கவனிக்க: இந்த மின்னூலைத் தனிப்பட்ட வாசிப்பு, உசாத்துணைத் தேவைகளுக்கு மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்தலாம். வேறு பயன்பாடுகளுக்கு ஆசிரியரின்/பதிப்புரிமையாளரின் அனுமதி பெறப்பட வேண்டும்.
இது கூகிள் எழுத்துணரியால் தானியக்கமாக உருவாக்கப்பட்ட கோப்பு. இந்த மின்னூல் மெய்ப்புப் பார்க்கப்படவில்லை.
இந்தப் படைப்பின் நூலகப் பக்கத்தினை பார்வையிட பின்வரும் இணைப்புக்குச் செல்லவும்: Swarnarajah The Personal Testament of a Dispossessed Man
Page 1
Page 2
தந்தை மகற்காற்றும் நன்றி அவையத் முந்தி இருப்பச் செயல்
What is the duty of the father to his son'? I make him Worthy to sit in the front Tank i assembly.
மகன்தந்தைக் (கு) அ என்நோற்றான்'கொல்எ
What is the duty of the so World Wask, For" what a L
blessed with Stieltasyn?
is to In the
பூற்றும் உதவி இவன்தந்தை ஒனும் சொல்
into his father? It is to make the |sterities of his hath he been
Page 3
அமரர் நடராஜ
திதி ெ
ஏத்து வியவருஷ 6 பூத்ததிதி ஏகாதசி முத்துமாரி பம்பாள் அத்தனடி சேர்ந்தா
அன்றே என்றன் ஆவியும் ? குன்றே அனையாய் என்ை இன்றோர் இடையூ றெனக் நன்றே செய்வாய் பிழை ெ
- T ({'ئے
மயம் -----
li PN .
ா சுவர்ணராஜா
வைகாசித் திங்களனை
ப்பூர்வம்- தோத்தரித்தே அடியான் சுவர்ணராஜா
ான் அணைந்து.
வாக்கம் புலவர் த கனகரத்தினம்)
டடலும் உடைமை எல்லாமுங்
எனயாட் கொண்டபோதே கொண்டிலையோ குண்டோ எண்டோள் முக்கண் எம்மானே சய்வாய் நானோ இதற்கு நாயகமே! ாசகர் திருவாசகம்; குழைத்தபத்து - பாடல்
Page 4
Page 5
பிடியத னுருவுமை கொளம் வடிகொடு தனதடி வழிபடு கடிகண பதிவர அருளினன் வடிவினர் பயில்வலி வலமுை
முத்திநெறி யறியாத முர்க்க பத்திநெறி யறிவித்துப் பழவி சித்தமல மறுவித்துச் சிவமr அத்தனெனக் கருளியவா ர
ஒளிவளர் விளக்கே உலப்பி தெளிவளர் பளிங்கின் திரன அளிவளர் உள்ளத்து ஆன வெளிவளர் தெய்வக் கூத்து
பாலுக்குப் பாலகன் வேண் மாலுக்குச் சக்கரம் மன்றரு ஆலிக்கும் அந்தணர் வாழ்க பாலித்து நட்டம் பயிலவல்ல
ஐந்துபேரறிவும் கண்களே ே சிந்தையேயாகக் குணமொ இந்து வாழ் சடையான் ஆ வந்த பேரின்ப வெள்ளத்து
கு கரியது
ற யிறையே
ரொடு முயல்வேனைப் னைகள் பாறும் வண்ணம் ாக்கி யெனையாண்ட ார்பெறுவா ரச்சோவே
லாவொன்றே உணர்வுசூழ் கடந்ததோ ருணர்வே *மணிக் குன்றே சித்தத்துட் தித்திக்குந் தேனே ந்தக் கனியே அம்பலம் ஆடரங் காக
கந்தாயைத் தொண்டனென் விளம்புமா விளம்பே
டியழுதிடப்பர்ற்கடலீந்த பிரான் ள் செய்தவன் மன்னிய தில்லை தன்னுள் கின்ற சிற்றம் பலமே யிடமாகப் ானுக்கே பல்லாண்டு கூறுதுமே
கொள்ளே அளப்பருங் கரணங்கள் நான்கும் டு மூன்றுந் திருந்து சாத்வீகமேயாக
நிமானந்த எல்லையில் தனிப்பெருங் கூத்தின் ட் திளைத்து மாறிலா மகிழ்ச்சியில் மலர்ந்தார்
al Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 6
Who am I - Wisdom's lessons v that fill my mind? - and m Had not the Lord of heaven ma He of the temple court, W A mendicant with mind distraug
in broken skull with flesh Haste to Him lotus-foot, as hon AND BREATHE HIS PRA
In this mad world, mid stress ; from birth and death, that Where hoarded treasure, womar and learning's store, men He calms the storm of mental cl and clears from error's mis To mystic wisdom's mighty Got AND BREATHE HIS PRA
His throat is black; His nature p
all powers of thought that I Went, drew near, took refuge
and He, straightaway, delu From changing deaths and birth within my being caused to To Him, Who is compassion's s
Pain I endured - grew old, - aga a weaning calf in ceaseles And here I dwelt, desiring ever enjoyments that a dog mig In folly's every guise With motl He came in grace, and ma To the rich Lord of mercy's sto AND BEATHE HIS PRA
The loving Lord, Who taught, My lip to sing. His jewell The Teacher great, Who pardor of me a very fiend in sool He still in grace accepts my ser nor spurns my worthlessn To l can go, as tender mother k AND BREATHE HIS PR
hat are they
who'd know
le me His own?
1O erSt
ht asked food,
mpure !
ind strife confused,
ceaseless spring
, offspring, tribe,
prize and Seek
langing States,
its the Soul
i go thou
asses far men possess at His feet: sions all S that ceaseless rise
C63S6 ea, go thou, AISE, OHUMMING - BEE!
in waxed like
s change;
ht Share,
her- love,
de me His
e go thou, SE, o HUMMING- BEE!
wretch as I am,
d Feet;
'd all the faults
all Testament of A Dispossessed M
Page 7
நானார் என் உள்ளமார் வானோர் பிரான் என்னை ஒளனார் உடை தலையில் தேனார் கமலமே சென்று
வைத்த நிதி பெண்டிர் மக் பித்த உலகிற். பிறப்போடிற சித்த விகாரக் கலக்கந் ெ வித்தகத் தேவற்கே சென்
கரணங்கள் எல்லாங் கட சரணங்களே சென்று சார் மரணம் பிறப்பென் றிவையி
கருணைக் கடலுக்கே செ
நோயுற்று முத்துநான் நுந் நாயுற்ற செல்வம் நயந்தறி தாயுற்று வந்தென்னை ஆ தேயுற்ற செல்வற்கே சென்
நாயேனைத் தன்னடிகள் பேயென துன்னப் பிழை ெ
சீயேதும் இல்லாதென் செ
தாயான ஈசற்கே சென்றுத
ஞானங்க ளார் என்னை யாரறிவார்
ஆண்டிலனேல் மதிமயங்கி உண்பலிதேர் அம்பலவன்
தாய் கோத்தும்பி (2)
க்கள் குலம் கல்வி என்னும் ப் பென்னுஞ்
தளிவித்த ாறுதாய் கோத்தும்பி (6)
ந்து நின்ற கறைமிடற்றன் தலுமே தான் எனக்கு ரண்டின் மயக்கறுத்த ன்றுதாய் கோத்தும்பி (9)
து கன்றாயிங் கிருந்து யா வண்ணமெல்லாந் ட்கொண்ட தன்கருணைத்
ாறுதாய் கோத்தும்பி (10)
பாடுவித்த நாயகனைப் பாறுக்கும் பெருமையினைச் ய்பணிகள் கொண்டருளுங் நாய் கோத்தும்பி (12)
sonal Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 8
O Mother! O my Sire My Gem beyond com Ambrosia, ever-precious yield of love! I, ville one, dwell in short lived house of wori where false illusions ever growing press On me Thou hast bestow’d the true and perfe my Wealth of bliss! O Civa - Peruman UPON THIS EARTH - I'VE SEIZED THEE AH, WHITHER GRACE IMPARTING
Thou Who didst teach the way to grasp that
Who cuts the root of every servile “bon O Being, - Who didst show to me Thy flowe My worship didst accept; entring my S. Resplendent Lamp Thou mystic Form of spl My Wealth of bliss O Civa - Peruman! RULER SUPREME-IVE SEIZED THEE - I AH, WHITHER GRACE IMPARTING W
The mother's thoughtful care her infant feeds with greater love to visit sinful me, Melting my flesh flooding my soul with inw unfailing rapture's honied sweetness Th Bestowest, through my every part infusing jo My Wealth of bliss! - O Civa - Peruma CLOSE FOLLOWING THEE - I'VE SEIZE AH, WHITHER GRACE IMPARTING
O Ruler, spotless Gem, Who mad'st me Thi my frame through every pore; in frienc Didst enter it as twere a vast and golden shr making this body vile of sweetness ful Affliction, birth and death, bewilderment, - . of life,- Thou hast cut off, O beauteou MY SOUL'S DELIGHT - I'VE SEIZED T
:t rest;
ancient One,
y feet;
oul;- endours bright
Thou deign'st
urd light,
ly shape
il Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 9
அம்மையே அய்யா ஒப்பில அன்பினில் விளைந்த ஆர பொய்ம்மையே பெருக்கிப் புழுத்தலைப் புலையனேன் செம்மையே ஆய சிவபதம் செல்வமே சிவபெருமானே இம்மையே உன்னைச் சி எங்கெழுந்தருளுவதினிடே
பாசவேரனுக்கும் பழம்பொ பற்றுமாறயடியனேற் கருளி பூசனை யுகந்தென் சிந்ை பூங்கழல் காட்டிய பொரு தேசுடை விளக்கே செழு செல்வமே சிவபெருமானே
ஈசனே உன்னைச் சிக்கெ
பால்நினைந்துTட்டுந் தாய பரிந்து நீ பாவியேனுடைய ஒளனினை உருக்கி உள் உவய்யிலா ஆனந்தமாய
தேனினைச் சொரிந்து புற செல்வமே சிவபெருமானே யானுனைத் தொடர்ந்து
புன்புலால் யாக்கை புரை பொன்னெடுங் கோயிலாட் என்பெலாம் உருக்கி எளி
ஈசனே மாசிலாமணியே
துன்பமே பிறப்பே இறப்டெ தொடக்கெலாம் அறுத்த இன்பமே உன்னைச் சிக் எங்கெழுந்தருளுவதினிே
த பத்து
ா மணியே
பொழுதினைச் சுருக்கும்
ம் அளித்த
ருள்தன்னைப் ħu
தயுடன் புகுந்து
ளே ஞ்சுடர் முர்த்தி
கனப் பிடித்தேன்
பினுஞ் சாலப்
ளொளி பெருக்கி
நம்புறந் திரிந்த
புரை கனியப் புகுந்தென் ரியையாய் ஆண்ட
பாடு மயக்காந்
onal Testament of A DispÖSSIeSSed Man, , ,
Page 10
காலன் வருமுன்னே கன பாலுண் கடைவாய்ப் படு உற்றார் அழுமுன்னே ஒள குற்றாலத் தானையே கூ
விட்டுவிடப் போகுதுயிர் சுட்டுவிடப் போகின்றார் எந்நேர மும்கிவனை ஏற் சொன்ன அதுவே சுகம்
ஆவியோடு காயம் அழிந்த பாவி என்று நாமம் படை வித்தாரமும் கடம்பும் வே செத்தாரைப் போலவே த
மேலும் இருக்க விரும்பின சீலம் அறிந்திலையே! சிந் கொட்டையிட்டு மெத்தை கட்டையிட்டுச் சுட்டுவிடச்
இன்னம் பிறக்க இசைை மன்னரிவர் என்றிருந்து 6 எரிந்தகட்டை மீதில் இன உரிந்துருட்டிய் போட்டது
முதற்சங்கு அமுதூட்டும் நடுச்சங்கு நல்விலங்கு ஆம்போ ததுஒளதும் அட் நாம்யூமி வாழ்ந்த நலம்?
இருப்பதுபொய் போவது ஒருத்தருக்கும் தீங்கிை நம்மதென்று நாமிருப்ய தம்மதென்று தாமிருக்கு
ர் பாடல்கள்
பஞ் சடையுமுன்னே முன்னே - மேல்விழுந்தே ரார் சுடுமுன்னே
விட்டஉடனே உடலைச் சுற்றத்தார் - அட்டியின்றி றுங்கள் போற்றுங்கள்
நாலும் மேதினியில் யாதே - மேவியசிர் ண்டா மடநெஞ்சே 的。
னையே வெண்விடையோன் தையே! - கால்கைக்குக் யிட்டு குத்திமொத்தப் பட்டஉடல் 5 கண்டு.
வயா நெஞ்சமே? வாழ்ந்தாரை - முன்னம் னக்கோ வனத்தை
மொய்குழலார் ஆசை பூட்டும் - கடைச்சங்கம் மட்டோ, இம்மட்டோ,
மெய் என்றெண்ணி நெஞ்சே ன எண்ணாதே - பருத்ததொந்தி காய்நரி பேய்கழுகு
ம் தான்!
Page 11
Inside this volume.
Preface - (upaigo Juras
Mourning the death of Swarnarajah -
அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜாவின் வாழ்க்கை வர
Appreciation: a GijasJTggT Luibb 86lij
Documents from the archives of the l
Documents relating to Kekirawa Prop
Documents relating to Kurumbasiddy
Documents relating to Civilian Prope,
(i) Report of the G.A., Jaffna to t
(ii) Proposal by the Supreme Col
(iii) A Note on the case of ILO Our Sincere thanks - Iseliosaicond is
ate Mr. Swarnarajah
rties in Conflict Areas
he Supreme Court
urt of Sri Lanka
Page 12
A prefatory note indicating the aim of this for a real misunderstanding are truly great. This Volume contains the lifetime efforts what his family and he had lost. To the last, the entire island belonged to him. It is in th As his close relatives, we feel that wear desires by publishing the documents in this meaning people of this country should be dispossessed feel and efforts be taken to rei Again, it should be emphasised that the lo within which it falls is sine qua non to the
Members of the Swarnarajah Family "Rajasthan', Mayelu Road, Kurumbasiddy, Tellippalai.
இந் நூலின் உள்ளடக்கம் வழமையான வேறுபடுகின்றது.
ஆயினும் காலமானவரின் வாழ்ந்த காலத் பற்றிய நினைவஞ்சலியில் இடம்பெற வேண
இந்த உள்ளடக்கம் காலமான திரு. சுவி சோகத்துக்கு அப்பால் கொண்டு செல்கிறது காரணம் அந்த அபிலாஷைகளின் ஆத்ம ஒ: வேண்டிய பிரச்சினைகள் பற்றிய தெளிவு
திரு சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்களின் மறைவு இழப்பாக இருக்கிறதோ அந்த அளவுக்கு துவதற்கு உதவுவதாகவும் இருப்பது இந்த தருகிறது.
சுவர்ணராஜா குடும்பத்தினர் "ராஜஸ்தான்", மாயெழு வீதி, குரும்பசிட்டி, தெல்லிப்பழை
publication is very essential because the chances
of the late Mr Nadarajah Swarnarajah to regain he felt that he belonged to the entire island and at spirit he complains.
fair by his soul and truly sharing his views and Volume. In fact, it was his desire that the well made aware of the genuine difficulties that the tress their grievances. ve for the village, the culture it fosters, the district love for the country at large.
DJT85. O e o O O.
நினைவஞ்சலி வெளியீடுகளிலிருந்து பெரிதும்
துத் தேடல்கள், அவரது வேணவாக்கள் தன்னைப் ர்டுமென்பதனை அவர் விரும்பியேயிருந்தார். ர்ணராஜாவின் மறைவை ஒரு குடும்ப வட்டத்துச் என்பதை உணர்கிறோம். இவ்வாறு செல்வதற்குக் 2ங்களை வெளிக்கொணர்வதன் மூலம் தீர்க்கப்பட இலகுவாகக் கிடைக்கிறது என்பதுதான். ாங்கள் குடும்பத்துக்கு எத்துணை தாங்கமுடியாத மற்றவர்களின் பிரச்சினைகளைத் தெளிவுபடுத் ச் சோகத்துக்குள்ளும் ஒரு ஆத்ம திருப்தியைத்
Testament of A Dispossessed Man
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PROF. K. SIVATHAMBY M.A (SriL) Ph.D. (Birm), D.Litt (Honoris Causa)
Professor Emeritus University of Jaffna
- A symbol of all the suffer also of the yet innova
Poothapillai Subramaniam Nadarajah Swarnarajah passed away at the age of 59 at the General Hospital, Colombo on 7 June 2006. He was treated for sudden deterioration of diabetes-affected systems, one of the causes for the deterioration being deep-seated worries and anxieties.
In terms of the obituaries of many Tamil residents in Colombo, Swarnarajah's passing away is almost a "routine' one, with references to many close relatives now living abroad and also with the reference to the village where he was born.
But the case of Swarnarajah, if one is prepared to look at his background and activities, is slightly different.
He, to be exact, his family, has been at the receiving end of almost all the major catastrophes the Tamils have faced in this country as a community since independence.
To begin at the beginning, Swarnarajah's grandfather, was the great "Kekirawa Subramaniam', who went to Kekirawa from his village Kurumbasiddy at the age often with the guidance of a postmaster working at Kekirawa. Subramaniam rose from a 'shop assistant” to "the leading businessman' in Kekirawa, engaged in oil pressing on one hand and in assisting the modernisation of agriculture of the area on the other, through the agencies he held for the agricultural firms of the day such as the Hunter & Co.
One should not rush to the conclusion that he was basically a Tamil exploiter, amassing wealth at the cost of the peasants. Far from it. He helped the local pansala' with great devotion and had earned the esteem of the local
chief priest. Subramaniam was a sort of a banker
ings the Tamils encountered; tive enterprising Spirit -
for the emerging peasantry in the sense the peasants gave their earnings to be kept in safe custody.
Subramaniam was such an acceptable figure that even the changing tides of 1956 did not present him as an outsider to the town. In fact, in the late fifties, he was responsible for getting his son Nadarajah take over the management, before he died a peaceful man. Nadarajah saw to it that his son, an old student of Wesley College, Colombo and St. John's College, Jaffna also joined him in business in 1970.
By 1970s Nadarajah and Swarnarajah, the father and son, along with their relatives, were running the business. In August 1977, the Subramaniam establishment in Kekirawa was singled out for attack. Paradoxically, the building was in front of the Police Station and on a curfew laden night the building was burnt down.
For a young man of 30, with a family tradition of having very intimate relationship with the Sinhalese friends, what happened in August 1977 was a rude shock to Swarnarajah. He and his father were persuaded the day before the demolition of the buildings to leave for Colombo. On the August 17 night, the building was burnt down.
The father, Mr Nadarajah, could never bring himself to go back to Kekirawa and Swarnarajah went to Kekirawa only after his father's death. The charred ruins of the business premises of Subramaniam Brothers 'stood as it was left by those who burnt it, until 1981, when the then Government hurriedly published a notice of acquisition with the purported objective of utilising the land for a "public purpose'. Even after that, nothing happened until the year 2000,
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when the divesting of the property was finally done. The enclosed papers of Swarnarajah reveal the agony the family underwent from 1977 to 2000 to get the matters expedited.
The 1977 experience was an unnerving one for all the Tamils. For unlike in the case of the previous outbursts of anti-Tamil violence, in 1977, the pogrom had been in a way planned out earlier. The experience of 1977 for Tamils living outside the North East was, again, an unprecedented one. Though from 1959, the North East was accepted as having the main concentration of the Tamil speaking people, in 1977 the displaced Tamils from outside North East, were sent back to the North East. In fact, they were encouraged to do so. The implicit assumption was that these people belonged to these areas and they had to be sent back there. At this point, it becomes very difficult to overlook the logic of sending those people by shiploads and planeloads to Jaffna and to Batticaloa, especially Jaffna. Had it not been for the presence of the North East, those displaced Tamils would have been permanent refugees.
The term 'Traditional Homeland' is a politically loaded one. It implies that at least some of the Tamils who had established themselves outside North East had begun to consider their new areas of residence as their "Homeland'. Their children were schooling there. They had established their residences there. Such people thought of their old villages in terms of their relatives or their temples. There was nothing binding them to Jaffna. At best, there was a place to visit during holidays.
But now, it was shown as the place to which they had to get back. Perhaps, now we are able to deconstruct in Some meaningful manner the concept of "Traditional Homeland'. It is seldom realised today that the consciousness of a Traditional Homeland was instilled top-down by the successive governments.
And it is to this Traditional Homeland that Swarnarajah decided to go back. The village is Kurumbasiddy, and it falls within the red-soil belt of Jaffna. Geographically, it lies to the West of Jaffna-KKS road and has a tradition of extensive garden tillage, tobacco cultivation earlier and latterly, food crops like onions.
Kurumbasiddy has a distinguished history. The Editor of the first regional newspaper “Eelakes ari” N Ponniah came from Kurumbasiddy. Agriculture and education, education and public sector employment had been the distinguishing features.
It is true that the Subramaniam family with the profits that accrued from the Kekirawa business had established themselves fairly firmly within Kurum basiddy. Nadarajah, Swarnarajah's father, firmly decided that Kurumbasiddy was going to be his place. There is an old poem in Tamil which says that the extent of area needed for one elephant to lie at ease is capable of producing food material enough for five elephants. This is to show the fertility of the area. Kurumbasiddy is such a fertile place and Nadarajah and Swarnarajah became involved in agriculture but the enterprising Swarnarajah embarked on the idea of running a rice mill using state of the art machinery.
In those late seventies and early eighties, the tragic flaw that lay within the geography of Kurumbasiddy was not realised at all. On the Southern boundary of the Palaly Airport runway lies Kurumbasiddy. Post-1978 developments in Jaffna, especially after 1984, led to militant attacks on security forces. The die had been cast in 1961 when for handling the problem of the Satyagrahis, the government used for the first time the military establishment at Palaly which until that time was the Task Force Against Illicit Immigration (TAFAII).
By 1984 things began to worsen and with the Indian Peace Keeping Forces coming in, the lines were drawn. There was a slow expansion of the Palaly Army Camp but in the late eighties it was not that much dislocating. Soon, the pressure on the villages around the Palaly Camp began to increase and people living in Kurumbasiddy and adjoining villages like Pun nalaikadduvan, Vasavilan, Kuppilan, Kadduvan, Thellippalai and Myliddy had to leave. a.
Once again the Swarnarajah family had to face a major loss and a severe dislocation. In 1990 the crisis came to a head and the people had to leave their villages lock-stock and barrel. The exit was sudden and the army did not allow
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time to take any of the belongings. Overnight, villages around the Palaly Camp were devoid of their populace.
This was the second time the Swarnarajah family was struck. But this second one was more excruciating and cruel - excruciating because the departure was so sudden and cruel because the villagers were forced to leave their birth place, the houses their forefathers built, the temples which gave Succour and hope to generations and generations and the red-soil land, which provided them with proud sustenance. In other words they now lost what had been their “Traditional Homeland'. And now they had become really rootless refugees. Swarnarajah family stayed in Nallur from 1990 to 1995 and in the exodus of 1995, they left Nallur too. Nadarajah, Swarnarajah's father, could not face this all too sudden dispossession. He passed away as the family was trekking from village to village. The funeral was held at Chavakachcheri.
Swarnarajah was now faced with a great challenge. Where to go? While he and his family were living in Kurumbasiddy, in Colombo, in 1983, some of his close relatives who had continued to live in Colombo even after 1958, had lost their belongings and their houses. The Nadarajah family had to face some problems in 1958 and had decided to pull out of Colombo because of the sense of amity that was extended to them in Kekirawa.
In 1990, immediately after the IPKF withdrawal, Swarnarajah shifted his elder sons to Colombo for higher education. Since 1990s, the agony of impermanence in their own village began to develop gradually.
However, Swarnarajah did not want to quit Jaffna, leaving his ailing father. It is an inbuilt mental urge of every son or daughter coming from this culture to look after their parents in their last days. It has always been taken as a holy duty bestowed on them to look after their parents and perform their last rites. Amidst the pain of the loss of the parent, there is a great cultural satisfaction in attending to their last rites. The annual remembrance day becomes a holy event for the whole family. Unfortunately, We do not have any statistics but during the exodus of 1995, many of the families lost their
elderly parents, while moving from one village to another.
After the father's passing away, Swarnarajah decided to get to Colombo. Earlier on they had lived in Colombo but not after 1958. He had no house of his own, and had to be contended to a one roomed apartment for his family of five. But he took one firm decision: not to leave the shores of Sri Lanka.
By this time two of his sisters had left for Canada and his younger brother had left for Norway. Swarnarajah, in spite of the many requests from his siblings, decided to stay in Sri Lanka. Colombo could not be alien to him. He spoke fluent Sinhalese, almost as a first language speaker. His English was good - definitely so amidst the new Tamil medium and Sinhala medium speakers of English.
More than the linguistic affinities and the cultural congruities, there was the inner urge within him to retrieve whatever is possible from the Kekirawa land and more importantly to get back to Kurumbasiddy. He did not want to leave Sri Lanka without attending to these. In fact he told his children that if they wished so, they could leave Sri Lanka, but as for him, he would not leave the country because it is his and because he had to get back what was due to him from Jaffna and from Kekirawa.
His letter to one of the Ministers amply illustrates his position.
"Amidst all my difficulties, I never obtained a red cent as compensation or free-grant from the Government of Sri Lanka or any other source, and with the grace of God who acted through my relatives, I was able to educate my three sons and bring them up to a level. My three sons have now completed their education and are working in reputed organisations.
Though I have done my duty towards my children, I do not wish to depend on any of them or any of my relatives, who have already rendered enormous assistance to me during the difficult times. All what Irequest from Your Honour is also not any kind of
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special assistance or compensation for the injustice done to me or the damages caused to my business concern. What I earnestly request from Your Honour is only an act which I consider rightful and to which I am entitled to ask for. It is only a request to direct the relevant authorities to issue me the title deeds for the shops which have been given to us on lease several decades ago, as has been done in the case of several others'.
Stating the above he concludes his letter with a very simple request.
"My sole aim is to re-establish
myself and earn sufficient money to acquire a small apartment or a house in Colombo in close proximity to a Hindu Temple, so that I will have the satisfaction of living in my own house without depending on anyone else. I hope you will understand my position, and will realise that my request is not unreasonable, in that, I only need to live the rest of my life and die in a piece of land belonging to myself, as the acres and acres of lands and the number of properties that belonged to me had been either destroyed or currently occupied by the military in the name of high security zones'. i
There was no ill-will nor rancour. Absolutely no ethnic hatred. He was a man in search of justice. And was doing everything within his power to get it.
One should not miss the fact that at no point of time or instance does he make it an ethnic grievance of the Tamils. His upbringing, his training made him hold his head above the murky waters of politics.
At this point it should be emphasised that one's love for the place of his birth, the culture
The sense of distrust and misunderstanding that in our way to understand the other man's point of within the locus of his / her existence. It is in that s
within which he lived, should not be taken as identity markers for alienation. The country, in his opinion, was as much as his, as it is for another genuine citizen.
Swarnarajah broke lose from the traditional modes of making his living. He took up to trading in stocks and shares. As he carried on his struggle to regain what he and his family lost he was engaging himself as a committed stock trader, and he did well. And when he passed away, in spite of the new wealth gained, the pride of the peasant within him, made him to repay all the loans he had got.
It is not given to many to respond and in a way re-bounce as Swarnarajah had done. His upbringing, his range of friendship and his spiritual development had enabled him to lead a life which was full of challenges, but not with even the minimum of bitterness.
It is true that this is one man's life - the qualities are personal to him. But, within this life and its world outlook, lies a Tamil strand, which should neither be overlooked nor underestimated. And that is the love for the country.
It should however be remembered that this love for the country is not something that is artificial. It begins with the love for the village in which one is born. The temples and the tanks Ehat enriched it. The district within which it falls. And ultimately the country of which it is an (ndispensable part.
Swarnarajah's life brings in the understanding we should have and the meanings we should go for. His life symbolises in a way he experiences to which the Tamils have been 2xposed to since 1956. This state of mind should not be mistaken for acquiescence or for aggressiveness. It seeks the rightful place any itizen has within his own country within the cultural ethos he wishes to live in.
Karthigesu Sivathamby 27.06.2006
pervades the political air today should not stand view. It is only then he / she will feel wanted pirit the above note has been written.
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அமரர் நடராஜ
அவர்களின் வா
ஈழநன்நாட்டின் வடபாலமைந்து எண் சாண் உடம்பிற்குச் சிறந்திடுஞ் சென்னி போல் விளங்கிடும் யாழ்ப்பாணக் குடாநாட்டில் சைவமுந்தமிழுஞ் செழித்தோங்கச் சான்றோர் பலரும் வாழ்ந்த கிராமம் குரும்பசிட் டி. தனக்கெனத் தனித்துவமான கலை, இலக்கிய மற்றும் வர்த்தக, விவசாயப் பாரம்பரியங்களைக் கொண்டிருந்த இக் கிராமத்தில் பிரபல வர்த்தகரும், கெக்கிராவ பூ.சுப்பிரமணியம் அன்ட் பிரதர்ஸ்’ நிறுவனத்தின் ஸ்தாபகப் பங்கா ளருமான பூதப்பிள்ளை சுப்பிரமணியத்துக்கும் தங்கமுத்துவுக்கும் மகனாக அவதரித்தவர் நடராஜா. நடராஜாவும், தம் தந்தையாரின் வர்த்தகத்தில் இணைந்து கெக்கிராவவிலும், குரும்பசிட்டியிலும் ஓர் முக்கிய பிரமுகராகத் திகழ்ந்தார். மயிலிட்டி கிராமசபையின் தலைவரா கவும், குரும்பசிட்டி பொன் பரமானந்தர் வித்தி யாலயத்தின் முகாமையாளராகவும் விளங்கிய நடராஜா அவர்களுக்கும் அவ்வூர் நாகேஸ்வ ரிக்கும் இல்லற வாழ்வின் பயனாய்க் கிடைத்த முத்தபிள்ளையே சுவர்ணராஜா ஆவார்.
1947ம் ஆண்டு ஆனிமாதம் 22ஆம் திகதி பிறந்த இவரது உடன்பிறந்தோர் ரஜந்தினி, ராஹரினி எனும் இரு சகோதரிகளும் சுவர்ணஹரன் எனும் சகோதரரும் ஆவர்.
சுவர்ணராஜா தனது இளமைக் கல்வியை குரும்பசிட்டி பொன் பரமானந்தர் வித்தியா லயத்திலும், தெல் லிப்பழை யூனியன் கல்லூரியிலும் கற்றார். பின்னர் தந்தையார் கெக் கிராவவில் வர்த்தகத்தில் ஈடுபட்ட காலப்பகுதியில் கொழும்பில் தங்கியிருந்து பொரள்ளை வெஸ்லிக் கல்லூரியில் கல்வி கற்றார். 1958ஆம் ஆண்டு கொழும்பில் நடைபெற்ற இனக்கலவரத்தில் இவர்களது வீடு சேதமாக்கப்பட்டதைத் தொடர்ந்து கொழும்பு றோயல் கல்லூரியில் அமைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த தற்காலிக அகதிமுகாமில் குடும்பத்தாருடன் தங்கியிருந்து பின்னர் கப்பல் மூலமாக யாழ்ப்பாணத்தைச் சென்றடைந்தார்.
க்கை வரலாறு
பாழ்ப்பாணத்தில் சுண்டுக்குளி பரியோவான் கல்லூரியில் தனது கல்வியைத் தொடர்ந்த சுவர்ணராஜா பின்னர் வட்டுக் கோட்டை பாழ்ப்பாணக் கல்லூரியிலும் கொழும்பு அக்குவனாஸ் கல்லூரியிலும் உயர்கல்வி பெற்றார்.
1970ஆம் ஆண்டில் கெக்கிராவ சென்று தந்தையாரின் வர்த்தக ஸ்தாபனத்தில் இணைந்து கொண்டார். மிகுந்த கட்டுக் கோப்புடன் நிர்வகிக்கப்பட்டுவந்த பூ.சுப்பிர மணியம் பிரதர்ஸ்’ நிறுவனத்தில் ஒரு பங்கா ளரின் மகன் என்ற செல்வாக்கைச் செலுத்தாது, ஊழியருக்கு ஊழியராய் அனைவரதும் அன்பைப் பெற்றவராகப் பொறுப்புணர்வுடன் ஸ்தாபனத்தின் வளர்ச்சிக்காக உழைத்தார்.
1971ம் ஆண்டு ஆவணி மாதம் குரும் பசிட்டியைச் சேர்ந்தவர்களான மாணிக்கவா சகர்-மகேஸ்வரி தம் பதியரின் மகளான ரேணுகாவைக் கரம்பிடித்து இல்லறவாழ்விற் புகுந்தார். 1972ஆண்டு இவரது பாசத்துக் குரிய முத்த புதல்வன் நிஷந்தனும், 1976ஆம் ஆண்டு இரண்டாவது மகன் நிலக்ஷனும், 1982ஆம் ஆணி டு இளைய மகன் நிமல் ஷனும் சுவர்ணராஜா-ரேணுகா தம் பதியரின் இல்லறவாழ்வுக்கு இனிய சாட்சிகளாய் அவதரித்தனர்.
சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்கள் கெக்கிராவவில் தங்கியிருந்து வியாபார நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபட்டதோடல்லாமல் கொழும்பு உட்பட நாட்டின் பல பாகங்களுக்கும் சென்று கொள்வனவு, விநியோக நடவடிக்கைகளிலும், விநியோகஸ்தர்கள் சங்கக் கூட்டங்களிலும் கலந்து கொணர்டு தனது 3Ꭷ - 6ᎸᎩ ᏍᏏ அனுபவத்தையும் பேச்சாற் றலையும் , ஆளுமையையும் வளர்த்துக்கொண்டார்.
கெக் கிராவ மக்களுடன் வெகு அன்னி யோன்யமாகப் பழகி அவர்களது வாழ்வில் இரண்டறக் கலந்திருந்த சுப்பிரமணியம் நிறுவனத்துக்கு எதிர்பாராத பேரிடியாக 1977ஆம்
estament of A Dispossessed Man
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ஆண்டு ஆகஸ்ட் மாதம் நடை பெற்ற இனக் கலவரம் அமைந்தது. தந்தையார் நடராஜாவுடன் கொழும்பு வந்திருந்த சமயம் 75வருடகால வரலாறு படைத்த இவர்களது வர்த்தக நிறுவனம் ஒரேயிரவில் கொள்ளையிடப்பட்டுத் தீக்கிரையாக்கப்பட்டது. களஞ்சியங்களில் சேர்த்து வைத்திருந்த எள், மற்றும் தானியங்கள், பொருள்கள், வாகனங்கள், தளபாடங்கள், பணப் பெட்டியிலிருந்த நாணயத்தாள்கள் என அனைத்தும் எரிந்து சாம்பராயின.
அயராத உழைப்பினால் கட்டியெழுப்பிய வியாபார சாம்ராஜ்யம் சரிந்து விழுகின்றதே என்ற கவலையிலும் பார்க்க இத்தனை நாளாய் நேசத்துடன் பின்னிப் பிணைந்திருந்த மண்ணில் இப்படியானதொரு கொடுரம் நிகழ்ந்து விட்டதே என்ற துயரம் மேலரிட்டவர்களாயப் சுவர்ணராஜாவும் அவரது தந்தையார் நடரா ஜாவும் தமது தாயகமாகிய யாழ்ப்பாணம் சேர்ந்தனர். தந்தையார் நடராஜா ஏலவே கொழும்பில் 58ம் ஆண்டில் நிகழ்ந்த கலவ ரத்தையும், 77ம் ஆண்டில் கெக்கிராவவில் ஏற்பட்ட அனுபவத்தையும் பார்த்து, இனி யெமக்குப் பாதுகாப்பான வாழ்வெனில் அது எமது பூர்விகத் தாயகத்திலேயே என முடி வெடுத்தவராய் சொந்த மண் குரும்பசிட்டியில் நிலைகொண்டார்.
எனினும் தொடர்ந்த போர் மேகங்களாலும் பலாலி விமானத்தள விஸ்தரிப்பாலும் இராணுவப் பாதுகாப்புக் கெடுபிடிகளாலும் குரும்பசிட்டி மக்கள் அனைவரும் 1985ஆம் ஆண்டு முதல் தமது சொந்த இடங்களைவிட்டு, சிறுகச் சிறுகச் சேமித்துக் கண்ணிராலும் வியர்வையாலும் கட்டியெழுப்பிய வீடுகளை விட்டு, ஊர் கூடித் தேரிழுத்து உலாவந்த அன்னை முத்துமாரியம்பாள் ஆலயத்தையும் விட்டு நிரந்தர அகதிகளாய் ஏதிலிகளாய் எல்லை கடந்த பெருஞ்சுமையை நெஞ்சில் சுமந்தவர்களாய் அகதிகளுக்கெல்லாம் அகதிகளான முன் னோடி அகதிகளாய் தம்மண்ணினின்றும் நீங்கி வேரொடு பெயர்ந்து வெவ்வேறிடஞ் சேர்ந்தனர்.
சுவர்ணராஜாவும் தனதுாரில் பெரும் முதலீட்டில் ஆரம்பித்துக் கட்டியெழுப்பிய சாயி அரிசி ஆலை என்ற தனது முற்றிலும் நவீன இயந்திரங்களின் உதிவியுடன் அரிசி அரைக்கும் செயற்பாடுகளை மேற்கொள்ளும் வல்லமை பொருந்தரிய ஆலையைக் கைதுறந்து குடும்பத்தாருடன் இடம்பெயர்ந்தார்.
இடம்பெயர்ந்து வந்தவருக்கு புகலிடமாகி யது நல்லூரில் இவருடைய தங்கையார் இல்லம். சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்களின் குடும்பமும் அவர்தம் பெற்றோரும் வேறு உறவினர்களும் 1986ஆம் ஆணிடு முதல் நல்லூரில் நிலைகொண்டனர்.
இக்காலப்பகுதியில் அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்கள் தனது முன்று மக்களையும் தான் கல்விகற்ற சுணர்டுக் குளி பரி.யோவான் கல்லூரியில் சேர்ப்பித்தார். பொருளாதார ரீதியில் வாழ்வு சிதைவுற்ற போதிலும் சொல்லொணாக் கஷ்டங்களின் மத்தியிலும் தன் மக்களுக்குக் கல்வி புகட்ட வேண்டும், அவர்களை முன்னேற்றப் பாதையில் செல்ல வைக்க வேண்டும் என்பது அவரது அவாக் களில் ஒன்றாய் இருந்தது.
“கற்றோருக்குச் சென்ற இடமெல்லாஞ் சிறப்பு” என்பதை என்றும் வலியுறுத்திக் கல்வியே வாழ்வில் யாராலும் அழிக்க முடியாத பெருஞ்செல்வம் என்பதை வலியுறுத்தி வந்தார். பரியோவான் கல்லூ ரியில் அவரது பிள்ளைகள் பரிசளிப்பு வைபவங்களில் பரிசில்களைப் பெறும்போதும் கலை இலக்கிய நிகழ்வுகளிலும் புறக் கிருத்தரிய நடவடிக் கைகளிலும் பங்கெடுக்கும் போதும் மிகவும் புளகாங்கித மடைவதுடன் ஏனையோருக்கும் இவற்றை வெளிப்படுத்தி மனநிறைவடைவார். "தந்தை மகற்காற்றும் நன்றி அவையத்து முந்தியிருப்பச் செயல்” எனும் வள்ளுவன் வாக்கிற்கமையத் தன் பிள்ளைகள் சமூகத்தில் முன்னிலை வகிக்க வேண்டுமென்பதே குறியாயிருந்து தனது தனிப்பட்ட துயரங்கள், இயலாமைகளுக்கு மத்தியிலும் அவர்களுக்கு கல்வி புகட்டவும், முன்னிலைக் குக் கொணர் டுவரவும் தன் உறவினர்கள். நண்பர்கள் பலரிடமும் உதவி பெறவும் தயங்காமல் தன்னை உருக்கித் தன் குடும்பத்தை உயர்வித்தார்.
1987ஆம் ஆண்டின் இந்திய இராணுவ வருகையுடன் குரும்பசிட்டிக்கு மீளச் செல்லும் வாய்ப்புக் கிடைத்தது. ஆனால் அவ்விடைப்பட்ட காலத்தில் கிராமத்துக்கு ஏற்பட்ட அழிவு சொல்லில் வர்ணிக்க முடியா தது. இவை தொடர்பான பல்வேறு ஆவணங்களையும், கோப்புக்களையும் நேரிய முறையில் திரு சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்கள் பதரிவுசெய்து வைத்திருந்தார். சந்தர்ப்பம் கிடைக்கும் போதெல்லாம் தன் வாழ்வில் தான்பட்ட இன்னல்மிகு அனுபவங்களை ஆவணங்களின் உதவியுடன் விளக்கி, ஒரு தனிமனிதனுக்கு
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மட்டுமாயன்றி ஒரு முழுச் சமூகத்துக்குமே ஏற்பட்ட நிலை இதுதான் என்பதைத் தன்னை அறிந்தவர்களுக்கு விளக்கிக் கூறுவார்.
1990ம் ஆண்டில் மீண்டும் போர்ச்சூழல் முளைவிட்டதும் தன் பிள்ளைகளின் கல்வி மீது கொணர்ட கரிசனையால் முதலிரு பிள் ளைகளையும் கொழும்புக்கு அழைத்து வந்தார். முத்த மகன் நிஷந்தன் சட்டபீடத்தில் அனுமதி பெற்றுச் சட்டக்கல்வியையும் இரண்டாவது மகன் நிலக்ஷன் கொழும்பு றோயல் கல்லூரியில் இடைநிலைக் கல்வி யையும் தொடர வழிசெய்தார். பெற்றோர், மனைவி, இளையமகன் நல்லூரிலும் முதலிரு பிள்ளைகளும் கொழும்பிலுமாக திரு.சுவர்ணராஜாவின் வாழ்வு ஆண்டின் பாதிக்காலம் யாழ்ப்பாணத்திலும் மீதிக்கா லம் கொழும்பிலுமாகக் கழிந்தது.
சேறும் சகதியும் நிறைந்த கொம்படிப் பயணங்களும் தர்க்க மற்றதும் திகில் நிறைந்ததுமான கிளாலிப் பயணங்களும் சுவர்ணராஜாவின் வாழ்வில் இரண்டறக் கலந்தன. இத்துணை துன்பங்களினூடும் அவர் தன் அனுபவங்களை மற்றவர்களுடன் பகிரும்போது மிகவும் நகைச்சுவையாகவும் கலகலப்பூட்டும் விதத்திலும் கூறுவாரேயொ ழியக் கழிவிரக்கமேற்படும் வண்ணம் கூறிய றியார்.
1995ஆம் ஆண்டு யாழ்ப்பாணப் பெரும் படையெடுப்பின் போது, சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்கள் தன்மனைவி, மகனுடனும் பெற்றோருடனும் நல்லூரிலிருந்து இடம் பெயர்ந் தார். அடுத்தடுத்து இனக்கலவரங்களால் தெற்கில் பெரும் பாதிப்புக்குள்ளாகித் தமது தாயகத்தில் பாதுகாப்புத்தேடிய சுவர்ண ராஜா அவர்களின் தந்தையார் நடராஜா அவர்களுக்கு மீண்டும் யாழ்ப்பாணத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறுவது என்பது ஜீரணிக்க முடியாததொன்றாகியது. இடம்பெ யர்ந்து சாவகச்சேரியில் தங்கியிருந்தபோது நடராஜா அவர்கள் 1995ஆம் ஆண்டு நவம்பர் 15ஆம் திகதி காலமானார். தந்தையாரின் ஈமைக் கிரியைகளை யாழ்ப்பாண மண்ணி லேயே நடாத்திய மனவமைதியுடன் சுவர்ணராஜா அவர் கள் 1996ஆம் ஆண்டு குடும்ப சகிதம் கொழும்பை வந்தடைந்தார்.
ஏலவே எல்லாமிழந்து யாழ்ப்பாணஞ் சேர்ந்த
சுவர்ணராஜா குடும்பத்துக்கு மீண்டும் இழப்ப தற்கு ஏதும் இருக்கவில்லை. தம் உயிர்போலக் கட்டிக்காத்து ஏறு பெட்டியில் வைத்துப் பேணிய பழைய ஆவணங்களும் உறுதிக்கட்டுகளும்
ஆபரணங்களுமே அவர்களுடன் கொழும்பை பந்தடைந்தன. உடன்பிறப்புக்களின் காலமு 7ணர்ந்த உதவியுடன் தனது வாழ்க்கையைக் கொழும்பில் மீள்பதிவு செய்யும் முயற்சியை சுவர்ணராஜா தொடங்கினார்.
உறவினர்களின் உதவியுடனும் தன்னிடமி நந்த சில பங்குச் சான்றிதழ்களையும் வைத்து கொழும்பு பங்குச் சந்தையில் - முற்றிலும் தனக் தப் புதியதொரு முயற்சியில் - தனது புதிய வர்த்தக வாழ்வை ஆரம்பித்தார் சுவர்ணராஜா. புதிய கொழும்புச் சூழல், பல்லாண்டுகளாக வர்த்தக வியாபார நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபடாமல் பாழ்ப்பாணத்தில் ஒதுங்கியிருந்ததனால் இழந்து விட்ட தொடர்புகள், புதிய வியாபாரமொன்றை ஆரம்பிப்பதற்குத் தேவையான பெரும் முதலீடு இன்மை என்பவை சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்களைப் பாரம்பரிய வியாபார நடவடிக்கைகளில் மீண்டும் ஈடுபடுவதிலிருந்து தவிர்க்கச்செய்யும் காரணிக ளாயின.
எல்லோருக்கும் தன்னாலியன்ற உதவிக ளைச் செய்து அவர்களின் முன்னேற்றத்துக்கு உதவிய நல்ல மனதுக்குக் கிடைத்த கைம்மா றாக, தன்னந்தனியாய் துணிவுடன் தானறியாத புதிய நடவடிக்கையில் தனது 52 ஆவது வயதில் இறங்கிய சுவர்ணராஜாவுக்குக் கிடைத்த பங்குச் சந்தை வர்த்தக ஆலோசகர்களும், நண்பர்க ளும் அமைந்தனர். இறப்பதற்கு முதல் நாளிலி ருந்து ஏறத்தாழ ஏழு வருடங்களாகப் பங்குச் சந்தை வர்த்தகமே அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜாவின் உயிர் நாடியாக விளங்கியது.
பல்வேறு பங்கு வர்த்தக நிறுவனங்களினூ டாகவும் தனது சிறிய முதலீட்டுடன் கொடுக்கல் வாங்கல்களை ஆரம்பித்த அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்கள், மிகக் குறுகிய காலப்பகுதியிலேயே தனது வசீகரமான பேச்சாலும், அனைவரையும் கவர்ந்திழுக்கும் நகைச்சுவையாலும், நாட்டு நடப்புகள், இனப்பிரச்சினையின் பரிமாணங்கள் தொடர்பான அவரின் வெளிப்படையான கருத் துக்கள், திறனாய்வுகள் முலமாகவும் மிகவும் நெருங்கிய நண்பர்களைச் சம்பாதித்துக் கொண் டார்.
கிழமை நாட்களில் அவரைக் காலையில் துயிலெழுப்புவது அவரது பங்குச்சந்தை வர்த் தக ஆலோசகர்களின் தொலைபேசி அழைப்புக் களே. அதனைத் தொடர்ந்து,நாள் முழுவதும் உறங்கும் வரை தொலைபேசியில் பங்கு வர்த் தக நண்பர்களுடனான அவரது கலகலப்பான உரையாடல்கள் வீட்டையும் கலகலப்பாக்கும். நூற்றுக்கும் மேற்பட்ட கம்பனிகளின் வருடாந்த
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அறிக்கைகளை ஆராய்ந்து ஒவ்வொரு கம்பனி யும் எந்த மாதம் அண்ணளவாக எவ்வளவு சதவீத பங்கிலாபத்தை வழங்கலாம் என்ப வற்றை யெல்லாம் முன்கூட்டியே எதிர்வுகூறக்கூ டிய வல்லமையையும் அறிவையும் குறுகிய காலத்திலேயே சுவர்ணராஜா பெற்றுக் கொண் டார்.
பங்கு வர்த்தகத்தில் அவருக்கு அமைந்த நண்பர்களோ இருபது வயது இளைஞர்கள் முதல் ஐம்பது வயது அனுபவசாலிகளாக இருந் தாலும் அனைவருடனும் வெகு கலகலப்பாக அவர்களது வயதுக்கேற்ப அவர்களுக்கு இசை வான முறையில் பேசி அனைவரதும் அன்பைப் பெற்றிருந்தார் சுவர்ணராஜா.
சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்கள் நோய்வாய்ப் பட்டிருப்பதை அறிந்து அவர் பெயரில் வேண்டு தல் ஒன்றைச் செய்து அவரது பங்குவர்த்தக ஆலோசகர் ஒருவர் கொச்சிக்கடை புனித அந்தோனியார் தேவாலயத்து உண்டியலில் சிறு தொகைக் காணிக்கையை அவர் இறப்பதற்கு முதல்நாளில் செலுத்தியிருந்தமை அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜா மீது அவரது பங்கு வர்த்தக ஆலோசக நண்பர்கள் வைத்திருந்த அன்புக்கு அடையாளச் சின்னமாகும்.
இறப்பதற்கு முதல்நாள் கூடத் தன்னை வைத்தியசாலையில் பார்வையிட வந்த மகனிடம் எந்தக் கம்பனிகளின் பங்குகளை உடனடியாக வாங்கவேண்டும், எதனை விற்கவேண்டும் என மிகவும் தெளிவுடன் உரையாடியிருந்தார். நோய் வாய்ப்பட்டிருந்த காலத்திலும் ஊக்கத்துடன் தன் பங்கு வர்த்தகத்துடன் இரண்டறக் கலந்தி ருந்தார். “செய்யுந் தொழிலே தெய்வம்” என்ற வாக்குக்கு வரைவிலக்கணமாக வாழ்ந்தார். தனது வாழ்வில் தான் சந்தித்த சோதனை களையும் வேதனைகளையும் மறக்காத போதும் அவற்றிலேயே முழ்கி மனவலிமை குன்றாது, முயற்சியுடன் வாழ்வில் எதிர்நீச்சல் போட்டவர் அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜா.
தனது பிள்ளைகளை நல்வழிப்படுத்தி நற்கல்வி புகட்டி உயர் தொழில்களில் அமர்த்தி யதுடன் முத்த மகன் நிஷந்தனுக்கு உமாநந்தினி எனும் சட்டத்தரணியையும் இரண்டாவது மகன் நிலக்ஷனுக்கு சஞ்ஜிதா எனும் கணக்கியலாள ரையும் திருமணம் செய்துவைத்து அவர்கள் இல்லற வாழ்வில் இணைந்தமை கண்டு மனம கிழ்வுற்றார். தன் பிள்ளைகளுக்கு தகப்பன் போல் மட்டுமன்றி, நண்பனாய், நல்லாசிரிய
னாய், எதையும் ஒளிவு மறைவின்றி வெளிப்படை யாக விவாதித்து சரி எது பிழை எது’ என்ற தனது கருத்துக்களைத் தெரிவித்து நல்வழிப்ப டுத்தினார்.
தனது கடமைகளைச் செவ்வனே செய்துமு டித்த திருப்தி இருந்தபோதும், தான் இழந்தவை அனைத்தையும் மீளவும் எடுத்தே தீரவேண்டும் என்ற ஓர்மம் அவரிடம் இருந்தது. தன் உறவி னர்கள், நண்பர்களிடம் தான் நலிவுற்றிருந்த போது பெற்ற உதவிகளுக்குரிய கைம்மாறையும் தான் உயிருடன் இருக்கும்போதே தன்னால் இயன்றவரை செய்து முடிக்கவேண்டும் என்ற பேரவா அவருக்கு இருந்தது. அதனை நிறை வேற்ற அவர் நின்று கைகூப்பிக் கண்ணிர் மல்கி வழிபடும் குரும்பசிட்டி முத்துமாரியம்பாளும், தெஹிவளை பூரீ வெங்கடேஸ்வரப் பெருமாளும், பொன்னம்பலவாணேஸ்வரம் உறையூரீ சுவர்ணச பேஸ்வரரும் சித்தங்கொண்டு திருவருள் கூடியமை அவருக்குப் பூரண மனவமைதியைக் கொடுத்திருக்கும் என்பது திண்ணம்.
தனக்குச் சொந்தமானதைத் தான் மீளப் பெறுவதற்காக அவர் நடந்த கல்லும் முள்ளும் பாவிய பாதையையும் அவர்தம் விடாமுயற்சி யையும் எடுத்துக் காட்டுவனவே இந்த நினைவு நூலில் இடம்பெறும் அவரது சேமிப்பும் உயிரு மான ஆவணங்களிற் சிலவாகும். அவரின் ஆத்மாவின் நாதமாக அவர் எழுதிய கடிதங்கள், எவரதும் இதயத்தில் ஒரு நொடி சிறு வலியை ஏற்படுத்தக் கூடியன. இவ் ஆவணங்கள் ஒரு தனி மனிதனின் வாழ்வை மட்டும் எடுத்துக் காட்டும் சான்றுகளாகக் கொள் வதிலும், ஒரு சமூகத்தின், ஒரு இனத்தின், ஒரு தேசத்தின் வரலாறாகக் கொள்ளக் கூடியவை. இதன் நிமித்தமே இவ் ஆவணங்கள் அன்னாரின் நினை வாகத் தொகுக்கப்படும் இந்நூலில் பெரும்ப குதியைப் பிடித்துக்கொள்கின்றன.
இதை அவருக்குச் செய்யும் மரணத்துக் குப் பிந்திய மகத்தான மரியாதையாகக் கொள்ள வேண்டுமென்பதே அவரின் பிரிவுத் துயரில் வேத னையுற்று நிற்கும் குடும்பத்தாரின் எதிர்பார்ப்பு! ஏகாதசித் திதியில் தன் பூதவுடலை விட்டும் நீங்கிய அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜாவின் ஆத்மா குரும் பசிட்டி முத்துமாரி அம்பாளின் பாதக் கமலங் களில் சாந்தி பெறுவதாக எனப் பிரார்த்திப் போம்.
ஓம் சாந்தி சாந்தி சாந்தி
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N W N ܐܠ W
W Wህ W Ν W אוואלא
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சுவர்ணராஜா இறைவனடி சேர்ந்துவிட்டார் 6 இவருக்கு பரி. யோவான் கல்லூரியில் சிரேஷ்ட எம்மோடு அயலவராகவும், நெருங்கிய நண்பர இருந்தாலும், எங்களோடு தொடர்புகொண்டு சு
மலர்ந்த, பொலிந்த புன்சிரிப்போடுகூடிய மருமக்களைப்பற்றிப் பேசிப்பேசிப் பெருமிதமன வாழ வாய்ப்பும் வளமும் இருந்தும் அடக்கம், ெ வாழ்ந்துவந்தவர். தன்னைப்போல அவர் தன் மு5 கல்வி பயில வைத்தார். தம் அயலவரின் சுகதுக் தவறமாட்டார்.
அன்பிலும் பண்பிலும் எல்லோர் மனதிலும் இ பழைய மாணவராவார். தனது குடும்பத்துப் பிள்ை பெருமை உடையவர். இவர் இறைவன் திருவடி
"வையத்துள் வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்பவன் வானுறையும் தெய்வத்துள் வைக்கப்படும்”
சா. பஞ்சலிங்கம் இளைப்பாறிய உப அதிபர் பரி. யோவான் கல்லூரி, சுண்டுக்குளி
அமரர் சுவர்ணராஜா குரும்பசிட்டி தந்த நற்குடு வந்துதித்தவர். இவர் எனது தந்தைவழி உறவி சமகாலத்தில் நாமிருவரும் பரியோவான் கல்லு தனிப்பட்ட முறையில் மட்டுமன்றிக் குடும்ப நன
மிக இளம் வயதிலேயே அடுத்தடுத்துப் பல சளைக்காது வாழ்வில் எதிர் நீச்சல் போட்டு தானறிந்தோர் யாவருக்கும் தன்னால் இயன்ற
சுவர்ணராஜா என்றதும் மனதில் மேலோ மற்றவர்களை மகிழ்விக்க முனையும் அவர குடும்பத்தாருக்கு மட்டுமன்றி அவரை அறிந்து
ஒரு நல்ல நண்பரை இழந்து விட்ட ம நிலையாமையை எண்ணிச் சமாதானமடைவதுடன் பகிர்ந்துகொள்கின்றேன்.
பேராசிரியர் அம்பலவாணர் சிவராஜா அரசறிவியற்துறை, பேராதனைப் பல்கலை
ன்ற செய்திகேட்டு அதிர்ச்சியடைந்தேன். நான் ர வகுப்பில் கணக்கு ஆசிரியராக இருந்தேன். கவும் பழகிய இனிய அன்பராவார். தூரத்தில் துக்கங்களைப் பகிர்ந்துகொண்டார்.
முகமும், தன் மனைவி, தன்பிள்ளைகள், -யும் மனநிறைவும் கொண்டவர். ஆடம்பரமாக பாறுமை, பெருந்தன்மை ஆகிய பண்புகளோடு 1று புத்திரர்களையும் பரியோவான் கல்லூரியில் ங்களில் பங்குபற்றித் தனது ஆதரவைக்காட்டத்
டம்பிடித்திருந்த இவர், பரியோவான் கல்லூரியின் ளகளையும் சைவப்பண்பாட்டுடன் வாழப்பழக்கிய பில் இன்புற்றிருக்க வேண்டுகிறோம்.
ம்ெபங்களில் ஒன்றான சுப்பிரமணியம் குடும்பத்தில் னர் மட்டுமன்றி நெருங்கிய நண்பரும் ஆவார். ாரியில் கல்வி கற்றவர்கள். இதனால் இருவரும் பர்களாகவும் ஆகினோம்.
நெருக்கடிகளுக்கு முகங் கொடுத்தாலும் மனஞ் முன்னேறியவர். தன் நிலை பற்றி எண்ணாது உதவிகளைச் செய்யப் பின்னிற்காதவர்.
வ்கி நிற்பது அவரது கலகலப்பான பேச்சால் து பண்பேயாகும். அவரது இழப்பு அவரது பழகிய நண்பர்களுக்கும் ஈடு செய்ய முடியாதது.
ாத்துயர் ஆற்ற முடியாததெனினும் வாழ்வின் எமது குடும்பத்தாரின் ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்களைப்
Testament of A Dispossessed M
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மாவை சோ. சேனாதிராஜா, நாடாளுமன்ற உ 30, மாட்டின் வீதி
யாழ்ப்பாணம் குரும்பசிட்டி மாண்புற்ற மன ஆழமானதொரு பாதிப்பைத் தந்துவிட்டது.
அவரது தந்தையாரைக் கெக்கிராவை நடரா ஊர். அங்கிருந்து அநுராதபுரத்திற்கும் தம்புள்ளைக் அமரர் நடராசா பெரும் வர்த்தகராகத் திகழ்ந்தார் நிறைந்தவராய் விளங்கினார்.
தந்தை செல்வநாயகத்தின்மீது மிகுந்த அபிமா மீது பற்றுறுதி கொண்டவராய் மிளிர்ந்ததை தந்தை கண்டிருக்கிறேன். நல்ல பண்பாளர் என்பதையும்
அமரர் நடராசா அவர்கள் கெக்கிராவைப் பிரே மக்களிடத்திலும் செல்வாக்குப் பெற்றிருந்தார். அ மக்களினதும் ஓர் முக்கிய பிரமுகராக விளங்க செல்வாக்குடன் மதிப்புப் பெற்றவராயிருந்தார்.
அமரர் நடராசா அவர்களின் மகன் சுவர்ணராஜ ஈடுபாடு கொண்டிருந்தார். தந்தையைப் போல பிரதேசத்திலும் நல்ல செல்வாக்குடன் வாழ்ந்தவ
தந்தையைப் போலவே மகனும் வர்த்தகத்து வெற்றியை நோக்கிக் கடுமையாகவும் துணிச்சலு
உள்ளுர் அரசியலிலும் உலக நாட்டு நடப்புக ஆற்றல், அநுபவத்துடன் கருத்துப்பரிமாறும் பசு உணர்வுகளை உணர்ச்சிபூர்வமாக வெளிப்படு அறிந்திருக்கிறேன். அவருக்கென்று தனித்துவமான தமிழ் மக்களின் போராட்டத்தின் நியாயங்களையும், இலட்சியப்பற்றுறுதி வேரூன்றியிருந்தமையையும்
ரீதர் சுவர்ணராஜா மறைந்த செய்தி மனதில்
சா என்று அழைப்பர். குரும்பசிட்டி தனித்தமிழ் க்கும் இடைப்பட்ட பிரதேசமான கெக்கிராவையில் ர். குரும்பசிட்டியிலும் செல்வாக்கும் செல்வமும்
னமிக்கவராய், அவர் கொள்கை, இலட்சியத்தின் 5யுடன் அவர் இல்லத்திற்கு சென்ற பொழுதினில்
புரிந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்.
தசத்திலும், அங்குள்ள சிங்கள, தமிழ், முஸ்லிம் ந்தப் பிரதேசத்தின் உள்ளுராட்சி மன்றத்தினதும் கினார். சிங்கள அரசியல் தலைவர்களுடனும்
ஜா அவர்களும் தந்தையின் வர்த்தகத்துறையில் வே தன் சொந்த மண்ணிலும் கெக்கிராவைப் ர்.
|றையிலும் எடுத்த எந்தவொரு முயற்சியிலும் டனும் உழைத்தார்.
ரிலும் மிகுந்த ஈடுபாடு கொண்டவராயும் அறிவு, குவம் அதேநேரத்தில் ஆழமான, தீர்க்கமான த்துபவராயும் விளங்கினார் என்பதை நன்கு பற்றுகளிருந்தபோதும், பொதுமக்கள் குறிப்பாக சுதந்திரமாக வாழவேண்டும் ஆளவேண்டுமெனும் அறிந்திருக்கிறேன்.
estament of A Dispossessed Man
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இலங்கையில் தமிழ்மக்களின் அரசியல் வழிப்போராட்டங்கள் நடைபெற்ற பொழுதும், 2 அதன் இராணுவமும் கூடவே இனவெறிக் காடை தமிழ்த் தேசிய இனத்தை அழித்துவிடும் வகை கட்டவிழ்த்துவிடப்பட்டது மட்டுமல்லாது, தென்னில் குறிவைத்து சூறையாடப்பட்டு தீக்கிரைய அபகரிக்கப்பட்டமையே வரலாறாகும்.
அப்படி சொத்துக்களையும் பலமுறை இனக் பெற்ற குடும்பங்களை நடுத்தெருவில் அநாத அண்ணன் சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்களின் குடும்ப சந்தித்துப்பேசியுள்ளேன். அன்னார் பட்ட துயரம் கடின உழைப்பினால் கட்டியெழுப்பிய செல தீக்கிரையாக்கப்பட்டு, அபகரிக்கப்பட்டதனால் மன சுவர்ணராஜாவும் ஒருவர். ஆனால் அவர் வீழ் விலைபோகவில்லை. கொண்ட கொள்கை வழுவ உழைத்து தன் குடும்பத்தை வாழ்வித்தார். இ6
மறுபக்கத்தில் அரசாங்கத்தினதும், இராணு சொந்த மண்ணையும், வீடு வாசல்களையும் பறிகொடுவித்துவிட்டு, அழிய விட்டுவிட்டு அகதி இலட்சக்கணக்கானவர்களில் உள்ளூரிலேயே போராடிக்கொண்டிருந்தவர்களில் சுவர்ணராஜா வேதனைகளைச் சுமந்துகொண்டு ஒரு நாள் எ என்ற வைராக்கியத்துடனும் அவாவுடனும் நேர்ை அண்ணன் சுவர்ணராஜா எண்ணம் நிறைவுறாம
வலிகாமம் வடக்கு நிர்வாக மாவட்டத் வருத்தலைவிளான், கட்டுவன், குரும்பசிட்டி, கிழக் கீரிமலை, கருகம்பனை வரைக்கும் 59.5 ச.கி.மி மண் உயர் பாதுகாப்பு வலயம் என இராணுவத் இத்தகைய ஆக்கிரமிப்புக்கள் அகலவேண்டும்
அண்ணன் சுவர்ணராஜா தன் மனையாள் சென்றுள்ளார். அவரின் முகத்தை மரணத் வாழ்ந்தபொழுது பார்க்கவில்லை. இறுதி நிகழ்ச்சி ஆறுதல்.
அன்னாரின் பிள்ளைகள், நிஷந்தன், நில பாசத்துடனும் பழகுகின்ற குடும்பப் பாரம்பரியத் இளவல்கள். சுவர்ணராஜா நல்ல பிள்ளைகளை சாந்தியடைய, அவர் வாழ்நாளில் ஈடேறாத இ6
K్క 烈 ~\f 人以ー-アへ
میماقض رعه عـره)
மாவை சோ. சேனாதிராஜா.
ஆட்சியுரிமைக்காக அஹிம்சை, ஜனநாயக உரிமைக் குரல் எழுந்தபொழுதும் அரசாங்கமும் பர் கூட்டங்களும் இனக்கலவரங்களைத் தூண்டித் பில் கொலைகள், கொள்ளைகள், கற்பழிப்புகள் மங்கையில் தமிழர்களின் வர்த்தக நிறுவனங்களும் ாக்கப்பட்டு வருவதுடன், சொத்துக்களும்
கலவரங்களால் இழந்து செல்வமும் செல்வாக்கும் rவாக்குகின்ற வரலாற்றில் எழுதப்பட்டவர்களில் மும் ஒன்றாகும். அண்ணருடன் பலதடவைகள் ), துன்பம் சொல்லில் அடங்காது. நேர்மையாக, வம், வர்த்தகம். சொத்து சூறையாடப்பட்டு, மும் உடலும் உருக்குலைந்துபோன தமிழர்களில் ச்சியடைந்துவிடவில்லை. சோர்ந்துவிடவில்லை. ாது துணிச்சலுடன் இருந்த சிறு துளியை வைத்து pட்சிய வாழ்வு வாழ்ந்தார்.
வத்தினதும் ஆக்கிரமிப்பு நடவடிக்கைகளினால் 5 அன்றாட வாழ்வையுங்கூட இழந்துவிட்டுப் களாய் அலைந்து திரிகின்ற எம் தமிழ் இனத்தில் ப தொடர்ந்தும் மனத்தாலும், உணர்வாலும்
அவர்களும் முக்கியம் பெற்றிருந்தார். இதய ம் சொந்த மண்ணில் காலடி எடுத்துவைப்போம் மயுடனும்கூட பேராடிக்கொண்டு வாழ முயற்சித்த ல் சென்றுவிட்டார்.
தில் பலாலி விமானத்தளத்திற்கு தெற்கே
கே வசாவிளான், மேற்கே மயிலிட்டி, மாவிட்டபுரம், ற்றர் வளமான வாழ்வு நிறைந்த எங்கள் சொந்த தால் பிரகடனப்படுத்தி ஆக்கிரமிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. என்பதில் உறுதியுடன் இருந்தவர் சுவர்ணராஜா.
பிள்ளைகளை நல்ல மனிதர்களாய் விட்டுச் தின் பின்னரே பார்க்கமுடிந்தது. நீண்டநாள் பிலாயினும் ஆத்மாவைப் பார்க்கவாய்ப்பு ஏற்பட்டது
க்ஷன், நிமல்ஷன் அன்புடனும், பண்புடனும், தையும் தமிழர் பண்பாட்டையும் பிரதிபலிக்கின்ற எம்முடன் விட்டுச் சென்றுள்ளார். அவர் ஆத்மா ட்சியத்தை அடைவோம் என உறுதிபூணுவோம்.
Testament of A Dispossessed Mai
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இந்த வையத்தில் பிறந்தவர்கள் வாழ்கின்ற மட்டுமே மற்றவர்களுக்கு அனுபவப் பாட வாழ்க்கையை முன்னுதாரணமாக வாழ்ந்து
'உதயன் சஞ்சீவி’ பத்திரிகை அலுவ இயங்கியபோது அன்னாரின் புதல்வர் நிஷற உருவாக்குவது தொடர்பாக என்னைச் சந்தித்த அறிமுகமும் நட்பும் கிடைத்தன.
அவர் எப்போதும் மனம் திறந்து பேசுபவ பின்பாகவோ பேசும் பழக்கம் அவரிடம் கிடை
பத்திரிகைத் தொழில் பலவித சவால்க அவரது அனுபவத்தின் அடிப்படையிலான எண்ணிப்பார்க்கிறேன்.
அன்று முதல் அவர் பூவுலகை விட்டு இ பலவித விஷயங்களை ஆராய்ந்து முடிவெடு கொடுத்தார். எனது வர்த்தக நிறுவனபெ எண்ணினேன். அதற்குத் தகுந்த இடமின்றி இரு தனது கட்டடத்தை அவர் தந்துதவியதை எ6
யாழ்ப்பாணத்தில் வர்த்தகத்தில் சிறந்து 6 இடம்பெயர நேரிட்டதன் பின்னர் கொழும்பி துவளாது மீண்டும் பழைய உயர்வை எட்டிவிட
பல்வேறு சந்தர்ப்பங்களில் மலையென வந்துள்ளோம். சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்கள் தந்த எமக்கு உறுதுணையாக இருந்து வந்தன.
அவரது மறைவால் ஏற்பட்ட துயரத்தை எனக்குத் தந்த அனுபவ அறிவுரைகளையே
நிர்வாக இயக்குநர், உதயன், சுடர்ஒளி
னர். வாழ்கின்றவர்களில் சிலரின் வாழ்க்கை ங்களாக அமைகின்றன. அந்தவகையில் காட்டியவர் நடராஜா சுவர்ணராஜா.
லகம் யாழ்ப்பாணம் நாவலர் வீதியில் ந்தன் றோட்டரிக் கழகக் கிளையொன்றை 5ார். அதன் மூலம் சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்களின்
வர். முடிமறைத்தோ அல்லது முதுகுக்குப் யாது. வர்த்தகத்தில் சாதித்துக் காட்டியவர்.
ளை எதிர்கொண்டிருந்த அவ்வேளையில் அறிவுரைகள் எனக்கு கைகொடுத்ததை
1றையடி சேரும்வரை முழுநம்பிக்கையுடன் ப்பதில் எனக்குப் பல தடவைகள் தோள் 0ான்றை யாழ்ப்பாணத்தில் ஆரம்பிக்க ருந்தவேளையில் ஸ்ரான்லி வீதியில் இருந்த ன்றும் நன்றியுடன் நினைவுகூருகிறேன்.
வசதியுடன் வாழ்ந்த அவர், சூழ்நிலையால் ல் தன் வாழ்வை ஆரம்பித்தார். சற்றும் வேண்டும் என்று உழைத்தார். உயர்ந்தார்.
வந்த சவால்களை எதிர்த்து சமாளித்து ஊக்கமும் உற்சாகமும் அவ்வேளைகளில்
ஆற்ற வழியின்றி தவிக்கின்றேன். அவர் இப்போதும் துணைக்கழைக்கிறேன்.
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Mr. SWarnarajah - A
Mr. Nadarajah Swarnarajah was a well known village of Kurumbasiddy. He was better known in generations. His active social engagements in Jaffna to know that he was an old boy of St.John's Colleg from Kekirawa. My son Aravinthan and Swarnara Our families closer.
Mr. Swarnarajah's passing away was quite until sad loss and many mourned his demise. Mr. Swara friendship. The wide and diverse groups of people friendship that he had struck. He was always happy qualities that he possessed contributed to happines: among his immediate circle of friends and relative . The family members of Mr. Swaranarajah owe tiative. Mrs. Swarnarajah and her sons have suffer in the fact that all of them have acquitted themselv Mr. Swarnarajah nourished. I came to learn that h horoscope fairly accurately. Therefore death did no ones. Perhaps he too might have experienced the limited, he had fulfilled his mission quite creditabl
Past President, St. John's College, Jaffna- Old Boys Associatic Retired Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Natic Formerly Advisor to President Kumaratunga ol
Mr Nadarajah Swarnarajah has been known to Kurumabasity, Jaffna. He is a person with some a always willing to help anybody at any time. He is anybody by their background. Over the period oft the staff in our organization and became very int times very hilarious personality; we can still recall fresh memory.
As a client he had impeccable track record wh also new clients. He also introduced many clients inconvenience. He had high moral values and had
He is a man who should have lived longer, but demise and pray for him to rest in peace. We all a
Staff at Lanka Securities (Pvt) Limited Colombo 03
personage in Jaffna and a leading citizen in his ekirawa where he had business interests for two brought him close to me. It was later that I came ', Jaffna. The riots of 1977 brought him to Jaffna jah's son Nilakshan being close friends brought
nely and came as a ahock to most of us. It was a narajah had the disposition for easy and staunch who thronged at the funeral bear testimony to the and pleasant and had affable ways. All the good in the family and were a source of endearment
a great deal of their success to his effort and ini'd a deep loss. Even so they may derive a solace es with acceptance to satisfy the aspirations that e was knowledgeable in astrology and read his t come as much of a shock to him or to his dear eeling that even though his span was somewhat
n (South Sri Lanka) on Building 1 Plan Implementation
have lived longer
us for the past 6 years. He is a humble man from dmirable qualities. He is a kind hearted person, a down to earth person and does not discriminate me he has built very cordial relationship with all mate to everybody. He was a fun loving and at the wonderful days we had with him, still in our
ch not only brought us his personal business but to us who are still trading with us without any high integrity and was a diligent person. ate had other ideas. We console his family for his Lanka Securities (Pvt) Limited miss him a lot.
Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 28
A Reservoir
A reservoir of knowledge be it local intern Subramaniam Nadarajah Swarnarajah stored it all inherited from his grandfather Mr.P.Subramaniam firm P. Subramniam and Bro. was housed in a 2S Kekirawa.
Mr P.S.N.Swarnarajah managed this business f destroyed it.
He reestablished business again at Kurumbasic achievements were,
l Being appointed distributor for Ceylon T 2 Appointed agent for TATA lorries of D.H 3 Authorised importer for machineries and 4 . He was handling a transport service fron
1985. These speak volumes for his integrity and skil As a dedicated father, the progress of his thre would have been satisfied that all of them are hol
He may have carried lifes burdens and cares came out with a joke. He lived a simple but dignifi His close associates held him in high esteem and
His loss is definitely irreplaceable for his fami May his soul rest in peace.
Elton Ebert Stock advisor Ceylinco Stock Brokers Colombo.
Asha Phillip Securities” management and staf the demise of Mr. Nadarajah Swarnarajah. Late M client of our organization. Above all he was a gent person and whenever he visited us he had never fa tWO.
Please remember that we too share the same gr free to get in touch with Mr. Suthagar of our orga
May he rest in peace.
pf knowledge
ational or business affairs, the late Poothapillai
up in his mind. Business expertise, he may have who established his business in the year 1902.Their orey building Subramania Mahal' in Main Street
or a short time till 1977 when communal violence
ldy but had to vacate it in March 1987. Among his
obacco for half the area of the Jaffna Peninsula. H.N.O
spare parts by the Inland Revenue Dept. h Colombo to Jaffna and vice versa upto the year
ls. 'e Sons was his priority. He guided them and he ding responsible posts. in his head but he always had a broad smile and ed and disciplined life and maintained high ideals. came to him for advice. ly and his many good friends.
would like to convey our deepest sympathies at Mr. Swarnarajah was a respected and an admired leman. Late Mr. Swarnarajah was a down to earth iled to speak to almost everyone at least a word or
ief at your bereavement as you are and please feel nization for any assistance or support.
* r
Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 29
Documents from t ate Mr. SW
W \ W. S.
* W"
earchives of the arnarajah
W W ܠܠܠܠܠܠܠܠܠܠܠܠ
Page 30
N W W དེའི་ཤ་
| پا.
N ད།
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Page 31
SWARNARAJAH The Persola Test
سہستحeے ےسےہم حے۔ مکک>
unbels حمل\العصعصحرا Ruu-N1K-2 الے۔
\ بحصہلاے Oisy-era) 、
Page 32
I am Nadarajah Swarnarajah, son of late P.S.Nada Kurumbasiddy which is a small village in the vicini
I have three sons. My first son Nishanthan is pre: sity of Colombo. My second son nilakshan is presen Nimalshan is presently in the year ll class at Royal
I was doing business at Kekirawa under the name ness concerne was established by my grandfather in t two storeyed building "Subramania Mahal'.Main Str sinnakkara land. This land is located in the centre oft hospital, Town Council and Post office. This busing were distributing all the consumer items in the Kek traditional exportable local produce, gingelley, must vehicles and distributing vans and dwelling houses August 1977, our business concerne was looted and ( were damaged during a full day curfew was in force 1977. Thereby I had undergone a severe loss of mill three generations of ours for more than seventy five forced to vacate from our living place, Kekirawa.
After the colossal loss Sustained at Kekirawa, I the security and safety of our life. I started a new bu handled the import of rice milling machineries, spa named “Saiji Rice Mills' at my own land of 230 per a weekly government paddy milling quota of 60 tho the year 1982 with the financial assistance of Bank nately due to the confrontation between the separatis lage was frequently disturbed. Thereby we all had to vacate from our birth place on short notice on the 2 our village leaving behind all our movable and imm
My self, my wife and three school going childre dent at Nallur and I was able to educate my childre Jaffna. Again the confrontation started in Jaffna fort to unsteady situation prevailed in the area at that tin lombo and they continued their education at Univers
My third son's education was disturbed during t lombo on 15" of May 1996. I was able to get myth
From 15th of May 1996 myself and my family w No 27/64 Parakumba Place, Colombo 06, with grea
N.Swarnarajah, 05.Inner Vanderwert Place Dehiwala
19.2, 1997
rajah and grandson of late P.Subramaniam. I am from ty of Palaly airport in northern Sri Lanka.
sently in the third year at Law Faculty at the Univertly in the first year at the Law College. My third son College, Colombo.
and style of P.Subramaniam and Brother. This busihe year 1902. This firm was house in a seven roomed eet Kekirawa. This building is in 80 perches block of he Kekirawatown -close proximity to police station, ss was managed by me during the year 1977. We irawa area. Our main business was purchasing non ard, kurakkan etc. We had a rice mill and transport in Kekirawa. During the communal disturbances in lamaged. All our movable and immovable properties in entire Sri Lanka on the 17th and 18th of August lion worth of rupees. The hard earned money by the years was fully lost in twenty four hours. We all were
reestablished my business at my birth place only for siness in the name of P.S.Nadarajah and Sons which e parts fro vehicles. Also I re-established a rice mill ches at my birth place, Kurumbasiddy. This mill had usand kilograms. I was able to restart my business in of Ceylon 2" Jaffna branch, A/C no 519. Unfortusts and the government Security forces our Small vilvacate from our native place. We all were forced to 7th of March 1987 by the security forces. We all left ovable wealth. From this date we are refugees.
n at the age of 14, 10 and 4 left our village and resien at St.John's College, Jaffna, a reputed College in and I was unable to keep my children in Jaffna. Due he 1990/91 brought my first and second sons to Cosity of Colombo and Royal College
he period 1990-1995. We were able to come to Coird son admittet to Royal College.
ere residing at a one roomed apartment at third floor, t difficulties I have lost all my permanent income. I
Page 33
have lost all my business. I have lost all my movable v Lanka are in dreg state.
1. My business concern at Kekirawa was full 1982 my land at Kekirawa was acquired by the gov 1982 for unknown reasons. No compensation had bee the government institutions.
2. I had a building 91.93 Main Street, Kekirawa is still utilised by Building Material Corporation as the unreasonable, very low rent of Rs 1500/= from 1982 regularly and promptly.
3. I had a 11 roomed 2 storeyed house "Rajast Kurumbasiddy. I had a huge rice mill building and a wealth of mine are utilized by the Security Forces frc have not gone to our village from 1990 June. Securit our immovable properties in that area even today. For to enter the village until today.
4. I had a building at 253,255, Stanley Road, loan from Bank of Ceylon, 2 Jaffna Branch. I was ur business and rice milling from 1985. My building is worth more than millions. I have taken a loan from B invest in my rice milling industry - for building, mac continue my business at my native place I was unable amounts to 710,000/= (seven hundred and ten thousal 5. My first and second sons who left our native Colombo and continuing their education in legal field their teenage period and now they have to decide thei of their University Education. For which I have to free my Bank,
6. I was educated in Colombo and was doing colossal loss at Kekirawa.
I was nominated as a distributor for m/s Ceylon peninsula.
I was nominated as an agent for the sale of Tata pany Ltd.
I was granted permission by the inland Revenue I spare parts.
I was handling a transport service from Colombo I had to close down the entire business of mine ( at the time 1987/88 and so on upto date.
7. All our blood relations my own two sisters a left Sri Lanka long ago and they are presently residir and determined to resettle at my birth place Kurumb baseless.
8. Any way, until re-settle at my birthplace" living place Kekirawa at North Central Province-at r business at my own three shops 91.93 Main Street possible assistance from all loyal citizens of this tir
:alth. Furthe more all my immovable wealth in Sri
damaged in the year 1977 and again in the year nment by gazette notification, 201/9 of 15th July paid upto date. Land has not been used by any of
the only building which was not damaged in 1977 branch shop at Kekirawa. They are paying me an to todate. B.M.C. is paying me the monthly rent
an”, at Kurumbasiddy. I had cultivatable lands at :cessories at Kurumbasiddy. All these immovable m 1987 to 1988 and again from 1990 June 10th. I forces in that area are not allowing us to untilise ecurity reasons, they are not allowing the residents
affna, which was given as security against a bank able to repay the loan since I couldn't continue my located in the centre of the Jaffna Town and it is ank of Ceylon time to time in the years 1981/82 to hineries and as working capital. Since I could not : to repay the loan arrears capital and interest. This ld capital), without interest from 1985 todate.
: place Kurumabasiddy in the year 1986 are now in . I was able to direct them in a correct path during r future in any suitable profession after completion : from all incumberenees including as a defaulter of
business at Kekirawa from 1968 to 1977 after the
Tobacco Company, for half the area of the Jaffna
Lorries by M/s Diesel & Motor Engineering Comepartment as an impore to import machineries and
to Jaffna vice versa upto the year 1985 ue to the prevailed situation in the Jaffna Peninsula
done brother, my wife's two sisters and one brother, in foreign countries. Unfortunately I was adamant siddy and I feel this ambition of mine is futile and
urunbasiddy", I am anxious to re-settle at my past
y own land "Silvagehena' and re start my same old
ekirawa and regain my lost wealth with the fullest
land- Sri Lanka.
Page 34
༠་༧༩༠༧ ཆ༧༧༠་༣༧ཙམ་ {=-manהודי
14 }ззя A M, Minister Bob caps 8. జిగే alsoap &w. . ...-..-..-..-r- --- **** 3. «N8%) (ivAwst }81465 ፲፱ማሣ* a 7 ię
dy. Minister
盎 *蠍"
***ukio 22, eadexecłzo SN8Da
, రేగశ్న##--
avatara Nisidicultural AFFAIRsia, Bauddhaloka Mawatha
Sextratakry, を
బ33ms: ఓ c. obsea tasta
డిMు 7 O Calamba 7
c می ۱۰۰ برای منبع
A * siGa " *** U ***"seede işadas,
sese Seðslands død B3sem sem décð
ാട്ട് 'ക abdot) assed osage aussione saghahahah gede emo oseaed duos açorea. Asahe oespod oed and sd sd að oss selesssa bæ eð aus usdea asalaeas dabo e a as beareded SO
side pedoed ce) doub see osas asas eas e gagas sa he ohladko sádh pada as ag aga dabas ab al & Caca BeO. séags &Yhs qe aba adelné ·
sad easte gaus solan oeso equs ergolo aereo
os sp., o
ebao مروہیسلا مہدی«مجتہ
ndihan ang babala
露 $డిహై · tang adyang aad
May 17, 77
Deputy Minister of Justice Ministry of Justice, Hulftsdorp, Colombo-12
Dear Deputy Minister,
Request to grant a p
Mr.Nadarajah Swarnarajah Subramanaim, a bus
munity in the Kekirawa town, Anuradhapura district
He should be given this position on behalf of
government employee. I wish to request you to g district.
ost of Justice of Peace
nessman is well respected among the local com. I recommend him for a post of Justice of Peace. the Tamil Community in Kekirawa. He is not a ant him a JP position within the Anuradhapura
(PATHIRAJA TENAKOON) Deputy Minister of Cultural Affairs Member of NSA- Mihintale.
estament ofA Disposses
Page 35
...' Me é. G. (0d628geas dáil. KE éac4x) to Socido ו"ד and,
3x6 doou com) தேசிய அரசும் பேரவை ۔ NArONAL TArtë ASJEMULY 23
... is to certify that I/s. 3. N. Swarnaraj
ar both 's of M/s.P. Subramanian & Bro., and eeLLLLLLeLLSJ qS0 SEeLJtS LLLLr tLLt GLSGOeetLLt LJMLLLLLL LLLL0S0LL0
SSS LLSLS SLLtLL Lt0t AeAe SMSeAAASttLLLLLLL ELLLLL liths J is: , that is Lorri 38, Wunsi Car:3, Hico ili LLkDLeqLLSLLLLLLLies S SAJSqSq S LLeSSSS S LLLSS LLLLLSSLS0SSASse StkL eeeASL eetLEe
for them to rehabilitate their busins và com) to understirund that thay rìa &ả
lakhs to enable tha to restart the
I v pe the Bank will mis 31st thora to tha
e eeeLLLLLLLL JJS HSLmmLLLg JLLz e0 LGLLS0LttttmemL0LLLL tkeeLLLLL LLLLLL proviðàée th&;: with whantover haJlp as iri : 1:a3nba r of the
A3FDLmbly ft -- Kekirawa.
Yours 2.
-صس G DÀahindi
The Manager, Y Bank Of Ceylon, Anuradhapura.
Dear Sir,
This is to certify that M/s. S N Swra
P.Subramaniam & Bro, and they have been sev Kekirawa.
The above firm has lost properties worth of a Cars, Rice Mill, shop Building, dwelling house Now for them to rehabilitate their business they need a Bank loan of Rupees Fifteen lakhs
I hope the Bank will assist them to the exten business. I also shall provide them with whateve for Kekirawa.
Kekirawa - 523 Rees Kekirawa 547 off Colonto 404 A
Dscandsr, 19
an & . s.
they have be at ke kirara
xtent that nas.
nfully i
* asoas
GD.Mahindasoma. Members for N.S.A, Kekirawa.
23rd December, 1977
nrajah & P.S.Nadarajah are both partners of M/s. rerely affected during the recent communal riots at
bout Fifteen lakhs of Rupees. That is, Lorries, Vans, at. All buildings are badly damaged. they need Capital. I have come to understand that to enable them to restart the business. t that is possible to enable them to re-establish their r help as a Member of the National State Assembly
Yours faithfully, se ب ---------۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ جوم ۔۔۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
ܐܶܬ݂ ܵ ܘܗ̄.܀ ܨ ܨ 21 ** ܡܼܲ ܨܠ܊ .*
3, ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ۔۔۔ . . بدت * أن نة في ":" " : 4 : جعية ... "...A
ది డి 33 ల.
Page 36
0&osCsesffos Masrí a
stasakrdo 3ss) w ۲۰۰۰ سه با
ممه 43, 894 ༣ 4a }
* 4ęadał - 44s aan Name Ay. Main J Kee MK
--పి-- 8-daná ag ägt 3D-s Pglwsia ymwnwy aas al: ARAWAKWFly RotApp ;:. es's Gweinweddiw , Vives
s al முடிதம் 7 bessoet }路 sað - R- t*
- SAY - étha. Jarat
The Managar Bank of Ceyloa, Anuesdaeleas
This is to cdrtify that Vs. 8.N. Swarnarajah and P. S. Nadiarajah aro both partiralors of
As P. Subramanisa and Brother and have been sever affected during the recent occuumal riota, at kakirawa
I hopo the Bank of Coylon Willi aasist the finanoially to their mazinua in order to reliabilitat LLLLLL LLLLLLLLS tttLLLLLLL LLLLCCC LLLL LLLL LLG LGL0L0L Lics.
I will also be helping theu as a Minister wd whatever asaltance thOy Abeda
ി - Vr ܚ .
E.L. B. Hurtall9. NISTER OF CULTURAL. Arras,
The Manager Bank of Ceylon, Anuradhapura.
This is to certify that M/s.S.N. Swarnara P.Subramaniam and Brothers and have been sev Kekirawa.
This firm has lost properties of several lakhs ( etc.
I hope the Bank of Ceylon will assist them f their business. I understand they need about Ruy
I will also be helping them as a Minister wit
sa Oada usatsana a Mawrathe
Mswell f
Mry. 197e
. . .
ab et as
212, Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo-7 's ''
6th January, 1978
jah and S. Nadarajah are both partners of M/s. erely affected during the recent communal riots at
lf rupees which include shop buildings, lorries, vans
nancially to their maximum in order to rehabilitate lees Fifteen Lakhs.
h whatever assistance they need.
Page 37
The Secretary, - Commission of Inquiry into August disturbar 11 1/2 Sir Sittampalam Gardener Mawatha, Colombo. . . . . "
!! Dear Sir,
We the undersigned P.S.Nadarajah and S.N.S. sion that during the disturbances which occured M/s P.Subramaniam & Brother was totally destro with five other partners was our only means of business in any other place. " " ' "
This Business was established in 1902 by m small scale. Later, stage by stage by his hard Wor was able to expand in many divergent activities people of the area. In spite of what occurred in reputation we established during the last seventy nizations and persons listed in Annex 1. . . . . .
The business is housed in two storeyed buildi rupees four million were totally destroyed. Detail the loss is two fifth of total loss, which amount to to Messers Tharmalingham, Chelliah, K. Karuna
Our main business is distribution, purchase o tion of gingilly oil. List of the firms represented in Annex 3. The people of the area have left wit for safe custody which we intend to repay as early the purchase of local produce. A loan of four lakhs has been repaied after the incidents to maintain ( been paying our income tax, wealth tax B.T.T ta burnt. Reference could be made to our income ta) B.TT file no: 17/B-17/544/7. Also I am annexing Annex 5.
An extract from G.C.I.B report from Jaffna pc annexed.
14 January 1978.
wrnarajah beg to bring to the notice of the commisin August 77 our business establishment named oyed by arson. This business which was carried on ivelihood as we don't have any other branches for
y grandfather P.Subramaniam and his brother in a k and the co-operation of the people of the area, he which were of mutual benefit to the firm and the August 77 we are still proud of the goodwill and seven years. This could be verified from the orga
ng and this building and all other assets worth about s of the losses are shown in Annex 2. Our share of rupees 1.7 million. The balance three fifth belongs moorthy, V.Kandiah and Mrs.Sivapragasam.
flocal produce, rice milling, transport and producby us in Kekirwa and our other activities is shown h us totalling nearly two and a half lakhs of rupees 7 as possible. We have also paid an advance against obtained by us from Bank of Ceylon Anuradhapura our good reputation. Please see Annex 4. We have x promptly. All the relevant documents have been K file no: 82/9000-A/17 and 82/9000-C/17 and also , the auditors statement of our accounts. Please see
lice of a statement made by Mr.N.Sivapragasam is
Page 38
On the day of the incident 18". August 1977 w not know in which way the incident started. How of Kekirawa the details of the incedents & the pe give evidence in front of the commission to prest
We are in urgent need of financial assistance use for the following.
Rebuild the damaged building........... Rebuild the damaged Rice Mill .......... Equipment for shop building............. Equipment for mill......................... Vehicles: Two lorries
Three Vans
Two Cars ............ is s 6. To pay the creditors............................. 7. To restart the business (loss in trade)........
We sincerly hope that your good self wi pensation for the losses described. Until this comp to obtain an interest free loan of rupees 1.5 millio: to meet our liabilities.
to s Thanking You
Annex I
1. M.P. Kekirawa. 5. R 2. A.G.A office - Kekirawa 6. Po 3. Town Council - Kekirawa 7. M 4. Post Office - Kekirawa 8. M
Annex 2
Building Name “ SUBRAMANIAM MA Building Name “SUBRAMANIAM MII 3. VEHICLES DAMAGED & BURNT CC 1. AUSTIN LORRY 24 Sri 6451 ......... 2. AUSTINA-60 VAN 33 Sri 7609....... 3. AUSTIN 1300 MARINA- Brand new
4. PEUGEOT 403 Car 5 Sri 9639 . . . . . . . . .
were both in Colombo to purchase goods. We do
:ver people we were later informed by the public ople responsible for the trouble. I am prepared to nt more information.
o compensate for our losses, which we intend to
LSLLS SLSS SLSL LLLLL SS SS S SS S SS C SSS SS S0S S SSS SS0SLS Rs 814.206.90 w w 8 Rs 105,661.90 « a «» « » o a 4 w II va Rs 150.000.00
-- - - - - totaling Rs 780,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - a Rs 250,000.00 w a s a a oo so RS 1500,000.00
ll examine our appeal and help us to obtain comensation is paid we humbly request you to help us which we need to restart the business early and
Yours faithfully, N Swarnarajah, PS Nadarajah
Lilway Station - Kekirawa lice Station - Kekirawa P. Horovapothane & Kalawewa Mihindala P. Madavachchi
HAL Estimated valuetoday. RS 800.000.00 LS' Estimated value to day. Rs 150,000.00
. Rs 175,000.00
|ot registered ........... Rs 150,000.00
...Rs 55,000.00
Page 39
Consisting of One Ruston Hornsby E One Chanpa separ One Somasiri polis Five Petter Engine Japan Huller English Polisher Pipe Lines & Wate Spare parts & acce
5. Capital Loss in Trade :
Cigarettes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Gingilly seed 825 @ 400/- R Mustard seed 730 (a 300/- R Kurrakkan Seed 800 O 80/- R Paddy Seed 1248 (a 100/- R SUNDRY ITEMS ........... - - - - - - - - R
6. Rice Mill Stock :
Paddy in soaking tank 240 Paddy in Boiler tank 90 Parboiled paddy 120 Rice milled paddy 300........
7. SUNDRY CREDITORS...................
8. Bank Loan ...................................
9. Dwelling House of partners & employee
10. P.S.Nadarajah's .... personal goods .....
Аптех 3
. M/s Ceylon Tobacco Company Ltd . M/s Lever Brothers (Cey) Ltd., ... M/s Levis Brown & Co Ltd ..., . M/s Union Carbide (Cey) Ltd., . M/s Darley Butler & Co Ltd., . Ceylon Nutritional Food Ltd., . E.B.Creasy & Co Ltd., . Hunter & Co Ltd., Vijiya Tiles Ltd.,
ngine 66 hp O
7.5 h.p
Tanks sories OTAL WORTH TO IMPORT E 9762.00
(Approx.) Rs 300,000.00
s. 350,000.00 s. 330,000.00 s. 219,000.00 S. 64,000.00 S. 124,800.00 S. 500,000.00
OTAL LOSS IN TRADE Rs. 1587,800.00
Page 40
10. Kelani Tyre Corporation. 11. Sri Lanka Tobacco Industries Corpo With all these we are the main producers of g continuously six families depending on us for oil
Rice millers: We had been supplying good rice areas on credit. We help cultivators in this areas b
Lorry transporters: We are the main lorry trar fairly reasonable rates.
Purchasers : We purchase local produce like produce in this areas at reasonable price.
Аптех 4
Bank Of Ceylc
Partner, M/s P.Subramaniam & Bro Kekirawa.
Dear sir,
O/D RS 4
This is to certify that the above facilities grantec have been setteled in full as at 18 October 1977. 22785/60 in credit.
orl7 egoco3.jesszess. &Dels see ee3esapeab aerobeef exeoɔSd 1977 ge.faya, Fibaresif tıpg9 arkusg661'dir
ஆகக்குழ соммissoN оE Nолку пNто AuксsЕР уп мcрвмгs
會 荃} مشيخة zz--}
has hao Vass ļ, fossakask. oga
兹} 17th de tobar, 1978.
P. Subratasaraia Rađarga3fath & 8e Kuruzapasiềðy tippas»
zoase sire,
0 LLL LL0Ltt rLHL LtLL LLL LLL LLLLLLL the receipt of your latter dated 12th instant and to infan you hat apart from thyn gy1denco arcadly lod at Jaffnak en the subject watter of yesur letter, he will not haar hany further swidence in regard to coopeasations.
The copy of your latter windor reference seat to ELLLLL LLL LLLL tttLLL CLkLkLLsL 00L LLLL LL Lr CCLLLS
Your faithfully,
tion. gelley oil by CHEKKU method. We are having rushing throughout the year.
milled in our mill to good customers in Kekirawa
giving advances to their need.
porters in Kekirawa, we give lorries on hire for
Mustard, Gingelley, Paddy, Kurakkan and all the
In Anuradhapura
Ref : TMM/RAV8h December 1977.
100,000.00 No. 88
s και και , έ,
. . . . .
i by us to M/s P.Subramaniam & Bro., Kekirawa The balance as at 8.12.77 in Account No 88 is
Yours faithfully signed
Page 41
Kekirawa al
(1) Mr. S.Kanagasabai was the the Police Station on 18 August, he Brothers, while the police watched b ings in his quarters and went to Ana thing had been stolen, resulting in hi
(2) Mr. N Sivapragasam was M. Kekirawa and his wife was a partner and uncle and was the largest busines much good work for the benefit of t about 75 yards from the Police Statio his mill was about 1/4 mile away. Lo 18 August. His house and shop wer jungle. Lorries had been parked in th and burnt that morning and all the p. were his vehicles. He estimated his l
(3) Mr. C. Ramachandran, Acco was stationed at Kalawewa about 10 minating in regard to the effect of r put into circulation. When he went to chases, the Land Officer's wife told three policemen had been shot in Jaf he came to Talawa he heard that 10 Iluppallama, the number of police sh
ind Kalawewa
Ciss... 子婷
Station Master, Kekirawa. When he was at saw a large crowd looting the shop of P.S. ut did nothing. He left his personal belongIradhapura. Next day he heard that everys savings of 30 years being lost.
anager of the firm of Subaramaniam & Co.,
of it. It was founded in 1900 by his father is establishment there. He said he had done he people of Kekirawa. The business was n and his house was behind the shop, while oting of the shops began on the morning of a set on fire so he and his family fled to the e mill premises. The mill was also attacked arked lorries were destroyed by fire and so osses at 44 lakhs.
untant of the Mahaweli Development Board, miles from Kekirawa. His evidence is illu
umours and their rapid growth when once Anuradhapura on 17 August to make purhim of trouble having begun there because fna. He started his return journey and when policemen had been shot at Jaffna; at Maha ot had risen to 13. On his return to his camp,
Page 42
the Project Manager, Mr. Ladduwahetty a formed that they could not come as they Kekirawa Police came there at about 8.30 witness said that S I Gunaratna and all th constable told him "my sister, brother anc my family, I will become a dangerous mu to leave the Station by 5 a.m. he went Subaramaniam's shop where 15 of thems on fire. He said that S.I.Gunaratna came th who was in that shop. S I Gunaratna also c 6 a.m., being sober by then. The witness to the police station being looted. When disperse the looters, he replied. "we have gees. If I spend all the ammunition, I will
At 11 ama message was receivedt Anuradhapura to Kekirawa. From that time it to the air, the entire road was cleared and 15 persons. The A.S.P. (not Chandra Mend cleared. The witness and his party were take entirely, and his loss was about Rs.7,000 c
(5) Evidence was given with regard ti gust morning while they were parked in th Kekirawa.
(a) Witness V.Sridharan said that he tr No. 24 Sri 3205 and parked it in those pri 18" morning, he and his companion Kirupak He heard later thar Kirupakaran and 4 othe not found. Goods worth Rs.75,000 were lo
(b) Witness Sinnathangamma said that of lorry No.24 Sri 3892). He and the lorry di spent the night of 17 August in those mil the 18" morning they both ran into the ju but her husband, S.Rajaratnam, was not set was burnt. She heard that her husband had
(c) Witness E. Kandasamy was the clea longed to S. Poopalasingham and was dri was parked in those mill premises on the when the mill was attacked he ran into a fi He later learnt at Kekirawa that both Sinna and he informed the police about that. Poop: The lorry was burnt. The bodies of the mu widow, Sellamma, mother of 3 young child pensation and assistance.
ced the Army to come there. But he was inad not been permitted to use firearms. The .m. and took them to the Police Station. The constables at the Station were drunk. One mother are in Jaffna. Something happens to ierer'. As one of the constables asked them lith the assistance of a Tamil constable to ayed, but about 3.30 a.m. that shop was set are and arrested a person with a tin of petrol led them back to the Police Station at about saw Subaramaniam's shop which was close e told S I Gunaratna to fire in to the air to o safeguard the Police Station and the refunot be in a position to safeguard you'
at A.S.P. Chandra Mendis was coming from the Police became active 3 constables fired from 10,000 the crowd was reduce to 10 or is) came at noon and ordered the town to be in to Anuradhapura. His quarters were looted r 8,000.
o 3 lorries which were burnt on the 18 Auhe premises of Subramaniam & Co. Mill at
avelled with 3 others to Kekirawa in lorry 2mises. When the mill was attacked on the aran and the other Tamils ran into the jungle. rs had been killed: Kirupakaran's body was oted from the lorry.
he was the widow of S.Rajaratnam, (owner iver TThurairajah had, along with the lorry, | premises. When the mill was attacked on gle. TThurairajah later returned to Jaffna, in again, nor was his body found. The lorry been murdered in the jungle.
ner of the lorry No. 24 Sri 6427 which be'en by K. Sinnarasa. He said that the lorry ight of 17 August. On the 18th morning, ld and eventually found his way to saftey. asa and Poopalasingham had been murderd asingham left a widow named Sinnammah. idered men were not found. K. Sinnarasa's en, also gave evidence and asked for com
Page 43
a goodjace
The Gazette of the Democratic
a 20119-1982 áê 15 No. 2019 - TEU
PART III Land Acqui
, MENT) ACT, No. 28 OF 1964
... Notice under Section 7 -
* ጆ * Reference No. 1A7/5/70,
l hereby give notice, under sub-section (1) of section 7. of the Land Acquisition Act, as amended by the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act, No. 28 of 1964, that the Government intends to acquire ... the following lands which is required for a public purpose :-
Description of the Lands to be acquired:- - All that 9 allotments of lands in extent 0.2522 Hectares described in Supplement No. 7 to F.V.P. 864 prepared by the Superintendent of Surveys, Anuradhapura on behalf of the Surveyor-General situated in MALAWA village in Tulana No. 65A Grana Sevaka’s Division in Kekirawa Divisional Revenue Officer's Division in Anuradhapura District in North Central Province. , * Particulare of allotments:
Lot No. 265 . Name of and : Batuhera Dambula Road Assessment No. 30 ; Description: Remaining portion of a half burnt permanent building and its compound; Claimant's address: P. S. Nadaraja, Kurusiddi, Telipalai Extent: 0.009 Hectare, Lot No. 266 t
Name of and : Batu hera Darnbulla Road Assessrnefnt a No. 32 ; Description: Remaining portion of a half burnt permanent building and its compound; Claimant's address : S. Thiagaraja and N. Swarnaraja, Kurusiddi, Thelipalai; Extent : 001017 Hectare.
Lot No. 26 .
Name of land: Batuhena Dambulla Road Assessment No. 34; Description: Remaining portion of a half burnt permanent building and its compound; Claimant's Address: P. S. Nadaraja, Kurugiddi, Telipali; Sctent : 0.01.04 hectare. في في أنه فة . " ."
Lot No. 268
Name of land: Batuhena Dambulla Road Assessment No. 36; Description : Remaining portion of a half burnt permanent building and its compound; Claimant's address: Kandaiya Karnamurti, Kurusidii, Telipalai; Extent: 0.01014 Hectare. ' . .
sôo caóở63 Szoð ogo
SDoca ao . . Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka AORDINARY,
වැනි බ්රහස්පතින්දා-1(G2.07.15 В8DAY.лULY 15. 1982
(والتماسه و - LANDS
sition Notices
Lot No. 269.
Name of land: Batuhena Dambulla Road Assessment ... No. 38; Description: Remaining portion of a half burnt permanent building and its compound; Claimant's address: N. Swaprakasam, Kurusiddi,. Thelipalais; Externt ; 0,01012, Hectare. ,
Lot No. 270
Name of land: Batuhena Dambulla Road Assessment No. 40; Description: Remaining portion of a half burnt permanent building and its compound; Claimont's address: N. Sivaprakasam, Kurusiddi, Thelipalai; Extent: 0.01009 hectare. í
Lot No. 271
Name of land: Batuhena Dambulla Road Assessment No. 42; Description: Remaining portion of a half burnt permanent building, and its compound; Claimant's address: P.S. Nadaraja, Kurusiddi, Thelipalai; Extent: 0.01034 Hectares.:
· Lot No 272 : si : *
Nanne of land : Batuhena Dambulla Road Assessmen No. 42/1 ; Description : Garden contains broken parts of 2 lavatories and a part of a æÑ; 2. coconut trees 30 years; Clairhant's address: N. Siwapraka sam, Kurusiddi Thelipalai; Extent: 0.17490 Hectare.
"Lot No. 273..."
Name of land: Batuhena Dambulla Road Assessment No. 42/1 ; Description: Gardent contains a part of a broken lavatory; Claimant's address: Encroached by N. Siwaprakasam, Kurusiddi, Thelipalai; Extent: .0113 Hectares.
All persons interested in the aforesaid lands are hereby required, to appear personally, or by agents duly authorized in writing, before meat No. 65, A.G.S's office on the 22nd day of September, 1982, at 10 a.m. and are hereby requested to notify to me in writing (in duplicate) on or before the 28th day of August, 1982, the nature of their interests in the lands particulars of their clairns for compensation fer the 'ဖြိုးမွို of the said lands, the àmount of compensation and the details of the computation of such amount,
. . . . . . . ." K. D. S. NANAYAKKARA,
Acquiring Officer, Anuradhapura District.
The Kachcheri
Anuradhapura, 82.06.02. 7-284 న •
Page 44
The Hon. The Prime Minister, Colombo
Honoured Sir,
- - - - - P.Subramania Losses suffered durig
I beg to lay the following facts for your kind My grand father, Mr P Subramanian and his gradually built up the business by re-investing r who followed them did likewise. There were in a lishments suffered damage and at the time all the 35 years old. The building and the stock in trade would be rupees five million. :
Our business establishment which was only a was set fire to on 17th August 1977 when a curfe pletely burnt and the building badly damaged. O driven to destitution. Since then we have not ret their late stages of life, they find it extremely dif have a heavy load of responsibility. I can rehabil have not received assistance in any form from an
I therefore appeal to you to consider our case form of compensation or at least an interest free lo Over a period of about 25 years.
I may mention in this connection that we had party to which fact the present and past MPs of
"Thanking you, Honoured Sir,
Copied to Cabinet Ministers Details of damaged and completely burnt
1. Eight (8) Vehicles: (1 Lorry + 4 Delivery
2. Buildings: Subramania Mahal (Business E
Subramania Rice Mill - 1 Dwelling Houses Three (3).
3. Stock in trade: Includes Gingelly, Mustard,
G.L.Peiris M.i?
Kurumbasiddy Tellippalai 17th August, 1982.
n & Bro. Kekirawa . August, 1977 Disturbances
and sympathetic considerations:
prother started business in Kekirawa in 1902.They host part of their earnings into it. Then their sons Il five partners (including me) at the time the estabpartners except me were past sixty years. Iam now : at that time according to a conservative estimate
stone's throw from the Kekirawa Police Station w was in force. The entire stock in trade was comvernight the five partners and their families were urned to Kekirawa.As most of the partners are in icult to embark on new ventures. I am young and itate myself if some finance is available. So far we y Source.
very sympathetically and grant us early relief in the ng term loan repayable in easy instalments spread
been throughout loyal to your government and the North Central Province will vouchşafe,
I remain, Yours faithfully,
ans + 3 Cars).
Paddy Cigarettes and Sundry goods.
Testament of A Dispossessed
Page 45
KB Ratnayaka Mr Speaker
19 July 1996
Hon. Nimal Siripala de Silve, MP. Minister of Housing, Construction and Public Ministry of Housing, Construction and Publi “Sethsiripaya”
My dear Minister,
I enclose a copy of a letter written to me by M long-standing business at Kekirawa till he left th 1980's. He was not merely an honest businessm: able way towards the welfare of the community.
I shall be grateful if you would sympathetica to help him. SS SSS0SSS SSS SSS S SSS S SDSSS
Thank you, Yours sincerely,
صعلمچ ایسے ھتھیاستRعہ K.B.Ratnayake S P E A K E R
19 juky 1??%
Nine Siripal de Silva, M.P. w
gi နှီးမျိုး coastrxxioe and Pl: likes, Mayol Hak Construction and Publik Urkes, *sechsärprys“,
My der binister,
ses riwwe se by Mr. s NS-7* Sri Kākāindis uniforumate cirkonstrumateries dke 1997. He via so*, mirely sia
wo erstributed a a
y ede: his శాూజ జీad do lify wild sympathetics his ewything possible to be sin.
Thankyo, Youss Sisserely,
Mr. S N Swarnarajah. He had a well established and e place under unfortunate circumstances during the an but also a person who contributed in a consider
lly consider his requests and do everything possible
Page 46
Her Excellency the Hon’ble Chandrika E President of the Democratic Socialist Rei Temple Trees,
Colombo 3.
Through: Mr. K.Balapatabendi P.C., Secretary to the President
Your Excellency,
Appeal For A H
l regret very much that I have to crave fol criminatory treatment meted out to me and th me. I have undergone severe financial and pr munal riots and violent ethnic conflict that ha
Without any communal prejudice and bia district of Anuradhapura. The business was un My late grandfather established this business doing well until the fateful day on 17 August
Under the cover of a full day curfew w in trade and my belongings and the building Rupees million 44 which included the value vehicles, a dwelling house and the entire Sto form until this day for the loss sustained in some relief.
To add to my woes, the then government "silvagahena' where our business concern w; The necessary documents and the deeds with
Subramaniam Nadarajah Swarnarajah, 5, Inner Vandervert Place,
July 15, 1999.
andaranaike Kumaratunga, ublic of Sri Lanka,
umanitarian ASSistance
your sympathetic consideration of the unjust and dise untold hardships and unbearable losses sufferred by
pperty losses during the last twenty years due to comve engulfed Sri Lanka.
s, I was carrying on the business at Kekirawa in the der the name and style of P. Subramaniam and Brother.
concern in the year 1902. This business concern was 1977.
ich was in force on 17 August 1977 the entire stock ere looted and damaged.The total loss approximated of a building 'Subramania Mahal', a rice mill, eight k in trade. No compensation was paid to me in any
977, though l have made various attempts to obtain
f Srilanka in 1980 initiated action to acquire our land situated. The extent of the land was eighty perches. surveyor plan are enclosed for your perusal please.
Page 47
In 1982, the then government acquired this la 15.07. 1982.
I am very sad to mention that until this day,
(i) No compensation was paid to me for the (ii) This particular land is not utilized by an (iii) This land is in dreg state in the middle o
Even after this colossal loss I sustained at Kek place of Kurumbasiddy in the Jaffna District. Th and Military Base. I obtained a bank loan of on (A/C No 519) to start this business in small scale
Unfortunately the entire residents of this villag to vacate our birth-place in the year 1987 due to members and I were displaced and started residing in Province. The entire business concern in my native of the Sri Lankan security forces.
After 1995 November our family left the North above address. I have three sons who are still bei
I have lost all my wealth and I am sick now anc Source. My application to give me back my land in the Ministry of Lands. However, there has been ar necessary divesting order, by the proper authority. kindly advise the necessary Ministers or officers c. necessary gazette notification and hand over my lai any further delay, I would be able to re-establish m my family on my own. One of the commercial banl business provided. I tender them collateral propert order of the ownership of the land is causing me a
Once again, in the name of fair play and justic the necessary Ministers or officers concerned to e own 'Sinnakkara' land without further delay.
I shall ever be grateful and thankful to you fo doing justice to one of the country's dedicated citiz without any racial, religious or caste concerns.
Thanking you. Yours faithfully,
{ "fܐܫܒܩܝܡܟ¬ܫܝw`>
nd by extra-ordinary gazette notification 201/9 of
land acquired. government institution for any purpose. Kekirawa Town. - -
rawa, I established afresh a business at my native s village is in close proximity to Palaly Airport million from Bank of Ceylon-2" Jaffna branch in the year 1980.
e, including our family members were compelled Military Operations. From that date my family different houses from time to time in the Northern place Kurumbasiddy is still under the occupation
tern peninsula and had settled in Colombo at the ng educated.
suffering without a permanent income from any Kekirawa has received favorable response from 1 inordinate and unexplained delay in making the I shall ever be grateful if your Excellency could oncerned to make the divesting order, to give the hd to me at an earliest date. If this is done without y business concern and rehabilitate and look after ks has agreed to lend me money to commence my y as security. The delay in making the divesting nd my family heavy financial hardship.
e I humbly appeal to Your Excellency to request xpedite the divesting process and hand over my
expediting the performance of a lawful act and 2ns who has worked for the welfare of the people
Page 48
Minister of Justice
Deputy Ministe
Hon. Maithripala Sirisena. MP Ministry of Mahaweli Development 500.T.B Jaya Mawatha
Colombo 10
My dear Minister,
I annexe hereto an appeal dated July 15, 1 held recently at Mt.Lavinia by Mr.Subramani Place, Dehiwala with regard to the divesting o I shall be glad if this matter is expedited sir great deal of hardship since 1977.
Yours sincerely, i Prof GLPeiris
Minister of Justice, Constitutional Affairs, Ethnic Affairs and National Integration
Cooy, to: Mr.Subananiam Nadarajah Swar
Secretary, : Ministry of Agriculture and Lands,
Re-Allocati Letter No. L/14/athpath/H/07 of 22.07. 1999 Authority, requesting to reallocate Lots No. A.
of Surveyor General, situated in Malawa in Kek is sent herewith
Letter dated 31.08.1999 of even number add Hon.Minister of Mahaweli Development, requ
Please act accordingly
(Translation of Sinhala original)
G.L.Peiris M.P.
nd Constitutional Affairs and of Finance and Planning
Aug 23 1999
99 which was presented at the 'on the spot service' am Nadaraja Swarnarajah of No.5 Inner Vandervert
his property at Kekirawa.
ce the applicant states that he has been undergoing a
2.09, 1999
bn of block of lands
submitted to Director General of Sri Lanka Mahaweli 3,C,D,E,F,G&H depicted in Plan No. A/A/79 of 139 rawa Divisional Secretarial in Anuradhapura district
ressed to Hon.Minister of Agriculture and Lands by sting to re-allocate these lands is sent herewith.
Sgd/ Thilak Ranawiraj Secretary,
Mahaweli Development Ministry
al Testament of A Dispossesse
Page 49
The original draft of the intro MrSwarnarajah to the final docume long struggle to regain his lost la
MrSwarnarajah found elsewhere in t SE abovementioned final document
Minister of Lands, Ministry of Lands Battaramulla.
Honourable Sir.
I am tendering this appeal to Your Honour to title deeds for the crown land situated along Ma possession of my grandfather Poothapillai Subram a long term since the late thirties.
I was doing business along with my father business from his father (my grandfather) Pooth business concern in the name style of Ms P Subr in existence since 1902.
In the 1977 ethnic violence this business con full day curfew was in force. The incident took pl for the looting and torching were never brought
I do not wish to elaborate on this incident w thinking people like you, but your Honour is fre dents from this area as to what extent our busines of the communities living in the area and the rev may also get reliable information with regards to ness concern from any member representing the
After the riots we were forced to vacate the village in Jaffna, which is situated along the so camp. I attach a separate file showing the destri and the damages caused to our properties includi
After we vacated the Kekirawa area in 1977, three of our shops that escaped the looting and d. for all the three shops while the AGA of Kekira rent rate in the Kekirawa town was a minimum ( was paying me Rs 3,000 as rental for the three s
I received a very short notice from the BMC immediately close down the branch and thus wa forth.
ductory letter written by the late tation prepared by him as part of
ds. The handwritten notes of late S Memoir have been taken from te
tion done by him in 2003/2004,
oothapillai Subramaniam Nadarajah Swarnarajah PSN Swarnarajah)
Inner Vandervert Place
lehiwela 9.11.2003
consider my request favourably and issue me the in Street Kekirawa, which allotments were in the aniam and my father Subramaniam Nadarajah under
Subramaniam Nadarajah, who took control of the apillai Subramaniam, who was the founder of the amaniam & Bro.'. This business establishment was
cern was fully looted, damaged and burnt while a ace on 17 August 1977 and the culprits responsible before justice.
hich might hurt the feelings of even the few righte to check and verify from any of the senior resis establishment had contributed to the development vard paid to us in the form of ethnic violence. You the devastation caused to my family and our busiKekirawa electorate in Parliament.
area and moved out to Kurumbasiddy, our native thern boundary of the Palaly airbase and military Iction caused to the entire village, Kurumbasiddy, ng the dwelling houses and my rice milling indus
the Building Material Corporation, which occupied struction, continued to pay us Rs 3,000/= as rental wa confirmed by his letter in 1996 that the market f Rs 5,000/- for a single shop. However the BMC hops all together until October 2003.
in late October this year, stating that they wanted to nted me to take over the keys of the shops hence
Page 50
Now I wish to utilise this building and land cial Bank in Sri Lanka and obtain a long-term
After we were forced out of our village in 1" are currently living in a house bought with assi
Amidst all my difficulties, I never obtained Government of Sri Lanka or any other source, relatives, I was able to educate my three sons an completed their education and are working in re
Though I have done my duty towards my
or any of my relatives, who have already ren ficult times. All what I request from Your Hol compensation for the injustice done to me or tl I earnestly request from Your Honour is only a entitled to ask for. It is only a request to direct th the shops which have been given to us on leases several others.
I have been informed that the necessary doc already been sent by the Government Agent Anu for further action.
I firmly believe that Your Honour, whom I ve. process in the country and towards ensuring the ri consider my request favourably and take action t loss caused to my family and myself, at least to a
My sole aim is to re-establish myself and earr a house in Colombo in close proximity to a Hin living in my own house without depending on any and will realise that my request is not unreasonabl. die in a piece of land belonging to myself, as the erties that belonged to me had been either destroye of high security zones.
I eagerly await a favourable response from Yo
Yours sincerely
PSN Swarnarajah
keep as security in a suitable respected Commerin to re-establish my business in a small scale.
0 and again from the Jaffna peninsula in 1995, we ance from my siblings who are living abroad.
red cent as compensation or free-grant from the nd with the grace of God who acted through my bring them up to a level. My three sons have now uted organisations.
hildren, I do not wish to depend on any of them ered enormous assistance to me during the dif. our is also not any kind of special assistance or e damages caused to my business concern. What
act which I consider rightful and to which I am : relevant authorities to issue me the title deeds for veral decades ago, as has been done in the case of
ments pertaining to this buildings and lands have adhapura to the Lands Commissioner in Colombo
y much respect for your commitment to the peace ghts of all communities living in this island, would ) remedy the great injustice done and the colossal
certain extent.
sufficient money to acquire a small apartment or du Temple, so that I will have the satisfaction of 'one else. I hope you will understand my position, 2, in that, I only need to live the rest of my life and acres and acres of lands and the number of propi or currently occupied by the military in the name
ur Honour.
Page 51
எந்தையும் தாயும் மகிழ்ந்து குலா முந்தையராயிரம் ஆண்டுகள் வாழ்ந் சிந்தையில் ஆயிரம் என்னம் வளர் வந்தனை கூறி மனதில் இருத்தி வ
N * W
பிருந்ததும் இந்நாடே அதன் து முடிந்ததும் இந்நாடே
து சிறந்ததும் இந்நாஅேதை
புற வாழ்த்தேனோ
Page 52
Kurumpasiddy, once a well plannedc trict, bounded on the North by the Airpo East by the Vayavilan Madhya Maha Vic tion, considered to be the strategical locat as the Tamil militants, had been the target frontation between the armed forces and thus became the worst affected deserted, nate that the people of this village had to able sufferings for no fault of theirs.
The army unmistakably found they w rightly identified the border between the ger to them for the militants could make u installing equipments to shoot down plan militants fortified themselves, digging deep motor units and erecting sentry points. T camp and also aerial bombardment at rar attacked with rockets and shelling. Thus Ku field where both sides tested their strengt places of safety elsewhere in the district.
There had been no cultivation for the p the huts burnt down and the entire livestc coconut and palmyrahs had been felled to c WOOden almyrahs, asbestos and tin sheets construction of bunkers and sentry posts. U full use of the entire wealth of Kurumpas A radius of 1000 metres from the air the Government of Sri Lanka in March 1 pretext of acquiring a large acreage of la the area required for the extension progral of the residents were chased out of their h The worst and the final attack took pla pied this village, opened up mini camps a Pillayar Temple and 35 houses and chased the atrocities of the Army 22 lives were lo It was only after signing of the lindo - assess the situation.
We observed that 276 huts were com costing over Rs. 5 - lakhs were erased to and about 240 houses partly damaged. ( selves at Kurumpasiddy and about 500 fa The famous Muthumari Amman Temple h able and expensive Chariot burnt. The Pil
it and picturesque village in the Jaffna dist inclusive of the main army camp and the /alayam, because of the geographical posion by both the army high command as well pf several military operations since the conhe militants began in 1983. Kurumpasiddy and most devastated village. It is unfortuundergo immense hardships and innumer
ere safe within the camp from all sides but airfield and Kurumpasiddy a potential danse of same as their base for their attacks, in as and prevent Helicopters low flying. The trenches to prevent the movements of army he army retaliated shelling from within the 1dom day and night. The militants counter rumpasiddy had been on and off, the battle h. Hence the residents of the area left for
ast 3 years and the lands are barren with all ock missing except their carcases. Bearing onstruct bunkers and doors, windows, beds, have been ripped from houses also for the ndoubtedly, the Sri Lankan army has made ddy for their own safety and protection. ort had been declared a Security Zone by 986. Prior to this. in January 1986, on the ld at Kurumpasiddy the Army announced nme of the Airport. In one day about 90% omes as refugees by heli-firing. ce on 26 - 03 - 1987 when the army occuVayavilan Madya Maha Vidyalaya, the all the residents out of this village. Due to st at Kurumpasiddy. Sri Lanka Peace Pact that we were able to
letely burnt or destroyed. 77 houses each he ground by the use of heavy equipment nly 75 families are able to re-settle themhilies have absolutely no dwelling places. s been erased to the ground with the valuyar and 7 other small temples have been
estament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 53
Kurupapasiddy, once a well plannedout and picturesque vi North by the Airport inclusive of the main army camp a Widyalayan, because of the geographics position considered t bigh command as well as the Tamil militans had been the confrontation between the armed forces and the railitants beg worst affected deserted, and most devastated village. It is unfo undergo immense hardships and innuaerable sufferings for no
The array unmistakably found they were safe within the border between the airfield and Kuruapasiddy a potential dat same as their base for their attacks, in installing equipments low flying, the militants fortified themselves, digging deep isotor units and erecting sentry points. The army retaliated bornbardment at random day and night. The militants cou Kurumpasiddy had been' en and off, the battlc field ve here s residents of the area left for places of safety elsewhere in t
There had been no cultivation for the past 3 years and down and the entire livestock missing except their carcases, to construct bunkers and doors, windows, beds, wooden almy from houses also for the construction of bunkers and Seatry made full use of the entire wealth of Kunimpasiddy for their
A radius of 1000 meters from theairport had been decla Lanka in March 1986, Prior to this in January 1986, on the Kurumpasiddy the Array announced the area required for the day about 90% of the residents were chased out of their hom
The worst and the final attack took place on 26-03-9 sp mini camps at Wayavian Madya Maha Vidyalaya, the Pil resident out of this village. Due to the atrocities of the Arn
It was only after signing of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace We observed that 276 hats were coapletely burnt or destroyed, 7 erased to the ground by the use of heavy equipment and families are able to re-settle themselves at Kurumpasiddy dwelling places. The famous Muthumari Amman Temple has and expensive chariot burnt. The Pittayar and 7 other small Post Office, highways, electrical installations are destroye Purpose Co - operative Society and most of the grocery store
It is not easy to assess the value of the lost articles at saving and valuable collections.
it is three years for some who had lost their home;
Who are the Good Salaritans forthcoming to help
of their dear, old, cherished but now deatroyed hones. hept for the future.
President -39s
severely damaged. Libraries, Post destroyed and the school is in shamb. and most of the grocery stores have t It is not easy to assess the value o as they are age old savings and valua It is three years for some who had Who are the Good Samaritans fort appear daily in front of their dear, c a melancholic countenance and with I
N. RATNAM 1 President
slags in the Jaffna district bounded on the ld the East by the Wayavian Madhya Maha o be the strategical location by both the array target of several military operations since the an in 1983. Kurumpasiddy thus, became the rtunate that the people of this village had to faut of theirs,
amp from all sides but rightly identified the ger to them for the militants could make use of to shoot down planes and prevent Helicopters tretches to prevent the movements of army saelling from within the camp and also aerial iter attacked with rockets and shelling Thus both sides tested their strength. Hence the Le district
the lands are barren with all the huts burnt earing coconut and paimyrph had been felled abs, asbestos and tin sheets have been ripped posts. Undoubtedly, the Sri tankan army has
own safety and protection.
'ed a Security Zone by the Government of Sri pretext of acquiring a large acrease of land at entention programae of the Airport In ooo es as refugees by heli-firing.
37 when the army occupied this village, opened ayar Temple and 35 houses and chased all the y 22 lives were lost at Kurumpasiddy.
pact that we were able to assess the situation. 7 houses each costing over Rs. sia Lakhs were about 240 houses party damaged. Only 75 and about 500 families have absolutely no been erased to the ground with the valuable temples bave heen severely damaged. Libraries di and the school is in shambles. The Multi } have been broke opem and iooted.
ld other village properties as they are age - old
and jobs.
hese unfortunates ones who appear daiły id frəat with a assianebolic ooaatenance aad with ao
Office, highways, electrical installations are les. The Multi Purpose Co-operative society
been broke open and looted.
f the lost articles and other village properties
ble collections.
lost their homes and jobs.
h coming to help these unfortunate ones who ld. cherished but now destroyed homes, with
no hope for the future
nal Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 54
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O SWARNARAJAH The Persona 4.
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Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 55
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estament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 58
SWARNARAJAH The Persona 4.
Page 59
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Page 60
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Page 61
مس - هیمالمنفع ص ۱۲ک ا ཞུ་ཆེ་༦གི་རྩལ་ཐདི་ صیہمل\۔ <عA گے کلمہہمعے\ک سے \ سس රැළ R \ 钨 S " حجم جسيما
ܐܢܐ \ マV< て WN U°
Testament of A Dispossessed Man వ్లో
Page 62
Documents of int.
juridigal significan
properties in Co
“I would say that relocating the IDP finding alternate lands for them is n
- Mr.K.Ganes
“In these circumstances the Coul resulting in the alleged infringeme rights and causing considerable fi State be resolved by efforts being placed, subject to the conditions th
- The Supreme Court of the Democ
“It's not the sort of compensati erty. Turkey is still liable for Lc enjoy her p
-Attorney General
national local and
elating to civilian
from this High Security Zones or ither practicable nor desirable'
l, Government Agent of Jaffna.
t is of the view that this matter ht of the Petitioner's fundamental nancial and economic loss to the made to resettle the persons disat have been specified by Court'
atic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
n where the state gets the propzidou's continuing inability to roperty”
f Cyprus Alekos Markides in 1998
Page 63
SC FRApplication No. 646/2003
In the matter of an application under Article 12(1) (2) and 14 (1) (g) (h) read with Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Mavai Somasuderam Senathirajah, 16 (30), Martin Road Jaffna
Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga Minister of Defence 1515, Baladhaksa Mawatha Colombo 00300
Ranill Wickramasinghe, Prime Minister, Sir Earnest de Silva Mawatha, Colombo 00300
Lt General Lionel Balagalle, Army Commander, Army Head Quarters Colombo 00300
Major General Parami Kulathunga, Commander, Secutity Forces (Jaffna), Army Head Quarters
Palaly, ജ്
Page 64
ක්රික් දේනම් அதிபர்/மாவட்ட செயலர்ளர்
ment Agent / District Secretäry
రండి தான்லபேசி 021-2222235 eð Telephone 2352s ලේකමි fජැක්ස් LIL G Quáš5řů S021-222 2355 - IDIONILL - olöfuIISOē Fax V E.mail: gajaffnag)sitnet.lk District Secre
Բ գg {}
صة تحية يسة
Registered Post
Hon. Chief Justice and other Hon. Jud Colombo 12.
Supreme Court Fundamental Rights A NOS, 646/2003 and 533/2004
My report is as follows
Application No. 533/2004 applicant Ka
It was explained to him on 25 August, 2 see whether any alternate formula could be that he was a farmer who knows no other Vox lands for cultivation which is highly produ come, had put up a house from his income dignity. For no reason he had been ejected fr tinue his cultivation and is made a destitute. ) lands and recommence cultivation and live lands anywhere else or accept compensation
ARAJA The Persona
මෙග් අංකය
எனது எண் GAJJF My No.
ඔබේ අංකය உமது என்
.c. Your No(ی%معرومoGcs, cونکSo ый), шпрiuштGхотй). နှိုးနှီ } 20.03.2006 tariat, Jaffna.' te
Sippillai YogeSWaran
2005 that the purpose of the meeting was to found to resolve the matter. His position is ration other than cultivation. He had his own ctive red soil. He was getting sufficient init considerable expense and was living with Om his house and is being prevented to conHe wants to get back to his house and to his with honour and dignity. He will not accept
Page 65
Application No.646/2003 Applicant Ma
Mavai Senathirajah, MP was also expl; the discussion at length. He said that in wo eration would have to be given not only to ents who are caught up in this High Securit this Application challenging the legality of only for himself and to his family but to he that any alternative formula should be equal Singled Out for any special treatment.
His position is that there is no valid law c prohibit him and others from resettling in t sion. Under these circumstances, he is not ag or compensation and his request is that he
This High Security Zone in Valikamam ject matter of the two applications, covers 5 was considered to be one of the most produ income. On the north it was by sea and the percent of the population had been farmers about 30 percent were depending on fishing in their homes, deprived to their livelihood; dry ration provided by the State which is together. They have their historical places of the departed souls. They are very much att the displacement permanent by offering alt I discussed the matter with the Divisional and checked up the relevant records as well divisions are caught up in the High Security families consisting of 65,756 members. Dis 1983 and it was complete by about 1990 J The District has the largest number of II other High Security Zone in the District. A
Vai SOmaSundaram Senathirajah
lined on 1 September, 2005 the purpose of king out any alternative formula due considhis grievances but also to that of his constituy Zone and similarly circumstanced. He filed he High Security Zone not to get any benefit lp others also who stand forcibly evicted and ly, applicable to them. He doesn't want to be
irregulation that authorizes the respondents to heir own lands in the Valikamam North divireeable to accept any alternate land elsewhere )e permitted to go and live in his own land. North Division, legality of which is the sub3.5 square kilometers of fertile red soil which Ictive areas in the north in terms of yield and fishing industry was very lucrative. About 60 depending on cultivation for their living and . The people stand denied of their right to live and forced to live for the last 15 years, on the hardly sufficient to keep their soul and body worship and sea coast to perform last rites to ached to their lands and any attempt to make arnate lands will only complicate matters.
Secretaries in whose Divisions this HSZ falls . According to the records 36 Grama Sevaka Zone resulting in the displacement of 15,482 placement has been taken place in stages since
ՈՇDPs with the number who are displaced from t present 20,365 families stand displaced, out
Page 66
of whom 1679 families consisting of 6386 by the State and rest are with their friends ar tunity have left the country.
The Government is also compelled to tions at a cost of Rs. 36 million per mont and embarrassed by protests and demonst highly desirable for the smooth functionin Taking into consideration the above sai finding alternate lands for the IDPs of this following reasons.
It is not practicable because even if the alternate lands Outside the HSZ, there are for to provide alternate lands for the resto were farmers and know no other vocation other wise maintaining them will be a bur were engaged in fishing also demand facil Considering the above and the long ten an environment could be created and the negotiating process. This could only be ac of permitting resettlement in stages withol the same time guaranteeing civilian's basic
Government Agent/ District Secretary, Jaffna District K, GANES -
Governinent Agent : District Sct.
/ oeuvá \ TRCJE copy
... "...e. soversionednegotdirba CHIEF i Esi K (courts Branch suPREME court
persons are living in 50 welfare centres maintained the others. Few who could have had the oppor
ook after these families by providing Dry Ra. The District administration is often disrupted ations. An early resolution of this problem is g of the district administration.
concerns, I would say that relocating them or HSZ is neither practicable nor desirable for the
e two petitioners are persuaded to and offered no lands either state or private that is available the IDPs. As stated above 60 percent of them ther than faming and they will demand lands, len on the State. Similarly the 30 percent who ities to commence their economic activity. ninterest of the country, my suggestion is that confidence of the IDPs built for a successful hieved by Seriously considering the possibility It compromising the security concerns and at
human right.
Testament of A Dispossessed Man
Page 67
SCFR Application No. 646/2003
BEFORE: Sarath N Silva, C.J
Nihal Jayasinghe, J N.E.Dissanayake J
K.Kanag-lswaran P.C., with M.A.Sumanthiran 646/2003
A.Vinayagamoorthy for Petitioner in 533/200
S. Fernando, D.S.G., for Attorney General
Mavai Somasunderam Senathirajah 16(3)Martin Road, Jaffna
1. Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumaratunga Minister of Defence
2. Ranil Wickremasinghe, Prime Minister
3.Lt. General Lionel Balagalle, Army
Commander, Colombo
4. Major General Parami Kulathunga Commander Security Forces (Jaffna)
5. Hon. Attorney General
for Petitioner in
Page 68
Counsel to ascertain from the Petitioners and per agreeable to re-settle within the area on a written i) they would submit themselves for inter Security Forces to establish their identit evant particulars; ii) that they would form into Citizens Com way imperiled in the area due to any ar iii) engage in agricultural and other activitie
and the relevant authorities; IV) not claim the dry rations provided by th
When the matter was taken up today, Counse are prepared to resettle on the conditions that hav they have tendered their requests in writing contain Secretaries. The persons who have indicated their list of the persons was furnished by Counsel to C General.
In these circumstances the Court is of the view the Petitioner's fundamental rights and causing co resolved by efforts being made to resettle the pers specified by Court.
The DSG has agreed to furnish the said list to ti District Secretary.
The Court directs that immediate steps be tak willingness to re-settle on the conditions that have b bonafides. Interviews to be carried out by the Dist of the Security Forces as may be nominated by the The names of the claimants could be published claims be referred for appropriate legal action.
Thereafter the Secretary Defence and the Distric re-settlement could commence and the names of th Since economic activity has to take place afres persons who are being re-settled in order to ensure Registrar is directed to forward a copy of the pi Jaffna.
Mention for further orders on 2
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true no.SCFR 646/2003, filed of record in this Court.
ns who have been displaced whether any of them are
ssurance given by them that
w by the District Secretary and representatives of the claims to the particular portion of land and other rel
hittees and ensure that the Security Forces are in no ed or terrorist activity; as may be agreed upon between the persons re-settling
submitted that 7456 families have indicated that they been indicated by Court. Counsel also submitted that ng the assurances referred to, to the respective District villingness are from 33 Gramasevaka Divisions. A full urt. A copy was also furnished to the Deputy Solicitor
that this matter resulting in the alleged infringement of hsiderable financial and economic loss to the State be ons displaced, subject to the conditions that have been
le Secretary Defence and also to communicate with the
en to interview the persons who have indicated their
!een laid down by Court in order to be satisfied of their rict Secretary or his representative and representatives : Secretary Defence.
i in the office of the Grama Sevaka and any disputed
it Secretary would indicate to Court the areas in which e persons who would be afforded such facility. h necessary facilities should be made available to the optimum returns. oceedings to the Secretary Defence, District Secretary,
copy of the journal entry dated of 8.5.2006, in Case
Page 69
The above application has been filed by a Mem ing an infringement of his fundamental rights guar, of the Constitution by being prevented from taking forced to vacate due to military activity in 1992.
The Petitioner wrote to the respective authoritie return to his property. The alleged infringement is half of the Commander of the Army which states th is located within the "Palaly High Security Zone.” The Petitioner has pleaded that such a High Se any operative Emergency Regulation. Several othe Considering the implications of these applications occasions to facilitate resolution of the alleged infri their lands.
Administrative relief was thus granted to some nated.
„When the matter came up on 18.7.05, Mr. Vir submitted that the security limit be restricted to the about a settlement of the matter.
The Court then directed the State to obtain inst retary, Jaffna, Mr. K. Ganesh, on the proposal that port be submitted by Mr.Ganesh as to the number of plained of by the Petitioner. This action was taker filed the application not only on his personal behalf eral adjournments were granted for the Divisional
The Report 20.3.2006 of the District Secretary that the District Secretary had discussions with the F ment on the basis of alternative land being provided cess is not feasible since according to District Secr out of whom 1679 families consisting of 6386 pers( State. Others are living with friends and some have The Report states that the "High Security Zone described by him as being of fertile red soil most p The report also states that to the north of the Zone i. industry carried on. About 60% of the population c engaged in the fishing industry.
The Report further states that for the past 15 y hood and are forced to live on dry rations provided by the District Secretary As being 36 Million perm State has been incurred a huge expenditure of Rs 3 dry rations to the persons who have been displaced In addition to the matters stated in the Report it Factory, being the largest cement plant in Sri Lanka the past 15 years, resulting in a tremendous econon Considering the matters stated in the Report wi
per of Parliament representing the Jaffna District alleginteed by Articles 12(1), 12(2), 14(1)(g), and 14(1)(h) possession and living on his property which he was
including the then President requesting permission to In reference to document P8 dated 5.1 103 sent om beut his request cannot be accommodated since the house
:urity Zone has not been established under any law or r applications have also been filed on the same basis. he Court adjourned hearing of the matters on several ngement by the persons being permitted to re-settle on
of the Petitioners and those proceedings were termi
1ayagamoorthy, Counsel in the connected application area occupied by the Forces in 1990, in order to bring
uctions from the Security Forces and the District Secwas made. Subsequently the Court directed that a Repersons who have been displaced in the manner comsince the Petitioner has specifically pleaded that he but on behalf of others similarly circumstanced. SevSecretary to submit his Report.
addressed to the Chief Justice. The Report indicated 'etitioners and that they are not agreeable to any settleor compensation being paid. In any event such a proetary at present 20,365 families have been displaced, ons are living in. 50 welfare centres maintained by the
left the country. '' in Valikamam North Division is located in an area roductive in the North, in terms of yield and income. s the sea area where there was a very lucrative fishing lisplaced had been farmers and about 30% have been
ears these persons have been deprived of their liveliby the State. The cost of providing dry rations is stated onth. Thus, apart from the matter of displacement the 6 Million per month for the past 15 years to provide
has been also noted that the Kankesanthurai Cement l, is also within the zone and has been abandoned for nic loss to the country as a whole.
hen the case came up on 27.3.06 the Court requested
Page 70
A Note on the ca. TURKEY [Europea
Rights (40/1
Loizidou wins comp
IN a case of "historic import awarded Greek Cypriot Titina Loiz lands in Kyrenia since 1974.
The court ruling last night coul cases against Turkey. Loizidou's law against Turkey could run into billic
Speaking at a press conference nounced, Cyprus Attorney General importance”.
He said the European court had enjoyment of her property', to C30 was entitled to C20,000 in moral d COStS.
“This is the end of a judicial pri
The European Court of Human F ings that the applicant had suffered : which was imputable to Turkey, th under Article 50.”
Article 50 of the European Con legal person is entitled to the peace
The Loizidou Vs Republic of Tu in December 1996, the European C lated Loizidou's rights by denying
Almost a year later, in Novem whether Turkey should pay compen the 1996 ruling and the new court practical compensations, he said.
Loizidou's lawyer, Achilleas Den have a hard time not compensating
Court of Human
nsation from Turkey
ince', the European Court of Human Rights has idou compensation for Turkey's occupation of her
be a landmark in opening up hundreds of similar yer said that if that did happen, compensation claims ns of pounds
yesterday, soon after the court decision was anAlekos Markides said the decision was of "historic
decided Loizidou was entitled, for "prevention of w )0,000. In addition, he told a news conference, she amages and a further C137,000 to cover her legal
ocess which began in 1989" said Markides.
'ights judgement stated: "In view of its earlier findin unjustified interference with her property rights, e court considered that it should make an award
'ention on Human Rights states: Every natural or ul enjoyment of his possessions.
rkey case was filed in 1989 and seven years later, urt of Human Rights ruled that Turkey had vioer access to her property.
er 1997, the court reserved its final decision on sation to Loizidou. Yesterday Markides described erdicts as landmark decisions'. "We now have
etriades, told the Cyprus Mail he felt Turkey would is client. "In the event that Turkey does not pay,
Page 71
one will have to seriously conside Europe member state in order to enf said.
He said that these steps woulc state and that “these assets should immunity and should be susceptib
He also suggested that Turkish of this enforcement'. Asked to eva ing, Demetriades said he believed else in Loizidou's shoes to file a p
Given that there are approxima from the 1974 war, Demetriades e tion for Turkey as "somewhere in
For his part, the Attorney Gene exonerate Turkey's continuing viol in the north. "It's not the sort of c. property. Turkey is still liable for L her property,’ he stated.
Markides pointed out that the F committee was now obligated "to to her property.' The committee is
Asked whether Turkey would b Attorney General simply said that conforming with an European Col is no precedent for this.”
The Attorney General also exp had been based on estimates of the not since 1974, since Turkey did 1 diction until 1990.
According to Markides, the Eu to Turkey and not the Turkish Re does not recognise.
The ruling is seen as giving th tially considerable leverage in Euri in the event that Turkey does not a
Cyprus Mail: News Articles in En Courtesy : HR - Action website. h
SWARNARAJAH The Personal Testament
r taking legal action in a Council of orce the court judgment”, Demetriades
be directed at Turkish assets in the have no protection through diplomatic le to execution."
Airlines might be the "subject matter luate the significance of the court rul“the road is now open for everyone etition to the Council of Europe.”
itely 200,000 Greek Cypriot refugees stimated the total cost of compensabillions of pounds'.
ral made clear that the ruling does not atioh of Greek Cypriot property rights ompensation where the state gets the aizidou's continuing inability to enjoy
5uropean Union Council's ministerial force Turkey to give Loizidou access
set to convene in September.
e forced to compensate Loizidou, the "no state has so far managed to avoid rt of Human Rights decision... there
lained that the 300,000 compensation property's land value since 1990 and not accept the European courts juris
ropean court attributed responsibility public of Northern Cyprus, which it
e Cyprus government what is potenopean diplomatic circles, particularly bide by the court’s decision.
glish, 98-07-30 ttp://www.hr-action.org/
Page 72
The following article appeared in the Cypru Angelos Marcopoulos from Strasbourg.
CoE COnSultationS COn Turkey to comply with
The new President of the Cour are continuing at the ministerial l CoE Human Rights Court in the (
“This is a very delicate issue b judgment which is not negotiable Weekly in an exclusive interview
"These consultations do not am
Philip however admitted that a ters he had decided to postpone co meeting of the committee until ne: ing on.
Informed sources told The Cy certain friends of Turkey to circum right to enjoy her property in the o for the loss of use of her property,
The Court also ruled that the b a subsidiary administration of Tur
Turkey has been refusing to in to get around it through a series o
The CoE Council of Ministers tolerating this situation for over a y Turkey to implement the judgmen
"The Court has the last word, t execution of the Court's judgment
But he gave no indication of w comply with the judgment. Turkey in its expulsion from the CoE.
This is believed to be the reas sions. Turkey's friends are anxiou taking any action on the issue'
inue over forcing Loizidou Case judgment
cil of Europe admitted this week that "consultations' vel over the implementation of the judgment of the ase of Kyrenia refugee Titinal Loizidou.
ut whatevėr is decided cannot contradict the Court’s l.” Gerard Philip of Luxembourg told The Cyprus yesterday.
ount to negotiations over the judgement' he stressed.
s the new President of the CoE Committee of Minisinsideration of the Loizidou case during this month's xt month, "in view of the consultations that are go
prus Weekly that there is mounting pressure from vent the Court's judgment. This recognized Loizidou's ccupied north and ordered Turkey to compensate her
reakaway statelet is illegal and is nothing more than key, the occupying power.
nplement the Court's judgement and has been trying f proposals that would in effect negate it.
, which is a political, and not a legal body, has been rear and has been refusing to take any action to force t.
he Committee of Ministers is competent only for the ”, Philip stressed nevertheless.
hen the Committee might decide to force Turkey to 's continuing refusal to do so may eventually result
on for the intense political behind the scenes discusto avert such a development and keep postponing
Testament of A Di
Page 73
நவில்கின்றோம் நன்றிகள்.
07-06-2006 அன்று காலமான எமது கு சுவர்ணராஜா அவர்களின் மறைவுச் செய இறுதி அஞ்சலி செலுத்தியவர்களுக்கும் ( மூலமும் நேரிலும் தங்கள் அனுதாபங்க எங்கள் மனத்துயரை ஆற்ற உதவியவர்களு புரிந்த உறவினர்கள் நண்பர்கள் எமது ெ அனைவருக்கும் எமது இதயபூர்வமான நt
அன்னார் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டிருந்தகாலத் சிகிச்சையளித்த வைத்திய நிபுணர்கள் வணக்கத்தையும் நன்றிகளையும் தெரிவித்
மேலும்.அன்னாரின் அந்தியேட்டிக் கிரி சாந்திக்காகப் பிரார்த்தித்தவர்களுக்கும் உள்ளக்கிடக்கைகளைத் தாங்கி வெளிவரு கவும் பதிப்பிக்கவும் உறுதுணையாயிருந்: மனமார்ந்த நன்றிகள் உரித்தாகுவதாக.
சுவர்ணராஜா குடும்பத்தினர் 09-07-2006
Our Sincere thanks...
We, the members of the Swarmarajah fam deep gratitude to all those who paid their la floral tributes and helped in numerous ways
We also wish to thank our relatives, neig who cared for him during his illness.
Last, but not least, we appreciate the Sup associates and friends of the late Mr. Swarna
Members of the Swarnarajah family 09-07-2006
Edited, Compiled and Layout D swARNARAJAH The Personal
டும்பத் தலைவர் அமரர் திரு நடராஜா தி கேட்டு நேரில் வந்து அன்னாருக்கு தாலைபேசி, தந்தி, தபால், மின்னஞ்சல் Dளத் தெரிவித்து எமக்கு ஆறுதல் கூறி நக்கும், பல்வேறு வழிகளிலும் உதவிகள் தாழில் நிறுவனங்களின் சக ஊழியர்கள் ர்றிகளைத் தெரிவித்துக்கொள்கின்றோம். தில் மிகுந்த கரிசனையுடன் அவருக்குச் அனைவருக்கும் எமது தாழ்மையான துக்கொள்கிறோம். யைகளில் கந்துகொண்டு அவரின் ஆத்ம அன்னாரின் ஞாபகார்த்தமாக அவரது ம் இந்நூலை உருவாக்கவும் வடிவமைக் த அனைத்துப் பெருமக்களுக்கும் எமது
ily, wish to express our sincere thanks and st respects, sent messages of condolence, at the time of our grief.
hbours, friends and especially the Doctors
port and assistance extended to us by the ajah in bringing out this Memoir.
signed by ECWays (Pvt) Ltd.
Dispossessed Man .
Page 74
29eny A د حمـــا ܠܝܙܟܙ ཆ་ ー しいマー
ー つ 12\\NVDQ2\d- لا للم کس\\ل\ --سسداد \\ کسی
تعمیح سے elܫܗ ܕܝܫܝܢ كحالاصط
all Testame 4. 圈
nt of A Dispossessed Man .
Page 75
Page 76
Page 77
ce of CB1
3. =
எதுதுக்கிறதோ அது நன்றாகவேநடக்கிறது இ எது நடக்க இருக்கிறதோ அதுவும் நன்றாகவேநடக்கும் பன்னுடையது எதைஇழந்தாய் எதற்காக அழுகிறாய் 'எதைகொண்டுவந்தாய் அதைஇழப்பதற்கு
எதைபடைத்திருந்தாய் அதுவீகாவதற்கு
#எதைந்எடுத்துக்கொண்டயோ அது இங்கிருந்தே எடுக்கப்பட் இதைகெடுத்தயோ அது இங்கேயே கொடுக்கப்பட்டது
அதுதானைமற்றொருவருடையதாகிறது மற்றொருநாள் அதுவேறொருவருடையதாகும்
பகவாள் ரீகிருஷ்னர்
Whatever happened, has happened nicely Whatever happening is happening nicely hatever is going to happen, will also happen nicely. What did you lose that you owned தி Why are you crying KATIK What did you bring to lose What did you bring to go to waste Whatever you took was taken from here Whatever you gave was given from here 影 What is yours today becomes another's tomorrow a
Radifferent day that belongstoyet another person
This change is the order of the World. 、 |භගවත්ගීතු0ෂිව් සාරය
· (წgუiუქტუ) - (යමක් සිදුවූයේදී ద్విరీది శ్రీ) යමක් සිදුවෙමින් පවතියි.දඹුනීවීන්ම එය සිදුවෙමින් පවතියි. 46,
යුමින් සිදුවිණ්ඨයන්ෂින් දීම,භාවිෂ්ම එය සිදුවිශේෂියේය. ජූද්)
ඍඨඅයිතිවඩ්බීඅයිමීව ගියේ කුමක්ද?" | ඔබ කුමක්ඨ නම් හඩන්නෝයි ද? =
|% නිyකිවිණි.ඔබගොනු ආර්ග කුඹුක් ද? " ().
ඔබගන් යමක් ඇද්දස් දෙයමෙහිදීම ගැනීඝලද්දකි."
ಹಾಜರಿದಿಪತಶಿಲೆ ಆಡ್ತಿ ಅರಿತಿ§ಅಛಿ ಆಡ್ಲಿ...
రెడ్డి విగ్రిడ్జి తెలిశిలిచి విశిష్
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