கவனிக்க: இந்த மின்னூலைத் தனிப்பட்ட வாசிப்பு, உசாத்துணைத் தேவைகளுக்கு மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்தலாம். வேறு பயன்பாடுகளுக்கு ஆசிரியரின்/பதிப்புரிமையாளரின் அனுமதி பெறப்பட வேண்டும்.
இது கூகிள் எழுத்துணரியால் தானியக்கமாக உருவாக்கப்பட்ட கோப்பு. இந்த மின்னூல் மெய்ப்புப் பார்க்கப்படவில்லை.
இந்தப் படைப்பின் நூலகப் பக்கத்தினை பார்வையிட பின்வரும் இணைப்புக்குச் செல்லவும்: 10th Anniversary - National Library and Documentation Centre

Page 1

݂ ݂ ݂

Page 2

Page 3
10th Anr
1990 -

} È

Page 4
剑 10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentatio
National Library and Documentation Centre 14, Independence Avenue
Colombo 7
Sri Lanka
Telephone: 941 698847,685199 Fax: 941 6852O1
E-mail: natlibGò slt.lk Webpage: http://www.slt.lk/nlib
(c) National Library and Documentation Centre. 200
ISBN 955-8383-02-3
National Library of Sri Lanka - Cataloging - in - F
National Library and Documentation Centre
10th Anniversary: 1990-2000: National L Documentation Centre / ed. Upali Amarasir National Library and Documentation Centr 73p.;29cm.
ISBN 955-8383-02-3
i.0275493 DDC 21 ii. Title
iii. Amarasiri, Upalied. 1. National Library-Sri Lanka 2. Libi
Design and Script - Upali Amarasiri
Computer Typesetting - Chandima Palihawadene
Sujeewa Prasad Heenkenda
Manel Chandani
Photographs - Somasiri Kasturiarachchi
- Dhammika Gamage
Cover - Sri Lal Nanayakkara
Print - Tharanjee Prints, Nawinna, Mah

'ublication Data
ibrary and i.-Colombo : e, 2000
rary Science

Page 5
Message from HE the President
Message from the Hon. Prime Minister
Message from the Hon. Minister of Education and
Message from the Chairman, National Library and
Note from the Director General
National Library Collection
Reader Services
Bibliographic Services
Documentation Services
Information Technology Services
Conservation and Preservation Services
External Relations
Cultural Activities
Organisation Structure

10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
Higher Education 7
Documentation Services Board 8

Page 6

Page 7
Message from HE the President.
It is with pleasure that I send this message oil the Oc National Library and Documentation Centre (NLDC
Library, documentation and information services play a of the contemporary World. Hence, the National Li should be in a position to Collect and Conserve 1111 i bibliographic, documentation and informaticIl disse'|| un precedented development in the field of informatic) village. CoIIII unication technologies have iTprove effects of distance. Colliputers with was inform revolutionised the traditional role of libraries,
During the pas six years olIr GoverIIITleT1thasin Westcd infrastructure. We have taken a number of steps to S to every sector of the country. While encouraging new library sector. I have allocated Rs 10 million from the P. of the National Museuil library collection, which i libraries are being developed under the GEP-2. Project My Government has also enacted new legislation. Services B():ırd ACL of 1998 [Çı moderTı ise a l ld sLTıcılıg
The National Library and Documentation Centre whi also s Liccessfully ca Tried ou || 1 || LI I Inber of biblic ogrl|| Compilation of the current and retrospective lational Periodica | Article Index, Nationa | linion Catalog LI; academics, researchers II1 d stLIIdents (of e.V. 'Ty disci|| Nutional Library have been lilrgely automated ITid 1l ROMs and other IT facilities from its reading IO Ins
While appreciating its activities and services during
|}}cuIllentation {el1[re al| Ille best f{}f the T{1|LITe.
Chaldrik Banda rin:Like Kumarat Linga PI":sil*h [

- 罗* மிழ்ச்
:casion of the IOth anniversary celebrations of the ".
In extremely important Tole in development Eictivities brary as the apex organisation in the library field onal literature and also take the leadership role in lilation activities. Today We live in the midst of an Il technology that has LIIIled the World into a global d and continue to improve thereby minimising the ation storage capabilities and the Inlet Ile have
heavily to develop the country's telecom Illullication read the access of colliputer and other IT facilities V technologies, we have not forgotten the traditional resident's Fund for the conservationald pre:ser'w:Ali ()]] s the largest in the country. Four thousand school of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. including the National Library and Documentation then the library services of the country.
le providing reference facilities for researchers, has olhicc zırıd documleritution projects a t inillic Ilal lice well. bibliographies. Initional Newspaper Artical Index, K LLLL LLLLLLCL LLLLLL SLLL LLLL LLLLaa LLLLLLa LLL line. I am glad to note that the functions of the le public is able to hawe access to the Internet, (CD
g the past decade I wish the National Library and

Page 8
Message from the Hon. Prime
I consider it a pleasant duty to Scind this message offe the IOth anniversary of the National Library and D.
The Ceylon National Library Services Board Wils e. Look I ho ini Ilia [iwe [...] establish the National Libor :L y co. effort We Illallaged LC secLire assistance: froIII UNES UNESCO consultant architect. With the assist: Ice of the modern National Library building. We have to land froIn the old racecourse premises a Lld gave the
I am delighted to note that the National Library and El peix library in the CCLIII || ry during the pils L l () y call Services halve contributed immensely to education al
| wish the National Library ald Documentutio11 Cer handles and those to be Lindertaken in the future.
Sirima wa R D Bandaranalike Pr: Mist:

licitatical (II this solemn occasion when We celebrate XCLIITTEIl til tio II (CCIC.
stablished in 1970 and at that time my Government sf Sri Lanka Under 1lle new Board. AS i result of Our CO for planning the National Library building. The of local counterparts, was responsible for the design |lay. My goveITIIllent illso allocalcd il prille piece of Ilccessary suilds for the construction of the building.
Documentation (Centre has established itself als hic "S. Its reference, hibliographic and documentation
Eld research activities of the country.
itre every success in the many activities it presently

Page 9
Message from the Hon Ministe and Higher Education...
National libraries have increasing responsibilities in the developing countries. As a result of the rapid developi technology, libraries: Illinsorillation centres have imp and higher educatio II,
Therefore. I Look the initiative Leilact the National L 5 of 1998, which gave wider powers and responsib Services Board and for the first time clearly spelled Library. This legislation also helps Sri Lankal to hal ye all long the Asia-Ocenia region.
The National Library and Documentation Centre (N library has carried out a number of major bibliograp Services during the last 10 years, Illust specially
retrospective national bibliographics which arc cons Documentation projects Such as the National Linion, C. Index. Directory of Goverri Innent Publications and Pe Vid i II i Ilforilla Liol services of the countTy are som NILI).
Through its Illany services the NLDC attracts researc the general Lublic. I a III glaud L ( 1 tot e tilla L the Natical publishers, government and private sector organisati have already taken steps to build a second III Ich large NLDC. I hope that the new auditorium will be availa
I wish the NLDC and its 10th year celebrations all si
Richard I'aithirafla Minister of Education and Higher Education McIliber of Parliament for Galle District

ær of Education
2 library and in for nation field both in developed and mentin Elle are:As of communication and information Ort:LIlt roles to play in every field including education
ibrary and Documentation Services Board Act No, ilities to the National Library and Dec III en La Lion Out the powers and Tesponsibilities of the National Oile of the Inost Inodern national library legislation
TDC) in addition to being an excelleIll reference hic. do CL||Tlentation and information dissemination Illention the compilation of both the current and idered a nong the best in the Asia-Pacific region. atalogue, the Newspaper Article Index. Conference riodical Article Index which fulfil a long-standing e of the other important projects executed by the
illers, Writers, publishers, students, academics and Library auditoriu II is in great demand by authors, Ils and hence, is Ole of the busiest in Colombo. I I auditorium with more up-to-date facilities for the ble for public use by 2(X)|.

Page 10
Message from the Chairman, National Library and Docum
The National Library Lind Documentation Centre ( Services Board (NLDSB) completes 1 () years of se other Asianco||Iltries Sri Lanka hadala te start in est Llecades after independence to inaugurale this lugu:
During the past decade both in Iny capacity as the closely associated with thic activitics of the NLDC it hive of activity, The collection development work information retrieval and dissemination activitics a Te of the Thatici mal collection1, its tidiness and clea Inliness The Sri Lanka National Bibliography published by |he country is considered to be one of the best nati NLDC has also commenced the main moth task of covering the period 1737 (the year printing was i covered the period up to 19 (). This is indeed a no
The National Union Catalogue Project covers the c Tesult it researcher is able to scruti Ilist all these col Tıle'wspapers alını d gco Veri 1111-ci il pLiblication s. ilıtel"la tik LLLLLLLCLS 0T LSLLLSLLLLL La LLaaaLLLLLLL LLLLLL NLDC.
In the recent pasta. In Limber of steps halve been take The new National Library and Documentation Sery NLDC and also provides the institution with adequat instit Lltiol.
It is my pleasant duty to thank the professional staff My Special th: Ilks Lild appreciation go to the Direct. als Well as the res | c of the staff for their pic Fleeting a I () years. This has resulted in not only providing a bul, has alsø giver a firIn foundation to the NLDC

entation Services Board
NLDC) of the National Library and Documentation rvice to the country on 27 April 2000. Compared to ablishing a Ila Licinal libralty and it took imoTc | han foLIT st institution.
Chuir Emman. NLDSB and as someone who has been from its inception, I have witnessed the NLDC to be bibliographic services, documentation services and doubtless of international standard. The organisation i dra WP:Tais e froIII1 lational and international Visitors. he NLDC containing details of latest publications in onal bibliographies in the Asia-Pacific region. The publishing the Retrospective National Bibliography Introduced to the country) to 1963 and has already Ill IIllental achievement.
ollections of 54 major libraries in the country. As a lections from the NLDC. The indexing of national 31:1 standard Ilumbering projects, library automation Ins are some of the other praiseworthy services of the
1 LC) i Imip" ) W: A Id expand lle activities of the NLD. ices Board Act of 1998 has given a legal base to the e powers alıcıl Tesponsibilities to function a s a modern
of the National Library and Documentation Centre. ir (eneral. Mr M S UT ATTlur siri, Hecalds of divisicals, ld dedicated service to the institution during the last Wide array of services to researchers and the public 1) Which future developments car filly take place.

Page 11
Finally I wish to thank the Hon. Minister of Educati various ways during his tenure as the minister and for information field. I must also thank the Hon Deputy and other senior officials of the Minist Ty, Ille B3: Till i advisory committees of the NLDC for their assistan
Henry Sal Tararla yake Chairm;
Na Tree, The Natio W
Botnicil mille: MIt

| Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation (CCII LITL
on and Higher Education for helping the NLDC in the keen interest take in developing the library and Ministers of the Ministry its well as the Secretary of DiTec (dors of Lille NLI) SIB Il cd Lle Ithellbers of the: ce and co-operation.
Il Tree of Sri Laka "SLI.a Nagassariu III 1

Page 12
剑 | Oth Anniversi ry: National Library and Documentation C
Note From the Director Gen
The ()" anniversary of the National Library and back at the performance of Lhe institution critically the Ilational needs and international trends,
When the Sri Lanka National Library Services BC Library of Sri Lankal became its principal project. namely obtaining approval of the Cabinet for the pr construction of the building, taking over sole natic the Legal Deposit Law Lo build up the national co equipment, obtaining approval for the cadre and Tec Library building took an unexpectedly long peric soundation for the National Library.
During the first decade of its existence the Natic obtailing the Iecessary legal base for the National services ala high level. I Lmpleased lo stile that b
The cinactment of the National Library and Docum achievement of this period. In this act the responsi clearly spelletl (ou L.
A brics account of the Organisation and activities of the publication. The difficulties faced by the instit The Illain obstacle was the scarcity of trailed pro WhcIl COIllpared Lil lumber of other libraries, the |professic) hal s Laff. As a Tucsul ( [he i Ilsti Lu Lion was positions. Although the Government has taken a reasoils beyond its control it has been unable to sc)

է:IլIT է:
DOCUIllentation Centre is an appropriate time to look and pla. Il fu [ LITE' progrįLITLI miles Laking into consideration
1:4 rd Was Sc| up in 1970), establishment of Ille National The initial period was spent on preliliary activities, oject, acquiring the land for the building, planning and Ilal library functions from other institutions, allending llection, acquiring the necessary library fu ITiLLIre and ruiting staff. Although the construction of the National d, this can be considered as the time which laid the
inal Library concentrated on two main aspects, viz. |Libral Ty zırıdırganising the library and maintaining its Oth these objectives have been successfully achieved.
entation Services Board Act No. 51 of 1998 is a major bilities and functions of the la Lional library have been
if the National Library is found in the following pages tion during thisperiod ought Lobe specially Incilioned. pfessional staff. Due to the disparity of salary scales National Library failed either to attract or retain senior Lilable to fill more than 60% of senior professional Ill IITiber of remedial actions in the recent past, due to lve the problem in its entirety.

Page 13
Preservation of the national literature collection is co library. When national libraries are established or re national collections of the country to the national libra in 1948 the Calcutta Public Library which possese National Library and similarly the British Museum 1974. Contrary to this in Sri Lanka the major nati Library when it was established. Though this was a well. Printing of books was started in the mid 18th ce are scattered in a number of leading libraries in the tropical climatic conditions and other preservation cha Library, the entire financial and professional resourc on the preservation and conservation of the collecti collections has been decentralised and the National I of drawing attention of the respective authorities on
Consequently the National Library has had the oppoi institution building activities. The major functions bibliographic, documentation, conservation and IT established. The current and retrospective nationalb carried out by the National Library have been consi
At this memorable occasion of the 10th anniversary contributed towards the establishment of this instit contributed to this national venture it is somewhat mention should be made of the former chairmen Messers W M A Warnasuriya (1971-1976), UDIS M J Perera (1981-1982), Sugunadasa Athukorale ( 1 did yeomen Service in planning and laying the ground 1975) and N Amarasinghe (1976-1988), the first ty immensely to the establishment of the National L Consultant Architect designed the building. The Na and Mr Stephen Parker, presently Executive Directo The members of the governing board, staff of the in Ministry of Education and Higher Education in off project in numerous ways. The present Minister of Pathirana took the initiative to enact the new Nation and to construct a new auditorium.

है। 10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
onsidered to be a primary responsibility of a national 'organised, it is customary to link the existing main ry. When the Indian National Library was established d the largest national collection was named as the library was amalgamated with the British Library in onal collections were not linked with the National setback for the library this had a positive effect as ntury in Sri Lanka and the major national collections country. As most of the material are affected by the lenges, had these collections come under the National es of the new institution would have had to be spent ions. At present the responsibility of protecting the library only performs an advisory role in the process the existing preservation problems.
tunity to establish itself firmly and to concentrate on of the national library including reference, national application in library activities have been firmly ibliography projects and the documentation projects dered exceptionally Successful projects.
celebration it is our duty to remember all those who ute. Since a considerable number of persons have difficult to remember every one by name. Special pf the Sri Lanka National Library Services Board irisena (1976-1977), H P Siriwardena (1979-1981), 982-1988) and Mrs Ishvari Corea (1989-1994) who il work for the library Messers KD Somadasa (1971wo professional Directors of the board contributed library. Professor Michael Brawne, the UNESCO tional Library Legislation Committee of the Board ir of the FID helped in formulation the NLDSB Act. 1stitution, Hon. Ministers and senior officials of the ice during the last three decades contributed to the Education and Higher Education, Hon. Dr Richard hal Library and Documentation Services Board Act

Page 14
剑 10th AYIl niversiary: Natio 1:1 || Library :: Ild D, cu Ille II till 101 (
Special mention should be Iliade of the contribution and the Board of Directors towards the developme the library to be improved and expanded. The pro extends its helping had to the National Library Thanks und appreciation go to the past Ind preseTI task of building this national institution Linder diffi
M S LI N, 11: ras iri Directo" (eleral
W Warrer lily lle los res, TV
Botnical Illic:

made by the presel chairman Mr. Henry Samaranayake Int (of the Natio Illa|| Library. Their dedication has eTabled essional library community in the country who always should be gratefully remembered. Finally Illy special KSLLL LLL LL LLLLLLH LLLLtt LLLLLLL LL LHHLaaa cult and trying circumstances.
! Natioral Foix'er /"Sri la ka : Nymphale: Stell:1 til

Page 15
A serior of the Nari

0ே Anniversary. National Library and Documental in Centre "سمبي
: WA

Page 16
剑 10th Anniversary. National Library and Documentation C
* Knowledge is like light. Weightless World, enlightening the lives of peo
World Development Report 1998

է:IլII է:
and in tangible, it can easily traval the ple everywhere."

Page 17
To plan and co-ordinatic library se
To develop a Sri Lanka Informatic
at the National Library and LO COSri Lankan collections iT1 the COLII
To assist and encourage the es Resource Excellence Celtres in the II through a national informatic
To facilitate access to nationalian
To provide learning opportunities te assist the advancement of Sri Lar
TC) assist STi Länk:ltObecOIIIe intellectually advanced nation

10th Annivers Hry: National Library and Documentation Centre
TWİCCS titi Illa|| Ille Wel
Il Resource Excellence Centre
ordinate and assist other major try
tablish TileInt c) Ilfornition specific fields and inter-link յIլ Ile|work
l-interTillationali databases
) every Sri Lankan and thereby ka
a culturally enriched and

Page 18
剑 10th Anniversary. National Library and Documentat
(Excerpt from the NLD
To II lake available for El llation: Il collection o ||| propricute to their Inc.
TI [Teserve the nation through the establishm Ilational collection of published in or relating
To receive copies of Sir Dep:Licht of Natio PLLblishers {}rdinal]ce
To acquire, by purchas published in, or relatin Telev: ole needs o
To provide bibliographic services

Kini Centre
and Objectives
SB Act No. 51 of 1998)
he use of all sections of the community flibrary and documentation resources 2ds
al and cultural heritage of Sri Lankal
2nt, development and maintenance of El library and documentation materials to Sri Lanka
i Lankan publications deposited at the nal Archives under (lle Printers and
e or otherwise, copics of publications g to Sri Lankal or foreign publica Licions | Sri Lanka
Services including national bibliographic

Page 19
To establish and create a documents and publications
To publish the Sri Lanka Ni
To provide reference, info documentary research Servi community
To facilitate access to the lil which are or may in future Lanka to all members of th
To promote, advise and assis and maintenance of libra
including networks of pub
and other libraries and d sections of the community
To promote and facilitate among libraries and docu) international levels including library lending and docum exchange of staff as the BC
To promote the introductic information technologies in in Sri Lanka through the a the work of the centre and training to other bodies re technologies and/or promo
To undertake Such project services in pursuance of th

剑 10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
national bibliographic database of published in or relating to Sri Lanka
ational Bibliography
mation, referral, reprographic and ces to all Sections of the Sri Lankan
brary and documentation resources become available in or outside Sri e community
st in the establishment, development ry and documentation networks, lic, School, academic, government ocumentation centres serving all in Sri Lanka
co-operation and resource sharing mentation centres at national and exchange of library materials, interhent copying and the training and ard may from time to time require
in and efficient application of new libraries and documentation centres pplication of such technologies in
to provide advice, assistance and garding the introduction of such tional activities
s, and provide such facilities and e functions of the Board ン

Page 20
剑 |Oth Anniversary; National Library and Documentation C.
The Ina
The National II by HER Prem of Sri Laikal.
educational, ci of distinguish foreig diplom national libral librarians. Wri
Opening of the Wariolas Library of
Sri Lefke
To mark Ille
ceTel CIlies, Si the National also published National Libri Corcal. a leadi the Sri Lanka
WWE, YI, Mir is fer of Edric's ficar a rád Higher Education articipating (i. I Juliction af flle National Library
The National initiated by th considered to iIn the cr LI Il L respolisibilitic first time and changed from
lld IDCLIITET the functions ( known as the Organise and general public Registratio frie first ia tie bers chalange Was

Library of Sri Lanka was inaugurated on 27 April 1990 adiasa, President of the Democratic Sociallist Republic This event marks a significant step in the country's ultural, library and information fields. A large number 2d invitees including cabinet Illinisters, Incimbers of natic missions, delegations from a number of foreign rics, heads of government depart II hic Ints, alcaldemics, ters and publishers attended the inauguration,
occasion numerous functions including religious cminars, exhibitions and cultural events were held at Library. A number of publications and posters Were ...The art competition and the co|Tipetition Lo create the ary logo were conducted at na Lional level. Ms. Ishvari ng librarian in the country, served as the Chairman of National Library Services Board at the title.
Library and Documentation Services Board Act of 1998 e Hon. Minister of Education and Higher Education is be a land Ilark in the histry of national library services ry. By this Act of Parliament the powers and s of the national library were clearly spelled Olli for the this was a fulfilment of a long felt need. The naille was the National Library of Sri Lankal Lto the National Library itation Centre which is IIlore appropriate considering of the institute. However, in general, it is still popularly National Library. It has become a herculean task to introduce Lhis Inc yw institution Lo the colul IntTy L Tid 1C) the ... This publication provides a brief account on how the 5 met during the first decade of its existence.

Page 21
National Libra

à | Oth Anniversitry: National Library and Documentation Centre سمي
ury Collection

Page 22
剑 |(11 h \inni Versal Ty: National Library L Tid 103cLI ITen lation
NatiOma|| 工i
II, it's '' ('If I
l's in Nes
o gir
:: "It tilla je
Fists. La «sjef is
*** Art f'ef'VIII Tigrir l'err'i Trige
of L'Illkir (l'offrir
Acrision Policy
"I'Hortira; Torint of ir Sri Lanka
"I'll III fori, a II. Sri Liri ki. Ffraiff she'd I foreig er III riety
' ': 'Torf7f 5 ' , ' ri . Iki IP3 ir
s Éíg', ' 'III í ri í
llai i refere': 'e source.
| flier "Jerruce orces lilie " " ": ' ' ' ' ' grillir l'origorri n'o'orthor | ii ,
"***: carriory S III Visara Fygië is first "irr'
fer III ir "I i fije finë i ri, Ilir ihrry
{}Ile Call find of print, a Lidic und Docume The clicit quantitativel collectioIl co bicle WW,
Basic Reft
The National reference co, dictionaries.
Illa [ Cerials. W reference Illi (II1 Sri L:Lr ik: galining i Imp3 bCCOITling po have been pli Collectic III is [
Sri Lank:
The Si Liriki As Illic: Nali Collection moi Clict 11 Of
| ii | ( t.t. illecti, I'll i | he: NLL i Illa|| || Old Illaterials
LankaП Nala Archives. Ille dLe 10 the leg, Lalı kal. İnı Liddi the Departitler and a lumber
Collection. The e.g. Natioria Bibliography,
{L}|lectle}[]. Thị u L. Lilla Tits fl),

brary Collection
an exhaustive collection of library II laterials in the form -visual and electronic information in the National Library l:Ltion Centre which are available for reference purposes. *I which is of a high standard both qualitatively and reflects the objectives of the National Library. The Imprises of a number of special collections as indicated
}rence Collection
Library posseses one of the most comprehensive basic
lections in the country. It contains encyclopaedias, bibliographies and a large number of other reference hile the majority of them are internationally renowned terials, the restis a comprehensive reference collectio| ] . Reflecting the current trend CD-Roms are gradually "tance in the basic reference Collecio||1. AS || Ille III et is pula Tan Carlig librally users necessary facilities for same 'ovided at the National Library. The basic reference placed at the ground floor of the library.
collection is the Illain collection of the National Library, Ilal Library was recently established, its Sri Lanka stly consists of conteillporary materials. It has a complete laterials published in Sri Lanka since 1976. As a result development activities pursued during the last decade library also possesses a reasonably large collection of published in the country in the past. Presently the Sri nal Collection is scattered in the Department of National National Museum library and the British Library largely al deposit legislation enacted in the 19th century in Sri tion the Royal Asiatic Society-Sri Lanka Branch Library, ıt of Archalcology library. Peradeniya University library of other libraries also posses certain parts of the national 'Natio stal Library through its many bibliographic projects | Union Catalogue and Retrospective National attempts to provide bibliographic control to the National e Sri Lankall Collection of the National Library is located

Page 23
Pall Leaf Collection
The National Library holds a cosiderably large and grow of palm leaf manuscripts. These indigenous library I mlnıy fields including Tilledicile, literal Lire: a ıd Te:lig organised collection is in special cupboards on the firs
Periodical Collection
This is Lindoubtedly the best current periodical collectic the co III i Ty. III additio || (c3 CLITTent periodicals a consili of periodicals published in the past are also available. T Article Index compiled by the National Bibliographic Sct of the National Library is of immense assistance to locale: Teq L i Tell article's.
Newspaper Collection
The couplete National Newspaper Collection from deposited in the library attracts a large ILIIIber of re. readers to the library. The collection is being microfil and the newspapers can be used cit crin IlhicToilin Torill form. In addition microfilm editions of a number of le: newspapiers are being : cquired to the Ilational c{) newspaper indices compiled by the Documentation
Teaders to locate required information. A collection
cuttings of special articles and Flews it cIIIs appearing
Te also available for users. The newspaper collectior the ground floor of the National Library,

I (Ith Anniversary: National Library and D. Linentation Centre
wing collection laterial cover iOI). The Weł|
tt || T.
Ilavailable ill *Till || LIIIbn I The Periodical 'wiccs Division
researchers to
'''Fires íll ('all'r'srir
|*]7(y '[c] ][2 Searchers and llcd a present of the original inglinal lectio. The Division help of newspaper || Illic: Wspapers is located on
N''|'''1' sy 'Eiria''' '''Ne''' i roi i

Page 24
剑 |Oth Anniwersary: National Library and Document:Litic in Ce
III 扈 M El
| /tes y la II. Jis yra Tirai o'r 'W' Cri 31||
Library (111-1 silföri 11:Ifirði Scie:Ice? Kjo ffafr
M/azır Tirr 1 M'ir"k"Trrrrris in Iğdır” Kollecific III
Theses and
The collection by Sri Lankan are deposited
University Gr: postgraduate i conferred by L'escarch On a │ N:ltional Libr:1
Library and
The Library a Library is the country. In addi foTeig II journal teachers and st Irristitu les to LIS
Special Col
Therco al Too :L [1 LI Library foT LIs Wickramasing of Such collec exhibition icht in the second
lealding Sri LaT M| || Peter Sil", San Inas gala, P h: We also been I sibille: inleri
Ecollic (o deposited as sp collection, the All Council in in this categori:

Dissertation Collection
of theses of the Ph.D. and M.Phil. degrees confered Liversities is part of the national collection. Theses in the National Library With the concurrence of the 4 il 15 CaCOrı missiblrı : Eld the respectiyc LIIniversities and Institutions, The theses related to the above degrees LLLLLaL LLLLLaLLLL LL E LLLSLL LLLLL L L a Iheme Televil It to Sri Lanka are also pursued by the
Information Science Collection
La LaLLLLLLLaH LLeLaLaa SLSL aLLaLLLaLL ttt LLLa LLLLLaLLLL argest Lild lost comprehensive such collection in the Lion to a large collection of books, it includes all reputed s in the field, Special facilities have been provided for udents of Library and Infortation Science Education LL LLa aLLLLLLS LLLLaLL LLLS LLLLL LL LLS aaaaaLa LLLLLLS
Imber of special collections deposited in the National te of researchers. The private collection of Martin he, it foremost Writer in the country is one of the largest tions. In additio II to the | ibral Ty Collection. Il special lding: ||u|TibeTC| pers(111aliteII15 used by hill is located floor of the library. Likewise, private collections of ka III academics, namely, Professors D E Het tilrachchi, ra and Tikiri Abeysinghe, Drs EM Wijerama and PB Indith. GLInapalla Senadeera and Ms Theja Gulla Wardena deposited in the National Library. Selected publications l:Itional organisations, namely, UNESCO. ELIropean Immunity and Asian Development Bank are also ecial collections. The science and technology reference drama manuscript collection donated by the Sri Lanka d the brille collection tre solle flle Cher colleci O| 18

Page 25
Deposit Collection
According to the Newspaper Ordinance of 1839 an
LLLLLLLLS SSLSLLLLLLaLLLaLa LL EEH LLaaLLLL L 00 aLL Act of 1998 the National Library is entitled to rece every publication published in the country. Publications I the legal deposit are kept as a special collection on the floors of the library.
Map Collection
A large collection of Illaps relating to Sri Lanka are de special collection. These maps are kept in special Ima the first floor of the library with adequate bibliographi
Gazette Collection
The National Library holds a complete collection of gaze in Sri Lanka from 1888 to date. This is the only comple ÇollectioInı deposiled in tılıc library a t present atırld Walls 1 LCLu LtLLLLLaL LLLLLaLaL aLLLLLLS L LLLLLLLaa aaa 0SS Government circulars covering the period 197 () - 199 been indexed for easy reference. This has been acc collaboration with the Ministry of Public Administratio collection is placed on the third floor of the library,
Data Bases
There are se Veral compi LL Ierised datab: ses in the Nat co Wering a number of important reas. Subjects includ: oil the ethnic problem and devolution of power in Sri Publishers Directory and the special collections in the Na

3. (lth A Inniwersary:Nationa | Library and Doc LIII Lentzi tio El Centre آیی
|| III || || Printers and W d the NLDSB on 4.1 ,臀 菌: ve a copy f 驚 "":'ceived Linder F first and third
'rig's fifteer site first
posited in this p cabinels on
'ttes published :te: Sri Lai || k || 1 "eceived from
collection 5 which have oplished in m. Tlle gazeԼւe
fra fire soller for
ional Library 2 publications Lalk:1. ISBN tional Library,

Page 26
剑 10th ". Iniversary: National Library and Docullentition
Report Co
1 Sri Li Jkr. III.ak
i'r 'a' ar y sir: 1; i l''''''''Ti''' '''I''' a'r iarl's
Μί μΙτίγίτισΠ Πλίνι τία,
The Repo IL C and local eX in cl'Ilati Itall organisation: dep:Lrilets, c is on the secoI
The folklore C recciwed from specialisti Il SI Vari LIS SOLIrci publications ( Publishing Dis
The Acquisitic collection dic publica llic IIIs, S. exchanges and ::L T.: rccci W'cd L| Els sist:Lince proj mai Illy LIsell foreign public ROMs. III ordering. The
Im:I terials :1Cq LI

(Cer II:
lection contains Various reports sibiliitted by foreign perts as part of development projects funded by OTOrigencies, reports of banks and other private sector s and the administration reports of government Oporations and statutory boards. The Report Collection ld floor of the library.
ollection consists of a large collection of manuscripts
the late Mr Peter Wijesinghe, a well known folklore i Lankal. and other Imaterials and items received from 2s. In addition it also possesses a large number of in the subject published with the assistance of the .ision of the NLDSB.
Jln Division of the National Library is responsible for Wclopment activities. It ill Wolves in selection of iezirch for rare materials, checking, listing, ordering,
acquiring of the materials. Current local publications lrough the legal deposit system and the publication lects of the NLDSB. Therefore, acquisition funds are purchase the basic reference sources, rare books, El Licbils pertilirling to the country, periodicals and CDit is used for searching for laterials as well as for National Library acquisition list giving details of the ired is published monthly.

Page 27
Reader Se


Page 28
Ντίμμια ιερα η : Ημία είτε
A ''f'' ('If' "
Exhilly if in Pri certoreo 1 rito prico FIT Khao !!
ای 剑 |Oth Anniversiry:Nation:ıl LibTıry and Documentation C
في إيه"
The Reader S It flic library. The til 3?) TLillers. to the el trainc LI TT1lishes Ille Lhe Imai read
Si ICE LIST. I I hade [O III:li] possible. Bot provide biblic editor, etc. of
Presell Lly ne publications : are in high dei the National
ו*1 - 1355ן טw,ur 1: for services : extensive pro bioklets, birç The friendly a also contribut
Users of the N However, ap: qualifications SI'I Il Imkal Im li []|||le Nilliora Lu (bitai ıslı Or 7 days can be the library foi o II :L |o|1g te TTT" six. Il Collihs II |l: Nalio 1:1 || II
for the List J personal mer

ervices Division of the National Library is considered LLLLLLLLS LLL LLLLLLL LLa LLLLaa LLLL LaaaaLaa LL LLt Tree reading rooms of the library provide facilities for The inform:Ltion desk placed on the ground floor close 2 guides Lisers to the appropriate area of the library and
LLaLL aLLLLLLLLLS LLL LLaa HLLL LaLLLLLLL LLaLLLLLLL ing rools, acLas service points of the Reader Services
'e lot allowed to go to the stack area, every attempt is Itain the National Library Catalogue as descriptive as h the card catalogue and the computerised catalogue graphic information on author, title, subject, translator, the collection.
Wspapers, periodicals. go VerIIIleni publica Lics, пSri Lanka and library and infur111ation science пaterials mand by readers. The initial response from the public to Library was somewhat lukewarm due to their lack of escintly there is evidence of growing public demand if the National Library. This II may be tlıc rcstilt of the paganda Work carried out by the library in the form of chures, ser millaTs, gTOLI PI LÜLITs Tid tlı Tough the media. ind dedicated Staff of the Readcr Services, Division Illas cd To this in no sIllall way,
aut i Tial Libra Ty are expected to be serious researcheTs. LIL from the ability to prove one's identity Ilo special arc Tcquired to become a illember of the library, AIly wing in any part of the country can become a member Librily. Foreigners who visit Sri Lanka are also eligible term IIlembership. A temporary membership valid for : obtained free of charge for those who require Lo Lise a short period. Those who are keen to use the library basis could obtain IIIembership either for three norths, Oile year, Melibers are entitled to use the facilities ill Library free of chargc and extra pay II hent is le vicd only | InleTlet ald photocopying Tacilities, In additioTI lo ibership, institutional membership is also available.

Page 29
The in for Tiation desk at the ground floor deals with th queries of prospective users including membership, del collections and Services available. Il cich fl-OT. III adlitik indicating services and collections of different parts and pamphlets and booklets giving detaillel infoTTT collection and services are also available for users.
The se"wice coLIn Leriis the main service point ofic: ch floro KLLL LLLLLLLaaLaa LaaaLS 0LL LLS aLLLLLLLaa aLLL LLaL LLLLLaL0 aOL floor and directs them either to catalogue's OI. Other
tools for further information. They also serve Lisers b surfing the lInterTet, providing photocopies and familia I bibliographic services,
Besides the three reading rooms, a number of special and a desigilated arca for the use of multimedia ser Internet are available, Photocopies II di InterTlet facilitic. El El COIlcessio Ilary I:11:.
Inter-library Lending Services
The National Library strives to serve researchers in a country through the inter-library leiding programme. facilities are available Lo obtain required library mills National Library if it is not a Wailable aut L particular libri the National Library too have the opportunity of obtai IT :L [erial from :| nother, libri:Iry. The National [Unio III Call si Lirce | or localing the required Inhalterial. Inter-libi TL'ylt is available both locally and internationally. Since 199: Library Lises IFLA v Luchers for i Ille TTiational i Inter-li activities.

2 preliminary ails of library Il sig In bb{XaTids of the library hilliol 1 or the
ir. Th: Ç.) Til Ler
Îlähle {}Il cach bibliographic y assisting in "ising them II
CJ r I s I lr i rig The Pearl I I leaf "| || , čo i 3ľ8
sil Lidy TOCI Ins Vices and the s: Te provided
Il parts of the
Accordingly :Iri:Ll froIII i Illic ary, Clients of Illing required till gլIt is the "Illing service 5 the National brary leiding
Strr/Frig file life 'Te'''

Page 30
ဒို့ကြီ 10th \IIIlivers:iry: Nation:il Library Ind Documenlation
(Teori fra N ( 77 k I./yr' i 'Y
(colorflow | Pribliot Library
The fLI I Iction of the National Re other appropriatel

al Centre
Pe l'aide 7 iya ( 'riversity Library
No fica 77 || I l s vir ve dW (fr. area 575 MM 777 r. gử* F' IT ('.', 'r' 'y
ferral Centre is to direct readers to ilbra ries of the country

Page 31
Natio Ill Referral Centre and Referrall Seri
ReferTal service is al programme (of di Tecti Illg TC:sc:: appropriate library when the National Library does required library materials. The referrill service is based on
ion (atalogue, which provides information Onlleh Tiain libraries in the country In addition Llle secon. compiled by the National Library are also helpful in pi Service.
Selective Dissemination of Information (SD
The SDI Service of the National Library disseITinales Lup to date information to Tesea Tchers, libraries al Ind in forT11; The service is 'endered through co III pila tiðII () di TLCLC) contentpageservice, quick reference services anda lu. i | TI I Natic III disse||li 1:1 til lictivities,
User Education Services
The National Library educates prospective users on
And services tillric Ligh Wall Ti{JLis Luscit educal LiCl) Il progral Im Int: throughout the year. The Ille W acquisitic IIIs II) hlte libri:lity : in the exhibition halls and acquisition lists are published National Library tours are conducted regularly for the bel and university students and also for other interes Country wide lect LITes and seminars are held als part education programme. Exhibitions displaying Tos(LLICes are a regular feature. Booklets, brochures, posters a II advertisements are published regularly. Special lectures air LTe conducted for prospective Lisers,
The Ionthly National Library Lecture series is anothi |e:LL LIIe in Lille L|scred Licati III PTK og Ta II i Inc. Themes includ history, culture, liteTature, librilly :Ild information sciel topical subjects. These lectures attract both the gener. the intelliger || si: || 3 the National Library,

Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
'clicts to a
101 h:1WC Elle the National sldings of 54 lary sources "Oviding this
I) Service
current and
til Celtres. ries, ill lices. liber of Cotller
MYTrafo Fry, 'r'/'r ffry
i LS resources Is cal Tried Lit Irc displayed periodically. efit of school ted բTC) Liրs. (I 1le User of the library Il Ille Wspaper dworkshops
"r significant Le Sri Lanka.Il Ice And Other Il pi Lublic and
4 lle'r "fre" ir 3 regre" y er f f |''' Warri III i'r lly i'r fry
(\~\ *2~ ろD

Page 32
剑 | Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation
Cypriалх (150 A
Early Mc

Тету's rтар ...D.- 151 A.D.)
• Sanche:'s fнар ..D.- 1566 A.D.)
прs o/"Sri Lапka

Page 33

10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
c Services

Page 34
[ ]
ங் ()th A III livers: Ty:
Sa/Yeg"ihe Wariciyıl Billiographir
'''''', 'if
( r irri f'raf i'r T r f f 'ı " WAT Y fari 7 s loi bliography corri IIIercer l'Irl Vol.2 ar fır" | 07Tirfffffff of W7r fra Y.IT/
rth L'es
Mr. 4 J. Wells of the British Warrier Las Filliograply" ilirice's Wife" corri roi l'offrir sur l'ho Warrir ! (Il Fil:Wir grupos y fra Sri Ankar
M; WA, as firgi' was the first Sri LIFE kif I f'id irra r r I r li f' Hilliography, Ił- afrr:'irrrrrł as risie directifrir Worse Sri Laikra Nrtioyli siirry Srriers saari
97 - 1958
Corryisarior 2 he Billsography ili '75 iha Tridetio (71'or FCJ Théo Sri La FI ka WaT Ffra ya Wish rry %s" rice". Foras red آ= "تم ال! [ if
7 Feo ri' r ) y Ffor fy"? We fir, f. || Fil:Ilira grupsiyo '77 - || 88-4 i s'ra, rillished in 1997
i'r 'Tri ka '''FFF'J' F'7 Territor L ', 'taj Cypher Caroli iri "99%
National Library and Documentation Ce
The main obje National Libral obtain informat includes all pub represent the
Knowledge an cLITent develo country, it is of is provided to th Division throug
Compilation of project of the Ni Teflects the info
Il bith. In addit L:LInk:LI1s publis extent... Tio ensu to obtain the req publications re projects and pւI publications are lists and the in usel.
Beinga multi-lii are included in periodicals and The subject st bibliography. T publications. T subject could c
The NatiOIla I B Selection, Org

ctive of the Bibliographic Services Division of the ry and Documentation Centre is to facilitate users to ion on laterials published in and on the country. This lished materials in both print and non-print forms which creative and intellectual products of the lation. d information Ilave beco le decisive factors in the IIlent process. To achieve development goals of the para IlloLiml import:ince that the Tequired information Le Tequired person on time, The National Bibliographic gh its many projects attempts to achieve these goals.
1 of the National Bibliography
the Sri Lanka National Bibliography is a successful ational Library. This is published monthly and generally Trmation On publications published dLIring the previous ion publications on Sri Lanka and publications by Sri shed outside the country are also included to some re. TaxiIllum coverage a number of sources are used uired information. Acquisitions to the National Library, ceived Linder the International Standard Numbering blication assistance projects of the Board and deposit ! the main Sources. Internet, tr:1de bibliographics, book formation in the National Union Catalogue :Lre also
Igual country, publications in Sinhala. Tamiland English the National Bibliography. In addition first cditions of Ille Wspapers and information on maps are also included. !ction and indices are the two Ilain parts of the hic Subject sectic on comprises detailed inform: Lion on hose who seek information by author, title, series or Orls LI lt the rele wii I1 t ii Illices,
ibliography is Çel great Issist:LIlce to librariilms in book allising the library collection (cataloguing and

Page 35
Classification I and reader services activitics, Furt bibliography is the reliable guide for gauging the pLIblishingin STiLank:L.
Beilg i T1Conthly publica Lion the Sri LaLInkaLINational Bih acquired a Teputation als an up-to-date publication consideration that its coverage is in excess of 90% publications, timeliness and the structure, the Sri L. Bibliography is considered one of the best national bib Asia as Well als in the international arena.
lin additio) [1 to the regula LT monthly issues, :Lin annual | cumu bibliography is also published. The National Bibliogra among researchers, librarians, il cade II lic and organisations, [lational libra ries and the gener:Il pLI interested in lates publications on Sri Lanka.
The Retrospective National Bibliography
As stated earlier one of the objectives of a Tlational libra an orderly bibliographic control mechanism of publications. Compilation of the Relrospective National covering the publications prior to the publishing of the CL Bibliography is considered a challenge for a lationalli The Collest palTTI leaf 1 ianuscript available in Sri Lank 15th century, according to available historical evidence of Writing in the country goes back about 20 centuries Laskis to introdule bibliographic control of publicatio1s plu a period of 226 years, roll 1737 when printing was int. country to 1963 when the publication of the National cIIIllected.

„", =
B. |Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre سمتیLی۔
hermore, the
bliography hals , Taking into of Sri Llıklı Inka Natioillall
liographies in
lative: II:Ltional phy is popular professional blic Who : re
Iy is to ensure he country's Bibliography Ten L National || prary, Tho Ligh a di Les (o le :.. the Lira li li oIl 3. The present blished during Il Licked Li L li Bibliography
νί , , Ινιέτι Ντι Για τη Βιμιί με τιμήν
M servirar er Til e! Naffa) fel Βιογία: Γιαμιν

Page 36
Pusic affairs of the Nation. Billiographic Services Division
Special hilliographies
| {}Llı Ağırlıiversi:Lry: National Library :ı ild L), "CLIIrıcı talı tikin Czern
IIլ | } }7 ||1ւ Retrospective The second pa ( Il). Tile Tetri presently being (up to 1962) w
Sri Lanka F
The Nail:
Periodical Arti extremely usef ir 1 foi I 11:Ltion om Which carry a II
In addition to its Project the Bibi special bibliogr; (VI), Sri LaLInka hal in the bibliogral bibliographic research's in el Lucillional insi
Tilde (lliillrtlli's . children's litera publications ar. Bibliography of from foreig II la was pli Lublished r

National Library published the first part of the lational Bibliography covering the period 1737-1884, it covering the period 1885 - 19(M) was published in spective bibliography for the period 1901 - 191 () is compiled and it is expected to cover the entire period ithin the next few years,
'eriodical Article Index
Library commenced compilation of the Sri Lanka :le Index in 1998. This is a quarterly publication and is ul for researchers of Sri Lankan affairs. Bibliographic liticles in Sri Lankallas wellus some foreiginperiodicals cles pertaining to Sri Lanka are included in the index.
1 of Special Bibliographies
National Bibliography and Periodical Article Indexing liographic Services Division publishes a number of Iphies. Compilation of a Bibliography of Bibliographics s already commenced. In addition to its own activities phic field the National Library attempts to co-ordinate rojects Lindertaken by professional librarians and different fields and students altached to library litutes in the country.
Bibliography published annually furnishes details on t Lire published in Sri Lanka. The cover pictures of the : also included along with bibliographic det: ils. A 1 Translations giving in for Illation on hooks translated nguages to Vernacular languages during 1948-1998 ecently.

Page 37
Compilation of the National Library Catal
Organisation of the material acquired for the Natio another important task carried out by the Bibliogr: Division. Books, periodicals, Tiewspapers, audio ce cassic Lics, microfilms, microfiche, Illaps, CD-ROM manuscripts and other library Islaterials received by the purchases, donations, exchange and deposit are cilt:Ilog Lled and classified. As Lusers are || col pci mit Li Stack area of the library the National Library C:Ltillog significance. Readers are able to find the required p author, title, translator, clitor, series or subject. In traditional card catalogue the colliputerised library CEl available for users.
Cataloguing in Publication (CIP)
Providing CIP entries for authors and publishers is anot introduced by the National Library. The CIP entries a be included in publications. The CIP entry with the biblic of the publication proves to be extremely useful for sm. sized libraries. While helping libraries in their ca LLLLLLLH LLLS L LLLLLLaLLLLLLL LL LLLLLLLLa LL LLL in Cataloglling,

10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
inal Library is phic Services ISSctics. Widco ls, pill II leaf libri Lily throLigh scientifically Cl : 3 yisi L L hic Le is (if special Lublications by Iddition Lu Lhe talogue is illso
Pref', 'risie) of the Wrir forfal N. flor" i "y" Cafer og fel
1:T ||ւ էկ Տէ:I" |ւ է: t e given free to " »graphic del. Ils ... lill :uld melli LI Il taloguing and " ional standard
|HT ||
hi hii ili M'I ET
is stirig of CIF" titles

Page 38
10th Anniversary. National Library and DocLLIllentation Centre
Α μαίΠίίηg ανται α και Γα ( 5 / C'er,

// ito Iron Sigiriya
ΙΙ " |

Page 39

In Services

Page 40
". 剑 | Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentatio
Documental lictivitic:s Jf.
*LI5 '' libraries in Division COI I laisite inalTice Col directorie Vario is subje Library Netw Other library and milliagin SO Illic: {} ||he TTL
The Natio
Civities of the Docure, Italion
Serie Divisio
Compilation: is. El major re: hibliographic | hercby pro Wii types of libral TIL TITEITET. the last few ye (l) I LI NIC c, ble TCI POTOvi has been publ
WWhile | Fo NL STILL den Ls. gerni libraries could f3 TT||11. || N. as ili join L pro Ni Lilla | Libri
Pr'''fo'r fff)/T is of Flie WOJCI Prien för for Sier", "ir" er i Dŷ'i foj
Sri Lanka
The Sri Lanka and English c. Icwspapers, I been publish deposited at
Illaintained as

On Service is considered to be one of the most important National Library. It provides easy access to information lilable in the library as well as scattered along other he county, To this end the Documentation Services ducts a number of projects including compilation and of the National Union Catalogue (NUC), compilation indices and bibliographies and creating databases on cts. While acting as the focal point of the Social Science ork in the country it also co-ordinates the Ictivities of letWorks. Publishing the NATNETLANKA Newsletter g the International Standard Numbering Projects are IIlctions Ostlie division.
nal Union Catalogue
und Inlintenance of the National Union Catalogue (NUC) sponsibility of a National Library, The NU C contains details of collections of leading libraries in the country iding LIScrs an opportunity to get a kino Wledge of the y materials available in the country ind their locations. ship of the NU C has bee Il increasing gradually during 'LIS and presently slands at 54 libraries. Computerisation oITIllenced in 1996 and by Illil 2000, 27 libraries were de entrics in diskette for III. The da Labase of Ille N LUCC ished in prin hled for III i II three parts.
C is used extensively by researchers and postgraduate eral users too have shown an interest in it. Member |also obtain information on the NUC holding in diskette IC which is still in its for Illative stage can be described ject with major libraries in the country rather than 1 ary project.
Newspaper Article Index
Newspaper Article Index published in Sinhala, Tamil Intains indices of articles that have appeared in lational indices for newspapers of 1993 and 1994 have already 2d. Required articles can be found in newspapers the library. In future the newspaper index will be : database in the National Library,

Page 41
The Institutions and Libraries of the N
آستینے A. Special Libraries
NIBM, RRI, CRI, NSF |TI NE ARTI Geological Survey M. MiC5 BLETEL
Colombo, Peradeniya, Ruhuna, Kelanya Open University RajalTALI, MOTatLIWAT BLEddhi St. K Pti. PG|AR, Sir III Kothalawala Defence V Academy
University Libraries N
Compilation of National Union

sational Union Catalogue Project
A Government Libraries
CCITETI | Bank of Sri Lillika Institute of Development Admini SLTALLOIN, CEITETE TOT DeWelcFITTE TIL InfoEITHLONI,
Förest DepaTtment, Rupa Vahini COTTOTELLIOI NUMISELINOT Dangerous Drugs Control Board, CMD Library Cē Ei Authority, Labout Dept., W
International Irrigation Management Institute. Institute of Policy Studies Social Scientists' Association. MALTgul Institute, Sri Lanka \ Library Association, Jay Wardena Centre, N Bիրը:րիw |րչիլլկլը

Page 42
110th Anniversary; National Library and DCCLIITıcı tautico 1
th: Services
PLI blications Of Documentation Division
ශ්‍රී ලංතා පුවත්පත් ලිපි අප්‍රාත්‍රප්‍රේණීන්හාඩ් - 1993, | }է:
ශ්‍රී (--ඍ රැප්-යේ ප්‍රත්‍යායන් නාමාවලිය - 1990),
ד{4עין –95 (1995-1941.1.1% ,1993–1991
? :) :ാ-ാg:: - !!!3
විසින්දාගමනය පිපිඤග්‍රන්ථත්‍යාමාවලිය-1993
இலங்கை புதினத்தாள் கட்டுரைக் கட்டி |ւյն}}, | Ա |
Direct { bry % of Social Science Libraries, III fiii Timali ora Ceritres & Data Bases in Sri Laikai || 987, 1995
Selected Bibliography on SA ARC - 99
Direct Hy of Libraries in Sri Lanka - 1994
Sellele Bibliography on Kiriigi1})||
STi Lanka Newspaper Article Index - | JJ. 니
Sri Lanka (ISBN Publishers Directory| 7, I)}|
Sri LLIUk:L ( 'ifiser:Ice: Inilcx - 1497-198ff. 1987-| ')') ), II)") - 1992. 1993. I.) :)-- 1995
| DiT:a't kry of Silicial Scie|| is|sini Sri Li Tikai - PL || 3: ||
Nii li > I 1:1 || LIITICII Cilt:Ilog Luc. — Parts 1. || & III
University of Peradeniya Library - Sri Liiki (lleti - Vil. 1 X2
Social Sci
Two parts ol bec publish publication. Centres and
Sri Lanka
Informatico II i the past 25 y Which is Ind This sy wi||
Public: Lior ) the country is publication o' biggest and c) Immlenced.
Peradeniya L ciltill og Les of
Database ()
This da labase problem of S ու WSր:Ipt'TS, {
The objective
gO WerTn ITheT1 t p] Sri Lankal. mi

el T:
nce Documentation Activities
the Directory of Social Scientists in Sri Lanka have ed and the rest of the volumes have been prepared for The Directory of Social Science Libraries. Information Data Bases is updated regularly.
Conference Index
On conferences and seminars held in Sri Lanka during ears can he found if the Sri Lanka Conference Index. Jubt un importal||1t source of infoTTimation for researchers, be maintained as a database in the future.
n of Catalogues of Major Libraries
flibrary catalogues of major and important libraries in a responsibility of the National Library. Accordingly f the catalogue of the Peradeniya University library, the oldest university library in the country, has already The National Library hals published two parts of the niversity library catalogue and has plans to publish the al III liber of othet notablic libral rics,
in the Ethnic Problem of Sri Lanka
contains information on literature related to the ethnic ri Lanka which have appeared in books, periodicals,
:c Lild includes entries in excess of 1 (), (M1) iteills.
of Government Publications
of this publication is to provide bibliographic control of
ublications including publications of the Parliament of nistries, departinents and other government ager cies.
- 1

Page 43
International Standard Book Null beri (ISBN)
LLL LLLLLLLLS SLLL LLLL LLL LLLLLL LaaaS LLL LLLLLLLLSLSS charge for books published in Sri Lanka. In formation Tegist cred With the Sl3N, ce III e is sein L y lle data b; by the ISBN International Centre in Berlin. 3, 189Sri LaI. have been registered at the ISBN centre during the 2000. During this period 22,976 ISBNs were issued publishers and over 90% of locally published books pi ISBNs. Consequently Sri Lanka's ISBN project is c best in the South Asia region and one of the best in the regil.
Barcode numbers
Issuing Of ISBN h:Lrcode numbers commenced on Au 147 barcode numbers have been issued by Inid 2000.
Database on Publishers of Sri Lanka
This da labase contains infoTTination on Sri Lankan po have been registered with the ISBN national centre They h : We been categorised is commercial, gove governmentaland Luthorprivate. Information on 2.924)5 are included in the database,
International Standard Serial Numberi Project
The ISSN project coln Illenced in Sri Lanka in 1993 W
La LLLLLLL LLLLLLa L LLLSL LLLLaLL LLS LLLLLL S Na Licinil | ISSN (Centre for Sri LalIkal, Thic centre is 5

ຫຼື10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentalion Centre گلیسی
Ing Project
ISBNS Tree of on publishers se TaiItalined Ikan publishers period 1986or Sri Lankan 'esently obtain *Considered the ISBN har becouvre F7F77 r. I 7 TCP/T g
Asil - Pacific fllis hers
gust 1995 and
НЕтнFilm Lublishers who
i Sri Liikal, Pregrey 3 ref ("R", ir "iri I, I két
TIITL III uch publishers
ng (ISSN) 12
hen the ISSN . library as the
■ - 靼 闇,臀 闇 ■ 1呜 ■ ICS ISSNs for
'ra agress of NSSN ir ri u rika

Page 44
I (Ith Anniversary; National Library and Documentation
Noor F f f f f | WAYW
曹 =
II: H「」
forrogress of SMN y Sri Lark
periodicals, h: We been re by Immid 2)())
Inter" latic Project
The ISMN pr Stil Illa|| d || LIII ISMNS alre is [] nid 20 UK), 21 i SS. Lleol. III foi ir li terTimla li so II: | | Publishers is I
Links With Networks
The National Pacific III for cel TT || API lati. Inal centre El Cti, i Lies Tclaut ||le social scie III Ille field. Til higher educati A PENESS Nil fLinctions of til

en LIIc
lewspapers, reports etc. free of charge. 304 publishers listered With the centre and 582 ISSNs have been issued
mal Standard Music Numbering (ISMN)
bject. Which was stilled in 1997, is the third international Ibering project conducted by the National Library. The sued for music publications published in the country, By
publishers were registered and 56 ISMNs have been Tilation on publications is conveyed to the ISMN ffice in Berlin where the international database of Illusic maintained.
National and International Library
Library acts as the national local point of the Asiamillion Network in Social Sciences (APINESS), The NESS is in Bangkok, Thailand. The objective of the is to act as the co-ordinator of library and documentation ed to social sciences, assist researchers and libraries in nce field and undertake bibliographic controlactivities cIlational Inc Work consists of 31 libraries in university, onal. research, special and public library sectors. The tional Advisory Committee advises and monitors the le local point and the net Work.

Page 45
ே F్య
II ELIIS | Medicul Library, University | ('kalkımı bile )
(NHIBITH| Science IFOLI Tidal li in |
TITRATO EN EISL (Sri Lika Export IMC Wellspille hEBI ITI)
APINESS (National Library
und Documentältic Il Centre REGIO.
1) wision f Occupational Hygi'T'. W( Dep:LITLITICIIL «If I Labour

lfth Anniversary National Library and Documentation Centre
(CLIIlcil for
A grill: Lill LI FIHill
ET1 Viri II mental A LI thority)
Natic III:ıl |Info ITT 1: tic II 1. NetvYork III Elati |Nil titi Till ITS tille f EdLL LEI til F1)
ITdL 15 trill Technology WAL III SLLLLLL:' )
, ".
III s Li L LI L )
cr:1 | 'ulL LIIzıl
I, IIId)

Page 46
இ. Oth Anniversary. National Library and Documentatior أميلي"
The National library netw. in operation Information Net work (HE N :L tio , Ina | Edi normation III for Innation Occupational To co-ordini. The Work Wils [ Lublishing | Ywhich hawe: Eo
Fre El
| It

լ:Ill I'L:
library IIlaintains friendly and cordial relation with Other “ks in the country. Alt present eight library Theet Works alre | Sri Lanka. na Thely. Sri La Tikal Scientific and Technical etwork (SLSTINET), Health Library and Information LLIS), Agriculture Information NetWork (A (GRINET), IcatioIl Info r I 11 illion Il Network ( NEIN ET ). Cult L1 Tal Network for South Asia (CINSA) Asia-Pacific Network On Aromatic Plants (APIN MAP) lnd Safety and Health Information Network (OSHINET). te lictivilies of these networks NATNET LANKA ormed by the National Library in 1996. It comillenced "NATNET LANKA newsletter in 1997, six is stics of 2en published to date.
pha нf Latнр

Page 47
Information Tech
u li lil hinn minn li Ħin
ܕ 4.
Nii liitili lintury III
MILL liiiiiiiil lilu III II

nology Services
嗣 匪 ( as W.
jilli l-bażi LTI II u I'II It Hi tiġi L sili mill liiiiiI ll
un F
॥ . |

Page 48
领 | Oth Ammi Wersary: National library and Documentatic T1 C
InfOrnatiOn T
| || ||
Ne first í library Well, FJage?
Multi-) relia ceilire
The emerge LI Imprecedlemi Li improveller technology
Benefi Ls 0 elecol Llı are grad Llall expansion favo Lirable : services. It
The Nail creat: I bell have already Natio mill Lili il 1993 ald El fill. A has becnirls
National II
Til: fyll yyyi! the Initionall
15||3|N|] -
Activities of Local Area number of Col e-Illail and improve the

echnology Services
Tice of powerful computers at affordable prices, the 'd expansion of telecommunication facilities and the vast It in computer softwa Te prograLITımes Imake information (IT) a powerful change agent of the Ilodern world, f L he wast in Westments malde in the fic|ds of ication, computer educationald in for nation technology y showing results in Sri Lanka. The development and f telecoTILIInication and IT Tacilities hal We created a 11 ITIosphere for the country's library and in for Illation is the responsibility of the library sector to use this to derive the Imaximum benefit.
| Library strongly advocates maximum usage of IT to er and dynamic libralry and information service. Steps " been laken to introduce IT Lo Warious services of the trary. The IT Division of the National Library was set up was entrusted with the imple IIlentation of IT activities in lew library software programme - Alice for Windowsalled Teplacing CDS/ISIS programme,
library DataBases
1g dat Labases Were created as part of the automation of ibrary collection.
National Library Book Collection National Union Catalogue Periodical Collection Library Science Collection Library Science Periodical Index A, L1 lill-"wis Lill (Collect ii I1 ISBN Bik (Lleidy
the National Library have been co-ordinated through a
Network (LAN). The National Union Catalogue and a ther library activities have been computerised. Internet, desktop publishing facilities contribute in Illicisely to activities of the library,

Page 49
. 1 : 7 மும்
iki The National Library Web site (WWW.slı. Ikirli la LIII and has been updated regularly. To commemorale independence of Sri Lanka in 1998, a special exhibition at the Web site displaying important publications Oil dedicated telephone line ((34 kbps) was installed recentl to providing Internet facilities more effectively for the st
IT Projects at National Level
The IT Division has take 1 a In LITT1b1er of ili [ia tiWes [ information technology allog libraries in the country. T technical advice, assistance in the preparation of prelirit reports, limited financial assistance for obtaining required and training facilities for staff are some of these initiati
The project to introduce Internet facilities for public lib' library automation project are the leading projects pres out by the National Library. In addition, providing ass activities for library cducation institules in the country, C service training programmes for librarians and organising seminars and lectures on IT for heads of local all thorit of the Otherfunctions of the division.

1()LEı Alımi We Tsary: Natic bızıl Library :ırıd. Dağıq:LIIInge[ı lation Centre
ழ்ச் சங்கம்
(الب قرار lllltl iii | 0 ) 8 50 years of Walls Imoll in tcd Sri La Ilıkal. A y with a view Tund LISers.
o popularise he necessary inary project IT equipment
'ኳ'ዚ ̊5...
ratics and the ently carried ista Illice Con IT conducting iniT1TOductory ties are soille
Pre se 7 fertir P71 af a corporar er to rile Lily ra ry' && fer Cea WDeyir yr yr er rif" Kelas II i yr 'U'i riversity ( 1998)
W 7 Fredric'' for I (f" / "Tre rret ser1'ices fr ) pub/lico Villy raro" ies frr rre: We Areo"] Pr' '99
II- " " '' rig irger Fre

Page 50
剑 |Oth Anniversail ry: National || Librau Ty sind Documentalion
Sonne traditiq

el tric
Flowers (Orchids)
Spices (Pepрег)
nal exports

Page 51
Conservation and Pr

20ம் Anniversary National Library und Documentation Centre لي
eservation Services

Page 52
创 10th Anniversary; National Library and Documentation
Libry liferials To le preser1'ed
CJ r ? 3’er"', 'i')) { if (da Page'' yr yr er
Cor ISCTWalio protection a important re collections : taking in Oc ... [Len Lion li al:
III addition
:llsû assis[5 preservation tech Illic: k, conservatio
Special co
W II LIITıber of Library coll cildi Lioned the building.
DepOsit mal h(x) k vyhile The CGllectic Library purc One copy is photocopyin is relained a
:lid (Collise:1"'',' Teaders : Ter
А пШ 11ћег of The hindery protect [he li Bill trailed

n, preservation and taking other necessary steps for the ind well-being of the library collection are considered sponsibilities of a professional librarian. As old and rare .Tee :Accorded il special place iri the Nation:ıl Library allıd onsideration the library's role as the deposit library, special
been paid to conservation Lild preservation.
looking after its own collection the National Library other libraries in the country in conservation and activities. Most of these libraries do not have the required now-how or other facilities to carry out suitable I and preservation programmes.
Inservation nimeasures
special measures have been taken to protect the National ection. The collection is deposited ill a secure, liland hul midity controlled place in the middle core area of
erials, newspapers and periodicals are kept in special maps and micro films fiche are stored in protective covers. It is regularly cleaned for dust and insects. The National lases three copies of publications pertaining to Sri Lanka. Lised for reference purposes and the second copy is for g and inter-library lending services while the third copy s a protected copy. Only the staff of Reader Services a lion Divisions are allowed to Visit the stack area and equired lo reques material through the counter staff,
| leasures alre taken for conserwation of the collection, and the conservation centre Lake necessary steps to
brary collection and to keep it in a healthy condition. as Well as trailee hinders are attached to the Well

Page 53
equipped bildery. III additio II the services of (Lutside & are also obtained when required.
The conservation centre has facilities for deacidificati of damaged papers, These facilities are to be expanded
Funnig:Lition has biciel Widely used to Prevent dla Image cau Ld fIngus. Tlymol migation is generally Lsed fuIIlligation is Lised on special coccasions. FLImmigation { i II ble The Its Tequired for this purpose are available in the Division. Microfilming is another conservation methic National Library and the project for microfilming t collection needs special Illention, Conservation staffar locally and abroad. Plans are also underway lo use di conscration method in Illic: I hear future,
Library Conservation Project at National
Conservation and preservation of library materials is a task in the III:jority of libraries in Sri Lanka. The situation by the country's tropical climate.
Inferior quality of paper Lised in early printing, inadequ LLLLLL LLLSSS LLCLTLLLLLLL LLLLLLL LL LLL LLLLLL and fillancial constrains faced by libraries are some c:Luses for aggl’:1Wating conservation issues il libTarie ignora Ice of the Table T11 and of rei medial II measu professional librarians who run the majority of small lib significal III C:1 Lises.
The National Library and Documentation Centre cond of projects to help these libraries in scientific conserva Educating librilrians und library authorities On the problen In 1eas LITcs is ble such step. For this purpose Workshops a reconducted for the benefit of librarians. FurtherTThore s| program IIles are conducted for librarians and for offic of conservation Limits of larger libraries.

இ0 Anniversary: Natic rul Library and Documentation Centre
:xpert binders
OI1 :1T1d Tepair | in Ille TuILITe.
ised by insects While WaccLI111 h: Ther's LIld Conservation id used hy the le Tewspaper ie t rliiel lott li gilisation as a
, попumental is aggrivated
1:1 1: Spilce alrlıd ion practices of the IIIajor s. III addition 1 rics by Iloilr:lrics are also
Icts a number Li II1 ITle:[l1)ds. all Teledial :Lild Seminars ecial training *ers irl-charge
ork if ingress at the illery
Mal:Trij r / ' ’
'li') fril surligars)))

Page 54
领 | Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation
The Nili Ili : Tı d preser'w': subject. Expe While some a
The National World progra Internation:
Na Lito | Li Eo Of J FILII, Whi activities of p With a numbe
Μην Γ' τίτης
Library C
The Library ( the Natilal activitie's al Illa fi'ld. This cat Colliser Walio 1. La obli|1 ilece: Tles libri C'''|Luipment frc l Il SETWillion ki) Kowledge III
Ah! LIt 30 libri project alını Liliall for the centre expected to pri :LTı (d III Kofficer annual funding C. Il ser y1tik 31 ''' a'r 'ï'r llifia'r filwyr de|»,l r"t TTTer1 l:ıl :I performs:It isf, beyond the res
Special Els sista Collections of bi bok racks al

library has published a number of books on conservation ion as a measure of disseminilling knowledge on the Its in the field have authored sole of these monographs 'e translations of internationally renowned Works.
Library is closely associated with the Memory of the T1111e of UNES (C() : Iind the conservation for Linn of the Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. The ary also maintains close Tapport with the Diet Library :h was design:led by IFLA to co-ordinate conservation art of the Asia-Oceania region including Sri Lanka, and r of leading conservation centres in India.
onservation Centre Project
Conservation Centre project which was introduced by library With the intention of popularising conservation ng libraries at national level is anotherlandilark in this be considered the first national campaign on library Through this programme participant libraries are able sary theoretical and practical know-how on the subject. es also receive a Set o binlery und conservation T1 the NLD C. Which Will cnable the In to s LIIT : s Illall centre in the library and put the newly acquired di skills to practice.
aries from different library sectors are selected for the y. The National Library provides training and equipillent s while the authorities of the selected libraries are o vide adequate space from the library for this purpose, to be trained in the subject and assurance of providing for the sustainability of the project. By mid 2001), 115 centres were set up in public, school, temple, |nd higher educational libraries. Most of these centres actorily and some have even extended their services pective libraries.
Ince is given te Those librarics Which house library national significance. Library furniture in the form of kl special cupboards for palin leaf rhaint Iscripts ald

Page 55
fumigation cupboards are provided after assessing the I Padeniya Temple library, Kelaniya Widyalankara Pirive library of the Royal Asiatic Society, Sri Lanka Bri Archeological Department library are some of the lit rcccii Ved such assis la Ilçe Ticcently.
The National Library intervenes in dra Willig a tentior oft authoritics on restoring 1he Collections of national sig agitating on their behalf. The present National Mus restoration project can be cited as an example. The Natic Library, which is the largest library in the country, with a yol LIIIles, İspresently filced with a Scrious conservation L result of the intervention of the Nation:Ll Library Lhi Cultural and Religious Affairs appointed a special investigate and Imake suitable recoln IIlendations. Sub: Minister of Cultural and Religious affairs presented t reports to HE the President. After a study of reco III
LLS LLL LLaLaLLLLL a LLLLLaLLLL LL LLLLLS LLLLL LLaLLLLL L Fund Was Illade available for conservation L'Ild Testo Natio 1:1 || Museu II in library collection. Presently presi In microfilming Work is in progress LIII dc T thic stlpcTwisi|| committee on which the National Library is also repre:

| Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
equirements. la library, the inch and the raries which
lhe respective Inificance by elim Library Ihal Museu 111 LIK), KI) problem. As 2 Ministry of 20III Til Ice to sequently the 1o COITIThi[[Co endations by le P'te Sicil’s ration of the er vilLit)11 (11ll 1 of a special ՀeIlLetl.
Peneleri ya Welle Lili ra ry
Na fi o'r ail M', sef Y FF I. Il'yr' i 'ry

Page 56
芷 *
်းနှီး TE
Sanskrit revi i II gola 1.

1 CF1 Te
! sheets: size 67 x 6 cm caclı Oth Century)

Page 57
External Rel
կի I W կի

h Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre

Page 58
இ0 Anniversary: National Library and Documentati
ori Lillika in Asia-Oceania l'egio I 15 ispirato
National it relations. A Cordial relati in the regi Organisatiol Accordingly main Lains sp countries an
Conference (CDNLAO this region (DNLAC) v of Director
Conference year 200() Libraries in
sh: ring: mong of resource sh In laterials and
The NLDC at of Socia | Scic library Inlet Wol

} eltre:
raries lay great emphasis on regional and international is the apex library in a COLIIltry it is expected to have onships with other national and major libraries particularly on and also with main regional and international is connected with the library and information field. the National Library and Documentation Centre also ecial relationships with national libraries of a TIL III1ber of d regional and international Organisations in the field,
of the Directors of National Libraries in Asia and Oceania ) is the main regional forum in the national library field in . This conference is held once in three years. The was formed in 1979 as the regional body of the Conference s of National Libraries (CDNL). The 3" CION LA () was held in Colombo in 1985 and the conference for the was held in Singapore. Challenges faced by National the region and improving CC-C) perill tion and resource
them are the general themes of the ITleetings. A number El ring projects in the form of exchange of experts, library providing training facilitics are presently in operation.
cts as the national centre of the Asia Pacific Network 'nce Libraries (APINESS), This is the major regional
k in the social science field.

Page 59
International Relations
Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNI international for Lim which represents national librarit World. The meetings are held annually during the conference, The NLD (C is le na tilla|| || 1c Ilber for the Federation of Documentation (FID):Lnd also maintails With the International Federations of Library Assi. Institutions (IFLA), the premier international organisatio aid inforTil:Ltion field',
As mentioned earlier, the NLDC acts as the national International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN). Standard Serial Numbering (ISSN) and International St Numbering (ISMN) projects. Due to the successful in of these projects Sri Lanka has been recognised as the region in standard numbering projects. Accordingly t assisted Bhulan to inaugurate the ISBN project by provic |rtlining and guid:1IIce.
UNESCO assisted Sri Lanka by providing the initial establishment of the National Library and also providin to design the library building. The United States inform (USIS), the British Council and Book Aid International NLDC in providing expert services, training opportuniti Illalterials.
Through the GEP-2. Project the World Bank help is improve the school library sector in the country and LC National Institute of Library and II formation Science project also provides training opportunities for school libr rainers and staff of the NLDC. The National Library part in for Illulating the project and at present is assisting in its implementatico II.

1 Annivers: ry: National Library and Documentation Centre
) is the Ilhali : through the FLA general
Interational close rapport ciations aid in in the library
tel1ITi (if t11ւ: III ter|national andard Music Iplementation : leader in the le NLD) (Tills
liTng IleCeSSEL ry
thrust for the g the architect lation Service
to assist Ell es und library
available to establish the (NILS). The arians, library Oök arı ictive lhe authorities
/r 7/i u "7Y r(I t ir?7! ra:?chI 2 o/ogy" e'.Y per"i wyr) y 757 re'e' ('y'' /* WWS W II for refrica/ Ageroy (1998)
| } is Trib irir? I am fibrodoks xri ayrı real hy Bag 1 k Alla rifer II r ii r rl ( 7 )
Worles Balik School Library De L'elop) Per af Project (2 MW,0)

Page 60
剑 10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation {
Relationship with C
The following are some of the National Libraries' close ties in the form of exchange of library later
rrere sia

) the National Libraries
With whom the National Library of Sri Lanka maintains ials, inter-library lending, expert assistance and training

Page 61
Cultural A
.." تلفظ=", """
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} |Oth Anniversary; National Library and Documentation Centre
■ | η
M 从
* N

Page 62
W. The Nationa
Well as one () witl1 125 st: lecLLIIes, ser artistic and c
Lldi Librill 11 Y |he National scilliar rol
Na Fior« ("ils rary 4 ( «Mirrorfir yr
The Pict
Portraits of | it cria turc, al
Naliðill Lih be developed
is collecting
National II
T. Niti Ila The objectiv LKP libralies : LibTaTy publ projects of
Organisation Library stati
蠶.轟 and acquisiti

(Teil Li!
Library Auditorium
Library Auditorium is considered one of the busies as the most popular auditoriu IIIs in Colo Ilbo, The auditoriull LS is equipped with modern conveniences. It is used for minill's, Workshops, book launching and other literary, Lltural activities. To meet the increasing delland a second with a seating capacity of 250 has also been planned in Library complex. In addition the National Library has a 11 which is used for seminars and training courses.
re Gallery
2ading figures who contributed significantly to language, "t III'd library fields in Sri Lanka : Tee exhibited in the trary. This was inaugurated in 1998 and it is expected to | as al separa te gallery in the future. III additio II the NLDC paintings of leading artists in the country.
library Bookshop
| Library Bookshop is a popular bookshop in the capital. c of the bookshop is to provide quality library II laterials und the general public at a reasonable price, National ications, publications of the special book development the NLDSB and publications of a Il Limber of sta Le s III di : Litht)T , Lublislilers are available ut the bookshop. ollary including catalogue cards, book labels, book cards on registers a Te also available in the bookshop.

Page 63
The raff of the Narforal Library (wie Docureiration Ce 5: "1" cey Farr
Staff Activities
The National Library is proud to have a competent staf of library and information science, information conserwation, management and a number of other disci
In addition to their professional work the staff is active cultural activities throughout the year not causing imped official duties. The year commences with a religious ce get together of the staff. The New Year Festival in A important occasion for the institution and it is celebrated fashion. To commemorate the establishment of the Nat a religious ceremony and a number of cultural and educati are held at the end of April each year.
The annual excursion organised by the Staff Welfare the staff to Various parts of the country. On special occa and concerts are held either with leading artists or h talents of the staff.
Family members of the staff also participate at occasions. These cultural and religious activities have he an impression of a National Library Family' thus devel relationship between the staff and the institution.

10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
irre a red flie. Na ricornal Library tard Docturner faticir, g- | ԱԱ8
Till the fields technology, plines,
ly engaged ill illen I their remony asılıdı pril is a very in Customary ional Library Ilal activities
Society takes Isicos dra has arThessi Ing the
hese special lped to create Iping:1 strong
„A Scene fra 777 er play Frye'. C'e'e' ('y
r /re' y 'fer's"

Page 64
剑 10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentatio
Ναfίο για

Library building

Page 65
*satiri tie, li
----- Hiini 3. PLI
|Lt IIl II-III-III . .
LPhili -- But iciLEI
II i | ii niini Peel,
Iliumi niini
܀ 11 ܕ
it in
iti Ti i-in III | T | s *Erheting r RA
* B

| Oth Anniversary; National Library and Documentalion Centre
li fil ITL ILLI Thn El
Tiiiii III
蠶 |ili açılış Hlհl:յնարկ:

Page 66
డి 五°
10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation
Organisation Structure of National Lit
National Library III L)OCLIIIIIII:IIiili Services Brill
^ Liliq LILI5I [jo: 111 Tjia, LII
Rigal հԼr witւ: | } | , IsiT
E) CLITTEI EL LITT Series Tiision
Il III" | | I || II i III i II NLiimbering 1.
Senior Excecutive Staff of the National Library
Jormeri) (entre

rary and Documentation Centre
National Library ull DOCLIIIle 11:lighil Corto
Fl Etniscu wil Liu ITILIITTI E III 曼 Technology
P'TegeiTiyatin Mi višim
Thiհ 1-1ԼեII
Bibli graphic Stricts |1|wiհirm
Willi III | LILII Catalogue
Retrusբect1չ է: Nittilal Bibliography
Si Lillk. NET imminili Bibliography
Left to right; Mr UP Alahakoon, Head. National Bibilographic Services Division; Ms GA. Nanayakkara. Head. Information Technology Division; Ms. DM Thilakaratne, Head. Acquisition Division; Ms MBJ Senevirathna. Head, Reader Services Division: Ms HNT Fernando. Head, Documentation Services Division and WMT MISLU AMImalra siri. Director (Gerlerial. Ms Padma Bandaranyake, Head, Conservation and Preservation Division (not in the photograph).

Page 67
Advisory Committees
The Hori Minister of Education and Highler Education has appointed a number of advisory coll II littees for the National Library and Documentation Centre on the advice of the National Library and Documentation Services Board. The main functions of these advisory committees are to advice and assist the respective divisions of the NLDC in their professional activities.
National Library Advisory Committee
Professor WISiriweera Chair Ilall)-Wice-Chalcellor, University of Rajarata Professor Chandra Wickramagamage-Dept. of Pali and Buddhist Studies. University of Sri Jayawarda map Lura Mr. G. Widanapathirana-Librarian, University of Sri Jaya Wardanapura Mr. MIDHJayawardane - Chicf Librarian, Colombo Public Library Ms. WM Seneviratna - Sri Lanka Library Association Mr. GSB Senanayake-Chairman, Sri Lanka Literary Plli Ms. SAkarawita - Librarian, National Museums Dept. Joint Secretaries: Ms. MBJ Senevirathna
Ms. DMTHıilakaratne
Social Science Libraries Network Advisory CO III littee
Mr. (GWicila napathira Illa (ChaiTrı hal II ) — Libral rial, University of Sri Jaya Warda, napura
LS taaLLCCC LTtH aaLaa S LLeatLLL LLLLLLCLS LCHaS LLLLL History and Political Science. University of Colomb Secretary General, Sri Lanka UNESCO National (Ilissi Mr. SM Kanaldeen - Consult:llt. Islamic Cult Lirill Ccritit: Ms. Si C.J:Iyals Liriy -- Libraria II. University of Colabi Tıbo Ms. S M1 Wijewalı Ilısı - Directe II, DCCLIII nella Liol and InfoTTiati II. Sri Lallika Stand:Lrds Institute Ms. Deepali Thalagala-Director Information, National Scie:Ilce FCILI Ildal til
Secretary: Ms. II, NJ Fernando
Conservation and Preservation Advisory C) III littee
Dr. ( Ms ) NS Melagoda ( Chair|Iman), DepL, of History and Political Science, University of Colombo
MI Lib Ke
| Il Ms. C
M. L-ELI M UI 5.

Oth Anniversary; National Library and Documentation Centre
i.S.M. Aberatine - Senior Assistant Librarian, iversity of Kelaniya 7. JA SLImith - Asst. Directar, Office c of the Registrar Pesticides i, Geetha Yapa - Sri Lanka Library Association . H. Thilakabandu - Advisor, Department of External
: retary: Ms. Padma Bandaralına yake
formation Technology Services Advisory
III mittee
.NUYapa (Chairman) - Librarian, International
El ti on Malna gelent Instit Litte SLLLL L LLLLLLLCC S LllHlCLL LLLLLLCLLLS LLLLLLa LLL Inputer Technology, University of Color Inbh ) ", TT) TO GLI Illa sekara - Libratrial II, POSLI (Graduille titute if Medicine . Y. Maharf - Assistant Director. If IITiation. uncil for Information Technology i. Predcepa Wijetunga - Sri Lanka Library sciation i. M Kar Luna na yake - Director, American Resource
III ". Priyantha Weerabah LI - InfoTITnati Mill Tcchi Il-kology imager, [DM Co II1p Luter Education Institutic Cretary: Ms. GA Nanayakkara
cu II mentation and Bibliographic Services visory Col. Inittee
". Piyada sa Ranılsinghää (ChaiTTilalin) - Heall. Dept. of
rary atıld III foiTILlation Science, University of lil miyal F. SCJayasLIriya - Sri Lankal Library Associal tion ifessor Kalinga Tuder Silva - Dept. of Sociology, iwersity of Peradeniya s. Mangalika Lewke Bandara-Publishing Insultant .JA Amarawccra - Librarian, University of dd1ist lIld Plli . Nalinie de Silva - Librari: I. Central Bank if Sri ıkı
r. LA Jayatissa - Senior Assistant Librarian. Liversity of Kiel: Iniya
cretary: Mr. UP Alahakoon

Page 68
急 |Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation
National Library Services - Organ
National Library and DOLLIITILLiLE i III Services Board
(Cilli III)
A. dII I i T1 isL Ti; ti. IT1 FITILIILE .
Divis, III DO Visi
Library Library Educat III Development Divisi
Division H

isation Structure
National Library. IIId | DIInclitation CentTc
LH (Cielerial
Management Disill
Pulli | Divisi Yin || Developmeill

Page 69
Library Services at the National Level
There is a strong link between the activities of the Natio managerial and professional services of the National According to the provisions of the NLDSB Act, the B. documentation centres including the National Library established and the functions and ser Wiccs of the Natiola
When the National Library Services Board was establis projects were introduced at the basic level. The objectiv assist and direct libraries in the country while the Libr continuous educational activities of library personnel. T book development fields the Publication Division was st
The National Library Services Board while engaged in fill the Vacuum created by the absence of a National Lit was taken over from the Department of National Arc Imake the Board a recipient of a deposit copy. A numb: collecting materials for the library and undertaking nuII prior to the ina Liguration of the National Library.
Collecting and maintaining the national literature outp centre of National bibliographic and documentation servici are generally considered the core functions of a National other services to be performed by a national library, Mes Cornish als Well as I number of other inte|Tlationally repl for sometime. It is important to notchere that providing: publishing too have been identified as relevant though In
When the National Library was inaugurated in 1990, Board were transfered to the new institution. This step opinion : Ind after discussions with leading library profes
This arrangement was found to be un satisfactory due | library legislation which provide the legal base for the li Board was required to carry out all national library functi all library functions to the National Library was not pri National Library functions were retained under the Nat uIlder the Board. This position was further Confirmedal taken to spell out the functions of the Board and the

(Thı Annivers:ıry: Natiq bil:ıl Library alud 1041-cLIIInentatic Wnı Cicilt Tk:
Lal Library and Documentation Centre and other
Library and DocuTTentation Services Board. ard enjoys the powers to establish and manage and Documentation Centre. The NLD was | Library were organised under these provisions.
led three decades ago, a number of services and 2 of the Library Services Division was to advise, ary Education Division dealt with training and to fulfil its obligations toward the publishing and Armed in tille carly 1980s.
hic a bowe services and activities had to step i T110 rary. Compilation of the National Bibliography lives and necessary legislation was enacted to :I of other National Library functions including crous documentation activities were carried out
Llt, acting as the legal deposit library, being the es and co-ordinating country Wide library activities Library. A difference of opinio Il exists regardi Ing isers K W Humpreys, Mallrice Lille and Grchairl |ted acade II lics have been engaged in this debate Assistance to Other libraries, library education and OLfundamental functions ofa national library,
all library functions hitherto carried out by the was taken after careful consideration of expert isionals in Sri Lanka.
o se veral factors. The e lactment of the Ila ticht lill brary took nine long years. During this period the ons. Therefore, it became apparent that transfering ctical or functional. Accordingly While the mai|| ional Library other functions were re-established the Illula Liol of the Ilew act where steps Were
National Library. Acquisition, reader services,

Page 70
领 | Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation
bibliographic services, documentation, conservati National Library. While library development, edu financial and establishment units were placed un
Library Development Division
Maintaining slandards and engaging in c. field are the main responsibilities of the L assists in planning library service, advisit library standards.
Main Activities
-- Advise on library buildings, equi ::: Guicling the Corga Ilisi Ing of the col Provincial council library develo For IIlulation of library standards
: Evaluation and grading of librari : Prepara Lion of the school library * Assist in the preparation and imI
: Educating leaders of various sec : Assist the librarians in their prof: :: Supply books for libraries both : Supply fuITiture and equipment : University Liser education video : Book exhibitions ;: Conducting examinations for rec
Library Education Division
Developing library educational activities institutions and conducting short left in tra
are the Illain responsibilities of the Educa
Main Activities
: Conducting short term and conti :: Organising Workshops, ill-servic : Identifying trainers and providing
Develop II lent of the library and i Co-ordinating activities of library

on and information technology divisions came underthe cation, publication and book development divisions and der the Board.
5ther services which help the development of the library ibrary Development Division. Accordingly the division g on library matters, assisting libraries and formulating
pinent and furniture lection and services pment project
S policy lementation of the World Bank Library Development
Lors on the library field
2ssional issues
ree of charge and at concessionary rates for selected libraries
ruit ment of librarians
in the country in general, assisting library educational ining programmes. Seminars and Workshops in the field tion Division.
luing cducational programmes e training programmes and lect Liers
fuit her training Information science curricula
cd Licational institutions

Page 71
* Publishing library science literature in * Assisting other national and local orga * Assist in the establishment and functic
Publication Division
Editing and publishing the nation's old classics, publishing of important books published in Eng publications and library science literature are th
Editing and publishing of old classics Publishing of out of print modern class Translation and publishing modern cla Publishing Nationl Library publications Formulation of national standards in pu
Book Development Division
Due to the expansion of activities of the publ
division was created in 1999 splitting the activit
The responsibilities of the Book Development. country and assisting authors.
* Publication Assistance Project
* Educating authors and publishers sk Book sales on behalf of author-publis

Oth Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
vernacular languages hisations to organise training programmes ning of NILIS
reprinting out of print new classics, translation and lish on Sri Lanka and publishing National Library 2 main responsibilities of the Publication Division.
ics Ssics in indigenous languages
blishing and printing fields
ication division during the last few years, a new ies and responsibilities of the Publication Division. Division are helping the publishing industry in the

Page 72
领 1{lth Anniversary: National Library and DocurTentation Cen
Administration, Finance and Manageme
Both the National Library and Documentation Servic Centre are Linder a common ITILIlagemen L. The Adn and the Finance Division is headed by an Accounta Division come under the direct supervision of the I plans and evaluating progress are the Illain responsi
The document with the original paintin S.G. Charles. Afier a long deliberation, 1950) the above flag was reconnended 2nd March 1951. Signatures of the comn Minor modifications were effected to th θεcαιηε α. reри blic. (courtesy of the National ||

nt Divisions
's Board and the National Library and Documentation inistration Division is headed by a Deputy Director it. The Management Division and the Internal Audit Director General. Preparation of short and long term lilities of the Management Division.
ܢܵL - |++=Erit'"'"ابهايي:=L
g of the National Flag of Sri Lanka by y the National Flag Committee (1948It was approved by the Parliament on ittee inellers are also on the document, 2 original flag in 1972, when Sri Lanka
"iseul Library

Page 73
Board of Directors of the National Librar
(September 2000)
Mr. Henry Samaranayake
Mr. M D Bandusena
Prof. Kapila Dahanayake
Prof. RPGunawardena
Mr. K. Jayatileke
Mr. S M Kamaldeen
Mr Dayaratna Lankapura
Ms. G A A S Perera
Mr. R A A Ranaweera
Ms. Do Ratinayake —
Prof. S Sandarasegaram
Mr. E Satharasinghe
Mr. A Sivanesasel van
Mr. MSU Amarasiri
(Member), Secreta Home Affairs
(Member), Chairm.
(Member), Secreta Education
(Member), Author,
(Member), Consul
(Member), Associa
(Member), Deputy Information, Mini
(Member), Secreta Religious Affairs
(Member), Preside
(Member), Faculty
(Member), Chairm Technology
(Member), Editor,
(Secretary), Direc
Documentation Se Апа Dоситетtatic

2 10th Anniversary: National Library and Documentation Centre
y and Documentation Services Board
ry, Ministry of Public Administration and
lan, National Science Foundation
ry, Ministry of Education and Higher
Chairman, Sri Lanka Arts Council
tant, Islamic Cultural Centre
te Editor, Silumina
Director, Centre for Development try of Finance and Planning
ry, Ministry of Cultural and
int, Sri Lanka Library Association
of Education, University of Colombo
lan. Council of Information
for General, National Library and rvices Board and National Library on Centre

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