CWC had expressed its consent. As this p leadership met with severe opposition from CWC, the leadership claimed that it had sub scheme with less harmful consequences and tha approved it.
However, the Japanese organisation that had o project insisted that the project had to be impl planned and that there was no room for alter clear that the project would be implemented as that a major part of Talawakelle would be subm
ent it. The Malayaha Makkal Munnani ront) backed him and, significantly, this was the UPF was minister for the Mahaweli me.
that the UKHP was granted Cabinet approval aman, then leader of the CWC, was a member ject was suspended as a result of struggles of elle, Lower Scalpa and Holyrood such as the the Ilankai Thesabaktha Vaalipar Munnani uth Movement). Again in 1986, attempts were project. An article published in the Viirakesasi Talawakelle town, the plantations around e, cinema and the Talawakelle Tamil Central vidyalaya) would be submerged as a result of
tensified since then. When steps were taken in ment the project, the CWC held a meeting in , and the workers went on a one-day strike. ed the United People’s Freedom Alliance t was speculated that the government would since the CWC was lending its support to the nied this initially, but Muththu Sivalingam r in the UPFA government admitted that the its consent. As this position of the CWC evere opposition from the members of the claimed that it had submitted an alternative ful consequences and that the government had
organisation that had offered a loan for the e project had to be implemented as originally was no room for alternatives. This made it ould be implemented as originally planned and awakelle would be submerged.
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Since the UPF was in support of the projec vacillating in its position, several of the organi UKHP got together to found the People’s M UKHP. The movement has since carried out a opposition to the project. The convention of ac UKHP was convened for the 10th of last April a mass struggles to stop the project will continuously. In accordance with that resoluti observe May 15th as a day of protest against the chosen as the day of protest in order that mean taken on the day of remembrance of the martyr to defend once more the land in defence of w life, so that the day will be one of rem Letchumanan who sacrificed his life to protec taken away from the people in the process of la as one of struggle against the land being hydroelectric project.
The convention of the mass movement on 10 activities had their echoes in various May Day the CWC and the UPF spoke about it. The instead of stating his position firmly, attempted was opposed to the project. The leader of the supported the project since it was a developmen was emphatic about compensation as well as r affected by the project. Although he took this party at the next tier and the membership of his to the project. The Hill Country Youth As actively supported his party, is also opposed t members of that organisation are involved in PMAUKP.
The Upper Kotmale Hydropower Project Com committee that included some plantation worke victims of the project to undertake rehabilit words, it set up a housing committee to build potential victims and used that committee to m
n support of the project and the CWC was on, several of the organisations opposed to the found the People’s Movement Against the t has since carried out a series of measures in ct. The convention of activists opposed to the or the 10th of last April and it was resolved that top the project will be carried forward dance with that resolution it was decided to ay of protest against the UKHP. That day was rotest in order that meaningful actions will be embrance of the martyr Sivanu Letchumanan he land in defence of which he sacrificed his will be one of remembrance of Sivanu rificed his life to protect the land from being ople in the process of land acquisition as well against the land being taken away for a
mass movement on 10th April and subsequent oes in various May Day meetings. Leaders of F spoke about it. The leader of the CWC, osition firmly, attempted to imply that he too oject. The leader of the UPF claimed that he ince it was a developmental project and that he mpensation as well as rehabilitation for those t. Although he took this stand, leaders of his d the membership of his party remain opposed ill Country Youth Association, which had party, is also opposed to the project. Several nisation are involved in the activities of the
ydropower Project Commission had set up a d some plantation workers who were potential t to undertake rehabilitation work. In other sing committee to build new houses for the sed that committee to make contact with the
Page 20
potential victims and thereby carry out a camp project. The plantation workers who were mem have announced that they are opposed to the resigning from the housing committee. They h the Commission that they oppose this project them from their homes, and therefore canno housing committee. Similarly, on 29th Mar meeting organised by the Commission in su plantation workers had insisted that the project Thus the view that this project should be ab strength, and opposition to the project is on the
As much as a handful of Hill Country Tamil po of the project, there are a handful of Hill Coun who support the project. A fresh doctorate hol recommended in public that that the projec ‘Talawakelle Development Project’ rather than Hydropower Project faced humiliation. A sharp that “Even if the project was named after the H “Lord Siva Development Scheme, the consequ water will be just as disastrous”.
A professor from the hill country has argue Country Tamil MPs are in support of the projec any opposition could stop it. Sadly, the profess reason why the Nuraicholai Thermal Pow Colombo-Katunayake Expressway are not bein the opposition of the MPs but the opposition people’s struggle that prevented the sale of th deposits to an American company, and it is pe holding back the completion of the Narmadha D
It will be good if all the MPs and trade unio oppose the UKHP. But a few leaders hav construction companies with their supporters as of securing contracts to their benefit. How co who are anticipating commissions for contract already collected their commissions be exp
hereby carry out a campaign in support of the workers who were members of that committee hey are opposed to the project and therefore sing committee. They have communicated to hey oppose this project, which will displace s, and therefore cannot be members of the imilarly, on 29th March, at a propaganda the Commission in support of the project, insisted that the project should be abandoned. is project should be abandoned is gathering to the project is on the rise at various levels.
f Hill Country Tamil politicians are in support a handful of Hill Country Tamil intellectuals t. A fresh doctorate holder in geography who ic that that the project should be renamed ent Project’ rather than as the Upper Kotmale ced humiliation. A sharp response to him was ct was named after the Hindu god, Siva as the nt Scheme, the consequence of damming the astrous”.
hill country has argued that since the Hill e in support of the project, there is no way that top it. Sadly, the professor does not know that raicholai Thermal Power Project and the Expressway are not being implemented is not MPs but the opposition of the people. It was prevented the sale of the Epawela phosphate an company, and it is people’s struggle that is letion of the Narmadha Dam project in India.
the MPs and trade unions in the hill country ut a few leaders have already registered s with their supporters as directors in the hope to their benefit. How could we expect those ommissions for contracts and those who have r commissions be expected to oppose the
Page 21
project? On the other hand, the leaders who s busy in blunting the protest campaigns and protest movement. There is evidence that move youth involved in the protest campaign to investigation units. Rumours were spread that t would be declared a High Security Zone in mobilisation of people in the protest campaign.
There is no guarantee that the government will a High Security Zone, but it has been stated in of the government that there is no such declara spreading such rumours is, on the one hand, to who come forward to struggle and, on the oth government that it could declare the region a H carry forward the project. Irrespective of th campaign against the UKHP will go on.
Part 2: The Need for a Third Political Force
Opposition to the UKHP was marked on April 1 and hartals. It is still being debated and discu protest was possible. It is still being debated ho protest turned out to be successful.
The plantation workers kept off work even w intervention from the leadership of what are organisations in the hill country. Although wor on Sundays at 50% additional wage as overtime stay away.
The People’s Movement and its member orga political parties, trade unions and other organ flags in public places and atop motor vehicl people, especially the youth, had put up black most towns in the Nuwara Eliya District, the Talawakelle, a considerable number of shops w was no business in those which were open. S Highforest, Kotagala, Bogowantalawa, Norw
hand, the leaders who support the project are protest campaigns and creating splits in the re is evidence that moves are afoot to subject protest campaign to harassment by police ours were spread that the Talawakelle region High Security Zone in order to prevent the in the protest campaign.
hat the government will not declare the region but it has been stated in parliament on behalf there is no such declaration. The intention of s is, on the one hand, to intimidate the people struggle and, on the other, to suggest to the ld declare the region a High Security Zone and ject. Irrespective of these conspiracies, the KHP will go on.
a Third Political Force
P was marked on April 15th by demonstrations being debated and discussed how that day of is still being debated how and why the day of successful.
s kept off work even without the support or leadership of what are said to be the major l country. Although work is currently on offer itional wage as overtime, the workers chose to
nt and its member organisations comprising unions and other organisations put up black and atop motor vehicles. Besides that, the youth, had put up black flags voluntarily. In ara Eliya District, the shops were closed. In rable number of shops were closed and there ose which were open. Shops were closed in Bogowantalawa, Norwood, Maskeliya, and
Page 22
towns along the Hatton-Dayagama road. Althou armed forces demanded that the shops be ope Hatton, the shops were not opened. In town Ragala and Highforest, three-wheelers and hiri flags. In Kotagala the police took a three-whee to the police station in Patana and insisted conditional upon the shops being opened an motor vehicles being removed. Neither the driv shopkeepers paid heed to the demands of the po
The Protest Day activities in Nuwara Eliya w successfully and were capped by a demonstr campaign close to the Devon Waterfall neighbo Talawakelle. Although the bus service was thousand arrived from far away places by priv participate in the demonstration. Undergrad country attending various universities in the co at the College of Education and Teacher’s T school children too participated in the demonst the young, the middle aged and the old. I participation by the Sinhala community in th particularly significant.
At the end of the demonstration, the par procession to the location where Sivanu Letchu the Devon Estate to pay a heroic floral tribute t the venue of the demonstration near the Devon the protest meeting. Leaders and representa organisations of the People’s Movement a supporting the demonstration addressed the m questions were raised about the ability of t People’s Movement to conduct a successf questions were raised about their ability to car campaign. The convention was a success, an carried out extensively, especially in the towns hill country.
-Dayagama road. Although the police and the d that the shops be opened in Kotagala and re not opened. In towns such as Kotagala, , three-wheelers and hiring vans carried black police took a three-wheeler driver named Siva in Patana and insisted that his release was shops being opened and the black flags on moved. Neither the drivers of vehicles nor the to the demands of the police.
ities in Nuwara Eliya were carried out most capped by a demonstration and satyagraha Devon Waterfall neighbouring Hatton Road in the bus service was sparse, well over a far away places by private buses and vans to monstration. Undergraduates from the hill us universities in the country, teacher trainees cation and Teacher’s Training Colleges, and ticipated in the demonstration, which attracted e aged and the old. It is noteworthy that inhala community in the demonstration was
demonstration, the participants went on a ion where Sivanu Letchumanan was buried in y a heroic floral tribute to him and returned to nstration near the Devon Falls to take part in Leaders and representatives of the member People’s Movement and of organisations tration addressed the meeting. On 10th April, about the ability of the organisers of the to conduct a successful convention. Then about their ability to carry forward the protest ntion was a success, and the campaign was , especially in the towns and plantations in the
Page 23
On 29th April there was a demonstration in posters in protest of the Upper Kotmale Proj leaflets were distributed in towns and plantati publicity to the protest activities, and some sect chose to ignore the campaign were compelled the protest activities.
The protest campaign was a subject on the especially of the CWC and the UPF. The Ma New Democratic Party in Ragala had oppositio theme.
The media gave publicity to the Day of Prot workers kept away from work irrespective of t Shopkeepers closed down their shops, irre affiliation. The contribution of the intellectual The support and cooperation from the Sinhal parties in particular added force to the prot became headline news in the local media and the international media as well.
When the correct idea and line reach the peop for petty differences, and the politics of domin influence lose strength. When alternative thou the people are ready to mobilise. May 15 has lessons including that the people will not fo activities to be carried out.
This cannot be overstated, and one could boldly first time that strikes took place and in the hill from trade unions and shops were closed w parliamentary political party or trade union in the UKHP has to that extent become a commitment and leadership of the People’s member organisations has given the people fres
Leaflets were distributed in the name of ‘United calling for the shops to be opened that day i would be submerged in water if the project w
as a demonstration in Bogawantalawa, and he Upper Kotmale Project were put up and d in towns and plantations. The media gave activities, and some sections of the media that paign were compelled to publish news about
was a subject on the May Day platforms, and the UPF. The May Day meeting of the in Ragala had opposition to the UKHP as its
city to the Day of Protest on 15th May. The m work irrespective of trade union affiliation. own their shops, irrespective of political ution of the intellectuals was significant too. eration from the Sinhala public and the left dded force to the protest campaign, which in the local media and gained prominence in as well.
and line reach the people, there is little room nd the politics of dominance and trade union . When alternative thought finds leadership, mobilise. May 15th has taught many valuable the people will not forever let anti-people ut.
ted, and one could boldly say that this was the ok place and in the hill country without a call d shops were closed without prompting by party or trade union interests. Opposition to that extent become a public matter. The ership of the People’s Movement and its has given the people fresh confidence.
d in the name of ‘United Traders Association’ o be opened that day in Talawakelle, which n water if the project were carried out. Some
Page 24
chauvinists campaigned that the struggle wa struggle.
Although the UPF announced in the evening supported the struggle, shops belonging to pers were kept open, despite the closure of a large Talawakelle.
Rumour was spread in a planned way that the 15th May and that a hill country political participants in the protest demonstration. Des intimidation, many came from faraway location demonstration. Several attempts were made on detain the principal organisers of the demonstra police visited homes to arrest some, and wanted at the police station.
The police also went in search of S Rajendr College of Education, who, it should be noted specialist, carried out several studies of the Kotmale Project and the Sethu Samudram Proj environment and written several articles on the
Attempts were made through such measures by the demonstration of May 15th by creating a anguish. The police and the government did no mass participation in acts of resistance, expre mass demonstrations to be established in the h of the so-called leadership in the hill country with them and, as a result, the police had s several lawful and democratic demonstrations in
On 28th June 2004, the police attacked trainee t College of Education when they went on a dem But the issue on which the trainee teachers wen still remains unresolved. The demonstration wa against persons who defrauded funds allocated trainee teachers. No action has been taken although a retired judge was appointed as om
d that the struggle was a Tamil nationalist
nounced in the evening of 17th May that it shops belonging to persons close to the UPF te the closure of a large number of shops in
a planned way that there would be chaos on hill country political party was to attack test demonstration. Despite the rumours and e from faraway locations to participate in the attempts were made on 14th May to arrest and anisers of the demonstration on 15th May. The arrest some, and wanted some others to report
in search of S Rajendran, Lecturer, Sripada who, it should be noted, has, as a geography several studies of the effects of the Upper e Sethu Samudram Project on the people and n several articles on the issues concerned.
rough such measures by the police to sabotage May 15th by creating a climate of fear and d the government did not want the practices of acts of resistance, expression of dissent and o be established in the hill country. A section ship in the hill country too has played along result, the police had succeeded in stopping ocratic demonstrations in the past.
police attacked trainee teachers of the Sripada hen they went on a demonstration in Hatton. the trainee teachers went on the demonstration d. The demonstration was in demand of action efrauded funds allocated for the meals of the action has been taken against the culprits, e was appointed as ombudsman to look into
Page 25
the charges. Neither the law nor the judiciary came out of the inquiry. But the legal and sec raising questions about the matter in a democ the environment of the hill country.
It is in such a climate that mass struggles suc become highly significant. The existence of the right to carry out such demonstrations can through carrying them out. It was illegal to organisers of the May 15th demonstration. It wa to take the driver of a three-wheeler to the pol him there because he had a black flag on his ve violation of his fundamental rights.
Plantation workers of the Mount Jean Estate in strike to protest the assault of a worker by an were arrested in the office of the (JVP) trade belonged. This was highhanded. Such acts con normal democratic trade union rights of the people. Gathering of information in an intim participants in public activities is also an act of
Besides these, steps have been taken to defea People’s Movement by portraying them a Chauvinists in Talawakelle anticipating tha demonstration near the Devon Falls would Talawakelle were ready and waiting to launch the demonstrators. Their plans failed since originally intended, took a different route.
On 16th May, some persons organised a demons town demanding the immediate implementatio Talawakelle Urban Council Chairman, Nimala JVP Organiser, Buddhadasa and some pers headed it. They brought employees of the Talawakelle bus stand in vehicles belonging to Board. There were a few Tamil speaking demonstration with 60 participants, which was
e law nor the judiciary seems to know what y. But the legal and security systems prohibit t the matter in a democratic fashion. Such is hill country.
that mass struggles such as that of 15th May ant. The existence of the legal and democratic ch demonstrations can be established only out. It was illegal to attempt to arrest the 15 demonstration. It was illegal for the police three-wheeler to the police station and detain ad a black flag on his vehicle. It was indeed a ental rights.
the Mount Jean Estate in Hatton who went on sault of a worker by an estate superintendent ffice of the (JVP) trade union to which they ghhanded. Such acts constitute the denial of de union rights of the Hill Country Tamil nformation in an intimidating manner about ctivities is also an act of denial of rights.
ave been taken to defeat the activities of the by portraying them as Tamil nationalist. akelle anticipating that participants in the e Devon Falls would go in procession to y and waiting to launch a communal attack on heir plans failed since the procession, as k a different route.
sons organised a demonstration in Talawakelle mmediate implementation of the UKHP. The uncil Chairman, Nimaladasa (UNP), the local hadasa and some persons from the SLFP, ght employees of the urban council to the in vehicles belonging to the Ceylon Electricity a few Tamil speaking individuals in this participants, which was organised by the CEB
Page 26
with the intention of giving the People’s nationalist character and thus defeat it.
The 15th May acts of protest, besides serving to provide support to the establishment of the rights of the people and the evolution of an leadership based on the interests of the p participation of the people. The protest movem faith in an alternative political leadership questions and debates.
It has led to the recognition of the need for a path in place of the attitude that the present ne pressure on the current political and trade un seem to function on the basis of faith in a certain
In any event, it is noticeable that the immediat leadership that could bring together a variety o common programme based democratically on with people’s participation.
* * * * *
f giving the People’s Movement a Tamil d thus defeat it.
rotest, besides serving to halt the UKHP, will e establishment of the common democratic and the evolution of an alternative political the interests of the people and with the ople. The protest movement has given rise to e political leadership and initiated related
nition of the need for an alternative political titude that the present need is merely to apply t political and trade union leadership which basis of faith in a certain personalities.
ceable that the immediate need is for a united ring together a variety of individuals, under a ased democratically on people’s interests and tion.
* * * * *
Page 27
Statement issued on behalf of the People’s C the Upper Kotmale Hydropower Project
According to the feasibility studies done by a c consultants sponsored by the Japan Internationa Bank in 1985, the Upper Kotmale Hydropowe two units of 209 MW combined capacity above Project. There will be a network of tunnels of augment the two hydropower units at Caledo which is the critical construction sequence.
1 At Talawakelle there will be a concrete gra 1202 m above MSL, just below the conflue Kotmale Oya. The catchment area above th and the reservoir will be augmented th diversion tunnel 5.25 km long from Puna having a combined area of 50 sq. km.
A low concrete dam of maximum height 15 is proposed with a reservoir capacity of one active storage. Originally 170 MW was Talawakelle Power Station alone.
2 At Caledonia there will be a concrete gravit Oya with elevation 1360 m above MSL just of Agra Oya and Dambagastalawwa Oya to of capacity thirty million cubic metres. A station with an installed capacity of 40 MW 2.83 km long headrace tunnel from the C saddle dam will be required with height 12 m
behalf of the People’s Campaign against Hydropower Project
ility studies done by a consortium of Japanese by the Japan International Cooperation Agency er Kotmale Hydropower proposals consist of ombined capacity above the (Lower) Kotmale a network of tunnels of total length 27 km to opower units at Caledonia and Talawakelle, nstruction sequence.
re will be a concrete gravity dam at a level of , just below the confluence of Nanuoya with catchment area above this dam is 297 sq. km will be augmented through a trans-basin .25 km long from Puna Oya to Pundal Oya,
area of 50 sq. km.
of maximum height 15 m and length 110 m reservoir capacity of one million cubic metres riginally 170 MW was expected from the
Station alone.
will be a concrete gravity dam across Kotmale 1360 m above MSL just below the confluence ambagastalawwa Oya to impound a reservoir million cubic metres. An underground power alled capacity of 40 MW will be activated by a race tunnel from the Caledonia reservoir. A required with height 12 m and length 95 m.
Page 28
The catchment above this dam is 175 sq. k through a 4 km long tunnel of capacity 6 cu from Nanu Oya with a catchment of 60 sq. k
The Caledonia Powerhouse will have an 40 MW.
This proposal was rejected three times by the r 2002 it has been approved by the higher authori
Although it is said that the above project wil original one drawn in 1985 it will be big experience of the past with regard to other Always the reservoir area and catchment area a bigger than the estimated size.
The first study was carried out by a Canadian of the Accelerated Mahaweli Project. Then a d by the UNDP and the FAO in 1968. The Cooperation Agency carried out a feasibility stu
The joint venture agreement was signed betw government (Ceylon Electricity Board) and th Cooperation Agency Bank in 2002 and the sai grant a loan of US$ 384 million for the comple 2007.
The Upper Kotmale Hydropower Project (UKH by the government in 1982 during the JR Jayaw the late Saumoorthy Thondaman (the leader of cabinet, but did not oppose the decision.
The UKHP will be a major project in the islan list as a potential power source for 30 years.
According to the Government’s recent documen is 150 MW, but according to the Secretary to t and Energy 445 MW could be generated, in w
ve this dam is 175 sq. km and it is augmented g tunnel of capacity 6 cubic metres per second h a catchment of 60 sq. km.
werhouse will have an installed capacity of
cted three times by the relevant authorities. In
ed by the higher authorities.
at the above project will be smaller than the n 1985 it will be bigger than that as per t with regard to other hydropower projects. rea and catchment area and tunnel area will be ed size.
ried out by a Canadian firm in 1962 as a part haweli Project. Then a detail study was done he FAO in 1968. The Japan International rried out a feasibility study in 1987.
eement was signed between the Sri Lankan lectricity Board) and the Japan International ank in 2002 and the said bank has agreed to 4 million for the completion of the project by
dropower Project (UKHP) has been approved 982 during the JR Jayawardane regime where hondaman (the leader of the CWC) was in the
ose the decision.
ajor project in the island and has been on the r source for 30 years.
rnment’s recent documents its power potential ing to the Secretary to the Ministry of Power ould be generated, in which case, the project
Page 29
would be the biggest in the country and will be with water. The project site is located on the western slope mountain range, which is the central mountaino
1 In the world only 20% of electricity is gene But in Sri Lanka it had reached 76%. There hydropower could be disastrous.
2 Massive dams and water reservoirs are opp the world population wants land to live. As island of 25332 sq. miles extent, it cannot a fertile land by flooding with water for the electric power from the UKHP.
3 The life span of massive hydropower pro years and thereafter even the soil of the utilised for cultivation.
4 The presence of a crystalline limestone location will lead to soil erosion and landsli
5 The presence of the crystalline band will lea
the case of the Samanalaweva Project.
6 The diversion of the stream-flow of Ko
tributaries as proposed will impair the vis waterfalls. The major waterfalls affected are
(a) St Clair
(b) Devon
(c) Ramboda
(d) Puna Oya
(e) Pundal Oya
(f) St Andrew’s
the country and will be flooding a large area
ted on the western slope of the Nuwara Eliya is the central mountainous zone.
0% of electricity is generated by hydropower. had reached 76%. Therefore going for further e disastrous.
water reservoirs are opposed worldwide since n wants land to live. As Sri Lanka is a small miles extent, it cannot afford to lose any more ding with water for the 150 MW of potential
the UKHP.
assive hydropower projects is limited to 30 er even the soil of the reservoir cannot be ion.
a crystalline limestone band in the project
soil erosion and landslides (earth-slips).
crystalline band will lead to water leaks as in analaweva Project.
the stream-flow of Kotmalke Oya and its sed will impair the visual quality of several or waterfalls affected are as follows:
Page 30
Stoppage of the flow of the waterfalls will c value as well as serious damage to the inter earth beneath. (i) The microclimatic change will adverse vegetation of the area but also tea plan cultivation, which would have a m economy of the country.
The microclimate will certainly cause cha cover in the watershed area of Kot dewatering streams, making such area landslides (earth-slips). The entire Kotm to landslides. Construction of new roa existing road as infrastructure of the vulnerability to landslides (iii) It is now estimated that the capacity
reservoir will be 9 million cubic metres of water will apply pressure on the m which are not matured.
7 In the absence of base flow in the downstr
threatened species of fauna and flora, freshwater crabs, amphibian lizards, mamm etc. found in the area become more endange
8 The groundwater content of affected area is surface runoff water and the moist conditi absence of a deep soil layer capable enoug amounts of water.
9 The impact of the construction of a 22 km lo
12.8 km long headrace tunnel between t underground power station will seriousl condition and the microclimate, fauna and and vegetable cultivation, biodiversity of th the weakening of the spray zone, groundw and health (malaria and other vectors).
w of the waterfalls will causee loss of aesthetic rious damage to the internal functioning of the
atic change will adversely affect not only the he area but also tea plantations and vegetable hich would have a major impact on the
will certainly cause change in the vegetation watershed area of Kotmale Oya and other ams, making such areas more vulnerable to h-slips). The entire Kotmale valley is sensitive onstruction of new roads and widening the s infrastructure of the UKHP will increase landslides mated that the capacity of the Talawakelle e 9 million cubic metres of water. This volume pply pressure on the mountains in that area, atured.
ase flow in the downstream, the endemic and of fauna and flora, particularly the fish, mphibian lizards, mammals and orchid species ea become more endangered.
ontent of affected area is heavily dependent on er and the moist condition of the area in the soil layer capable enough to hold substantial
onstruction of a 22 km long tunnel including a drace tunnel between the reservoir and the r station will seriously affect the surface microclimate, fauna and flora, tea plantations vation, biodiversity of the waterfalls owing to he spray zone, groundwater, the downstream and other vectors).
Page 31
10 This project will add to global warming, d
layer, and loss of rainforest and endangered
11 Apart from the above-mentioned genera
environment and nature, there will be oth specific forms of damage caused to them.
12 There are three major dams in the Nuwar
and to have another massive dam will ce damage to the mountains.
13 All long tunnels constructed in the hill cou severe problems relating to groundwater lev 14 Unpredictable adverse conditions co
construction, including deep-seated wea seepage, roof collapse, as have been exper similar projects, which have cause problem financially.
16 Sites have not been finalised to dispose th metres of material excavated for the constr If the excavated material is not disposed result in washing-off to the streams and causing further environmental problems and the local communities.
17 Further, it is now evident that the project
quarry sites, as the material excavated by conventional methods cannot be used for a owing to changes in rock properties.
1 The implementation of the UKHP is com loan facilities provided by the Japan Inter Agency Bank and in return, assurance is g government by the Sri Lankan governm settlement of the loan with interest, Japan
dd to global warming, depletion of the ozone
inforest and endangered species.
bove-mentioned generalised damage to the ature, there will be other small bur serious mage caused to them.
jor dams in the Nuwara Eliya District alone er massive dam will certainly cause serious ntains.
nstructed in the hill country have encountered ating to groundwater level. verse conditions could occur during ding deep-seated weathering, underground pse, as have been experienced in a number of hich have cause problems both technically and
n finalised to dispose the 1356 million cubic excavated for the construction of the tunnels. aterial is not disposed of properly, it could off to the streams and to agricultural lands, ironmental problems and loss of livelihood for ies.
evident that the project has to identify proper e material excavated by both the TBM and ds cannot be used for any construction work,
rock properties.
n of the UKHP is completely dependent on ided by the Japan International Cooperation in return, assurance is given to the Japanese e Sri Lankan government that, besides the an with interest, Japan could invest and have
Page 32
its industries in the area, and electricity provided from the said UKHP. Experts say that the 150 MW of potential e enough to fulfil the need of the proposed Jap Further, there will be a Training Institute fo will accommodate only Japanese with ass long stay of the Japanese researchers and te Sri Lanka. Through this Japan will be certainly ga regional hegemony over Sri Lanka. This so-called development project is too Lanka and will not fit into the Sri Lankan co
2 As generally all Sri Lankans want lan livelihood, the people in the area, whethe Tamils or Muslims, need land to live and their land or the land in their area to make of potential electricity from the UKHP.
3 It should be noted that in the past the Hill
driven away from their line rooms and th worked for the implementation of other h They were abandoned on the streets w resettlement. Therefore, for the Hill C hydropower projects are oppressive measu obstacles to the advancement of their nation Also, colonies have been set up on a ra reservoirs, which adversely affected the population. Thus, the hydropower projects oppressive measures against the Hill Count continues, there will be unrest in the hill c to a warlike situation in the hill country as w
4 If the proportion and concentration of p
Country Tamils is affected, their political denied by virtue of this project.
e area, and electricity for the same will be aid UKHP. e 150 MW of potential electricity will only be
need of the proposed Japanese factories. be a Training Institute for Hydropower, which only Japanese with assurance given for the anese researchers and technological experts in
n will be certainly gaining economic and over Sri Lanka. lopment project is too heterogeneous for Sri fit into the Sri Lankan context.
Sri Lankans want land for their life and ple in the area, whether they are Sinhalese, , need land to live and cannot afford to lose nd in their area to make way for the 150 MW ity from the UKHP.
that in the past the Hill Country Tamils were their line rooms and the estates where they plementation of other hydropower reservoirs. oned on the streets without relocation or efore, for the Hill Country Tamils, the ts are oppressive measures against them and ancement of their nationality. e been set up on a racial basis around the adversely affected the proportion of their the hydropower projects are implemented as es against the Hill Country Tamils. If the trend ll be unrest in the hill country that could lead n in the hill country as well.
and concentration of population of the Hill affected, their political representation will be this project.
Page 33
5 In the guise of security there will be camps the reservoir area and that will certainly a democratic life of all the people of the area. Militarisation may lead to communal di nationalities living in the area.
6 As tea plantations and vegetable cultivation economic basis of the people, especially the will be ruined.
7 There is a demand to devolve the plantati are presently governed by the Central Provincial Government. The result will be t the plantations would be possible through th
The project has been stopped from time to time of the opposition of the people. Whenever the during the regimes of JR Jayawardane, R Prem and, since 1994, Chandrika Kumaratunga, there and therefore the project was stopped (and not the leaders of the Ceylon Workers’ Congre People’s Front). Uprooting of the people, flo water, and environmental concerns have been th the opposition of the people. When the matter was taken up in 2000 by the g Wickramasinghe as Prime Minister, the leader P Chandrasekaran gave his full support to Arumugan Thondaman opposed it and held Talawakelle. After the CWC joined the UPFA he too supported the project. These two leade aware of the adverse impact of the UKHP, h reasons known only to them.
The People’s Campaign Against the UKHP was as to concentrate and centralise all the hitherto and struggles of the people against the proje
rity there will be camps for security forces in and that will certainly affect the normal and
ll the people of the area.
lead to communal disharmony among the in the area.
and vegetable cultivation will be affected, the the people, especially the Hill Country Tamils,
to devolve the plantations (the regions) that erned by the Central Government to the ent. The result will be that no development in ld be possible through the Provincial Council.
topped from time to time in the past as a result e people. Whenever the matter was taken up JR Jayawardane, R Premadasa, DB Wijetunge rika Kumaratunga, there was mass opposition ct was stopped (and not through the efforts of eylon Workers’ Congress or the Upcountry oting of the people, flooding the land with tal concerns have been the general grounds for
ople. aken up in 2000 by the government with Ranil ime Minister, the leader of the UPF and MP, e his full support to it. The CWC leader opposed it and held a protest meeting at CWC joined the UPFA government in 2004, roject. These two leaders, despite being well impact of the UKHP, have supported it for them.
n Against the UKHP was organised in 2001 so entralise all the hitherto spontaneous protests eople against the project. This organisation
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consists of political parties, trade unions, ma individuals including members of the CWC and
The organisation carried out several mass a UKHP, including a signature campaign in hundred thousand people set their signatures ag
Mr Chandrasekaran supported the UKHP, dem only for the people who will be uprooted. Mr A supported the UKHP and claimed to the public had agreed to an alternative proposal submitted of the original plan. This falsehood was exp International Cooperation Agency Bank (the len a deadline of 10th December 2005 to the Mi Energy to answer to them whether the projec without any changes and as agreed on 28th Marc
Following this, the organisers of the People’s C UKHP accelerated their agitations and hel convention on the activities against the UKHP Hatton. The convention passed several resolu relentless struggle against the UKHP.
1 The convention resolves to carry ou propaganda campaign to educate the people the project.
2 The Convention calls upon all political par
other organisations to take up the protest their May Day Rallies. 3 The Convention resolves to hold protest m project across the country from 2nd May to
4 The Convention resolves to observe a P
May, the day of remembrance of Letchumanan who was shot dead by the Sirimavo Bandaranaike regime in
arties, trade unions, mass organisations and embers of the CWC and the UPF.
ied out several mass agitations against the signature campaign in 2002, where over a
le set their signatures against the UKHP.
pported the UKHP, demanding compensation o will be uprooted. Mr Arumugan Thondaman, nd claimed to the public that the government ative proposal submitted by his party, in place his falsehood was exposed when the Japan on Agency Bank (the lending institution) gave cember 2005 to the Ministry of Power and hem whether the project will be carried out d as agreed on 28th March 2002.
anisers of the People’s Campaign Against the eir agitations and held a very successful vities against the UKHP on 10th April 2005 in n passed several resolutions to carry out a nst the UKHP.
resolves to carry out a house-to-house gn to educate the people about the disasters of
lls upon all political parties, trade unions and to take up the protest against the project in ies. esolves to hold protest meetings against the e country from 2nd May to 15th May.
resolves to observe a Protest Day on 15th of remembrance of Martyr Sivanu ho was shot dead by the police during the aranaike regime in 1977, when he
Page 35
participated in the struggle against the ta land of 7000 acres’ extent to set up settle only.
5 The Convention resolves to carry out a va
in Colombo.
6 The Convention resolves to carry out pres
Lanka as well as in Japan in order to ge facilities offered by the Japan International Bank. 7 The Convention resolves to carry out inter ceaseless agitation through the parent orga its international branch that has been set up
Accordingly, the matter of the UKHP was very almost all the May Day rallies in the hill country
On 27th April 2005, there was a mass agitatio town organised by the People’s Campaign Aga May 2005, there was a protest meeting and pr the Malayaga Ilaignar Manram in Talawakelle People’s Campaign Against the UKHP.
On 15th May 2005, there was a successful prote hill country and a centralised agitation was Waterfalls at Talawakelle. On that day estate from other sectors went on strike, and shops and
As the next step of the mass struggle, there wa of the Colombo Fort Railway station at 4.00 p with the aim of carrying out nationwide agitat government to give up the UKHP and to protes loan by Japan for the UKHP, which is disastrou the people, and the entire country.
E Tham Organiser, People’s Campai
he struggle against the taking over of estate es’ extent to set up settlements of Sinhalese
esolves to carry out a variety of agitations
esolves to carry out pressure campaigns in Sri in Japan in order to get cancelled the loan y the Japan International Cooperation Agency
esolves to carry out international campaigns of through the parent organisation as well as by nch that has been set up in London.
r of the UKHP was very much spoken about in
rallies in the hill country.
ere was a mass agitation in Bogawantalawa People’s Campaign Against the UKHP. On 8th protest meeting and procession organised by Manram in Talawakelle in solidarity with the ainst the UKHP.
e was a successful protest day observed in the ntralised agitation was held by the Devon elle. On that day estate workers and workers t on strike, and shops and offices were closed.
mass struggle, there was an agitation in front ailway station at 4.00 p.m. on 3rd June 2005, ng out nationwide agitations to pressurise the the UKHP and to protest against the grant of a KHP, which is disastrous for the environment, re country.
E Thambiah, Attorney-at-Law aniser, People’s Campaign Against the UKHP 08 June 2005
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Troubled Waters
The fragile alliance between the SLFP and t because of the disastrous economic policies fo governments since the country was thrown imperialist vultures in 1978, not because of th policy designed to please imperialism and betra people of the Third World, not because o government to safeguard the interests of to country, but because the JVP was opposed to Joint Mechanism (P-TOMS) to provide relief tsunami in the North-East.
While it is true that what persuaded the Preside Mechanism was the prospect of foregoing the dollar foreign aid for tsunami relief if there w place for the fair distribution of relief. The cour consenting to the Joint Mechanism, ev commendable in the context of the chauvinistic ranks of the government, including members of
The chauvinism of the JVP was just matched by in parliament by members of the clergy, with a hunger strike against the signing the agre Mechanism with the LTTE as co-signatory. O from the Muslim leadership when it seemed lik would consent to the P-TOMS. The Musli showed minimal interest in the plight of the t wake of the disaster, raised objections initially they should be a party to the agreement and la inadequate representation. The lack of consen
Sri Lankan Events
etween the SLFP and the JVP snapped, not us economic policies followed by successive e country was thrown open to plunder by 1978, not because of the submissive foreign se imperialism and betray the struggles of the World, not because of the failure of the ard the interests of toiling masses of the he JVP was opposed to the setting up of the OMS) to provide relief to the victims of the ast.
at persuaded the President to agree to the Joint rospect of foregoing the pledged multi-billion tsunami relief if there was no mechanism in ution of relief. The courage of the President in Joint Mechanism, even belatedly, was ntext of the chauvinistic resistance within the t, including members of her own party.
JVP was just matched by the JHU, represented ers of the clergy, with a JHU leader going on the signing the agreement for the Joint TTE as co-signatory. Opposition also came rship when it seemed likely that the President P-TOMS. The Muslim leadership, which st in the plight of the tsunami victims in the aised objections initially on the grounds that to the agreement and later on the grounds of ion. The lack of consensus among the many
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factions and individuals in the Muslim lea demonstrated once again that they merely re interests of an elite section of the community a ordinary Muslims.
The UNP played its characteristic double g simultaneously support and oppose the P-TO since it saw the rift between the SLFP and the J just one issue, namely forcing a presidential ele year and having its leader Ranil Wickramasin president. The people’s march organised by t drew massive crowds to Colombo, but the UNP for dealing with the problems facing the country
The government, meanwhile, is continuing w dictated by the imperialist funding agencies an towards privatising the generation and distribu splitting the Ceylon Electricity Board into businesses. With the JVP having collaborated w creating mechanisms that will lead to the priv credibility as a force that will stand up against dictated by the World Bank, the IMF and the AD
The trade unions, despite loyalties divided bet capitalist parties, have consistently resisted governments to privatise public utilities uncompromising political line based on anti-im justice, they are likely to compromise and event
The JVP leadership, which heaped praise on year for the US policy towards Sri Lanka, is try anti-imperialist rhetoric, which sounds hollow of JVP silence against US imperialist misde divisions within the JVP about its decision to although the morale of the party has been b success in persuading the Supreme Court to pla on certain aspects of the P-TOMS.
als in the Muslim leadership in the East, ain that they merely represented conflicting tion of the community and not the interests of
characteristic double game of seeming to t and oppose the P-TOMS. The UNP, ever ween the SLFP and the JVP grow, focussed on forcing a presidential election at the end of the ader Ranil Wickramasinghe elected executive s march organised by the UNP in mid-July o Colombo, but the UNP had no plans on offer
blems facing the country.
while, is continuing with economic policies list funding agencies and taken the first steps generation and distribution of electricity, by Electricity Board into smaller government P having collaborated with the government in hat will lead to the privatisation of water, its at will stand up against the disastrous policies ank, the IMF and the ADB is in tatters.
ite loyalties divided between the JVP and the e consistently resisted moves by successive vatise public utilities. But without an cal line based on anti-imperialism and social to compromise and eventually surrender.
hich heaped praise on the US earlier in the towards Sri Lanka, is trying to catch up on its c, which sounds hollow after more than a year st US imperialist misdeeds. There are deep P about its decision to quit the government, f the party has been boosted by its limited the Supreme Court to place a restraining order e P-TOMS.
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Moves to mend fences with the SLFP are going and were signalled by the sudden decision o loyalties from Anura Bandaranaike to Mahind contest for the SLFP candidature at the next pre prevailing political uncertainty in the parliam has led to speculation about the life of the prospects of either parliamentary elections or th or both before long. Whenever the elections a outcome, there is little good that will be achie long as the country is ruled by one section or capitalist elite that is subservient to imperialism
While the national question continues to disruptive role of sections of the armed forces a of forces of regional and global hegemony hav Batticaloa and Ampara districts very fragile. killings that have menaced the east of the isla now spreading to the north, which is already the armed forces. The killing of a hairdress colleague by the reckless conduct of a soldier i mass anger, and led to the kidnapping and kill who went to inquire by a group of individuals.
The worst hit in the present political climat tsunami in the North-East, whose situation is while NGOs and other parasites are fattenin through private charity organisations from vario
A ray of hope emerged, however, amid the gloo in the country, in the form of the successful Upper Kotmale Hydropower Project. Masses w issue affecting their livelihood, in defiance of t parties and trade unions. The protest mov mobilising the Hill Country Tamils of the affe other regions as well as many Sinhalese, thus attempts to isolate the struggle as part of agenda.
with the SLFP are going on behind the scenes, the sudden decision of the JVP to switch Bandaranaike to Mahinda Rajapaksha in the ndidature at the next presidential election. The certainty in the parliamentary political scene about the life of the government and the iamentary elections or the presidential election henever the elections are and whatever their good that will be achieved for the people, as ruled by one section or another of the feudal- bservient to imperialism.
uestion continues to stay unresolved, the ns of the armed forces and mischief by agents d global hegemony have made security in the a districts very fragile. The spate of civilian aced the east of the island for over a year is north, which is already suffering excesses by e killing of a hairdresser and injuring of a ss conduct of a soldier in early August caused the kidnapping and killing of a police officer a group of individuals.
present political climate are the victims of ast, whose situation is worsening by the day er parasites are fattening on the funds sent
organisations from various countries.
, however, amid the gloomy political situation form of the successful campaign against the power Project. Masses were mobilised on an elihood, in defiance of the dominant political ions. The protest movement succeeded in untry Tamils of the affected region and from s many Sinhalese, thus frustrating chauvinist e struggle as part of the Tamil nationalist
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The battle is, however, far from over, and th Against the Upper Kotmale Hydropower Projec campaign to other regions of the country as w protest at an international level.
The opposition of the CWC and the UPF leade exposed their political bankruptcy, thus empha Hill Country Tamils to find a political altern politics and mass struggle. Attempts by the CW cover their tracks by feigning support for the ca successful. They are now busy diverting the a by stirring up regional sentiment by using iss dispute with Muslim leaders regarding the appo schools in the plantations.
* * * * *
r, far from over, and the People’s Campaign male Hydropower Project is actively taking the ions of the country as well as to take up the al level.
CWC and the UPF leadership to the campaign bankruptcy, thus emphasising the need for the o find a political alternative based on mass gle. Attempts by the CWC and UPF leaders to igning support for the campaign have not been ow busy diverting the attention of the people l sentiment by using issues such as the legal aders regarding the appointment of teachers to ns.
* * * * *
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UK: London Bombs and the Left
All genuine Marxists have unconditionally den of underground trains and a bus in London subsequent unsuccessful attempts of 21 J transport only helped to strengthen the faith police and national security who have since s those associated with both attacks and arres Nevertheless, the shoot-to-kill action of the p death of an innocent Brazilian electrician as he July has served as a warning against allowing unlimited powers in the pretext of combating te
Marxists have also drawn the attention of the p was the anti-democratic and deceptive steps tak government to drag Britain into America’s d caused the attack, and that a serious review of and its backing of the US in its global expans particular, be more valuable in containing ‘M terror’ than any anti-terrorist strategy, which w transforming Britain into a police state.
Nepal: Alignment of Forces
Although the iron fist of the Nepali dictator th media later struck the lawyers who demanded t rights, resistance to the dictatorial rule is on the area under state control. It is in this contex military supplies to Nepal.
In June, Christina Rocca told the US Congres that, although since the royal coup of February security assistance to non-lethal material and assistance continues to be under review. Britai
International Events
the Left
have unconditionally denounced the bombing and a bus in London on 7th July 2005. The ful attempts of 21st July to bomb public to strengthen the faith of the public in the curity who have since successfully identified both attacks and arrested several suspects. t-to-kill action of the police that led to the razilian electrician as he boarded a train on 21st arning against allowing the state to assume pretext of combating terrorism.
wn the attention of the public to the fact that it c and deceptive steps taken by the Tony Blair ritain into America’s dirty war in Iraq that that a serious review of British foreign policy US in its global expansionist project will, in luable in containing ‘Muslim fundamentalist rrorist strategy, which will only contribute to to a police state.
of the Nepali dictator that reached out to the lawyers who demanded the restoration of civil dictatorial rule is on the rise even in the small ol. It is in this context that India resumed pal.
ca told the US Congressional Subcommittee royal coup of February 1, the US restricted its non-lethal material and that lethal security be under review. Britain has yet to formally
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resume arm supplies, although support for t continues. Meanwhile, several western nation and South Africa supply military assistance t provides crucial components for helicopters ass by India. China joined the club on 17 Jun equipment, including five armoured personnel fight Maoist rebels.
Several political analysts have observed that t between Nepal’s main political parties an restraining factor with the hawks in the Ne London axis. Nevertheless, the alliance parliamentary political parties to restore democ of the Maoists to get anywhere with their dec matter to play any role in the politics of Ne leader of the Nepali Congress, Girija Prasad democracy in Nepal assigns a purely ceremonia Nepal, in contrast that of India’s with a role on so that Koirala’s position seems close to the republican state.
The Nepali parliamentary left seems slightly ou when it demands that the Maoists disarm the form an alliance. What everybody in Nepal kn that without the armed struggle there is no w dictatorship, and without arms the Maoists a nothing.
Iraq: History Repeating Itself?
More than 10,000 American troops are backin an Iraqi-led blockade of Baghdad. But the hou arbitrary arrests and the multitude of checkpoin way for an even more dangerous revolt. The hearts and minds” was over even before it coul matter of sustaining the flagging morale of the the inevitable withdrawal in disgrace.
although support for the dictatorial regime several western nations including Belgium, ply military assistance to Nepal, and France nents for helicopters assembled and delivered d the club on 17th June to deliver military ive armoured personnel carriers, to Nepal, to
sts have observed that the fear of an alliance in political parties and the Maoists is a the hawks in the New Delhi-Washington- rtheless, the alliance of seven leading parties to restore democracy need the support anywhere with their declared goal or for that le in the politics of Nepal. Interestingly, the Congress, Girija Prasad Koirala’s vision of signs a purely ceremonial role for the King in of India’s with a role on par with Parliament, ion seems close to the Maoist demand for a
ry left seems slightly out of touch with reality the Maoists disarm themselves before they t everybody in Nepal knows by experience is d struggle there is no way to overthrow the out arms the Maoists and the masses have
erican troops are backing what is supposedly of Baghdad. But the house-to-house searches, e multitude of checkpoints are only paving the dangerous revolt. The campaign to “win the over even before it could start, and it is now a e flagging morale of the armed forces before al in disgrace.
Page 42
Political commentators have started to draw wars in Vietnam, pointing to the French experie in 1954 as well as the American evacuation from situation in Iraq is more complex than that in V rule or after American aggression. But the ov that a foreign force of occupation whose prese entire population is struggling to control a la sheer military terror.
Operation Lightening launched by the US-le resistance out of its Baghdad strongholds is o public opinion against the forces of occupation.
The call for united resistance to foreign occ militant leader Muktada Al-Sadr, in the Lightening, is a good sign for the emergence against the US and its allies. The need of the secular and anti-imperialist campaign for rebuilding of Iraq.
US: Galloway Turns the Table on Pro-War Sena
The left wing, anti-war British MP George Gal a US Senate Committee, headed by Republica receiving vouchers for millions of barrels Hussein’s regime. In June 2005, Galloway to presented himself before the Senate Committee Senate Committee that in 14 months of Amer $8.8 billion of Iraq’s wealth went missing and as Halliburton had stolen to the tune of a billio wealth of the Iraqi people but that of the Americ
Galloway’s exposure of American double dumbfounded his accusers, reversing the res accuser and the accused.
have started to draw parallels between the ing to the French experience in Dien Bien Phu merican evacuation from Saigon in 1975. The e complex than that in Vietnam under French aggression. But the overwhelming reality is occupation whose presence is resented by the ruggling to control a large territory through
launched by the US-led forces to flush the aghdad strongholds is only helping to harden the forces of occupation.
esistance to foreign occupation by the Shia tada Al-Sadr, in the wake of Operation sign for the emergence of a united resistance allies. The need of the moment is a patriotic, erialist campaign for the liberation and
Table on Pro-War Senators
British MP George Galloway was accused by ee, headed by Republican Norm Coleman of r millions of barrels of oil from Saddam June 2005, Galloway took the challenge and re the Senate Committee to demonstrate to the t in 14 months of American presence in Iraq ealth went missing and that companies such len to the tune of a billion dollars not only the ple but that of the American taxpayer as well.
of American double standards in Iraq users, reversing the respective roles of the d.
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US: Guardian of Terrorism
Members of the Benito Juarez International court created to try the hostile behaviour mai US governments against the Cuban Revolution Tuesday 31st May that the US government terrorist Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela t against humanity. The super-terrorist awaiti entering Mexico, that country’s prosecutor En He recalled that the Posada Carriles was the m bombing of a Cuban commercial airliner w October 1976, the organiser of several attacks a resorts, and attempted to assassinate Presid November 2000.
Another BJIC organizer, Cuauhtemoc Amezcu Cuban government had officially requested from on what Posada Carriles did, where he went a United States. Amezcua also pointed out that Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez said that Posad extradited to Venezuela, rather than be deported
John Saxe-Fernandez, an expert on US is protection of Carriles by the US is a disaster fo so-called US war against international terrorism
The economic instability borne of free marke frequent demonstrations over water and gas pr exclusion of the indigenous majority. The unre in the killing of 80 demonstrators and to the un office of President Gonzalo Sanchez de L helicopter to Miami. He was succeeded by Pres
However, the military has acted with some shooting to death of Coro Mayta, which forc announce his resignation on 9th June amid c
to Juarez International Court (BJIC), a civil e hostile behaviour maintained by successive st the Cuban Revolution. They demanded on t the US government extradite Cuban-born Carriles to Venezuela to be tried for crimes e super-terrorist awaiting trial for illegally country’s prosecutor Enrique Gonzalez said. sada Carriles was the mastermind behind the commercial airliner with 73 passengers in niser of several attacks against Cuba’s tourism d to assassinate President Fidel Castro in
r, Cuauhtemoc Amezcua, pointed out that the officially requested from Mexico information es did, where he went and how he moved to a also pointed out that the Mexican Foreign Derbez said that Posada Carriles should be , rather than be deported to Mexico.
an expert on US issues, noted that the y the US is a disaster for the credibility of the st international terrorism.
ity borne of free market reforms has spurred s over water and gas privatisation and social nous majority. The unrest of 2003 culminated onstrators and to the untimely departure from onzalo Sanchez de Lozada, who fled by e was succeeded by President Mesa.
has acted with some restraint since the oro Mayta, which forced President Mesa to ion on 9th June amid calls for oil and gas
Page 44
nationalization and a Constituent Assembly. T demanded that all those in line to succeed Me consideration and that early elections be held.
The next in line after Mesa, the conservative President Hormando Vaca Diez, a wealthy land to separatist business interests in the eastern B Cruz was persuaded by Evo Morales, a soc Congress and presidential candidate, to step as Cossio, the head of the Congress’s lower chamb
The indigenous majority in South America’s demanding more political power and gas and oi direct opposition to a European-descended e judge Eduardo Rodriguez, who replaced Mr. the constitution to call elections. His caretake yet set a date, but he has said elections could be
The crisis has shown the increasing power of which could now win a presidential election to the left in Latin America, where many natio against U.S. influence.
President Lucio Gutierrez was forced out of pow before the completion of his four-year term, by from the roof of his residence in a helicopter t the protesting masses.
He is the third President to be forced out o uprising. President Abdala Bucaram was ous months into his term, and President Jamil Mah Although the Presidents were legitimately ele and fair elections, the people were angered abuse of power and show them the door ahead o
The constitutionally elected new president, attacked by Condoleezza Rice, then wandering
onstituent Assembly. The demonstrators also e in line to succeed Mesa be excluded from early elections be held.
Mesa, the conservative and divisive Senate aca Diez, a wealthy landowner with strong ties nterests in the eastern Bolivian state of Santa y Evo Morales, a socialist member of the tial candidate, to step aside; and so was Mario
Congress’s lower chamber.
ity in South America’s poorest country has cal power and gas and oil nationalisation — in European-descended elite. Supreme Court uez, who replaced Mr. Mesa is mandated by l elections. His caretaker government has not
s said elections could be held in December.
the increasing power of Amerindian groups, presidential election to herald another shift to rica, where many nations are now rebelling
rez was forced out of power on April 20, 2005, f his four-year term, by mass protests and fled sidence in a helicopter to escape the wrath of
dent to be forced out of power by popular dala Bucaram was ousted in 1997, just six nd President Jamil Mahuad within two years. ts were legitimately elected in relatively free people were angered by their policies and w them the door ahead of schedule.
lected new president, Alfredo Palacio was za Rice, then wandering about Eastern Europe
Page 45
spreading ‘democracy’. She demanded from already been elected constitutionally a constitut elections. What seem to have made Palacio ‘un are US concerns about Ecuadorian oil –and the
US imperialism may finally succeed in toppli another member state of the former Soviet Un Uzbekistan has been facing mounting difficu following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The anti-government uprising was not without brutality with which the government dealt condoned. It is claimed by the government th Islamist organisation, was behind the violence i This organisation enjoys the blessings of the arms. Meanwhile, the liberal media claim organisation, “Ozod Dehkonlar” (Free Pe December 2003 and with a membership of 100 force. In any event, the hands of US imperiali the organisation of the rebellion.
What is interesting is that Islam Karimov, Pres portrayed by western liberals and ‘left’ group rather than a hangover from the Soviet era, including the ‘political alternatives’, is fully controlled NGOs, human rights organisations precisely the kind that paved the way for pr Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyztan.
The ‘velvet revolutions’ in the former Soviet foreign policy of Moldova, and the events in reaching consequences. The US global strateg Russia (and then China) demands direct contr US-appointed puppets rather than politicians wi Karimov is perhaps now aware of the lesso Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Eduard Shevardna
’. She demanded from the man who had nstitutionally a constitutional process to get to o have made Palacio ‘unconstitutional’ to Rice Ecuadorian oil –and the bonds.
inally succeed in toppling the government in of the former Soviet Union. The economy of facing mounting difficulties since secession of the Soviet Union.
prising was not without justification, and the the government dealt with it cannot be d by the government that Hizb-ut-Tahrir, an as behind the violence in the Ferghana valley. ys the blessings of the US through its NGO liberal media claim that a secular rebel Dehkonlar” (Free Peasants), founded in ith a membership of 100,000 was the principal e hands of US imperialism are visible behind rebellion.
hat Islam Karimov, President of Uzbekistan is liberals and ‘left’ groups as a pro-US tyrant, r from the Soviet era, whereas the country, l alternatives’, is fully in the grip of US- an rights organisations and media personnel, t paved the way for pro-US ‘revolutions’ in
e and Kyrgyztan.
s’ in the former Soviet states, the change in dova, and the events in Uzbekistan have far . The US global strategy of encirclement of a) demands direct control by the US through rather than politicians with a popular base; and ow aware of the lesson learned by Manuel sein, Eduard Shevardnadze and many others
Page 46
that one is better off as an enemy of the Am friend: an enemy, there is a chance that they wi friend, they will certainly sell down the river.
The latest move by Karimov demanding that th military bases in the country is a necessary mov the prospect of more virulent American subvers
EU: Two Blows in a Row
In May, the French people delivered a severe European Union constitution. The Dutch peopl in June with a rejection that was even mor government that, out of desperation, linke terrorism” with the constitution. Subseque Luxembourg was of little consequence. What is constitution had been approved by nine E including Italy and Germany and Spain, but no referendum.
In France, workers, farmers, small traders, y joined forces to reject the constitution in a camp rejection in which the far right too joined for ch
The process of European unification, as envisag of Europe is now facing a dead end. But that d existing mechanism of co-operation between th is at stake. What is to be celebrated is that an im United States of Europe that will be an oppre Europe as well as a major force in the oppressi has failed.
Japan: Glossing over a Shameful Past
Imperialism, despite various theories that globa national differences, thrives on chauvinistic imperialists have resisted acknowledging the
as an enemy of the Americans than as their is a chance that they will try to make a deal; a ly sell down the river.
rimov demanding that the US closes down its untry is a necessary move for survival, despite rulent American subversion.
ople delivered a severe body blow to the new itution. The Dutch people reinforced the blow ion that was even more humiliating to the
of desperation, linked “the fight against constitution. Subsequent endorsement by tle consequence. What is significant is that the approved by nine European parliaments, rmany and Spain, but not by citizens through a
armers, small traders, youth and immigrants he constitution in a campaign led by the left, a ar right too joined for chauvinistic reasons.
an unification, as envisaged by the imperialists g a dead end. But that does not mean that the co-operation between the European countries e celebrated is that an imperialist agenda for a pe that will be an oppressor of the people of jor force in the oppression of the Third World
er a Shameful Past
arious theories that globalisation will wipe off thrives on chauvinistic sentiments. Japanese ted acknowledging their crimes against the
Page 47
people of Asia, China and Korea in particular. II compelled them to admit their fault to the US even though the US had acted in ways that prov
Japanese aggression in Asia was expansionism contempt for the people of China, Korea and The acts of cruelty in China and Korea surpasse forces elsewhere. Half-hearted regrets have Japanese leaders from time to time so as to hel in China and the Chinese leaders taking the willing to accept that as sufficient for the time.
The recent downturn in the Japanese economy, of the workers in the Japanese industry, and th the government seem to have persuaded the Ja revive nationalism as a way of stabilising Japanese government turned a blind eye to the Japanese crimes against the people of East Asi To make matters worse the Japanese Prime M ministers paid their respects at the Japanese me long associated with Japanese imperialism.
This infuriated the people of China and Sout massive anti-Japanese protests with calls to bo The Japanese leaders have since made efforts between the governments Japan and China. W government will succeed in pacifying the Chi people will depend on the sincerity with which imperial past.
and Korea in particular. Defeat in World War dmit their fault to the US and its western allies, d acted in ways that provoked Japan.
Asia was expansionism driven by chauvinistic le of China, Korea and other nations in Asia. hina and Korea surpassed that of the Japanese lf-hearted regrets have been expressed by time to time so as to help Japanese businesses nese leaders taking the capitalist road were s sufficient for the time.
the Japanese economy, the sense of insecurity apanese industry, and the failing popularity of o have persuaded the Japanese government to a way of stabilising itself politically. The urned a blind eye to the deliberate omission of t the people of East Asia in school textbooks. e the Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi and pects at the Japanese memorial for war heroes, panese imperialism.
ople of China and South Korea, who staged protests with calls to boycott Japanese goods. have since made efforts to patch up relations nts Japan and China. Whether the Japanese ed in pacifying the Chinese and the Korean the sincerity with which it will re-examine its
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Press Communiqué of the NDP
Comrade SK Senthivel, General Secretary of Party released on 6
April 2005 a press commu proposed Upper Kotmale Hydro Power Proje stated that fertile plantation land, human set portion of Talawakelle town face inundation fo construction of dams in Talawakelle and C Country, in connection with the Upper Ko Project. The project will have adverse environ and will badly affect the people of the Hill C New Democratic Party vehemently condemns t the government in its eager pursuit of imp Kotmale Project, which would be a bad preced Hill Country by for Sri Lanka as a whole. Th fullest support and co-operation to the pe opposition demanding the abandoning of the Up
The communiqué further added that it has beco two ruling class parties that have come to powe against the Hill Country Tamils while ruling support of the trade unions and parties of the Some of these political parties have completely The Upper Kotmale Scheme was earlier carri UNP government and now under the UPFA go is to be implemented using a massive loan from while a large sum will be payable to Japan as in electricity generated by the scheme will be use two Japanese companies to be set up in the H hidden from the people.
Meanwhile an area including several hund plantation land, human settlements and a large p
NDP Diary
iqué of the NDP
l, General Secretary of the New Democratic pril 2005 a press communiqué objecting to the ale Hydro Power Project. The communiqué tation land, human settlements and a large town face inundation following the proposed in Talawakelle and Caledonia in the Hill n with the Upper Kotmale Hydro Power ill have adverse environmental consequences, he people of the Hill Country. Therefore the vehemently condemns the measures taken by s eager pursuit of implementing the Upper would be a bad precedent not merely for the ri Lanka as a whole. The Party also gives its co-operation to the people’s campaign of the abandoning of the Upper Kotmale Project.
er added that it has become customary for the that have come to power in this country to act try Tamils while ruling the country with the nions and parties of the Hill Country Tamils. l parties have completely sold themselves out. cheme was earlier carried forward under the now under the UPFA government. The project sing a massive loan from Japan. The truth that, be payable to Japan as interest, the 150 MW of the scheme will be used for the purposes of es to be set up in the Hill Country has been .
including several hundred acres of fertile settlements and a large portion of Talawakelle
Page 49
town face inundation. Promises of compensatio development and alternative employment will, deception and eyewash. Besides, planned cha and establishment of military bases will also be project. Above all, the Upper Kotmale Sche ventures to sell the natural resources of the cou lead the country to disaster. Moreover, it s geoscientists have warned that the dammed r exist in the Hill Country and the proposed Up would make the region more vulnerable t environmental changes.
Therefore, considering the interests of the coun New Democratic Party will give its fullest sup to the people’s campaign of opposition demand the Upper Kotmale Project.
Press Communiqué of the NDP
Comrade E Thambiah, National Organiser of press communiqué on 25
May 2005 in whic entire people of the hill country to mobilise in t Day Rally of the NDP to be held in Ragala, people’s power to put an end to the Upper Kot fair increase in wage for the plantation workers solution to the national question, and to overcom is the basis of the problems, and to stren democratic joint political leadership of the Hill participation by the people.
The communiqué added that the NDP is holdin rallies in Jaffna and Ragala and that the demon political solution that will ensure equality of autonomy on the basis of the right to se commence at 10.00 a.m. from the Thirunelvel
romises of compensation, alternative housing, ative employment will, as in the past, be mere h. Besides, planned chauvinistic colonisation ilitary bases will also be a consequence of the e Upper Kotmale Scheme is one of several ural resources of the country to foreigners and disaster. Moreover, it should be noted that ned that the dammed reservoirs that already try and the proposed Upper Kotmale Scheme ion more vulnerable to earth tremors and .
the interests of the country and its people, the will give its fullest support and co-operation gn of opposition demanding the abandoning of ject.
iqué of the NDP
, National Organiser of the NDP released a
May 2005 in which he called upon the l country to mobilise in the Revolutionary May to be held in Ragala, in order to build up an end to the Upper Kotmale Project, to win a r the plantation workers, to achieve a political question, and to overcome imperialism, which roblems, and to strengthen the alternative al leadership of the Hill Country Tamils with ple.
d that the NDP is holding demonstrations and gala and that the demonstration emphasising a will ensure equality of the nationalities and sis of the right to self determination will m. from the Thirunelveli Junction, Jaffna and
Page 50
proceed to the Jaffna Co-operative Society Aud the meeting. Comrade SK Senthivel, General S will chair the meeting.
The revolutionary procession in Ragala will co at the Ragala Nadukkanakku Bazaar Street and of the meeting in Ragala. Comrade E Thambia of the Party, will chair the meeting.
The security of the plantation workers and of t Tamil people now faces an unprecedented th uncertain. The disastrous Upper Kotmale Proje threat. It has been demonstrated that the lea unions and the parliamentary political parties o incapable of defending the people against these
Hence, a democratic joint political leadership the people is the most suitable for the people o Party calls upon all to unite for the common p such a political leadership based on the working developed by the NDP and to mobilise in the R Rally in Ragala.
Press Communiqué of the NDP
27th April 2005
Comrade SK Senthivel, General Secretary of Party released on 27th April 2005 the following on behalf of the Central Committee of the Party
It befits neither the UPFA government Kumaratunga, which is dragging its feet witho Mechanism for the North-East while allowing goods soar sky high and speedily implementing JVP, which is stirring up chauvinistic fanaticism in red, to celebrate May Day. Thus, the wor Tamil, Muslim and Hill Country Tamils oppression should mobilise on this May Day to
o-operative Society Auditorium, the venue of SK Senthivel, General Secretary of the Party,
ession in Ragala will commence at 10.00 a.m. nakku Bazaar Street and proceed to the venue la. Comrade E Thambiah, National Organiser the meeting.
ntation workers and of the entire Hill Country ces an unprecedented threat. Their future is us Upper Kotmale Project has become a major monstrated that the leadership of the trade entary political parties of the hill country are the people against these threats.
oint political leadership with participation by suitable for the people of the hill country. The unite for the common purpose of reinforcing hip based on the working class as nurtured and and to mobilise in the Revolutionary May Day
iqué of the NDP
l, General Secretary of the New Democratic April 2005 the following May Day Statement l Committee of the Party.
e UPFA government led by Chandrika dragging its feet without setting up the Joint rth-East while allowing the prices of essential d speedily implementing privatisation, nor the p chauvinistic fanaticism while cloaking itself ay Day. Thus, the working people and the Hill Country Tamils who are subject to ilise on this May Day to make a militant call
Page 51
against the anti-people anti-national poli government.
It is a year since the UPFA government came months since the tsunami disaster. President Ch proudly boasts the she has occupied the s presidency for ten years. But the issues of neg solution for the national question, which was tra war, remain unresolved in any respect. All effo the expectations of the people have been cast as expected that a joint mechanism would be se tsunami disaster and the losses suffered by the East will be rectified through restoration reconstruction. That too is being cynically pro which is mouthing chauvinistic venom, has causing the delays. The JVP, which has thus d not a left party, is in fact a chauvinistic p Meantime, the prospect of the notion of a po national question based on the principle becoming a sacrificial lamb at the altar of Indo visible. The US and India, which acted indirec national question, are today acting openly to se military interests.
It is in this context that privatisation is bein resources of the country are been robbed. The taking steps to privatise the remaining state electricity, petroleum, water, education, rail tra is to implement the environmentally disast Hydropower Project in the hill country and the Power Plant in Puttalam. Meanwhile, the count imports to the ruin of our agricultural pauperisation of the peasants who are dri Chandrika government is following the path ch Bank, the IMF and the Asian Development Ban the government are plunging the coun globalisation. Thus, the working people and th
ple anti-national policies of the UPFA
UPFA government came to power. It is four mi disaster. President Chandrika Kumaratunga he has occupied the seat of the executive rs. But the issues of negotiation and political l question, which was transformed into a cruel in any respect. All efforts for a solution and people have been cast aside. In the end, it was echanism would be set up to deal with the e losses suffered by the people of the North- ed through restoration, rehabilitation and o is being cynically procrastinated. The JVP, auvinistic venom, has been instrumental in e JVP, which has thus demonstrated that it is n fact a chauvinistic party cloaked in red. t of the notion of a political solution to the ed on the principle of self-determination lamb at the altar of Indo-US rivalry is clearly dia, which acted indirectly to complicate the oday acting openly to serve their political and
hat privatisation is being quickened and the ry are been robbed. The UPFA government is ise the remaining state enterprises such as water, education, rail transport and banking. It environmentally disastrous Upper Kotmale the hill country and the Nuraicholai Thermal . Meanwhile, the country is left wide open to of our agricultural production and the peasants who are driven to suicide. The is following the path chartered by the World Asian Development Bank. The steps taken by plunging the country into imperialist e working people and the Tamil, Muslim and
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Hill Country Tamils who are subject to oppre on this May Day to make a militant call agains national policies of the UPFA government.
The May Day processions and rallies of the Jaffna and the hill country.
Press Communiqué of the NDP
10th June 2005
Comrade SK Senthivel, General Secretary of Party released on 10th June 2005 a press commu Politburo of the Party in connection with the Joint Mechanism (P-TOMS).
The communiqué stated that a monthly increase become standard and, as a result, prices and without restraint and the people are struggling of the rising cost of living. The JVP, while mai this abject economic condition of the people, about patriotism and national welfare and chauvinistic fervour against the Joint Mechan Buddhist clergy who preach non-violence have against the setting up of the Joint Mechanism provide relief for reconstruction and rehabilita the North-East who suffer great burdens of tsunami. Besides the consequent emergence of country is also being pushed into a situ disharmony and turbulence. Under these cond that the president does not retreat in the face promised by her earlier, proceed to set up the collaboration with the LTTE. The NDP emphas of the Joint Mechanism will, besides enabling to the victims of tsunami in the North-East, b resumption of the long stalled negotiations for national question.
ho are subject to oppression should mobilise ke a militant call against the Anti-people anti- UPFA government.
ions and rallies of the NDP will be held in try.
iqué of the NDP
l, General Secretary of the New Democratic une 2005 a press communiqué on behalf of the in connection with the crisis concerning the MS).
d that a monthly increase in fuel price has now as a result, prices and fares are increasing e people are struggling to survive in the face ing. The JVP, while maintaining silence about ondition of the people, is mouthing slogans national welfare and whipping up frantic gainst the Joint Mechanism. Meanwhile the reach non-violence have gone on hunger strike of the Joint Mechanism, that is intended to nstruction and rehabilitation to the people of uffer great burdens of loss caused by the onsequent emergence of a political crisis, the g pushed into a situation of communal lence. Under these conditions, it is essential not retreat in the face of opposition and, as r, proceed to set up the Joint Mechanism in LTTE. The NDP emphasises that the setting up will, besides enabling the provision of relief ami in the North-East, be a forerunner to the stalled negotiations for the resolution of the
Page 53
The communiqué added that the outbursts and JVP and the Jathika Hela Urumaya regarding proposed by the President with the consent of th save the country nor for the salvation of the resumption of war to plunge the country in a vain hope that they could capture state power JVP leadership, which has been a partner in enjoying ministerial positions and accompany uttered a word about the crises of life faced by basis or about the ruination of the count privatisation and foreign infiltration. But they willing to sacrifice their lives in the cause of pre of the Joint Mechanism to provide relief to the North-East. The president, for the sake of savi two Buddhist priests on hunger strike, should Mechanism to serve the people of the Nort desperate situation, after having lost tens of thou
Meantime, the UNP should abandon its oppor the pond to catch the fish’, with the pres parliamentary election and the next governme abandon saying one thing at a time about t contradicting itself each time. At the same time towards the Tamil people, it should support about which there is consensus between the Pre The question is whether it will do so.
The NDP wishes to point out that if the Presid the Joint Mechanism, act with firmness and cou emerging opposition, she will be writing a fresh of the history of this country that has been tar and secure a unique position for herself; othe victim of the old route and drag the country on of war.
The NDP emphasises that it is the bounden democratic forces and all who are desirous o fullest support to the setting up of the Joint Mec
d that the outbursts and hunger strikes by the ela Urumaya regarding the Joint Mechanism ent with the consent of the LTTE are neither to for the salvation of the people. It is for the lunge the country in a bloodbath. It is in the uld capture state power by such means. The has been a partner in power for an year, ositions and accompanying perks, have not e crises of life faced by the people on a daily ruination of the country by liberalisation, gn infiltration. But they swear that they are r lives in the cause of preventing the setting up to provide relief to the tsunami victims in the ent, for the sake of saving the lives of one or n hunger strike, should not abandon the Joint the people of the North-East who are in a
r having lost tens of thousands of lives.
ould abandon its opportunist line of ‘stirring e fish’, with the presidential election, the and the next government in mind. It should hing at a time about the Joint Mechanism, h time. At the same time, if the UNP is sincere ople, it should support the Joint Mechanism nsensus between the President and the LTTE. r it will do so.
int out that if the President will, in setting up ct with firmness and courage to overcome the he will be writing a fresh chapter in the annals ountry that has been tarnished by chauvinism osition for herself; otherwise she will be the and drag the country once more into the mire
that it is the bounden duty of all left and all who are desirous of peace to give their tting up of the Joint Mechanism.
Page 54
Revolutionary May Day of the NDP and the Hill Country
On 1st May 2005, the NDP conducted its May rallies in the north and in the hill country.
In the north, the Party had its May Day in Jaffn procession originally scheduled to proceed Junction was curtailed under LTTE pressu Sathiram Junction and arrived at the venue f raised during the demonstration included “W unite; let us struggle against globalisation oppression!” and “Grant the Joint Mechanism!”
Comrade K Kathirgamanathan chaired the May addressed by the Party General Secretary, Com Central Committee members, Comrades K Thevarajah, Comrade P Murugesu on behalf o trade union representative K Panchalingam, M Northern Region Chairman of the Ceylon T others.
In the Hill Country, the May Day procession were held in Ragala. The procession started Bazaar and proceeded to the venue of the ra Slogans raised during the demonstration includ Upper Kotmale Project!” “Are the bogus dev eliminate the Hill Country Tamils?” and “ workers their pay rise!”
National Organiser of the Party, Comrade E T May Day rally, which was addressed by Comr Hill Country Regional Secretary of the Mahendran, N Varathgarajah, educationist S R others.
May Day of the NDP in the North untry
NDP conducted its May Day processions and in the hill country.
had its May Day in Jaffna town. The May Day scheduled to proceed from Thirunelveli d under LTTE pressure and started from arrived at the venue for the rally. Slogans onstration included “Workers of the world e against globalisation!” “Let us oppose t the Joint Mechanism!”
anathan chaired the May Day rally, which was General Secretary, Comrade SK Senthivel and embers, Comrades K Thanikasalam and S P Murugesu on behalf of the Youth League, tive K Panchalingam, M Thiagarajah, former irman of the Ceylon Teachers’ Union and
e May Day procession and rally of the Party The procession started at the St Leonard’s to the venue of the rally at Ragala Bazaar. he demonstration included “Stop forthwith the t!” “Are the bogus development schemes to untry Tamils?” and “Grant the plantation
the Party, Comrade E Thambiah chaired the was addressed by Comrade S Panneerselvam, al Secretary of the Party, Comrades V arajah, educationist S Rajendran and several
Page 55
27th Anniversary Celebration of the N
The New Democratic Party celebrated its 27 A on 3rd July 2005. A very well attended public m programme were conducted in the Sakthi Hal Thambiah, National Organiser of the NDP cha Comrade SK Senthivel delivered the Anniversa Sarath Fernando (Railway Workers Uni K Kathirgamanathan, K Mahendran, S Rajendran (Educationist), S Sathiyamoorth K Thanikasalam, S Thevarajah, and other le addressed the meeting. Comrade N Varatha speakers.
The cultural programme included street theatre and folk dance and music, and the movie depicting a part of the life of Ché Guevara.
[A translation in summary of the address by Comr in this issue of ND.]
Call by the Hill Country Committee o
(The following is a translation of a Tamil leaflet Country Committee to mark the occasion o Celebration of the NDP held in Hatton on 3 rd July 2
People of the Hill Country, what is the altern
Any decision that is not taken on the basis of th the interests of the people will in the end harm the failure to prevent the transfer of plantation private sector workers have lost the rights an once enjoyed. The plantation economy has been such as those for potato cultivation and hor result, the plantation workers and people who r economy for their livelihood have been badly trade unions are in a situation in which they a against oppression by the plantation compan
ry Celebration of the NDP
arty celebrated its 27th Anniversary in Hatton ry well attended public meeting and a cultural ucted in the Sakthi Hall, Hatton. Comrade E rganiser of the NDP chaired the meeting and delivered the Anniversary Address. Comrades ailway Workers Union), S Jeyaseelan, K Mahendran, S Panneerselvam, ist), S Sathiyamoorthy, J Satkurunathan, evarajah, and other leading comrades also g. Comrade N Varatharajah introduced the
e included street theatre, revolutionary songs music, and the movie, Motorcycle Diary, ife of Ché Guevara.
y of the address by Comrade Senthivel is included
l Country Committee of the NDP
lation of a Tamil leaflet distributed by the Hill mark the occasion of the 27th Anniversary ld in Hatton on 3 rd July 2005.)
ntry, what is the alternative?
t taken on the basis of the long-term needs and ple will in the end harm the people. Because of he transfer of plantations from the state to the have lost the rights and privileges that they tation economy has been wrecked by schemes ato cultivation and horticulture. As a direct orkers and people who relied on the plantation lihood have been badly affected. Today the ituation in which they are unable to speak up the plantation companies. The members of
Page 56
parliament also remain silent. Some limit th releases.
Although it is said that legislation is in p citizenship issue in full, the Hill Country Tam their rights in several matters including the reg the voter’s register.
The Hill Country Tamil nationality has not rec from institutions such as the Pattana Sripada C the Teachers’ Training College and the T Training Institute.
Even the grama sevaka officials appointed to medium are unable to function in Tamil.
Besides these, acts of national oppression chauvinistic settlements and hydropower schem have rendered the Hill Country Tamils u historical experience has taught many le leadership of the Hill Country Tamils compris Hill Country People’s Front have failed to tak stand.
The leaders of the hill country are only intere votes of the Hill Country Tamils and there portfolios and concessions for themselves from the government. They have made it their politi of chauvinistic capitalist parties. Their holdin oppressive governments has not led to any s living conditions of the people.
Contesting elections, entering into alliance governments and running the trade unions in w plantation companies is neither the politics Tamils nor the politics for the plantation worker
The politics of the nationality and the plan politics of mass struggle. It is the only way in w Tamils and the plantation workers could secure
n silent. Some limit their bravado to press
that legislation is in place for solving the ll, the Hill Country Tamils have been denied matters including the registration of names in
il nationality has not received the full benefits as the Pattana Sripada College of Education, g College and the Thondaman Technical
ka officials appointed to serve in the Tamil unction in Tamil.
of national oppression, such as planned s and hydropower schemes and racist attacks ill Country Tamils unprotected. Although has taught many lessons, the so-called Country Tamils comprising the CWC and the Front have failed to take a firm and defiant
l country are only interested in obtaining the untry Tamils and thereby secure posts and ions for themselves from the parties that form have made it their politics to live at the mercy ist parties. Their holding ministerial posts in ts has not led to any serious change in the
entering into alliances with chauvinistic ing the trade unions in ways that suit the big is neither the politics of the Hill Country for the plantation workers.
ationality and the plantation workers is the le. It is the only way in which the Hill Country on workers could secure their existence. Such
Page 57
politics will not be carried forward by organisat and the Hill Country People’s Front.
The New Democratic Party has made calm and the path of mass political struggle the past 26 forward on several fronts ideological strugg struggles based on the demands of the Hill Co rights. It conducts election campaigns too as these rights. Even when it wins the elections i forward struggles to secure the rights of the Hi the plantation workers. There will be no compr dealings with the chauvinists and the capitalists.
The New Democratic Party has carried for against the chauvinistic attacks in Wevalwatte Bindunuweva massacre and mining for gems i in support of an increased wages for the Currently, it is carrying forward major strugg Kotmale Project.
It has supported many struggles in the hill coun support for the struggle of the trainee teachers College of Education.
Thus the New Democratic Party has determine political path for the Hill Country Tamils and t is the path of mass political struggle and contin that path. It is ready to struggle on its own as w common programme with other parties, tra organisations.
The New Democratic Party on the occasion o calls upon all political parties, trade unions, m individuals to come forward to unite under a co win the rights of the Hill Country Tamils and th
Hill Country C
ied forward by organisations such as the CWC ople’s Front.
arty has made calm and steady progress along ical struggle the past 26 years. It has carried ronts ideological struggles as well as mass demands of the Hill Country Tamils for their tion campaigns too as struggles for winning n it wins the elections it will still be carrying cure the rights of the Hill Country Tamils and There will be no compromise or surrender in inists and the capitalists.
Party has carried forward mass struggles c attacks in Wevalwatte and Kandapola, the e and mining for gems in the plantations, and creased wages for the plantation workers. g forward major struggles against the Upper
struggles in the hill country and lent its fullest e of the trainee teachers at the Pattana Sripada
ratic Party has determined that the alternative ill Country Tamils and the plantation workers itical struggle and continues its journey along struggle on its own as well as in unity under a with other parties, trade unions and mass
Party on the occasion of its 27th anniversary parties, trade unions, mass organisations and rward to unite under a common programme to ll Country Tamils and the plantation workers.
Hill Country Committee of the NDP 10th June 2005 Ragala
Page 58
We are not dead leaf by Maruthur Gani
Even if we inhale the poisonous air bellowed by the urban factory, even if we wander about with muddy feet and ploughshare in hand in the countryside, we are not dead leaf to be swept away by the dry south-westerly wind In our journey towards an era of common ownership, we will endure the fiercest attack of thunder and lightening and wind and rain. We will put an end to the era of private ownership. It is simply enough if we could only catch a glimp of the rising red glow of light over the eastern horizon.
We are not dead leaf by Maruthur Gani
if we
the poisonous air ed by the urban factory, f we
r about uddy feet loughshare in hand
not dead leaf swept away
dry south-westerly wind. journey towards of common ownership, ll endure rcest attack of er and lightening ind and rain. ill put an end to a of private ownership. mply enough could only catch a glimpse
rising red glow of light he eastern horizon.
Page 59
(continued from inside front)
For the old lamps to show the whips s After centuries in the old wounds And the axes shining with blood. I come to speak for your dead mouth Across the earth come together all The silent worn-out lips And from the depth speak to me all t Like I was pinned down there with yo Tell me all, chain by chain, Link by link and step by step, Sharpen the knives which you hid, Put them in my breast and in my han Like a river of yellow lighting Like a river of buried jaguars And let me weep, hours, days, years, For blind ages, cycles of stars.
Give me silence, water, hope.
Give me struggle, iron, volcanoes.
Stick bodies to me like magnets.
Draw near to my veins and my mouth
Speak through my words and my blo
mps to show the whips still stuck
s in the old wounds shining with blood. ak for your dead mouth. rth come together all rn-out lips
depth speak to me all this long night ned down there with you. ain by chain, nd step by step, nives which you hid, y breast and in my hand, f yellow lighting f buried jaguars eep, hours, days, years, s, cycles of stars.
ce, water, hope.
gle, iron, volcanoes.
o me like magnets.
my veins and my mouth.
h my words and my blood.
Page 60
Victim Number 18 Mahmoud Darwish
Once olive grove was green. It was, and the sky A grove of blue. It was my love. What changed that evening?
At the bend in the track they stopped the lorry of w So calm they were. They turned us round towards the east. So calm the
Once my heart was a blue bird, O nest of my belove The handkerchiefs I had of yours were all white. Th What stained them that evening? I do not understand at all, my love.
At the bend in the track they stopped the lorry of w So calm they were. They turned us round towards the east. So calm the
From me you’ll have evening, Yours the shade and yours the light, A wedding-ring and all you want, And an orchard of trees, of olive and fig. And as on every night I’ll come to you. In the dream I’ll enter by the window and throw you Blame me not if I’m a little late: They stopped me. The olive grove was always green. It was, my love.
Fifty victims Turned it at sunset into A crimson pond, Fifty victims. Beloved, do not blame me.
They killed me. They killed me.
They killed me
(from The Music of Human Flesh, Translated by: Den
Page 61
__________ Published by E Thambiah of 47, 3rd Floor, CCSM C Phone: 011 2435117; Fax: 011 2473757; E-mail: newdem
Printed at the Gowri Printers, Colom
Victim Number 18 Mahmoud Darwish
y love. ng?
hey stopped the lorry of workers.
ards the east. So calm they were.
e bird, O nest of my beloved. of yours were all white. They were, my love. vening? l, my love.
hey stopped the lorry of workers.
ards the east. So calm they were.
ing, rs the light, u want, of olive and fig.
come to you. the window and throw you jasmine. e late:
ys green.
tims. e. killed me.
an Flesh, Translated by: Denys Johnson-Davies)
Page 62
_______ iah of 47, 3rd Floor, CCSM Complex, Colombo 11 11 2473757; E-mail: newdemocraticparty@hotmail.com at the Gowri Printers, Colombo 13