கவனிக்க: இந்த மின்னூலைத் தனிப்பட்ட வாசிப்பு, உசாத்துணைத் தேவைகளுக்கு மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்தலாம். வேறு பயன்பாடுகளுக்கு ஆசிரியரின்/பதிப்புரிமையாளரின் அனுமதி பெறப்பட வேண்டும்.
இது கூகிள் எழுத்துணரியால் தானியக்கமாக உருவாக்கப்பட்ட கோப்பு. இந்த மின்னூல் மெய்ப்புப் பார்க்கப்படவில்லை.
இந்தப் படைப்பின் நூலகப் பக்கத்தினை பார்வையிட பின்வரும் இணைப்புக்குச் செல்லவும்: My Diplomat

Page 1

ini Duraiswamy

Page 2
Siwanandini Duraiswany was born into
raditional Hindu family and the Hiina up - bringing is reflected in her way of life a her writings. Her schooling was at Ladi College, Colombo 7 and then she did h London University examinations and obtain a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She has Diploma in Carmatic Music specialising in Veel and in Western Music the Associate of it Trinity College of Music, London. She all studied Bharata Natyam and in later year Chinese Brush work painting
During her husband's diplomatic postings abroa she travelled extensively and she spent a great de of time researching and comparing Hindu Thoug Art and Culture with those of other cultur resulting in a compendium of valuable Notes. A from this collection is her first publicatio "Remembering Hindu Traditions." Her oth writing, "The Creative Touches of the Chisel, Hindu Sculpture and Architecture, is wi her Publisher MD Gunasena and the Footfalls Time," - the life story of Hindu Saints and Slag is in manuscript form.
She is presently on a special assignment as Co-ordinating Secretary on Hindu Affairs to Hon. Minister of Buddha Sasana and Culture a Religious Affairs. She is the President of the Sai Mangaiyar Kalagam (Hindu Women's Society), a the Manager of Hindu Ladies College. She is Member of the Academic Affairs Board of
National Institute of Education

e he d. ta

Page 3

Mad, CO

Page 4
(C) Sivanandin
ISBN - 955 -
9 Castle Lane Colc

i Duraiswamy
97048 - O - X
ed by
Duraiswamy ombo 4 Sri Lanka

Page 5
In Menlo
My Loved O1
'Can Love be latche
"அன்பிற்கும் உண்டே

ry of le, Yoga. ed and hidden

Page 6

Page 7
The gentle voice of My I his radiant smile will always li have become a pilgrim letting hi Seep into my being enrapturing
With a smile on his lips an on the radiant heights he has re
“I have thrown from meth
And stand now in the spiri Timeless and deathless bey The centre of my own eter I have escaped and the Smi I am immortal, alone, and I have gone out from the u
I have grown nameless an

Diplomat has been stilled but inger as a fragrant memory. I is beams of serenity and peace my mind into serenity itself.
ld a cheer in his hearthe stands
2ached and whispers to me -
e whirling dance of mind. t’s silence free
rond Creature-kind,
all self is dead;
niverse I made,
d immeasurable.”
Sri Aurobindo.

Page 8

Page 9
Part I - Biography Preface Introducing the Diplomat Yogaswami and Yogendra Diplomatic Posting - India Permanent Mission of Ceylor
the United Nations The Belgrade Conference and Marriage and After Iraq and the Near East Diplomatic Assignment in Ita From the Eternal to the Forbi
Return to Jaffna District Secretary and Gover Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
The National Question and
Parliamentary Elections Yoga's Approach to the Conf. Yogendra
Part II - Statements and Speech
Ceylon and Her Foreign Poli A Short Talk on the Belgrade

l to
Lly dden City
imment Agent, Jaffna
εy (1959) Conference (1960)

Page 10
Statement on Apartheid - Committee of the UN (19 United Nations and World Jaffna Hindu College - An Address (1972) Yogaswami 100th Birth A Statement at the All Party Devolution of Power - the and Compromise (198 Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri The Indo Sri Lanka Agree -Keeping Force (1987) The Ethnic Question - Is it Swami Vivekananda - the A Tribute to Pujya Gurud Chinmayananda (199 International Centre for R Conflict Resolution (1 Humanity at the Cross-Ro
of Hinduism (1995) The Kashmir Question (1 Observation on the Draft
Constitution (1996) Nuclear Apartheid Recei

Special Political 71) 218 i Peace (1971) 225 nual Prize Day
229 nniversary (1972) 236 Conference (1984) 242
Path of Conciliation 36) 253
Lankan Relations (1986) 264 ment and the Indian Peace
278 a Domestic Affair (1992) 281 Prophet of our Age (1993) 286 ev – Swami
4) 292 eligious Co-operation and 994) 298 ads and the Relevance
995) 314 Provisions of the
ves a Surprise Blow

Page 11
Writing the story of " heart-warming task for me. Sinc felt closer to him, living in spir years together once again. As I felt inspired.
The whole idea of Writin being keen that the Jaffna scen when he was District Secretary a be correctly portrayed, the true us had discussed various asp narrated the story faithfully to conclusions and the interpretat I have been often thinking C recapitulate portions of the Jaffn to think that he will never read
The story presents Yoga and education, his diplomatics The task of writing this biograp by the care Yoga himself took methodic manner.
I must express my gratitl Puvaneswri, Parameswari anc cousins, Thirumakal, Sarada an discussions we had, which help

My Diplomat” has been a e Yoga's passing away, I have it through all those beautiful each chapter unfolded itself,
g this story began with Yoga ario of those incredible years nd Government Agent, should story told. Although both of ects of the story and I have the best of my ability, the ions are necessarily my own. )f the times when I would a scenario to him. But it is sad the story in full.
in three parts - his childhood ervice and his life of service. ny has been greatly facilitated to maintain his papers in a
ide to his sisters, Nadeswari, l brother Devendra and his d Rasathy for the innumerable ed me to write the chapter on

Page 12
Lineage. Though I am gratefu mention the twins, Puvanes heated arguments on a point C me but their vast fraternal aff them I have read portions
comments and finally their ap
It is to Ranga, our dear f of knowing Yoga, "far longer th the tongue can give word to through the manuscript care comments and corrections.
To my son Naresh, I am loved Yoga in his quiet Way an me. He has encouraged me to V the manuscript and making va included where necessary.
I am most beholden to am. I dedicate this Labour of
“My Yoga wh
March 17th 2000 9, Castle Lane Colombo 4.

l to all of them, I should like to wari and Parameswari whose r two sometimes overwhelmed fections delighted me. To all of of the manuscripts, received proval.
riend, who in his tribute speaks han the mind can remember and ," that I am grateful. He went fully making his observations,
most grateful. Like me, he too d has been a pillar of strength to Write this story, glossing through luable suggestions which I have
my Yoga who made me what I LOV e to,
no is no more.'

Page 13
ix young men entered th
1950 having been selec
tive examination helc Dravidian of the Thaninaayaka six who served over a period from Delhi, Madras, Rangoon, N Rome, Beijing and Manila inte rising from the grade of Thi Ambassador.
The results of the Overs opened up for him a new phas success and fame. This was t pleasant surprises. His sister P success in the exam Wrote pri always say, 'chin up and nevei has worked wonders. In late headline news in every press realise what faith has done ti the Porter clan. Every genera luminous comet that lights ev comes its way - are you the or famous son of a famous father dare aspire to such heights. Wh Fortune always defies you at th
will in the end.'
1. Porter is derived from Ford, the name sponsor of Waitialingam who was the

he Ceylon Overseas Service in ted in the first open competi l in 1949. A tall handsome m clan of Delft was one of the of twenty five years moving New York, Canberra, Baghdad, rspersed with home postings Id Secretary to the grade of
eas Civil Service Examination e in his life - a career of travel, he first rung in the ladder of arameswari, on hearing of his esciently, " So what - as you say die. Your faith in yourself r years when your name is and platform, then will man o this handsome member of tion of Porters had a star - a erything and everybody that e in ours? Do strive to be the - It is not every one who can o said you are unlucky? Dame he start to fall a victim to your
of the 19th century American academic reafter affectionately called Porter

Page 14
It was this inner streng faith in himself, that helped hi Challenges he had many but no an opportunity to progress, to a all to test his own inner st essential to him and away of life despairs and disillusionments a philosophy - a philosophy forth words of Saint Apparrang true ir which springs from the Bhagava with single minded determinati failure.” This teaching motiva citizens which he did fearlessly expecting nothing in return. In hi College in 1972 he said, “If we country we should be motivated b with faith and discipline to Service to one's fellowmen is a cheri it will make our country a better pl
This man of faith and i. Yogendra Duraiswamywhose st the diplomatic assignments, the Society he lived in with grace anc of peace and reconciliation. Heb 1999 at his residence in Colombo.
as a rude shock to Naresh and vibrant and full of life and hope have been a wonderful passing minutes Only. His Countenance im

My Diplomat
th, born of his tremendous m to face all the challenges. he deterred him. It was to him chieve, to succeed and above rength. His religion was to be lived, to face challenges, rising around him. It was a e welfare of all humanity. The him - "your duty is to serve," d Gita saying - "Do your duty on, regardless of success or ted him to serve his fellow and to the best of his ability, s Prize Day Address at Hindu are to be useful citizens of our y noble ideals and should work
fulfil them. An ideal of shed objective and many having
Ce to liUe in...'
ntegrity was my diplomat, ory Istrive to tell. He bestrode District Secretariat and the t dignity. He was a proponent reathed his last on 17th June The impact of his death came me for he was to us still 2. But to him, his death must -away lasting perhaps a few mediately after his death was

Page 15
Introducing The Diplomat

Page 16
Serene, affectionate and full of of prayer, meditation and se nOment.
It was my good fortune to love to say that I was the one he seas and five continents and N his only son. We were cherishe him most dearly. It seems that dence had taken him away all perhaps to enable us to value hi less glory for him for he had liv service touching the lives of ma overwhelming sense of lonelin all I could say. Though very diff ber that Yoga and I belonged to of time and place, and we had ea years. Our relationship was not passed away peacefully with ai reflected on his countenance r eternal relationship is only with me to look within for all that he and pray for strength and guid to his accomplishments. This v most from us.
May he atta

My Diplomat
light as if the result of his life rvice stood revealed at that
) have been his wife. He would | chose after crossing the seven aresh's privilege to have been d by him and in turn we loved the inscrutable hand of Proviof a sudden with no warning, mall the more. There is death
ved a flawless life of work and any. But I was overcome by an ess - "Yoga is no more," was icult to accept, I try to rememeach other only in the context ch other for thirty seven lovely for ever and he had to go. He ninward happiness which was eminding me clearly that our God. It is now for Naresh and had taught us through his life ance and add our own efforts
would be what he would want
in Moksha.

Page 17
Introducing The Diplomat
Yogendra was born at Me house of a family well known f family speaks of its paternal li Mudali Vamsam which had Se maternal lineage as 'Iru mara Mudali Vamsam, Which had se Delft. The family traces the lineag De vendra and Thaninaayaka immigrated from the Chola Kingc century AD, with their entourag Servitors.
With his Parents Sir Waitialing

ahendra' the large sprawling or generations in Jaffna. The neage as Vijaya Devendra ttled down in Maadakal and pum thooy a Thaninaayaka attled down in the Island of es to the two Chieftains Vijaya am. These Chieftans had dom in South India in the 13th e - their clan of relatives and
am and Lady Duraiswamy

Page 18
Ambalawanar Iyampil Yogendra belonged to the Vijay had settled down at the sea erudite scholar, poet and was fe; - the teacher with a quick temp his children a good education American Missionary institutic day Jaffna College.
In the early 19th century aries came to Jaffna. Jaffna W of missionary activities for tw colonial government was anxi from Colombo as possible to a Missions and more importan Was India and Jaffna's strate important.
The Americans had mas Iyampillai who knew the Engl an important role in imparting were started and in 1823 the Ba Vaddukoddai – this was a fr similar to the ones set up in Te and Manipay. English, Tamil History, Geography and Philoso Professor Green's arrival in included. The rudiments of ( the curriculum and churches v schools.
2. Samuel Green established the first N Medicine and surgery were taught ir

My Diplomat
lai, the great grandfather of a Devendra Mudali clan which port of Maadakal. He was an ared as Kochchi Chattambiyaar er! Hemoved to Araly to give
at the Batticota Seminary, the on at Vaddukoddai, the present
, American Protestant missionas selected as the focal point o reasons - namely the British ous to have them as far away avoid clashes with the English tly, the Mission's main target gic position to India was all
stered Tamil and teachers like ish language, naturally played this knowledge. A few schools tticotta Seminary was set up at ee boarding school and was lipalai, Uduvil, Pandaterripu , Mathematics, Greek, Latin, phy were taught and later with 1833 medical studies were hristianity were included in vere built in the vicinity of the
sedical college in Manipay in the 1840s. Tamil

Page 19
Introducing The Diplomat
Despite these attempt Christianity, it is interesting Otley who taught Dutch fo Batticota Seminary - "despite Christianity, the Seminary trair heart." Perhaps this was due been an attempt by the missiona youth in accordance with the i was to 'save the natives litt themselves were a cultured back to over 2000 years.
The modus operandi c in Jaffna was different and su Colonial rulers. They were de Tamil with the people. They teachers like Arumuka Navalar sable. Armed with the languag ies understood them more anc and achievements, their Sorrow greatly improved while scienti made available in Tamil. Dr. C medical books into Tamil, Per of Arumuka Navalar, published dictionaries and Navalar transl missionaries wrote textbooks c Tamil Language and Literatur
Prof. K. W. Goonawardene - Kannan

s and many Tamils learning
to note the words of Dirk r about thirty years in the their extensive knowledge of Lees had remained heathens at to the fact that education had ries to reshape the Tamil Hindu deals of Christianity. The aim le realising that the natives people with traditions going
)f the American missionaries erior to those adopted by the dicated and chose to work in learnt Tamil thoroughly and and Iyampillai were indispene of the people, the missionari were able to share their joys is and failures. Tamil prose was fic and medical literature were reen translated scientific and cival who was an able student comprehensive English Tamil ated the Bible into Tamil. Other in Geography, History, English, e and on the History of Jaffna.
gara Memorial Lecture p 10

Page 20
Together with all these innovativ missionaries saw to it that high S English.
The educational system economic benefits to the peopl century, some converted to Ch education. Nature has always be the limestone topography and conducive to large scale agricultu 18th century was largely based and other cash crops. The po growing pressure on limited lan join the professions. The people O order to move ahead in life.
As the missionaries buil structure in the North, Iyampillai knowledge. Being an erudite Të several texts on astronomy, astr leaves. These manuscripts wer immediate family did not unde hard Work
Iyampillai had several chil and two girls survived. Waitiali distinguished himself at Jafna C Sor's name, Ford. Each studenth and in keeping with this tr

My Diplomat
7e methods in education, the tandards were maintained in
of the Americans brought e of Jaffna and by the 19th ristianity in order to get an een hard on the Jaffna man - inadequate rainfall was not ure The Jaffna economy in the On the cultivation of tobacco pulation increase and the d resources forced people to f Jaffna took to education in
t up an educational infrawas also able to broaden his |mil scholar, he had Written ology and religion using ola 2 lost to posterity since the 'stand the importance of his
iren of whom only three boys ngam was one son who had ollege and was given a sponad to have a Christian name
adition, he became Ford

Page 21
Introducing The Diplomat
Waitialingam. He studied to
Maadakal background base tradition, was kept intact. H marry out of the Araly circle. ancestry to the Chieftain Thanin in the island of Delft was the b) Kathirasipillai's ancestors had I down at Velanai when she Waitialingam.
Ford Waitialingam was a father's two storeyed home in to distant Kantalai near Trinc jungles and developed the lanc township called Porter Kaadu comes from the word Ford, family was familiarly known as later worked in Travancore and in the 1880s.
Kathirasipillai was an a children, one daughter and five disciplining them well in the fre who was invariably away at wo Waitialingam’s dictum, “If I as the hot sand, I expect you to discipline instilled in them.
Waitialingam’s childrei Duraiswamy, Ponnudurai, Rat well educated and imbued v

be an engineer. Iyampillai's d on the Vijaya De vendra e insisted that his children Kathirasipillai who traces her aayaka Mudaliyar who landed ride chosen for Waitialingam. moved out of Delft and settled was given in marriage to
good Hindu. He inherited his Araly, but his work took him Omalee where he cleared the d. To this day, there is a small on the map - the word Porter denoting Waitialingam. The the Porter Clan. Waitialingam Singapore as a roads engineer
ble lady who brought up her sons in a Hindu atmosphere, 2quent absence of her husband rk. His children would repeat k you to lay your bare back on do so" such was the implicit
n, Ponnammah, Wijeratnam, Inagopal and Rajagopal were with high ideals and values.

Page 22
Ponnammah's life was sad. Sh daughter and her two childre was fondly called by all her ni her brothers, was herself an Hinduism. Though she was v child and grandchildren, sh towards life, and served her Temple in Araly. She built up t the Women who came to the T undertook a pilgrimage to E returned to Jaffna spiritually I
Wijeratnam was the e father ventured out of Jaffna engineering and worked there Jaffna and started developmer the Local Council in Point Pec his brothers, and two of them P him. They too apprenticed as C in construction. Ponnuduri Mohandas Gandhi, believing ideals in the political a family and he wore khad c Gandhi and his followers ( Vivekananda Society and the Lampur. He raised necessar
Ratnagopal and Raja; settled down in Jaffna like hi. was a Superintendent of Wo

My Diplomat
le was widowed early; her only in also died. But "Athai' as she eces and nephews - children of erudite person well versed in vidowed and had lost her only a retained a positive attitude community through the family he Temple Library in order that emple could use the library. She 3adrinath and Kedarnath and
ldest of the sons and like his L. He went to Malaya, studied for some time. He came back to htschemes. He was a member of iro. While in Malaya he sent for onnudurai and Rajagopal joined ivil engineers and were involved ai was an ardent follower of and following his thoughts and nd economic Spheres. His lar, the home-sp un cloth as lid. Ponnudurai founded the Vivekananda School in Kuala funds for the school.
(opal were twins. Ratnagopal other brother Duraiswamy. He ks and helped build the Jaffna

Page 23
Introducing The Diplomat
Town Hall. Rajagopal worked in follower of Swami Vivekananc Vivekananda Centre in Seramba helped construct housing Schem Karaiyoor in Jaffna. As Public W built roads.
All the brothers, inspired properties in Velanai and built Home in memory of their mothe
Of the children, Duraiswa standing. He became the first colonial rule as the Speaker of th had his education at Jaffna Colle his education and sports. At a p at Jaffna College, Duraiswamy and won all thirteen prizes tha was instructed by the authorities to give others a chance.
Young Duraiswamy enti affiliate college of the Unive studied under the Sir Jagdish After graduating with doub Mathematics, he returned hc. developed his professional care political field.
Duraiswamy was a stalW. life of Jaffna in the few decac represented Ceylon at the Coron

In Malaya and being an ardent la, raised funds to build the in. He returned to Ceylon and es in Moratuwa, Kalutara and orks Department Engineer he
by Duraiswamy, donated their the Kathirasipillai Maternity r. The institution is still in use.,
amy the Second Son, was outcitizen of the country under e State Council of Ceylon. He ege Where he excelled both in articular annual Sports Meet participated in thirteen events t year. The following year he not to participate in any event
ared Presidency College, an rsity of Calcutta, where he Chandra Bose and P.C. Ray. le honours in Science and me where he studied law, er as a lawyer and entered the
art who dominated the public es before independence. He ation of King George VI along

Page 24
with Sir Baron Jayatilake. person. In England, as t Duraiswamy, he command As the Speaker of the State ( wisdom and conducted th dignity and impartiality foi of his who later became P performed the very diff dignity and prestige of t precedents and traditions w conducted the proceedings ( fairness. He will always b Speaker of pre-independent
The religious intolera Hindu Board of Education. S Mr. W. Duraiswamy were respectively of the Board. Schools, namely Raman Parameshwara College fo responsible for setting up a and orphanages to serve th Northern Province. Having missionary School at Vaddu people especially in rural a Hindu atmosphere. He v the Hindu Board of Educati Hindu schools in the Islar of the Tamil Union and lat President of the Vivekananc

My Diplomat
He was knighted by the King in he turbaned Sir Waitialingam led a great deal of admiration. ouncil, he combined ability with he proceedings with exemplary eleven years. A young colleague resident of the country said "He icult task of maintaining the he State Council. He built up hich are followed even today. He of the House with impartiality and e remembered as the exemplary
و و
ince of the missionaries led to the ir Ponnambalam Ramanathan and founder President and Secretary Sir Ponnambalam founded two athan College for girls and r boys... Mr. Duraiswamy was large number of Hindu Schools e needs of Hindu children in the had the best of education in the koddai, he wished to see his own reas have a similar education in a was elected as the President of on in 1923. In 1931 there Were 155 ld. He was one of the Founders er it’s President. He was also the da Society.

Page 25
Introducing The Diplomat
Rasammah was the bride ( her husband's mother, she was clan settled in Velanai. Her fal Mudaliyar. She was a little over Waitialingam household as Dura and beautiful. Her son Yoga beautiful Countenance, regal d fortitude and character. ”
During the early years of n was very busy building up his pi and later as a politician and relig admiration and affection for his on the father's part, he loved his of his children it would be "Yog and serve the people." This was the father saw the spirit of servic
Duraiswamy and Rasamn daughters and four Sons - Mahes Rajendra, Puvaneswari, Par Devendra. Maheswari and N. community development wor Union, the Hindu Women's Sc Mission. Of the twins Puvaneswa in Jaffna while Parameswari mi abroad. Mahendra was with the Kandy, Galle, Jaffna and Colomb
4. Yoga was called Yogu by the family

thosen for Duraiswamy. Like also from the Taninaayakam mily name was Sathasivam fifteen when she entered the iswamy's bride. She was fair speaks of her "amazingly emeanour and considerable
harriage, young Duraiswamy actice as a successful lawyer gious worker. His son Yoga's ather was always strong and son very much for he felt that u' who would take my place a prophetic assessment, for e in his son’s personality.
hah had eight children - four wari, Nadeswari, Mahendra, ameswari, Yogendra and ades Wari were involved in k through Tamil Women's ciety and the Ramakrishna rimarried a lawyer and lived arried an engineer and lived Bank of Ceylon and served in lo. He was very popular and

Page 26
loved by his peers. Rajendra e a young age. He was the Pres the University and graduated joined the Local Governmen various capacities in Sri Lanka of Local Government. Later h National Housing and Co. retired as Secretary, Public youngest in the family took farm in the ancestral propert Jaffna peninsula.
The Duraiswamys had home Mahendra was built with open verandahs and ani garden. Having been a su Speaker of the House, Dura. His personality and prestige place of people. He hosted M Nehru, D.S. Senanayake, S.W. R.D. Bandaranaike at “M.
for relatives and friends wher
for meals. The house was abu

My Diplomat
intered the University College at ident of the Students' Union at
in Mathematics and Science. He it service and moved widely in ending up as the Commissioner he moved out as Commissioner
mmissioner Motor Traffic. He Administration. Devendra, the to agriculture and built up his y at Paranthan just outside the
moved to Jaffna and their lovely in 1915 - a huge house ringed nner courtyard - all set in a huge ccessful lawyer and later the iswamy was a natural leader. made Mahendra the meeting ohandas K. Gandhi, Jawarhalal Dudley Senana yake and ahendra." It was an open house e guests often joined the family uzz of conviviality.

Page 27
oga was born on th Mahendra and he gre blessed him with the would reminisce, with tears in he who had given her baby a secon he was barely two years old. On the sun was setting and the baby the doctors had given up hope had administered “katu” - the l before death.
The whole household Wa ened when Swami appeared ac something purposeful in the stepped into the room. He sat be in prayer and meditation. He sm the child several times and sar Saint Sambandhar. The seeming responded very slowly and by was smearing holy ash, the feebl aside - "There, little Yogu has I all right." Saying so, Swami wa early dawn. The ever grateful pe for bringing back their child to
1. Saint Sambandhar, a Tamil hymnist C) movement in South India, belongs to th consisting of ten to eleven verses. Kolthe ill-effects of the planets' on one's l

a 14th of October 1923 in :w up there. Sage Yogaswami name Yogendra. The mother reyes, that it was Yogaswami d lease of life as it were, when that particular evening, when was very ill and unconscious, and the ayurvedic physician ast draught given to patients
as strangely quiet and frightross the threshold. There was calm and detached way he side the cot through the night leared holy ash on the body of ng the Kolaru Pathigam' of ly lifeless body of the little one early morning when Swami e hand pushed Swami’s hand egained consciousness. He is lked out of the room into the rents were thankful to Swami
'edited with leading a mass devotional 26th century AD. Apathikam is a chapter aru as the word indicates is mitigating fe by invoking God's name.

Page 28
Mother would continue who was treating the little following morning inquirin Yogaswami had performed He was the family Preceptic devotion and faith in him.
Yogaswami - i
Yogaswami was born of the Hindus of Sri Lanka v disrupted by Christian mis shepherd tending his flock minstrel who had come into eternal truths of Vedanta in Sir with the vibrant testimony of one of the great teachers came to

My Diplomat
a this story saying that Dr Phillips one, had sent his servant the g whether the baby was alive! the miracle to keep Yogu alive. r and the family had absolute
the Sage of Jaffna
at a great moment in the history whose spiritual lives were being sionary activity. He was a kind and at the same time, a regal the present time to re-state the nple Tamil thus re-vitalising them his own experience. "Yogaswami, us at an important milestone in our

Page 29
Yogaswami And Yogendra
long and chequered history to revi our fathers," writes Yoga in h Yogaswami - Some Reminiscen to a tradition of Saivite renuncia 18th and 19th centuries simple Tamil. Kadaitswami anc immediate forbears in this sam Kadaitswami spent most of his ti Jaffna bazaar in the early 19th cel meaning shop. Chellappaswami life in deep meditation near the emphasised on service and reite and infirm was service to G6d. monthly religious publication, th in 1953 he started the Sivathond Tamil means a servant of Siva.
Sir Waitialingam Duraisw of Swami. He visited the Columl lived in spartan simplicity, every Jaffna. He would take a flask of cc beverage which Swami would sh sit at the feet of his Guru and im his blessings - this was a dail active personality radiating varmt, travel extensively either by Car or 'Mahendra' and stayed as along as hour or two. Sometimes he gave us serve him lunch. On these occasio, discussions he had with my father, every conceivable subject that came

we and strengthen the faith in is concluding paragraph, 2s. Yogaswami was an heir es who lived in Jaffna in the
preaching Vedanta in | Chellappaswami were the radaya or religious lineage. me giving public talks in the intury, hence the name kadai’ was a recluse who spent his Nallur Temple. Yogaswami rated that service to the poor He had his devotees start a ne “Si Vathondan” in 1935 and an Society. Sivathondan, in
amy was an ardent disciple outurai Ashram where Swami evening whenever he was in ffee, sanatogen or some other are with the others. He would ibe his teachings and receive y puja. "Yogaswami (0as an 1 and good humour. He used to on foot. Very often he came to he wished - a few minutes or an the privilege of permitting us to ls it was a treat to listen to the hey discussed freely and frankly to their minds - be it an abstruse

Page 30
religious concept, national of international relations. At theses was perfect understanding and 1 disciple. Even when there was a di perceive the underlying bonds C had for the other. To my father, Swami was his Guru and every Carefully analysed, assiduously acted upon," writes Yoga ren father and the Guru.
Yoga would tell metha life after his illness and subse of Swami's benign presence. Ashram, little Yoga also wer and listened not understand were given to the devotees a imbibed some of it which he
attitude towards life which wa into manhood. It was on one playful mood that he address
“Anbillaar oduravu kol Thunbaththai seiyaadh Inbaththil thunbaththi
Thenbudane aran paad Do not mix with people who
2. Yogaswamigal - Some Reminiscene

My Diplomat
village affairs, personalities or sessions, some long drawn out, there apport between the Master and his lifference in their opinions one could f lasting affection and regard each strong and dominant personality, ' pronouncement that he made (Uas absorbed and if need be, promptly membering the closeness of his
the was given a second lease on quently grew under the shadow Whenever the father went to the ht with him, sat on Swami’s lap ing all the spiritual lessons that assembled there. He must have 'lped him to develop a certain S strengthened through the years occasion, when Swami was in a ed young Yogu Saying,
laadheaduththorkku le Soodhum vaadhum pesaadhe
ekamanasaayirundhu ham andhi sandhi sindhinenje.”
lack a loving disposition;
s - Courtesy Sivathondan Commemorative

Page 31
Yogaswami And Yogendra
Do not create problems for thos ill of others;
In times of happiness or pain, b Think of Siva's Feet, both at dav
Such were the simple les to a child but a profound advic was fond of Yoga was well kno letters he had written to him. Such letters in simple languageb in each which the family h Thirumugangal.” For exampl written to the young child in 19
"Dear Yogendra who is love its You are not the body. You are r nor the will. You are the Self. conclusion at which great Souls arrived at. Let this Truth become But there is one thing to which y Swerve from the path of Dhari regard every person as the holy within and without. I remain - I am He. (Yogaswami)
In addressing the young child, love itself” — each one is an emb Truth conveyed in a simple lett
In later life, when we us essentially towels or sheets ol value them so much that when to be there he would say, "Her

e around you and do not talk
e one of equanimity and wn and dusk.
Sons that Swami gave not just e to one and all. That Swami Iwn through the innumerable He had written twenty four but with deep spiritual lessons as published as "Swami's e, in one letter Swami had 38, he says -
lot the mind nor the intellect, The Self is eternal. This is the through their experience have well impressed on your mind. ou must give attention. Never ma. Let it be your practice to presence of God. He is both
the Swami says, "One who is bodiment of love - a Vedantic ær to a little child.
ed to send gifts from abroad shawls to Swami, he would any family member happened ) is Yogu sitting on my shoul

Page 32
ders,” meaning the towell Yog he would flap it saying, "Look the love Swami bore for him. Swami had asked the father w Yoga whom he would send to Siddhanta and Vedanta and l manity. The father Smiled say this Swami smiling in his chari get married and settle down i Years later when Yoga was seve that Swami took him away on he had passed away (in 1964 1999 when Yoga passed away this World. Since Swami is Wil
Yoga was the seventh in the f needed extra care. He grew ol to Jaffna Central College for went to Royal College in Colo in Jaffna. As a child he lovec speakers and would love to c life. Throughout his schoolir good and he had an aptitude f boy his interests were very w than his classmates and Senio he was well ahead of most c Fernando a Senior master, Wol to answer a general knowledg not be able to answer. Yoga w occasion, he never disappoint

My Diplomat
a sent was on his shoulder and , I am Smacking him!" Such was When Yoga was still unmarried, rhether he would like to release India to study Sanskrit, Saiva ater take his place to serve husing, "Ask him Swami’ and to acteristic way said, "No he must n life. How can I take him now." 2nty five it was very very strange | his same Aailiya asterism that ) - this was on the 17th of June leaving Naresh and me alone in th him, we know that he is safe.
amily and after his early illness it of this weakness and was sent his primary education. Later he mbo and then to Hindu College i reading the works of famous uote these passages in his later !g, his general knowledge was or World affairs. Even as a young vide; he read more newspapers rS did and in general knowledge if them. Several times Mr. H.R. ld call him from the junior class, e question that his seniors would ould tell me that except on one ed this teacher

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Yogaswami And Yogendra
At Jaffna Hindu College represented his school as Capta team. He referred to his days at when he delivered the Annua saying, “No greater tribute Cou institution than to invite him to and to be un der the benign Services to this institution and thu been gratefully remembered portrait today. This occasion br memories of his service and Country and his people, but also of in this institution under the guida
He entered the Universi Honours Degree in Economicss Naresh inherited his love for University he was a keen debate Allahabad where the Universit the inter-university debating cor the second best speaker while P first. Yoga was involved in Stu Secretary of the Union. He lov a pole vaulter, a sprinter and graduated with honours and ac academe and the playing field Service.
To Yoga, his home Mah lone star, the goal, the ultimate to go home and serve his people.
3. Pathak in later life became the Chief J

he was the Head Prefect and ain of the First Eleven Cricket Hindu College with nostalgia 1 Prize Day Address in 1972 ld be paid to an old boy of this deliver the Prize Day Address shadow of his father whose 2 cause of Hindu education have by the un veiling of his ings back to me not only fond sacrifice for the cause of his the short but fruitful years I spent nce ofillustrious teachers.”
ty in 1944 graduating with an pecialising in Political Science. International Affairs. At the 2r and led the debating team to y secured the second place at htestin India. He was adjudged 'athak on the Indian side came [dent Union activities and Was 'ed sports and was an athlete, a tennis player. And So Yoga 'colades through the groves of entering the coveted Foreign
endra’ was beautiful; it was a end of everything he wanted - He felt that Mahendra would
ustice of India.

Page 34
stand for ever - a monument of Rajagopalachari and all the l had visited and yet still with a yet so impervious to the delight he inherited a major pc its frontage. In later years wil after retiring prematurely from of us re-arranged the rooms, r that, closed the sprawling ver and re-laid the gardens with b trees and a kitchen garden att a sense of satisfaction that his would be proud to see his hom all the lovely things we hac various postings - the draperie my paintings, we were able t lovely and cosy.
He would proudly gift chutneys that I would make grown in our garden, to his sis of our postings abroad where laden with strawberries, pee preserve them for the sheerj. Winter.
The vision he had for ground when it was bombed time that he would say he wo his father at this spot. Now the Duraiswamys may be ap contribution to perpetuate th

My Diplomat
the past where Gandhi, Nehru, 'rime Ministers of our country vision of the future - so old and passing of years. To his rtion of the house together with hen we returned to Sri Lanka the Foreign Service, when both !-did the flooring, added this or andas, curtained the windows, oth flowering and fruit bearing he back, he would remark with parents particularly his father e beautifully re-furbished. With | collected abroad during the S, carpets, curios, furniture and o make Mahendra even more
the bottles of marmalades and from the lemons and mangoes ters and brothers, reminding us in Summer when the trees were ches, apples, lemons, I would oy of doing so and use them in
Mahendra was dashed to the during the late 80s. It was at this uld like to build a Memorial for vith Yoga gone, a Memorial for propriate and it would be our ename of the Duraiswamys.

Page 35
in his diplomatic life, Yoga
served. He was pre-eminer
was always well dressed tha of him as Anthony Eden - the and tall, he had dignity and Chanceries or High Commissio in Colombo, at receptions or dir Palaces, in the homes of diplo wherever we were posted.
The first batch of the C.

was a success wherever he tly suited for this career. He this father would often speak British Prime Minister. Thin, deportment whether in our ns abroad or at the Ministry tners in Presidential or Royal mats or in our own homes
ylon Foreign Service

Page 36
His forte was Interna work was essentially based on service is the field force of t diplomats and consular pers the interests of the governn necessary information on wh diplomatic service of most modern times, diplomatic of of royalty and served as the pe Today this is not so because in more democratic institutio sentatives of the government. in the service saying that pric parts in the service had to com of the low salaries and meagr were paid to the diplomats and now recruitment is pui allowances are good. But in o during the early years, the sa were poor and rents not prac improved a great deal.
All the same, both Y. postings. At first it was bach me. He would always say th come to an empty home wh because I was there to Welco part of the world, was a joyc and togetherness, warmth a of people - dinners or lunc and pensive and through a re-assuring presence.

My Diplomat
tional Affairs and diplomatic this knowledge. The diplomatic he Foreign Office consisting of onnel engaged in representing ent abroad and providing the ich foreign policy is based. The
countries is similar. In preicials were generally members arsonal representatives of kings. governmental authority resides ns and diplomats are the repreI remember, our British friends }r to World War I, their Countere from wealthy families because e entertainment allowances that but that those days were gone 'ely on merit; the salaries and ur case, I remember vividly, that laries were low and allowances tical - since then these have also
oga and I enjoyed each of the alor Yoga alone, and later, with at in the earlier days he had to le later he loved coming home me him. Our home in whatever us place filled with discussions d affection. At times it was full leons and at other times quiet ll these was Yoga's unfailing,

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Diplomatic Postings
Yoga's first posting abroa all his experiences that we have he had enjoyed it a great dea departed friend, Arvind Kanda strengthening Indo-Lanka Socic contribution will be difficult to n ture, the Hindu religion, our anc least, amazing. He utilised his me and the years he spent in New D his already vast repertoire of Ind interested in Indian history anc his deep knowledge of a countr loved passionately."
At High Commissioner Coomarasy L-R. General Kariappa - Commar Dr. Najib - Ullah Khan - Afgha Mr. Warwick Chipman - Canadic Pundit Nehru, Mrs, Coomaraswam

d was in New Delhi and from shared together, I realise that 1. In paying a tribute to his ppah writes - "In the area of -cultural ties, Duraiswamy's natch. His love for Indian cullient Scriptures was to say the any visits to India when young elhi as a diplomat to enhance ology. I was but a few of those Culture who benefited from y, culture and religion that he
vamy's Cocktail Party.
der-in-Chief of the Indian Army, n Amb, Mrs. Indira Gandhi - un High Commissioner - Yoga, y and Mr. Coomaraswamy. - 1952

Page 38
Mr. C. Coomaraswal Registrar-General and Se Commissioner to India at th Written , " During my stay 0 in India, I had two assignine Secretary and second that of Sec. assignments took me to variou pleasure of meeting Carious peop the Country. I had the opportun Madras, Bombay, Travancore, Co and meeting distinguished Rajagopalachari and Radhakrish Raman and Krish na 11, S ( Ranganathanandaji, the Mahara MySOre, Tenzing and Thinlayya, circle of friends, the memory of cc during the latter part of my stay of doubts and misgivings regard which in turn affected my offic every point of view was not on myself but was also not (Uithout to and the country I represented
While Yoga was station two sisters visited India o Rishikesh. His parents met J Prasad. His father noted that

My Diplomat
ny, one time District Judge, nator, was Ceylon's High at time. In his Diary, Yoga has f three years and seven months nts, first being that of Official retary, Public Relations. These tavo s parts of India, where I had the le and Seeing the different parts of ity of Oisiting places like Benares, Shin, Mysore, Hyderabad and Jaipur people like Nehru and Pra Sad, lan, Krishna Menon and Kripalani, jam i Si0a 11 anda and S(Ua 111 i ja of Patiala and the Maharaja of In my Social life I cultivated a good hich I shall always cherish. Though in India, I had OCCasional 1110111ents 'ing the conduct of certain officials ial life, yet my stay in India from lly interesting and illuminating to its benefits to the Service I belonged
y 9
ed in New Delhi, his parents and n pilgrimage to Benares and awaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Nehru appeared aloof. While the

Page 39
Diplomatic Postings
Duraiswamy family respected erudition, they often criticized h India's poverty and resolve fore China, Tibet, Kashmir and Arun
With President - Rajendra Prasad Day Reception, N.
Yoga's knowledge of Ir by this posting. He once told n and experience of Indian affai assignment in India - Secretary This assignment was of a more that time. Independent Ce one million Indian Tamils al American stance in foreign pc India vere not as Cordial as ve uvo

i Nehru for his savvy and is failure to effectively reduce
ign policy crises pertaining to achal Pradesh.
of India at the Indian National 2w Delhi - 1953
dian Affairs was enhanced le that it was this knowledge rS that gave him his second in charge of Public Relations. delicate nature especially at ylon had disenfranchised nd it had also adopted a pro licy. "Ceylon's relations with uld have liked them to be. Hence

Page 40
One of the measures, (chic to Create this post of Secreta 1 entrusted with the task o, influential Sections in various p c011tact with Ministers, Mem, businessmen, University teach Vividly when I was introduced t as the Acting High Commissione and Said, 'You are just out of Co speaking to her, she realised th that my knowledge on Indian A recapitulate.
While posted in Delh opening the Assistant High CC He did this with a great deal Shri Rajagopalachari, the Chi veteran in the Indian struggl members of the staff dissuad accept the invitation but he si And he tried and was able t invitation. The office was o today benefit by its services. for his vision, classicism, inte Tamil people. Rajagopalachar. the latter's socialist policies an open market policies if it wer place in the international aren
Despite his travels in Ir not visit Kashmir, Cape Rameswaram only because h

My Diplomat
h my government took was ry Public Relations, and I (Uas f meeting representatives of arts of India. This brought me in bers of Parliament, journalists, ters and students ; I remember O Minister Rajkumari Amrit Kaur of Ceylon, she raised her eyebrows llege, I presume. But as I started at I kne U (Uplıat I was about and ffairs (Uas Uery good, ''' he would
i, Yoga was given the task of mmissioner's Office in Madras. of pomp by personally inviting ef Minister of Tamil Nadu and e for independence. The other ed him saying that he may not aid, "No harn done; we will try." o persuade him to accept the pened and many Sri Lankans Yoga admired Rajagopalachari grity and standing amongst the often disagreed with Nehru on i insisted that India had to adopt 2 to modernize and take its due
dia, Yoga would say that he did Comorin, Tiruchendur and e wanted to go to these places

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Diplomatic Postings
with his wife - "You See, I had to a together," he would say when W on pilgrimage to Cape Comorin a and I had earlier visited Ran Versailles. We did not visit Ka Whether I Would wish to go wit
Visiting some of the ancie was fascinating. Like me, he t architecture and sculpture. Very ancient steps, viewing the crum pillars, sculptures ... These we glorious classicism of Indian art. trips into the memorial lovelin the evenings I would complete th of Notes. "Keep these Notes carefi. together later," he would say. V together.
I recall our trip to the Mal near Madras. The Pallava templ eloquent commentary on the glo the great powers that together India, none had a more markec this region than the earliest of a productions provided the found.
The Mahabalipuram com hewn from solid rock and is a temple architecture. It consists
1. Percy Brown on Indian Architecture

wait for you so that we could go e visited them later. We went nd Tiruchendur in 1978. Yoga Leshwaram - the Dravidian shmir. And I Wonder noW nout him; most probably not.
nt temples in India with Yoga oo was interested in Hindu often we would walk up the bling facades of the ancient re to us, a testimony to the We would really enjoy these 2ss of ages past. And then in he notes for my Compendium 'lly. We would go through them We did enjoy reading parts
habalipuram Temple complex es at Mahabalipuram are an ry of the Tamil Kings. "Of all made the history of Southern effect on the architecture of l, that of the Pallavas, whose tions of the Dravidian style."
plex is a group of monuments n exquisite example of early of a cluster of fine rock-cut

Page 42
monolith stone temples wit an open - air museum. Th fascinated Yoga so much tha I did. A rough sketch was
colour on the temple facac painting and Yoga was ver which has adorned our sitti would proudly say displayi
2. I carry my drawing toolkit with

My Diplomat
h beautiful sculptures making it e adjoining stone built temples the suggested I paint them, which made and we studied the play of e which I later worked into the y proud of the finished painting ng room - "My Poo's painting," he ng it to friends!
me and this was not difficult

Page 43
in his posting as Official Sec
to the United Nations in
Yoga was initially involve Committee. He took a perso. the Special Committee and th particularly with regards to the Committee. Yoga would, in later Karunatillake the Legal Adviser the Twelfth Session of the Gener the Asian African Group of twe ate on behalf of the group with composition, and that he (Yoga) delegations to get their support the Chairman of the Delegation R.S.S.Gunawardene saying, particularly regarding the que the General Committee is some was made possible becaus by Mr. Y. Duraiswamy who i with a very keen political insig interpreting our foreign policy part of the tedious task of negot African Group, I could always r handled the other delegations a were occasions when the wholet

retary of the Ceylon Mission New York in 1956 - 1959, d with the Special Political nal interest in the Work of he contribution of Ceylon, composition of the General years, tell me that Mr. Nimal to the Ceylon Delegation to al Assembly was entrusted by 2nty-nine countries to negotiother groups regarding this was asked to handle the other
E. Mr. Karunatillake wrote to
to this Session Ambassador “I think our contribution, stion of the composition of thing we can be proud of. It e of the initiative taken impressed me as an officer ght and who was capable of in any given situation. In my iations on behalf of the Asian ely on Mr. Duraiswamy, who ind won their support. There hing looked hopeless, but the

Page 44
final voting in the General Ass handled the matter suci Mr. Duraiswamy, I found was added, "I was glad to note personal interest in the w Committee and he is an office any political responsibility.” " words of encouragement to a
In 1958, Yoga signed the Final A for the Government. The first Vi Venezuela and Mohammed Mah. Conference are at the Table.
1. True Copy of Mr. Nihal Karunatille

My Diplomat
ambly would prove that we had Jessfully. In all activities more than helpful,” he said and that Mr. Duraiswamy took a ork of the Special Political 'r who could be entrusted with These glowing comments were young diplomat.'
ct of the 9th Annual Conference ’e President Cartes Rodriguez of goub of Sudan, the President of the
ke’s letter

Page 45
Permanent Mission of Ceylon to the Ur
In 1957, Ambassador Gur Washington as Ambassador of ( America and Sir Claude Corea W the Permanent Mission of Ceylo and Neville Kanakaratne were in charge of political and intern charge of legal affairs.
New York was the pre-e America and Yoga's posting t diplomats and academics from politicians as well. He had a hig of the Democratic Party who lat the candidacy of John F. Kenned
Yoga opposed apartheic New York, he studied the questi government never approvec Commonwealth countries critic for these racist policies, Sout Commonwealth. The General A Committee on Apartheid and states break off diplomatic rela enforce economic sanctions aga General Assembly adopted a D of all Forms of Racial Discrimir
Apartheid means 'apartn and was the name given to th governed relations between Sout were white and the four fifth nor

ited Nations in New York 33
awardene was transferred to Ceylon to the United States of as appointed Ambassador to n to the United Nations. Yoga the Official Secretaries - Yoga ational affairs and Neville in
minent metropolis in North, here gave him exposure to all countries and America's gh regard for Adlai Stevenson !er stepped aside in favour of
d in South Africa. While in on in great detail. The Ceylon i of apartheid. When the ised Afrikaaner government h Africa pulled out of the ssembly established a Special recommended that member tions with South Africa and inst that country. In 1963, the eclaration on the Elimination
ess in the Afrikaans language e segregationist policies that h Africa's fifteen percent who -white majority. The National

Page 46
Party formally introduced a support of the Dutch Reform ( with reference to Calvinistide apartheid's statutes were deriv tion in Southern states of the l 1930S. The basic tenet of Sol
domination of state and soc gation was continuously strel exclusiveness and fear. White labour force unorganised; a service occupations was reser The blacks were somewhat
Yoga addressing the Special Poli the United Nations in November (left) and Roger Magloire Bombl

My Diplomat
partheid in 1948. This had the hurch that justified the policy as of pre-destination. Much of ved from segregationist legislaJnited States of America in the uth African policy was white iety. The framework of segre ngthened by attitudes born of e industrialists kept the black
vast range of industrial and ved exclusively for the whites. t treated like South Asia's
ical Committee on Apartheid at 1970. With him are Joseph Bako a (right)

Page 47
Permanent Mission of Ceylon to the Un
Years later when Yoga w Delegation to the United Nation local press reported, "Yogendral delegate in the 127 nation Comi he appealed to South Africa's m assistance and work with the Uni "The policy of South Africa challen; the International Community and great religions," he said and ada apartheid is an ugly and evil doctr racist regime to perpetuate their majority of the indigenous populati directly violates the UN Charter Human Rights and is scientifica Socially unjust and politically dang to note that the National Unio opposed apartheid and said, "T the (chites in South Africa a powerf the previous wrongs done by their (Uas an effective concerted action by government of South Africa to see
fair play."
Yoga was happy when I the reins of government of a üprising in the impoverished b apartheid and free the people of Was Wrong and ugly.

ted Nations in New York 35
ent as part of the Sri Lankan S from Colombo in 1970, the its out at apartheid." As the nittee of the United Nations, ilitary suppliers to stop such ted Nations to end apartheid. res the enlightened Conscience of contradicts the teachings of the 'ed, "Racial discrimination or ine devised by a white minority lomination over the 11011-(Uhite on of that country. This concept , the Universal Declaration of lly false, morally indefensible, Prous," he said. He was happy n of South African students here is a ray of hope that among il 11100ement (UOuld start to undo kinsmen. What (Das needed 1100 the United Nations to bring the reason and act with justice and
}r. Nelson Mandela took over ree South Africa. The youth ack townships helped break the land from something that

Page 48
Over hundred years ago, Sowed the early seeds of antiwith the Natal Indian Congress with truth, here and laid the commitment to 'civil disobed The Indian National Congress National Congress. The disma in the true Gandhian spirit c negotiations with the white m the process of rule of law and all without racial discrimination is today acclaimed the symbol Society of South Africa. Years la participate in the World Hind and we realised that the s different races in South Afric Sri Lankans today.
A weekend outing was Sessions of the United Nations. sponsored this outing when Yo! the Permanent Mission to th fifties. The UN visitors includi in homes in the Southbridge-St
Sturbridge village is ma where the people live as thei hundred years earlier. Each iu

My Diplomat
it was Mahatma Ganadhi who racist struggle in South Africa . He initiated his experiments foundation of 'Satyagraha - a ience and non-co-operation.' influenced Mandela's African ntling of apartheid took place f non-violence and peaceful ovement. The abiding faith in i 'equality of opportunity for l, prevailed in the end. Mandela of the new multi-racial plural ter Yoga and I were invited to u Conference in South Africa, sharing of power between a offers a possible model for
planned during the annual The Rotary club of Southbridge 3a was the Second Secretary in e United Nations in the late ng Yoga were weekend guests urbridge region.
intained as an old time village r ancestors had lived several nvitee lives with a family and

Page 49
Permanent Mission of Ceylon to the Un
Representatives of 18 Members of the their arrival at Old Sturbridge Vil Outing sponsored by the Rotary Clul with the Volunteer Services Commi UN visitors were week-end guests Sturbridge area. On Sunday, the hostesses witnessed the annual Mu,
Yoga was the guest of Mr. and Sturbridge Village and on Sunda of Richard K. Showmans on Big a swim. Though the water was c air, he had to jump into the wate Showmans' guests from Chile a already. "You know, they thought in when I gave the Thank you addre at the Village Tavern on behalf of standing ovation. My Thank you.' . response was equally genuine. I met found in the Village that are still in

ted Nations in New York 37
2 United Nations are shown upon lage on Saturday, on week-end of Southbridge in co-operation stee of the United Nations. The in homes in the Southbridge. visitors and their hosts and ter Day rally at the Village.
Vrs. Frank O.Spinney of Old ly he was invited to the home Alum Pond for breakfast and old and there was a nip in the r because he realised that the nd Scotland had had a Swim le Uery (Uitty ard intelligent and S at the Saturday Night Dinner all the visitors, I was given a Pas sincere and heartfelt and their tioned the timeless, age-old tools use the world over - for exa riple

Page 50
the spinning wheel, the loom and into flour. I also found a number (what (ve use here at home. It is ret men and women wear belong to fascinating." On Sunday, the hostesses witnessed the ann Village. The marching units Uniforms and Yoga would ren the pictures in the album, th Mattatuck Band.
In 1970, the Ceylon importance to the work of peace-keeping operations maintenance of international important task of the United one of its essential facets.
In his statement as del Committee on United Nations said inter alia "Mr. Chairman, and independent of military bloc, United Nations as an organisatic international peace and security Could pursue their way of life, S atmosphere of peace. The United peace-keeping operations and t account in arriving at acceptables

My Diplomat
the basic process of milling grain fartifacts in the village similar to illy incredible. And the clothes the the olden days – all this (Uas very visitors and their hosts and ual Muster Day Rally at the were in Revolutionary War ember while glancing through at he particularly enjoyed the
delegation attached great the Special Committee on Of the United Nations. The peace and security is the most Nations. Peace-keeping was
egate of Ceylon in the Special Peace-Keeping Operations he Ceylon as a non-aligned Country , attaches great importance to the in essential for the maintenance of so that Countries big and small, afe from external pressures in an Nations has useful experience of 'is no doubt, vill be taken into lutions. It had sent observer groups

Page 51
Permanent Mission of Ceylon to the Uni
or military contingents to Kashmir Cyprus and in some of these areas presence of the United Nations in til ease tension and prevent the eruptio
“We feel the financing of LIN be the Collective responsibility of all 1 will give a greater Sense of particip important activity of their organisat only the peace-keeping machinery, b
"The need for strengthening desire of all of us. No efforts should an early and effective agreement on there must be a way. It is difficu that Could obstruct the successful Cor is the political will to succeed. The and not man for Sabbath. Whate one may place on Certain provisions Consideration of the Special Committ by the formulation of a scheme of as for UIN peace-keeping Operations, (Ul preservation of peace."
When Yoga was elected Nation's Association in 1978 (an start even before Ceylon beca) Nations), his address was importance.

ted Nations in New York 39
, the Middle East, Congo and its presence is still there. The lese areas of Conflict had helped n of a shooting Ular.
peace-keeping operations should 11ember nations. This procedure ation to all the 111embers in an ion and thereby strengthen, not ut also the organisation itself.
peace-keeping capabilities is the , therefore, be spared to come to this question. If there is a will, lt to conceive of any problem tclusion ofan agreement, if there 2 Sabbath (vas created for man er emphasis or interpretation of the Charter, the Over-riding ee and its (Uorking group should reed guidelines and procedures zich would effectively help in the
the President of the United Association that he helped to me a Member of the United on Human Rights and its

Page 52
"Our ASSOciation is a P. Nations and should carry the in Nations to the to (U11s a 11 particularly the message of Hum (Uhich the United Nation stands,
"Every human being (van (Uhich his inherent dignit. protection and for this, his rights spring from such a desir Conditions of life, which pe develop and use his hul mian Conscience. Human rights are in nature and (Uithout them (Ue Can, this reason that all great religions one's neighbour as oneself.
"Let us take the Case The composition of people in homogeneous. There are man Age-old rivalries and antagonis Smooth functioning of a state di Uith a separate and different hi. together by the old imperial po Convenience and later linked Creating after independence p( the State but also with the adjoin questions. In Such Cases there (00: the Status quo ante Once the impe

My Diplomat
ople's Movement for the United SSage of the ideals of the United | villages of our country, in Rights, an important ideal for
he began his address.
is to lead a decent civilised life in | will receive respect and lave to be protected. Human rights e and they concern those mit a human being t0 fully qualities of intelligence and alienable and fundamental to our Ilot live as human beings. It is for emphasise the need for one to treat
of states of Asia and Africa. many of these states is not y Cultures within each state. 'ns Complicate this and make the fficult. In Some instances peoples torical background (Uere brought Jers for their OzUn administrative
together in one state, thereby litical problems not only within ing States in the form of boundar/ ld be the natural desire to revert to tial powers have vacated their rule.

Page 53
Permanent Mission of Ceylon to the Un,
"How does one bring abou, between conflicting desires of people minority may wish to preserve thei majority may wish to enforce the does one reconcile their pulls and diversity? Human Rights and the e! or favor is the answer.
"The international Con1111 for the protection and promo fundamental freedoms when it adop in 1945. In 1948, the Universal enunciated the various forms of economic, Social and cultural - a 1. beings are born free and equal in dig to all rights and freedoms set for distinction of any kind...The United the importance of human rights and their lives in an atmosphere of peace
"Human rights are necess nations but also for peace within nat us? Millions of people are denied th parts of the world and the Unit Corrective steps....Many conflicts in if the basic human rights of treat, Equality and justice in the context life of peace, progress and prosperi

ited Nations in New York 41
E harmony and understanding in a State? On the one hand, the ridentity and on the other the ir language and Culture. Ho CU ressures and preserve unity in 1forcement of them without fear
unity assumed responsibility tion of human rights and ted the United Nations Charter Declaration of Human Rights human rights - civil, political, ld proclaimed that 'all human nity and rights' and are entitled th in the DeClaration Uithout Nations had rightly emphasised shown the way for people to lead 2, equality and justice.
arly not only for peace among ions. But Uhat do (Ue See around eir basic human rights in many ed Nations is unable to take the world could be easily resolved ing all alike could be enforced. of freedom are fundamental to a ty. Though the United Nations

Page 54
has adopted many Conventions member states have accepted and law, yet in practice there are na United Nations should be given 1 and inform its General Assembly of human rights in its member st influence on States that abuse the Charter and the various human
"A large number of St incorporated Human Rights in t not provide effective machinery, no be availed of by those groups or in those rights. The two Covenant Optional Protocol were differen implementation. Most of the gone much further than the ti Protocol in enforcing the obse, respective Countries.
“In the European Con human rights and fundame effective in 1954, some of established a super-nation fundamental rights taking pre European Commission of Humna Human Rights (Uere the tvobodi the engagements undertaken by

My Diplomat
on Human Rights which many introduced them in their domestic ny breaches of human rights. The more povers to directly investigate 1 annually, on the non-implication lates. This will act as a restraining 2 provisions of the United Nations tights Covenants.
a tes, including Sri Lanka had heir Constitutions. But many did tional or international, (Uhich Could dividuals (who had been deprived of ls of the United Nations and the t, for they contained measures of States of Western Europe had vo Covenants and the Optional rvance of human rights in their
vention, for the protection of in tal freedom S, CUhich became the states of Western Europe tal authority to guarantee cedence over national law. The un Rights and European Court of es which ensured the observance of the states. Provision was there for

Page 55
Permanent Mission of Ceylon to the Uni
the aggrieved individuals or appropriate body for redress. The dec Such a Case was binding on the state
We returned to Sri La go Vernment in 1977 propos Constitution. Yoga felt that it w amend the provision on human ri in conformity with the Univer government had supported in inti that it would be in our interest to Covenants and Optional Protoc keeping with the recent pronoun J. R. Jayewardene.”
He firmly believed in 1977t take the lead to initiate steps Convention Similar to the Eur protection of Human Rights. "T Oibrant democracies in a region mark therefore be in the forefront of huma that Could be included in such a regio India, Burma, Bangladesh, Pakista and the Maldives. The adoption promote regional harmony and Co-ope and Cultural fields and could stren (Uorld. ”
2. When Yoga spoke of the South Asian ( Grouping which has since evolved to b seen the ASEAAN in the Philippines, he South Asian Group. Bangladesh later to

ed Nations in New York 43
groups to appeal to the ision of the European Court in Concerned."
Inka in 1975. The UNP ed to introduce a neW ould be useful to suitably ghts to make it effective and sal Declaration which the ernational fora and he urged ratify the two international rol. “This action (Uould be in cements of Prime Minister
hat Sri Lanka and India could to establish a South Asian opean Convention for the ese favo States have remained ced by military Coups and could in rights legislation. The states nal Convention (Uere Sri Lanka, 1, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bhutan of such a Convention (Uould "ration in the political, economic gthen peace and justice in the
Convention, he envisaged a Regional ecome the SAARC of today. Having felt that we too should have our OWn ok the lead in establishing SA ARC.

Page 56
“The UInited Nations Co-operative action by 111 democratisation of internationa adopts the principle of Sove) Member states should renou11C territorial integrity or politic There Should be 11011-inter entic and respect for Sovereignty and
“Sovereignty, as (Ue ki Concept. The improvement in t gro (Uing in terdependence Concern for human rights an Contributed to an increasing together for their greater good. R organisations have been formed Solutions for which cut across S shared and the number of subje the domestic jurisdiction of a st
"Today, there are not on ternational community at the C rights by member states of the has also acted to rectify tragic rights and fundamental freedom, Country. 3 وو
3. refer Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka -

My Diplomat
provides a suitable forum for ember states, and facilita tes l relations Since the United Nations reign equality of member States. e any threat or use of force against al independence of another state, 11 in the internal affairs of any state equality of nations.
lect it earlier, is now an outdated echnology and communication, the of States, the international d fundamental freedoms have all awareness that people should get legional groupings and international to deal with various problems, the tate boundaries. Sovereignty is now cts which could come purely under ate, is considerably reduced.
ly expressions of concern by the inontinued violations of basic human United Nations, but the world body Situations. These show that human is are no longer a domestic affair of a
is it a Domestic Affair? - Page - 281

Page 57
oga participated in the fi in Belgrade in 1961 at a ti and their allies were po. newly independent states of Asi resolve to stay clear of power al role in international relations. N
Tito were the founders of Non-A
Conference was the first of its kir
The Ceylon delegation h Airport; the luggage cleared and official vehicles. But Yoga's lugga Was in Belgrade sans his lugg conference. Together with the Airport without his luggage but the luggage when found shoul luggage never turned up! He had borrow some from his friends. M
Minister, was amused because others chipped in. (On his return after two months, intact.)
Felix Dias Bandaranaike S. the Prime Minister's delegatio. Conference. He had the Wonderfi

rst Non-Aligned Conference ime when two super powers ised against each other. The a and Africa reiterated their
liances and assert a neutral ehru, Nasser, Soekarno and Alignment and the Belgrade ud.
ad arrived at the Belgrade all were ready to leave in the ge was missing; and here he age for this much awaited others he had to leave the
With strict instructions that
d be sent to the hotel. The to buy clothing and had to Mrs Bandaranaike, the Prime she could not help but the his bag arrived in Colombo
elected Yoga as a member of n to the first Non-Aligned ul opportunity to witness the

Page 58
six day Conference where Government participated. normally have taken from abo mostly attended by Heads of return to their homes quickl duration to five days." Wrc Belgrade Conference, whic
At the Non-Aligned Confe Minister and Minister F.
To quote Yoga, “Duri and Government or their rep exchanged views on inter contributing more effectively Co-operation among peoples. Conference were represented

My Diplomat
twenty-five Heads of State and "A Conference of this nature would ut three to four weeks. But since it was State and Government who had to y, it was decided to scale down the te Yoga in his Short Talk on the h he delivered on his return home.
rence in Belgrade with the Prime 2lix Dias Bandaranaike - 1960.
ng this short period the Heads of State resentatives of twenty-five countries ational problems with a view to to world peace, security and peaceful Aany of the Countries at the Belgrade by the Head of their Governments

Page 59
The Belgrade Conference and Yoga
Ceylon had her Prime Minister, Mrs from India, U Nu from Burma, Republic, Soekarno from Indonesia,
"At a time (Uhle11 internatio, with major questions like Congo, Ge when both Power Blocs were taking forces, the eyes of the world turned the non-aligned countries to help tension. On the first day of the Conf nuclear device after a moratoriun spotlighting the troubled times we we had to face. It was under this S opened by President Tito of Yugosle
"The world is divided deepl Ideologically, each is anxious to infl to their (Uay of life. No longer Can instruments of Zwar have been conflagration would destroy not ( but all mankind, Therefore, the m, persuasion. In this struggle thi militarily weak non-aligned cou! area of the world with a large populc The views of these countries are list Blocs. The non-aligned countries influence on the side of peace and it Conference in Belgrade was cont

Bandaranaike. There was Nehru Nasser of the United Arab and Nkrumah from Ghana.
1al tension (Uas on the increase 'rmany and Laos unresolved and
steps to strengthen their armed on this Conference and expected Contribute to the easing of this erence, the Soviet Union tested a 1 of thirty three months, thus were in and the grave challenges hadow that the Conference was Coia... . . . . . . .
y bet (Ueen the tavo Pozver Blocs. uence the non-aligned Countries
this be achieved by (Ular as the so developed that any major Inly both the contending forces inds of men have to be won be : economically backward and tries that form a substantial tion become an important factor. ened to and valued by the Power can, therefore, use their moral iternational understanding. The eived in this spirit and in its

Page 60
deliberations and conclusic significant contribution to objectives."
When Sri Lanka hos of the Non-Aligned Nations to lecture on the non-aligne The choice of his subject wi RELIANCE - to quote Yoga (
“The birth of the non a desire for Self-preservation. interest during the late for dangerous situation, (Chen t in to an armed conflict (0. 111a11 kind. I11 this CO 11 text thi
#1 of Ui a 11 f to be dra (Un int( Subjection they deeply cherishe peace for political, economi alignment (Uas the als. Uer of Situation. As Nehru, the Cl in 1946, o We propose, as f the power politics of grot, which have led in the pas again lead to disasters on an e
1. Short Talk on the Belgrade Cons

My Diplomat
ons have, in my opinion, made a wards the achievement of these
ted the Fifth Summit Conference in August 1976, Yoga was invited d movement and what it signifies. as - NON-ALIGNMENT AND SELF once again -
-aligned Concept was mainly due to
The clash of ideologies and national lies and early fifties precipitated a le Cold (Uair Could have broken ollut
th Catastrophic consequences to e newly independent countries did this conflict. After centuries of d their newly (von freedom and wanted c and social reconstruction. Nonthe 11ect States to this international lief architect of this concept Stated air as possible, to keep away from ps, aligned against One another, t to (Uorld (Uars and (Uhich na
ven vaster Scale."
arence See page 211

Page 61
The Belgrade Conference and Yoga
"Enlightened self-intere the basis of the thinking of the pressures and ridicule by th supporters, at a time when the n having their teething troubles of sta minority of non-aligned States stood minority has now grown into a large of the membership of the United Na Stages of this movement one Could made and Congratulate the foun enterprise and Self-reliance,
"The non-aligned conn problems, both internally and extern not stable in view of sectional differ underdevelopment cause Concer, economic order (corks to the detrime other developing countries. The Constitute a danger to world peace. Colonialism, meo-Colonialism, racia,
"The political structure of e before a plan of economic envisaged. Measures should be ta. population of a Country into the mid their involvement will generate zational Uentures. This Could be da the Constitution of each state a con,

st and world peace formed non-aligned States. Despite le great po(vers and their eccly independent states (vere ibility and development, a small by their convictions. This small community of nearly two thirds tions. Looking back at the early no U take pride at the progress ding fathers for their vision,
1 unity is faced (Uith 111any tally. Politically many states are ences, and economic problems of 1. The existing international 2nt of the 11011-aligned States and 'e are sources of tension that These include denial of freedon, lism and poverty.
ach state should be strengthened and Social development is ken to bring all sections of the instream of national affairs and enthusiasm and support for one, inter alia, by embodying in prehensive list of human rights

Page 62
and duties together with mea: United Nation's declaration basis for such a list. Incorpor benefit all Sections alike, contri and (Cill lay the foundations of g.
"In the economic field th to plan and build one's econom collaboration with like minded cc efforts should be made simultant the international economic orden Self-help than for concessions ora This approach Zwill not only pro requirements of each Country, bu in the people, thereby preparing the outset it will be a difficult t hardwork, but the effort could b
"Foreign aid, investment availed of only if they are exercised not to seek assistancef (Cith the help of local dependence on foreign assis freedom of action will dog
initiative and in debasing the lu
"Co-operation and self-rel Community are necessary to b, Non-aligned countries could

My Diplomat
ures for their enforcement. The f human rights could form the ation of such a declaration (vill Jute towards national integration Jod government.
ere should be a two pronged drive y from available resources and in untries, and in addition, Concerted ously to redress the imbalances in : The emphasis should be more on ssistance from developed Countries. duce solutions better suited to the t will also generate Self-confidence them for greater achievements. At ask Calling for such discipline and e Uorth (Ulı ile.
and technical assistance should be essential, and care should be
or projects (chich could be executed talent and capital. Heavy Fance besides restricting one's eater damage in stifling one's
Aman spirit.
iance for members of the non-aligned ing about a new economic order. not only arrange development

Page 63
The Belgrade Conference and Yoga
assistance among themselves, but als For example, oil producers could rec to those members of the non -a In the alternative, a dual pri Compensatory mechanism beneficial Community Could be adopted.
"An example of (chat Co-op, non-aligned Countries could ach, Ministers of Information in Netl) establish a pool of lects agencies of prejudiced news reporting carried agencies, non-aligned Countries haci of the world. The aim of the news facilitate dissemination of Correct non-aligned Countries, their mutual of Common interest, among non-a international community in ge reporting of developments in paramount and the decision to Creal OUerdue.
"The pool of news agencies S of reporting only newspalatable to th Countries. This tendency muay devel very purpose of creating a pool for factual information, is defeated.

exchange experiences and skills. ycle some of their surplus (vealth ligned community in need. cing system or some other I to members of the non-aligned
eration and Self-reliance among ieve, is the recent meeting of Delhi (Uhere it (as decided to non-aligned Countries. Due to out by interested foreign ne(US 2 had bad publicity in many parts agencies pool is, inter alia, to and factual information about Co-operation, and other subjects ligned countries as well as the neral. The need for correct non-aligned Countries (as te a ne US agencies pool (Ulas long
hould not go to the other extreme e governments of the non-aligned op, but should be resisted for the he dissemination of 'correct and

Page 64
“If non-alignment is to reliance is necessary for the no which is dependable, producti followed on national as well as gr
At Temple Trees On 23rd March NO Dias, Vernon Mendis, Prin Commissioner for UK and Ande

My Diplomat
be a success, a policy of Selfn-aligned Countries. This policy De and Self-assuring, should be oup levels."
1962 w with Felix Bandaranaike, le Minister, Sir Hugh Foot High rson, Deputy High Commissioner.

Page 65
he past is prologue to t
Dr. and Mrs. T. Nallain
Royal College, pursue University College London in Ceylon. While in Britain, he w Students' Association and was a League and the Theosophist medical practice and devoted hi social work. My mother studied entered University College in 1 Geography and Botany. She was to enter University College. S members of the Hindu Women Kalagam).
As parents they gave us ch Sanath Kumar and Sivarangani hoped for - a happy and secure good education, plenty of love, We had lessons in religion, art, mu on pilgrimages to temples and pl up in this traditional spiritual Culture.
Our secondary education College, where we girls studied brother studied. Our education ta us strength of character.

he future. My parents were athan. My father studied at d a medical education at the 1920s, and returned to ras President of the Ceylon lso associated with the India Vovement. He had a good s spare time to religious and at St Bridget's Convent and 921 winning scholarships in one of the first three Women he was one of the founder 's Society (Saiva Mangaiyar
ildren – Rudrani, Sivanandini,
the best gift we could have 2 childhood. They gave us a religious and human values. usic and dance. We often went aces of Hindu interest. I grew background imbibing our
was in Colombo - at Ladies and Royal College where my ught us self-reliance and gave

Page 66
Mother died all of a Sud 57. I thought my world had cat apart. But time was a healer an of peace when I met Yogendi Wanted to marry a diplomat hac drape my mother's folded k shoulder, slip on her pair of he room tiptoeing saying, "I'llmar and travel across the World.” understand what marriage posting! But still, to my very ye in hand
This thought was forgott Studies and extra curricular education that earned me my my diplomas in Oriental M Associate of the Trinity Colleg China several years later that Dutch Ambassador, “Quattro Gertrude and Yoga would love Was a Wonderful experience to I also studied Bharata Natyan years I continued with Yoga d
And when my dashin naturally jumped on to the S diplomat represented most of found out of reach and like ev

My Diplomat
den in 1960 at the early age of ved in and the tragedy tore me d I gradually achieved a sense a - the childhood wish that I come true. As a child, I would anchipuram saree over my pled shoes and walk across the y a diplomat, dress gorgeously That was a time I didn't quite was, let alone a diplomatic ung mind, the two went hand
en in the cascade of priorities - activities. Together with my Bachelor's Degree, I also had usic and Elocution, and the e of Music, London. It was in I played the piano with the Mann - four hands. His wife listening to us and to me this play with an artiste. As a child ... I played tennis that in later uring our postings abroad.
g diplomat came a-riding, I addle! Being a romantic, the the things that I had hitherto erything that is out of reach, it

Page 67
Marriage and After
became doubly fascinating. He W arresting and his face was and is Were dark and strangely penetr that he had inherited from his fa face was tender and compassion the Yoga whom I met for the firs his sister, Mrs. Nadeswari Thang lings were very keen to see him r and they felt nervous perhaps th marry a foreigner. But he had n would marry one of his own kil met the girl and came to know some bachelor holding an impo eign Office and naturally many his way and many were the de into matrimony!
It was with the desire to knowing me well as being her arranged the dinner telling Yog Some one very special. I was nc introduced to him, he knew tha all this time. I was there in his dr
in flesh and blood.
My father was confused for his younger daughter's han daughter was still un married. Hi elder daughter was born thirte

'as not merely handsome but still unforgettable. His eyes ating and with his long nose ther and firm narrow lips his ate when in repose. This was t time at the dinner given by araja. Yoga's parents and sibmarried. His parents were old at their diplomatson would nade it clear to them that he ind only on condition that he her. He was an eligible handrtant assignment in the Forwere the proposals that came butantes hoping to lure him
See her brother married and
friend's daughter, the sister a that he would be meeting it told anything. When I was the had been waiting for me eams but at last he found me
hat a young man Was asking i in marriage while his elder e was disturbed because his 2n years after marriage and

Page 68
naturally she was very dear an had to be married first. He wel was also Yogaswami who receiv and without asking any question "Take one and give it to Sir Dur gone and he did as he was told was arranged.
The marriage had tobe arı was transferred as Charge d'Aff a quiet affair but tastefully blessings by my uncle and aur two sisters Akka (Rudrani) an brother Sanath. Our numerous f to make it even more lovely. The was done in jasmine flowers in foil to the traditions of a col manavaraisaree, strangely enou in Benares without my knowle we had gone on a pilgrimage coloured saree, with gold threa border and headpiece. For the T. me a beautiful red checked
nadaswaram music was arran Selected the songs that were to artistes of that time.
I was very nervous thro during the Kanya dana and w standing by the groom at the Ma

My Diplomat
ld according to tradition, she nt to Jaffna to his Guru, who ed him as usual with affection S offered two lemons and said, aiswamy.” His confusion was by Swami and our marriage
ranged hurriedly because Yoga aires to Baghdad, Iraq. It was arranged with my father's it Mr. and Mrs. Kandiah, my d Puvi (Sivarangani) and my riends helped in various ways a Manavarai, the bridal throne the traditional way - a perfect ourful Hindu wedding. My gh, was chosen by my mother dge the previous year when there. It was a lovely cream d work checks and a red gold haliceremony, Yoga had given
Benares koorai saree. The ged by my elder sister who be played by the well-known
ugh the ceremony especially hen the Thali was tied, then, navarai, going round the homa

Page 69
Marriage and After
Our Marriage Aug
(the fire) led by him three times a by his parents, then by my father a luncheon was served and to mys also served. This was my brother's thought which was again hurr specially for my brother by his fr.
It was really lovely to knov with me on this very special day bride, the bride always touches receive their blessings before ent

nd finally being blessed first nd the others. The wedding surprise, wedding cake was and younger sister's lovely iedly ordered and made iend's mother.
w that my whole family was of my life. Dressed up as a the feet of her parents to ering the bridal hall, and I

Page 70
missed mother very much; she alone; he too felt that he had "Ammah is nothere but she is w ing the saree she had chosen fo there blessing me with her who
Our marriage was indeec us. After a briefholiday in Trinco at the celebrated Temple of Thiru to Yoga's parents. Together with Ashram and there Swami welcol poured a drink in his tumbler then to your wife, Nallainathan strange and strangely entrancin
It was still more lovely at AirPort where the families had Weds on their assignment abr lemon saying that as parents t that their son was married to chosen and that he was lucky ti as we left home on our new as my new diplomatic life and my - "Be your normal self. All that y and school will stand you in g ringing in my ears in all our pos what I followed. Moving wi Ministers or Ambassadors did I by my husband. We did feel personalities - opportunities th;

My Diplomat
was not there and father stood to bless me alone and said, ith you inspirit.' I was wearr me and I felt that she was le being.
a dream come true to both of malee and having worshipped koneswaram we went to Jaffna hem, we went to Yogaswami's med us warmly blessed us and offering it first, "to you Yogu, S daughter, he said. It was all g. We were truly blessed.
the Katunayake International assembled to see off the newly oad. Yoga's father gave me a hey were indeed very happy one whom he himself had ) have me as his wife. Earlier signment, I felt nervous about ather's re-assuring advice was ou have imbibed both at home od stead." These words kept ting abroad and this is exactly h Kings, Presidents, Prime otpresent a problem standing blessed to move with such tare granted to a chosen few!.

Page 71
Marriage and After
Yoga was all that I could out into a wonderful life togeth each other. Marriage to both o and lovely - a pious commitme: on love, affection, adjustment a to the very end. He lavished o devoted husband and this true lasted and its relationship was st and so transforming of our lives sive person who brought out all protected by his love and warr out. We had our moments of a but they were soon absolved an
Naresh, our only son v autumn of 1963. Yogaswami na first name, while I dreamt of my early pregnancy saying, " was - always Naresh, long befo thing was in blue the entire layet our Austrian friend, Mrs. Herwi and the room were in blue. I W that it was going to be a son tha
Yoga, together with our dor's wife Mrs Sakina Sadat Al there at the Hayderi Nursing F little Naresh into the World.

have wished for and we set ar. In marriage we cherished f us was something precious nt towards each other. Based ld sacrifice, it was Wonderful n me the love and care of a warmth lasted as long as life D deep and binding, so tender . He was agentle and persuathat was best in me and being nth I felt my life blossoming rguments and disagreements d life would go on.
was born in Baghdad in the med him Pararaja that is his my mother one day during Naresh is yours.' And so it re he was even born - everyte that Istitched together with gg Schneider, the baby basket as very sure and very happy t I was giving Yoga, an heir
friends, the Indian AmbassaKhan and Mrs Bina Palit was ome in Baghdad to welcome

Page 72
The Duraiswamys in a Naresh - 1963
Naresh was a lovely lit our desert and continental ex quite contented to be in the v his parents travelled, m comparisons. Sometimes discussions, comparisons au postings rubbed off a little on be interested in these subjects
He loves reading; this from our Peking winter days before the fire listening to cl together about Noddy, th

My Diplomat
aresh in ROile
tle baby who came with us on all Deditions in his carrycot. He was well of the Mercedes BenZ, while lade exhaustive notes and I wonder whether all these ind the travels in our various baby Naresh who has grown to as well.
is his hobby and perhaps grew when mother and son would sit assical music or reading stories he Golliwogs” of Enid Blyton,

Page 73
Marriage and After
Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's train - we would puff and travel capital to capital carrying Amm picking up Aiyah (father) on the of music, story telling, reading created in Naresh the love for re and a keen interest in Internatic Knowledge. Very often in later little Naresh poring over the new before him sitting on the edg reminisce saying that, that was e. as a little boy, “the newspaper is heavy to keep it upright and re: position"-like father like son! It Knowledge and International Aff his son.
The Family. On the eve of Naresh

Travels and so on. Or play through the apartment, from ah and Naresh and at times ! way. These quiet afternoons and playing train may have ading and listening to music onal Relations and General years when we used to see spapers spread on the ground e of the chair, Yoga would xactly how he read the papers too big and perhaps a little to ad - it is easier to read in this is this avid interest in General airs that the father bequeathed
's Departure to the States.- 1983

Page 74
Naresh studied in Rome, and completed his Post Primar Ooty in India having sat for th Examination. He passed with Tamil where he had a C. He la his grandfather's Alma Matt College in the United States wł Government being on the De Columbia University in New International Affairs at the Schoc Affairs -SIPA winning the S earning a Fellowship there anc tional Relations also in Columb most of his life, he was keen ( currently working at the Colom an Institutional Development S
The Duraiswamys i

My Diplomat
Peking, Colombo and Manila y classes at Lawrence School, e All India Secondary School As in all his subjects except |ter studied at Jaffna College, Sr. He entered Connecticut here he did his first degree in an’s List each semester. At York he did his Master's in blof Political and International tatton scholarship and later i finally his Ph.D. in Internapia. Since he has been abroad pn coming back home and is bo office of the World Bank aS specialist.
n the States - 1985

Page 75
Marriage and After
At the Royal Botanical Garde)
Though it was always Am of time with Naresh, occasionally with his son - playing with him in him or helping him to fly a kite Colombo. He loved filming his sc by the child and later enjoying it Son! Young Naresh was tremendol vitality, strength and fearlessness a little afraid of him which, ove become one of friendship espec situations all Over the World. Even away, Naresh had a long discussi of Yugoslavia and the crisis of KC

as U. K. Summer - 1985
mah who spent a great deal Yoga would also spend time the snow or ice skating with at the Galle Face Green in in playing by himself unseen together with Ammah and usly impressed by his father's . He loved him but was also r the years disappeared to rially in discussing current the night before Yoga passed on with him on the break up

Page 76
In his son Yoga found Father and son did not alwa international affairs. But dee very different. I used to bear agree on these issues - perhap in his thinking while the your or Wrongly, in an aggressive

My Diplomat
often a contentious companion. /s see eye to eye on political or p down their thinking was not (hazed to find that basically they SYoga was studiously moderate gman tends to see things rightly manner

Page 77
raq was my first posting al enjoyed it. Yoga was in charg which was challenging. As The pro-British Hashemite mon World War 1, was overthrown in entire royal family was killed. Ir, General Qassim. The Kurds in No In February 1963, officers belong Arab politicall group overthrew alı A counter coup took place in N
assumed power and was closely Iraq was plagued by Shia Sunn Kurdish separatism in the North

proad and both Yoga and I e of setting up the Embassy a country, Iraq was volatile. archy, established just after 1958 in a bloody coup. The aq became a Republic under rthern Iraq revolted in 1961. ing to the Baath party, a pannd executed General Qassim. ovember 1963. Colonel Arif linked with Nasser of Egypt. i division in the South and . It was a divided land.

Page 78
In the heat of affairs in N imminent coup by disgruntlec discussed in the diplomatic different embassies made the deci difficult days and the diplomats the ensuing scenes in Baghdad.
These coups were fearsom We Saw the deadbodies of forme Until then, I had imagined Bagdi Caliphs Mansour and Harou architecture, polished brassware Summers and intermittent dust life even more uncomfortable. N retained a special regard for Ira difficulties, we loved it and y discuss the various postings, we special meaning for us.
teb. 1965 - Receiving Hon. Za

My Diplomat
ovember 1963, rumors of an
army officers were avidly und journalist circles. The Sion to stock food. These were had to report back home on
e and a little repulsive to me. rministers hanged in public. had to be the fabled city of the h al Rashid With Saracenic and crowded souqs. The hot storms from the desert made Nevertheless both Yoga and I q in our hearts. In spite of the rears later when we would : realised that each city had a
i the Minister of Education, Iraq.

Page 79
Iraq and the Near East
Yugoslav National Day - being received by Mrs. Polkich - the
Our posting in Iraq gave u ancient civilisations of Sumer, Ba us to witness the culture of Islan texts and would spend many a Naresh in his carrycot, discuss relevance of our ancient religion
Yoga was aware of my i promoting this. He planned ou East to help me to drink deep He was himself a keen student ( study the ancient sites during across the desert outside Bagh that Iraq today is not a direct 1 civilizations of Mesopotamia. T. ity in Iraq's long history. Their century had transformed it com

2 Ambassador's wife Oct. 1963
is an opportunity to study the bylon and Assyria. It enabled l. We also studied the Hindu winter evening sitting with sing the inner meaning and
in today's world.
nterest in art and helped in r travels through the Middle of the magic bowl of culture. farchaeology and we would Our Winter afternoon strolls dad. It struck us so vividly near inheritor of the ancient here is an evident discontinuvasion of the Arabs in the 7th pletely.

Page 80
We noted that despite : civilization retained an inn possible," Yoga would say, " changing circumstances and before." He would quote Radha such thing as a uniform, stati whether in point of belief movement not a position, a pi tradition not a fixed revelati
understand how Hindu traditic
this day while other civilisations
Wevisited Sumer, Warka When we were in the 4000 ye now known as Warka in South Lenssen a German archaeologi that had just been excavated, re with the Indus Valley civilizati
We travelled to Mosul, fl. the rebellious Kurds. The ta distinct from the Arabs and sp Britain and France had pr independent Kurdish state just are still fighting for that illus conflict spills over into Turke Kurdish populations as well. T had later taken an ugly turn wit The international communi

My Diplomat
several invasions, the Hindu er resiliency. "And this was because it has adapted itself to has come out stronger than krishnan - “There has been no onary, unalterable Hinduism or practice. Hinduism is a cocess not a result, a growing on." These words helped us n had retained its relevance to had faded with changed times.
, Babylon, Hatra and Ninevah. ar old Sumerian city of Erech, n Iraq, we met with Professor st. He showed us a "Lingam" aflecting the region's trade ties
urther North, the stronghold of all and handsome Kurds are eak an Indo-Iranian language. omised to help set up an after World War 1. The Kurds ive goal and the intermittent 'y and Iran that have restive he civil conflict in North Iraq h the gassing of entire villages. ty dropped food parcels to

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Iraq and the Near East
beleagured Kurds and asserte Iraq's domestic affairs in order to tionalists overseas have de expatriate Kurdish political grou
Mosul used to be an Otton the Nestorian partriachate. It ha Assyrian Christians unique in th of Christianity. Mosul was also called Yezidis who believed in r wrongly thought to be devil Wol Ninevah, the ancient capital of Hatra was founded by the Part These were wonderful links in o
Besides glimpsing the ar Babylon and Assyria, we wei Muslim culture. Iraq is an Islan than other Middle Eastern stat thousand and one nights", wa caliphate between the 8th and offer in terms of architecture and took the opportunity to visit the Najaf and Karbala where MuhaI Son are buried respectively. Mile been set-aside across the centul devout Shiites. Karbala was alim as Mecca and Was an important and revolt in Iraq's chequered h

'd its right to intervene in ) protect the Kurds. Tamil naveloped close links with
han city and was the centre of d a significant community of Leir theological interpretation the home to an esoteric sect ebirth and deism. They were 'shippers. Mosul was close to the Assyrian empire. Nearby hians in the first century BC. ur voyage of discovery.
cient civilizations of Sumer, 'e able to imbibe a little of nic state, less fundamentalist 2s. Baghdad, the city of "the S the capital of the Abbasid 3th centuries. It had a lot to i Contemporary culture. Yoga medieval Shiite heartlands of nmad's son-in law and grand s and miles of desertland had ies as burial grounds for the ostas important to the Shiites 2entre of pilgrimage, learning istory.

Page 82
Yoga as Charge di Affair well. Our government had as Trade Delegation to Iran led by the opportunity to accept Sha the banquet he was hosting fo
In 1921, Reza Shah instal In 1941, he abdicated in favour linked with the United Sta
traditions that influenced Cen The cuisine, the literature, architecture and music reveal Persian psyche.
We motored to Teheran Iraqi driver had a problem ar The antagonism between th unnecessary problem despite were in order. In Teheran, t. by Dr. N.M. Perera and the increasing the sale of Tea. Thi
Next was the banquet Palace of Mirrors that is the was a lovely experience of diplomats we had to rush for C table ate their food in style!!

My Diplomat
es in Baghdad oversaw Iran as ked Yoga to participate in the Dr. N.M. Perera. This gave us th. Reza Pahlevis invitation to r visiting Belgian Royalty.
tled the Pahlevi dynasty in Iran. of his son. Iran was then closely tes. The Iranians have rich tral Asia, Turkey and Pakistan. the miniature paintings, the the aesthetic sensitivites of the
via Hamadan. At Hamadan our ld we were held up for a while. e two countries created this the fact that the travel papers he Trade discussions were led discussions were centred on S was successfully concluded.
at the Gulistan Palace – the Royal residence of the Shah. It oriental dining where even as ur food! While those at the main he Royal couples looked regal.

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Iraq and the Near East
The diplomats in their tailcoat ankle length dresses and gloves a added colour to the whole party.
We were free to plan ourh was through and the Minister g strange city. "Just a generation a cypress and junipers along its g elderly friend who continued, " today it is a bustling metropolis The Pahlevi rulers brought abol set up a network of roads and cities of the country. They introdi reforms allowing women to modified divorce laws in their restored the nation's confidence Country Was Witnessing unpa industrialisation and consumeri biography twenty-five years or our short stay in Teheran as 'yest history has added several me system prevails in the country. the Shah.
Iran before the 7th centur faith. This religion influenced Ju The Zoroastrian religion introd: devil, the last judgement and th

s, the Western ladies in the nd we in our colourful sarees
oliday once the official work one. Teheran, we learnt is a |go, it was a Small to Win With garden Walls,' reminisced an But this was yesterday and of over two million people. ut remarkable changes. They railroads that linked various uced educational and judicial discard the veil. The Shah favour as well. Pahlevi rule 2.' We also realised that the ralleled development with sm. „But again as I write this so later, I could also speak of arday because since that time re pages and today a new The Ayatollah had replaced
I belonged to the Zoroastrian laism, Christianity and Islam. uced concepts of angels, the e resurrection of the dead. It

Page 84
helped underpin the vast Achae of the ancient world. And yet th the arrival of Islam in the 7th ce. marched into Persia, Several Zo had become Muslim.
Persepolis was the capita that stretched across from the imposing Audience Hall of Dar kings have withstood the vicissil across Iran we realised that the c amidst the ruins of Persipolis carvings and pieces of pot illustrations in the work. This Xerses."
In Isfahan, we witnesse culture and art that we saw. The mosques are beautiful and the bu elegance of Saffavid culture. Th enameled tiles of great brillia exquisite such that Yoga spoke had woven mosaics of beauty." echoes, the acoustics of the call Mosque was awesome.
Persia, We realised dur meeting place of peoples and ab The Persians were able to adap
1. From my Manuscript - Whither Bound

My Diplomat
menid and Sassanid empires le religion disappeared with ntury. When the Arab armies roastrians fled to India. Iran
ul of the Achaemenid Empire indus River to the Nile. The ius and the tombs of several tudes of time. As we motored olossal structures that remain
are 'record books and the tery are the magnificent was the glory of Darius and
d and appreciated Islamic Shah Abbas and the Lotfullah uildings bear testimony to the 2 domes were decorated with
ince. The architecture was of “the architect as one who Through the combination of to prayer at the Shah Abbas
ing this trip, has been the attle ground of civilisations. t to the invading Arabs and

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Iraq and the Near East
retain much of their identity. I with the famous words of the cele Words reveal to us a sensitivit
Persian civilisation –
" The Moving Finger Writ Moves on; nor all thy P. Shall lure itback to canc Nor all thy Tears wash C
We had the wonderful op sacred sites of the Jews and Ch motored through Amman, Jerich Jerusalem and Bethleham. The Bethleham were then under approached the city of Qumran, in a vast plain flanked by the De breeze that we felt in this land lo
Yoga and I were intriguec tells us that the Essenes, a dissic worshipped here. They had est. nity in Qumran in the mid2nd ce time to study, manual labour invasion of Judea in 68 AD, the their possession to the nearby Tradition has it that the Essenes

would conclude this chapter brated Omar Khayam. These y reminiscent of medieval
es; and having writ lety nor Wit el half a Line but a Word of it.'
portunity to visit some of the ristians. From Baghdad, we Lo, Qumran on the Dead Sea, old city of Jerusalem and Jordanian control. As we we felt the calm atmosphere 'ad Sea. It was the gentle sea cked area!
| by the whole place. History lent Jewish group, lived and blished a monastic communtury BC. They devoted their ind prayer. With the Roman took the Hebrew scrolls in caves and hid them there. lisappeared with the surging

Page 86
tide of history that laid wastet remained unnoticed throu nineteen centuries nothing rei dim tradition and ruins. Toda the scrolls a fascinating inst appear through the mists of til realize that these texts could th wrote the Gospels. We discuss of the opinion that the scrolls standing of the antecedents of ( the rutty unpaved road leadi that this was where the price hidden!
We entered Jerusalem til East near the tomb of the Viu was surrounded by crenellate in good condition. Tradition h Jesus and his twelve disciple While there, he was taken to b Via Dolorosa, the way of til portion of the Via Dolorosa convent of the Sisters of Zion the present street.
The spot now known a chre, was where the body of J disciple Joseph of Arimath

My Diplomat
O Jerusalem. The hidden Scrolls gh the centuries. For nearly mained of the Essenes except a y Qumran yields these secrets - tance thereof. As the Essenes he past, contemporary scholars row more light on the men who ed this with Scholars who were greatly contribute to the underChristianity. As we walked along ng to the caves, we were awed less Biblical manuscripts were
hrough St. Stephen's Gate on its gin and Gethsemane. The city d brown stonewalls which were as it that after the Last Supper, S Went to the Mount of Olives. e crucified. He was taken along he Cross. The best-preserved is found beneath the present and this is about six feet below
s the Church of the Holy Sepulesus was secretly buried by his ea. It is said that Joseph had

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Iraq and the Near East
besought Pilate for the body and cloth and laid it in the new tomb of the sepulchre. But, others tol elsewhere in the Garden just
Jerusalem. Both Yoga and I wal narrow bridge under which wa Was our guide who really mad memorable as she murmured, "T was actually buried; her word Garden of Gethsemene, maintail was quiet and serene. We stood amazed at their two thousandy
Jerusalem was sacred not and Muslims as well. We Visited Rock, which Moslem tradition i Muhammad ascended to heav silver domed Al-Aqsa Mosque the site of Solomon's fabled Tem wall survives. The reputed to Zechariah were nearby. The Jey dilapidated condition.
We also visited Bethleha College in Colombo, the Church of the Manger brought to memc of Yuletide. The Church of Na Greek Orthodox, Armenian Or faiths.

he had it wrapped in a clean and rolled a stone to the door d us that the real tomb was
outside the Walled city of ked with our guide along a is a small tunnel of water. It a the trip to Jerusalem really nis is the place where the Lord S threw a spell over us. The ned by the Franciscan monks, gazing at the eight olive trees 2ar old beauty.
only to Christians but to Jews the gold-capped Dome of the describes as the place where en. We also stopped at the nearby. To the Jews this was ple of which only the Western mbs of David, Absalom and wish quarters were then in a
m. Having studied at Ladies of the Nativity and the Chapel ry many carols and the peace ivity is divided between the thodox and Roman Catholic

Page 88
oga decided that after be relaxing if we went and then by train to the Mediterranean with stops ir booked on the Italian Liner Beirut, the capital of Lebanon
I was excited about enthusiasm rubbed off a little C on our tour, again by car to E both keen to explore Lebano. community since the stoneage. the early inhabitants and the the Jeita caves belonged t more, the map of Beirut dat that today’s streets run precis goat paths
Our first encounter with of the Phoenician alphabet an Bible its name. It was suppose and the sheltered cove once ships was now a quiet harbou marble amphitheater perfec the cliff.
The Jeita caves and our pictured ourselves as part of I

the hectic days in Iraq it would by boat to Italy - first to Naples Rome- a four day trip through Alexandria and Sicily. We were Adriatica which sailed from
this trip to Lebanon and the on Yoga too for as we embarked Beirut from Baghdad, we were n. Lebanon has had a settled The seafaring Phoenicians were towns of Byblos, Baalbeck and o the ancient past. Further ing to ancient times showed sely on the lines of the original
h Lebanon was Byblos - the city d papyrus Scrolls that gave the dly an ancient University town 2 filled with rich Phoenician - a backdrop for the miniature tly preserved on the edge of
boat ride was fascinating. We Dante's Inferno with Sharon as

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Diplomatic Assignment in Italy
our oarsman. The stalactit a Weinspiring. These caves m steady dripping of Water for mi
Our next stop was Baalb stood breathless at the sight of Baalbeck Temples were built ir and Venus but the Arabs on con the area into a fortress compron But that which remained was wondered through Baalbeck's the Greeks called it Heliopolistemple appeared a magnificent to west. We sat down watching the massive temples, mellowin the stone from a soft rose to a spotlight now a tumbled pill archways and next split a colum - it was fantastic to see nature p we entered the sacred enclos immensity of the temples, the gr sky in perfect communion with introduction to the Romans as the great builders."
Having seen Lebanon We place Was due to its specialama and a European Sophisticatior
1. Courtesy - Whither Bound

tes and stalagmites were ust have seen the slow and llion of years.
eck built by the Romans. We the six towering pillars. The honour of Jupiter, Bacchus quering Baalbeck transformed nising the architecture greatly. s stupendous. As Yoga and I Temples we understood why the city of the Sun. The whole setting as the Sun moved east , the spring sunlight play on g the columns and changing warm yellow. The sun would ar as it moved through the un in half with a sharp shadow laying on man's creations. As sure we were struck by the andeur that rises high into the nature. This was a wonderful We embarked to Italy to meet
realised that the charm of that algam of the ancient Near East h. The mountains of Lebanon

Page 90
had provided refuge to threat the Shiites, the Maronites an was a patchwork nation that was the only vibrant democr refuge for the political exile had a flourishing and inde contemporary culture. Andye civil War with the breakdown
Yoga was both Charge Permanent Representative Agriculture Organisation – FA agricultural country with tea exports and the FAO was im could contribute towards th
more so towards the betterms to the FAO. In January 1965, Committee on Commodity P
We finally reached Koelmayer left for Geneva. and kept on postponing his d it took Some time for Colom who was to participate in Problems – Rex from Genev finally word did come that Representative. It Would hav

My Diplomat
ened minorities be it the Druze, i later the Armenians. Lebanon had a strong Christian imprint. It acy in the Arab world and was a and dissenters in the region. It pendent press and a thriving tits myriad communities fell into of power-sharing constitutional
d' Affaires of Sri Lanka and the of Sri Lanka to the Food and AO. Sri Lanka was essentially an , rubber and coconut as its main portant for us. Yoga felt that he e betterment of production and 2nt of trade, as the representative Ceylon became a member of the roblems.
Rome in May 1965 after Rex He was perhaps happy in Rome eparture! I remember clearly that o to give the final decision as to the Committee on Commodity a or Yoga from Rome itself. And Yoga was to participate as the 'e been embarrassing for Yoga if

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Diplomatic Assignment in Italy
Rex had been asked to come fro] the Foreign Ministry were unpr what would happen. Yoga was first meeting which had tentati Chairman of the Group was
country. Since no one voluntee was unanimously agreed the Representative from the United K was at this moment that Yoga rus late and when he heard that th abdicated their right to the Ch reflection on us if we do not accep (Uilling to come forzUard, I vill certe Yoga was then made the C Session of the Committee on Cor
As Chairman, Yoga had to Forty Seventh Session of the FAC great pleasure for me to introduce til of the Committee which met in Ju Con1111ittee (Uas a ne(U One: its 111em; 24 to 30 members and representatic more numerous than at previous ses friendly and constructive atmosphe developing Countries enabled the C directly than in the past to the probl in the Context of economic developm,

m Geneva – the workings of edictable and we wondered a little late in attending the vely decided that the next to be from a developing ared to be the Chairman, it t the last Chairman, the (ingdom should continue. It hed in apologizing for being e developing countries had air, he said , "it would be a it the position and if no one is inly take the challenge." And hairman of the Fortieth
nmodity Problems.
present his statement to the ) Council and he said, "It is a le report of the Fortieth Session 1e of this year. In a sense, this bership has been increased from es of developing Countries (Uvere sions. The debate took place in a re. The larger representation of ommittee to address itself more Pms of agricultural Commodities

Page 92
Dr. B. R. Sen, Director- Genera Food and Agriculture Organisa Committee on Commodities - Ron
"The report opens with Commodity situation. It then proc Commodity questions and to a individual Commodities.... I S Committee's analysis of the Situation, mentioning the Sali report. These are as follo US –
Production - The growth of agric particularly in developing has fallen short of the rate The rate of growth in 196 growth.

My Diplomat
l addressing the Assembly of the tion. Yoga was Chairman of the
le 1965
a review of the agricultural eeds to an examination of general review of matters relating to hall touch only briefly on the Uorld agricultural Commodity 2nt features as depicted in the
ultural output in 1965 was small, countries where the rate of growth of the previous four to five years. 5 just kept pace with population

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Diplomatic Assignment in Italy
Volume of Trade - The 0. agricultural commodities ex an increase in grain exports f
Export Prices - The export pric of main interest to developir levels.
Export Earnings - In general, there
the export earnings during 1965, which contin needs.
Levels of Stocks - For the firsurplus element of wheat S middle of 1966 stocks of the than those of desirable carry/C "Looking into specific C. Coffee and tea remained problem Co rubber continued to be exposed to in that as regards agricultural Commoa (cere less favourable to developing t
"The Committee singled out
world commodity situation
- the technical backtvardnes
- national policies and other
developed Countries,

olume of world trade in Janded in 1965, due largely to rom developed countries.
es of many primary products ig Countries, remained at lov
(Cas little or no improvement in of developing Countries tled to be insufficient for their
st title Since 1953 - 54, the tocks has disappeared. By the it had fallen to levels not higher
Per S. on modifies - Sugar, Cocoa, nimodities.' Natural fibers and roads by synthetics. It appeared lities the trends in foreign trade han for developed Countries.
five outstanding issues in the
- namely,
is of agriculture in developing
barriers to agricultural trade in

Page 94
- increasing Competition
natural products;
- regional schemes and di
- the changing character
"These issues are inter-re of agriculture in developing Coun factor in the inadequate growt developing Countries, higher proa Solve Commodity trade problems, restricted by trade barriers of war
" Regional Schemes a can contribute to the imprc developing Countries. Food aid Can production effort by developin. external assistance, Can 111ake contribution to the general
When the final report W sincere in thanking the Chair particularly wishes to record ( you were able to be here in Ror and a very excellent Chairma would like to join the delega thanks to you Mr. Chairman fo long and difficult session. (

My Diplomat
between synthetic substitutes and
versification problems; of food aid.
lated. The technical backardness tries is recognised as an important h of agricultural production in luctivity alone will not necessarily if access to markets continues to be ious kinds.
ld diversification programme cement of export earnings of help to relieve hunger, but a greater g Countries, with the necessary a greater and more permanent
economic (Uell being of the
as adopted, the delegates were
- This delegation (Canadian) our appreciation of the fact that ne with us as a colleague, friend n of the CCP." "My delegation tes who have expressed their rhaving guided us through this Compared with many of the

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Diplomatic Assignment in Italy
earlier session, this has been a par appreciation is due to you for the these weeks of discussions. In r touched by those kind sentiments. I , must thank you all sincerely for the given me. I shall certainly take with Forbidden City the words of encou wishes which I have always recei Committee and once again wish you
Yoga was satisfied with the He felt the Committee's Fortietl example of international co-opera objectives. His contribution was friends in the FAO said that he w
the FAO. In December 1965, whe of the Finance Committee of the F.
the Director General Dr. B.R. Sen v very pleased I am at this indicatio
you by the Council.
During our posting in Ital in the annual Levante Fair held iu dedicated to Ceylon. The Ceylor various brands of tea, brassware a
Colombo for the Occasion. Air Ce
2. Courtesy - The Rome File.

ticularly happy one and our way you guided us through eply Yoga said, "I am indeed lo 11ot think I deserved them. I acclamation that you have just ne from the Eternal City to the ragement, kindness and good ved from my friends in this all success."
proceedings and discussions. in Session was another fine tion in the pursuit of FAO's greatly appreciated and our as referred to as the 'Star of in Yoga was elected Member AO for a period of two years, Vrote saying, "May I say how n of the confidence placed in
y, the Embassy participated in Bari and a special day was pavilion was stocked with nd handicrafts airlifted from
ylon flew in cartons of fresh

Page 96
vegetables and fruits. The Pri the fair open on that da traditional oil lamp
Fiera Del Levante - Bari (Italy Duraisamys being taken to the and the E
With Prime Minister Moro in Ceylon Pavi

My Diplomat
me Minister of Italy, declared y with the lighting of the
!) 1966 Ceylon Day Bari. The Stall by the Chairman of the Fair Bari Mayor
Bari, Italy at the opening of the lion, Italy 1966

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Diplomatic Assignment in Italy
Yoga as Charge d’Affaire the Ceylon Day celebrations in B President of the Fair Dr. Triggiani in Italian and said, "It is a ple Italy has become a country with a from Ceylon import machiners, Can, and chemicals from you to the value export to Italy goods for an amount rubber, Coconut fibres and kapok - (U trend towards our Country. These fig1 Co-operation and friendship bet increasing. I would also like to add Ceylon learned so much about Ro, fascinated by the Roman coins th different times but proved to be of eq king of Roman justice that he sent, of Emperor Claudius. ”
After we had settled dov Archimede overlooking the Oly and bustle of the Committee on Over, We were confused - with so know where to begin; what great No city in the world has a richerh than Roma, the Eternal City built twenty-five centuries ago. But w greatest pleasure was to explores city capture us rather than pur covering all the treasures.

s of Ceylon in Italy attended ari. We were received by the , at the entrance. Yoga spoke isure being here with you all. n industrial potential and ((e led foods, spare parts, fertilizers of three billion lires and in turn of five billion lires - mainly tea, lith the trade balance showing a tres hopefully will increase since (Uee 11 the to CO 1111 tries are
here that the King of ancient 11e and its emperors, and (Cas at were apparently minted at ual weights. This convinced the Four A111 bassadors to the Court
vn in our apartment in Via mpic Village and the hustle Commodity Problems were much to explore, we did not masterpieces to seek out first. heritage of priceless treasures on its seven hills more than
with time We found that the gently and let the spirit of the 'suing a relentless itinerary

Page 98
It was the Forum Ron
attracted us most. It was bu
Palantine hills and we could S
mental structures. Tradition the Sabine women who later This was the market place political activity. The son-e witnessed gave us the drama Forum heightened by the ligh Beginning with the cry of the conquering and Victorious returning to Rome in pomp through the great Circus M Maximo, along the Triumpha the Sacra Via to the Temple ( proceed to the Forum filled w its crowds of excited Roman steps leading to the Capito Jupiter which stood there fo finally in the lap of Jupiter, th a laurel branch that he carrie
Next on our list wa preserved building. It was b of Augustus over Antony anc by Hadrian. It was dedicate each niche is dedicated to as
known as Santa Maria Rotun single circular hole in the do

My Diplomat
hanum, the Roman Forum that Lilt between the Capitoline and ee the ruins of the ancient monumakes it the scene of the rape of gave birth to the young Romans. and the scene of religious and t-lumiere programme that we atic account of the history of the ting effects and recorded sound. Sabine women, we next hear the
generals of the Roman Empire and glory. The procession goes Maxima known today as Circo | Way, past the Colosseum, down of Vespasian. The marchers then ith its fountains and temples and S. Then they continue along the 1 to reach the great Temple of r over thousands of years. And e victorious general would place d through out the journey.
S the Pantheon another welluilt to commemorate the victory i Cleopatra but had to be rebuilt i to the seven planets but today saint of the Christian faith and is da. It is a circular building anda med roof sheds light lighting the

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Diplomatic Assignment in Italy
whole place and to avert rain corresponding central spot on th So that the water is drained.
It was sheer excitement f
of the Colosseum from the roof Against a bright blue sky, the C at Sunset we noticed it was mc passed into a moonlit night th Strange bluish white casting de We watched this wonderful height of about one hundred a amphitheatre with four storeys Italians, it is the Colosseo and it h the Colosseo stands, Roma shall shall fall! The coming of the Ch. centuries, changed the Colosseu
To the ancient Roma philosophies and Worshipped m a problem with their relentless was strange and they were per cause unrest in the empire. TC Christians built catacombs and sanctuary, shrine and a cen examples of Christian art were We were told that Saint Pe
St. Sebastian Catacoomb and la
built the first church in St. Pete

|-water collecting inside, the e floor is made of regularholes
or us to see the mighty edifice fgarden of the FAO building. Dolosseum looked golden; but ore of a rosy hue and as dusk le Colosseum changed into a ap shadows behind the arches. play of natural light. With a und Sixty feet, it is a Colossal of arches and columns. To the has been prophesied that while | stand and when it falls, Roma ristians in the second and third m into a scene of persecutions.
ns who dabbled in many any Gods, the Christiansposed faith in the risen Christ. This secuted for fear that they may avoid persecution, the early lived in them - each being a etery. Some of the earliest preserved in these catacombs. ter's body was hidden in ter after Emperor Constantine ar’s Square, it was transferred

Page 100
there. As we were taken throu We realised that here was a wh miles beneath the city of Rome
Tradition has it that S middle of what is today Constantine had built the ch Basilica was about half the si, for eleven centuries. With th the great masters of the Ren reconstruct the church. Forty F this magnificent Sanctuary the Roman Catholic Church.
Pope Julius II in the ve century detected Bramantear the work of rebuilding St. Pet and a gigantic cupola. Mich followed and the monument Together with the constructiol and galleries were designed by superbly executed.
Perhaps the most won Sistine Chapel, which takes its commissioned the wall pain artistes Botticelli, Michelangel Since it was used more as a di Popes decided to decorate th

My Diplomat
gh the subterranean passages ole Christian City spreading for
it. Peter was executed in the St. Peter's Square. Emperor urch slightly northwards. His ze of the present one and stood e turn of the fifteenth century, aissance contributed in full to 'opes lavished their treasures in ut is today the epicentre of the
}ry early years of the sixteenth ld Michelangelo and dedicated er's. It consists of colossal piers elangelo's plans were closely all work was finalised in 1626. of the cupola, Wonderful halls the foremost architects and were
lerful part of the Vatican is the name from Pope Sixtus IV who ings. He chose the celebrated o and Raphael for this purpose. scussion hall than a chapel, the walls and its ceilings. Today it

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Diplomatic Assignment in Italy
has the best ceiling frescoes in Eu tration of the Old Testament. T different panels and each illustrat I were enthralled by the Creation Sweeps across the sky with His Adam and bring him to life.
The life story of Michelang chose a difficult medium marble the physical body into art. The glo Chapel frescoes is a tribute to his s
The La Pieta depicting Virg dead body of her son is anothern
One could remember so in more beautiful than the other. I Navona, Piazza di Spagna, Piaz, lovely ones. The Trevi Fountai Song, "Three coins in a fountain. are there and we looked forward t Years later Yoga returned to Rom Conference on Religion and Peac
We met Pope Paul VI on m opportunity to introduce Swami stay enabled us to host several Sr and priests who visited Rom friendship with Aldo Moro, Italy

rope - Michelangelo's iliushe ceiling consists of nine es a diferentstory. Yoga and of the World wherein, God arm outstretched to touch
alo fascinated both of us. He to transfer his knowledge of wing creation of the Sistine skill and his masterly vision.
çin Marymourning over the nasterpiece of Michelangelo.
many places - Piazzas, each Piazza Campidoglio, Piazza za del Popolo are the more n is huge with the famous Both Yoga's and my coins o going there one day again. e to participate in the World
any occasions and took the Satchidananda to him. Our Lankan politicians, bishops 2. We developed a close 's Prime Minister who was

Page 102
unfortunately assassinated ma a special place in our hearts, f numerous places of historic int renaissance and its natural beat with a handsome people.
With Swami Satchidananda at Italy it

My Diplomat
ny years later. Italy always had or its varied cuisine, its wines, erest be it classical, medieval or
uty. It is truly a remarkable land
ld Pope Paul VI in the Vatican, 1 1966.

Page 103
rom the Eternal City we w
den City – Rome to Pekin
was concerned, was really he felt it was at a rather inopportu two years in Rome, to be exact on and more importantly Yoga W. Committee on Commodity Probl Ceylon as the commodity tea wa commodity. In his address to the as Chairman said, "Looking into cocoa, coffee and tea remaine Natural fibres and rubber Contin to inroads by synthetics." Two of rubber were under review. But a we had to leave for Peking, all t UNP and We had entertained Mr Leader of the Opposition, wh Yugoslavia for medical treatme Mr. Esmond Wickremasinghe, th through Rome and it was perh peeved that we did not receive SLFP leader instead. The compl. went. This was also a reminder
Sri Lanka were shunted aside as those in power.

Tere transferred to the Forbid g. This transfer, where Yoga y not unwelcome except that une time. We had hardly been e year and eight months only, as elected Chairman of the ems which was important for is on the agenda as a specific Forty Seventh Session, Yoga specific commodities sugar, 'd problem commodities. nued to be exposed products our export products tea and ll this was brushed aside and because the government was s Sirimavo Bandaranaike, the
O was in Rome enroute to nt. We were not aware that le media tycoon, had passed aps he who must have been him but were welcoming the aints were made; and out we to us that public servants in per the whims and fancies of

Page 104
We enjoyed our stay in during the Cultural Revolution on our posting there, we fo definitely more. Our apart redecorating it and making it ready, we enjoyed being ther his files, working on his repo and I learning Chinese cook developed an interest in Chine later held several art exhibit Lanka. Chinese painting r enjoyed studying it. Naresh the winter afternoons - listen. Summer playing outside wit excursions to places of histori the Summer and Winter Palac and the Tien An Men square,

My Diplomat
Peking. It was a difficult period but as we satback and reflected und that the plus points were ment was cosy and I enjoyed our home. Once the home was e and working - Yoga studying rts that had to be sent regularly ing and brushwork painting. I se brushwork painting and years ions in the Philippines and Sri eflected a Taoist ethos and I and I enjoyed being together in ing, reading and playing and in h other children. We loved our c interest such as the Great Wall, es, the Temple of Heavenly Peace

Page 105
From the Eternal to the Forbidden City
China is a vast country wi history. It experienced repeated centuries with the opium wars, t rebellion, the Japanese invas communists captured power in 1 strong, cohesive and united. Th from its century long oblivion!
The ten year long Cultur its core - it was a time when classical Confucian inheritance and difficulty. They decided th traditions and work towards th Discipline was first on the agen child was in uniform - blue t Summer and a complete grey ou Overcoat in Winter. Revolutional intervals and the Red Book C regularly. Every morning, the C Work places, exercise, read sing revolutionary Songs and the committees were formed and ea Committees at the end of the da person. At the start, all this lool later it became boring and drab Guards attacked members of the viewed as, "capitalist roaders. and unparalleled mass mobilisa Was the largest social experimer Tung had used the masses to the Communist Party, the burea

th a large population and long turmoil in the 19th and 20th he Taiping rebellion the Boxer ion and the civil War. The 949 and made China militarily e Chinese dragon had woken
al Revolution shook China at the authorities felt that the brought only backwardness at they would remove these e betterment of the country. da – every man, woman and rousers and white shirts in tfit with a cotton padded grey cy songs were sung at regular f Chairman Mao was read hinese would gather at their Chairman Mao's Works, 'n begin the day's work. Street ich one had to report to these y. There was a check on each ked strange and exciting, but Added to all this, the Red 2 Communist Party who were It was a time of regimentation tion.The Cultural Revolution
ht in recent centuries. Mao tse destroy his opponents within ucracy and academia.

Page 106
We were not allowed t We were confined to the Dip Club was open and that to our regular games of tennis Yoga won the Tennis Tourn posting there beating the Indi who was considered the best and well knit. We got close to dinners and cocktails and in activity for the wives of dip for the antiques that were b. the name of the Cultural cloisonné ware, blue and wh: carvings and many more.
The government clos students. Our children stud now understand, has establi Primary School. A few of us and I was in charge of Engli student here and I vividly re Girija Madhavan took. The c where no alphabet was tau nursery rhymes. Judging fro feel Girija was an excellen foundation in English to hel
The Chinese author complex two thousand y, imposed the Mandarin dial and Ilearnt the spoken Chine

My Diplomat
O move about freely as diplomats. lomatic Enclave. Fortunately the only to diplomats. We enjoyed and the meals that were served. ament in the second year of our an Charge Brajesh Kumar Mishra |The diplomatic colony was small ) each other with regular parties - formal gatherings. The important lomats was shopping - shopping eing discarded by the Chinese in Revolution - carved furniture, ite porcelain, jade artworks, ivory
ed schools in order to mobilise ied at the Indian school, which I shed itself as an Overseas Indian Volunteered to teach in the school sh and Geography. Naresh was a *member his English Class which lass was on strict Montessori lines ght but words with action and m Naresh's standard of English, I t teacher who imparted a solid
ties had greatly simplified the 2ar old Chinese script and also ct to unify the vast country. Yoga Selanguage and barely succeeded.

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From the Eternal to the Forbidden City
But we managed to explain an day-to-day needs. I now repeat tu Wang-la” I have forgotten eve Naresh who was the most fluent maid and the cook were fond of in Chinese. He was also fond oft him to repeat, "Mao tu she w Chairman Mao, he did so dilige
China was a challenging Counsellor and second in comma acted as Charge di Affaires. M Ambassador and his family w politics; his two daughters chose uniform with the Mao badge. fluently. But Yoga as a career Secretary at the Embassy did not Red Book of Chairman Mao.
It was when Yoga was th crowd of Chinese staged a four the Embassy premises. The pape government yesterday reacted v official confirmation came from Mr. Yogendra Duraiswamy."
The demonstrations wer sequel to the exchange of dip Chinese Embassy in Colombo

d express ourselves in our o our Chinese friends, “Tun cything. Surprisingly, it was in Chinese in the family. The him and spoke to him only he maid that when she asked ang wang Zue" Long live ntly
post for Yoga. He was the and at the Embassy and often r. Robert Gunawardene, the ere supportive of Chinese a to Wear the blue and white Both spoke Chinese very
diplomat and the Second wear the badge nor carry the
e Charge in Peking that a hour demonstration outside rs in Colombo reported, "The with calm and restraint when our acting envoy in Peking,
2 allegedly sparked off as a lomatic notes between the and Ceylon's Foreign Office

Page 108
(September 1967) with regar addressed to the former whi port. The cargo consisted of which the authorities had app
Yoga, in his capacity a Sent a cable to Colombo stat pasted massive posters bearin Reactionaries,” along the fro) Embassy which was situatec City, Peking. Since the demol Embassy from very early in the Chancery as soon as he h the entire staff and said that that all the families should co reasons and rations would ha
But in our case beside pelted stones and brickbats panes of glass and Yoga h Colombo as being, "very Snic while other Embassies had b.
Yoga was always care Writing - good or bad. He v was important to averta Wro in Colombo. His cable gav government to assess the in that the Chinese demonstrati

My Diplomat
d to alleged pilferage of cargo le the ship was in the Colombo Mao badges and his Red Book arently seized and later released.
s the acting head of the Mission, ing that the demonstrators had g the words, “Down with Ceylon nt wall and the side gates of the | at No. 3 Jian Hua Lu, the East instrators had been in front of the the morning, Yoga went over to eard about it, called a meeting of precautions had to be taken and me into the Embassy for security ave to be purchased for this.
s the posters, the demonstrators at the building damaging a few ad described the incidents to ll." It lasted only for four hours een under siege for Several days!
ful in putting down anything in sould weigh every word and it ng decision at the Foreign Office e sufficient information to the ident. The government decided on had not hurt Ceylon and there

Page 109
From the Eternal to the Forbidden City
was no need to take firm dip Minister himself is said to have treat the issue mildly since the itself of the unwarranted cha Embassy in Colombo.
Yoga had developed the Chinese Foreign Office. He met v and had a mutual regard for Sev Lung the Vice Foreign Ministel Protocol. These ties enabled us t normally closed to foreigners.
Travelling in Peking W Chinese authorities discouraged were out of bounds to foreigners enter those areas and if one questioned. Towards the end of to visit Nanking, Shanghai and quote Yoga's diary - "Since the C. China zvere not open for visi Couple of diplomats were refused pe view of the new reforms that have be Revolution in the running of factori to those establishments and instit hand idea of the way these organis, with interest that we looked for Shanghai and Hang ChoTU, The gra incident that things are settling Cultural ReOolution.'

lomatic action. The Prime asked the Ministry officials to government had exonerated rges made by the Chinese
respect and goodwill of the with Chouen Lai several times eral officers namely Han Nien * and Han Shue the Chief of O Visit areas of tourist interest
as not easy those days. The dit. Many areas within Peking s. One had to be careful not to did so by mistake, he was our posting we were allowed Hang Chow. I would like to ultural Revolution many parts of t by diplomats. Recently, a rmission to visit Hang Chow. In en introduced Since the Cultural es, Communes and Schools, a Uisit utions would have given a first ations were run. It was therefore Unard to this tour of Nanking, nting of the permission is also an down since the disorders of the

Page 110
Nanking was our firs
of the River Yangtse. It is a h of China several times. Thi impressive monument. It was of the mausoleum was akin lions guard the entrance to th marble, were similar to thc Palaces.' Sun Yet Sen w who despaired of his count Nationalist Movement that C 1911. Sun Converted to Pro unite China. Yoga in his dia "Dr. Sun Yet Sen was closely was an avenue named after him Centre of an important Square.
Revolution, the statue vas rem placed opposite the mausoleum another name. The guide des
Democratic Revolutionary.
y yy
The bridge at Nank
impressive. It was a double It was a massive engineer. River.
"We visited a Commune
was originally an American Worker's Middle School named
We were reminded of the earlier vi similarities - perhaps these Chine animals and their artistic pedigre Art' - from my manuscript The Ci

My Diplomat
t stop. It is on the South bank istoric city and was the capital a Sun Yet Sen Memorial is an interesting to note that the gate Io the Sanchi Gate. The Chinese e building. These lions carved in se of the Summer and Winter as a Chinese revolutionary ry's backwardness. He led the verthrew the Ching dynasty in estant Christianity but failed to ary has this to say about Sun - associated with Nanking and there and a statue of his was placed on the It is said that during the Cultural oved from its important place and 1 and the avenue itself was given scribed Dr. Sun as a Bourgeois
ing across the Yang tse was track rail and highway bridge. ng feature across the Yangtse
and a School in Nanking. The School Missionary School but was now a East is Red. "On our visit to the
sits to Persipolis and Babylon and noted the se lions are the descendents of those proud } may be traced to Chaldean and Assyrian 2ative Touches of the Chisel

Page 111
From the Eternal to the Forbidden Cit
School, we were received by the C Committee..... In order to understan that have taken place and are taking an idea of the philosophical basis would give one a better appreciatic now refashioned on new lines. "proletarian politics," and phy education. It is in this Context that et day China and is based on Mao's were taught in School -
a) Mao’s thoughts - his ori literary and art activities, b) Industrial and agriculture c) Elementary knowledge of
phy and Biology, d) Foreign languages togeth e) Military training and phy
"For the year, four month agriculture, three months for indus study, one month for military train Not only are steps taken to remot but measures are also adopted to re Writes Yoga in his Diary. This w completely new approach to ed Cultural Revolution was a comp closed, academics sent to le demonstrating for some vague

Chairman of the Revolutionary i the radical educational changes place in China, one should have of the reforms. This knowledge in of the working of this school Education1 should be to Serpe sical labour should be part of lucation is carried out in present thought. The following subjects
ginal works, poems and his
il production, E Chemistry, Physics, Geogra
er with English, and sical culture.
(Uere devoted for the Study of try, three months for class room ing and one month for holidays. ld the thinking of the students volutionise teachers' thinking," as an experience for us and a ucation! Needless to add, the lete failure with most Schools bour camps and students ause or other.

Page 112
From Nanking, we leftb on the Member of the Revoluti Corporation. We realised tha was shipping rice to our cour Yoga told the Chairman that Delegation to China in 1951 le
Yoga was keen on Visi taken to the West Lake People famous Lung Ching (Dragon The process of manufacture of It is simpler and quicker. After naturally in a room for abou baked with electricity for abc times. In all, the baking takes is ready for drinking. Both increased,' said the Chairma Thoughts of Mao tse Tung.'
We visited Hang Chow The word “beautiful” is an ur the place. We visited the Ling was closed during the Cultu across the entrance displayed instead. Opposite the Tem prayerful figures carved ir surprised to see a Sanskrit it told that the figures were ab carvings of two Indian mission to China.

My Diplomat
y train for Shanghai. Yoga called onary Committee of the Cereals t this was the organisation that ntry as per the Rubber-Rice Pact. he was in the first Rubber-Rice ed by Hon. R.G. Senanayake.
ting a tea factory and We Were 's Commune that produces the Well) tea, the best tea in China. green tea is different from ours. picking the leaves they are dried ut two hours and Subsequently but fifteen minutes two or three about one hour only and the tea n production and quality have an and attributed all this to the
late one afternoon in April 1969. lder-statement when describing Yin Sia Buddhist Temple, which tral Revolution. The brick wall Juotations from Mao's Thoughts ple is Fei Lai Feng where the rock were special. We were scription on one side. We were out 1500 years old. There were laries who introduced Buddhism

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From the Eternal to the Forbidden City
On concluding his visit, that has gone in propagating the gr is trenuendous and Should be seen to of funds, time and energy are const and magnitude of this undertaking done have no equal in Contemporary rivalled before in recent history. The person in China, from a small C communication media are used for til field of activity and at regular time week and for fifty-two weeks in a plane, factory or Commune, office o Camps, loudspeakers are Constantly of Mao, Songs in his honour or Everywhere, all must gather symbo of Mao for instructions and at the on the work done..... Hov far th Succeed in remoulding the people of time (UOuld reveal," ends this not clearly the propaganda machine
He next analyses the v during our posting in China (19 country, engulfed in the politi Revolution which began in 19 Cultural revolution had left the Cou technologically back(Ulard and polit

soga writes, "The organisation atness of Mao and his thoughts be believed. Very large amounts ned for this purpose. The Scope and the 111a1111er in Uhich it is times and perhaps have not been propaganda is directed at every hild to an old person and all is purpose. It is directed at every s of the day for Seven days in a year. Whether it be in a train or r School, living quarters or army | giving out either the thoughts statements in praise of him. lically before a portrait or statue close of their work, report to him is ColoSSal undertaking could China after the ideal of Mao only e in Yoga's Diary portraying ry of the Cultural Revolution.
hole situation saying that 69 - 1970) China was a closed cal mayhem of the Cultural 56 and ended in 1976. The 1 try economically in a poor State, Cally Uery shak/. "

Page 114
The younger leade experienced the excesses an Silently and marked time realised that this Cultural Several decades backward a opening to the outside World it to recover lost ground. Chi embraced capitalism in all b economy. It is now truly the much as it was in the days o
As the diplomat pos Mongolia and we planned th Day Celebrations in May 196 Bator was special – a city I ha the Gobi Desert. Armed with biscuits, nescafe, milk powd sugaretc. etc. and a cooker, w through undulating grassla capital Ulan Bator and to La usual young Naresh was wit having long conversations wi Yoga and I caught up on Soviet military presence in
Mongolia is a huge Sandwiched between Russia it as theirs but Russian

My Diplomat
rship which had personally d mistakes of this period bore it Leaders like Deng Xiaoping Revolution had pushed China ind foresaw that only reform and could save the country and help na today is a changed land. It has ut name and has a fast growing epicentre of East Asian politics, f its emperors.
ted in China, Yoga had to visit e trip during Mongolia's National 9. This whole idea of visiting Ulan d hoped to visit someday and see a lot of tinned food, dry rations, er, special milk food for Naresh, fe entrained in Peking and trailed nds, on our way to Mongolia’s ke Baikal in the Soviet Union. As hus enjoying himself thoroughly th the Chinese present in the train. our reading and discussed the VMongolia.
out sparsely populated country, and China. The Chinese claimed rotection ensured Mongolia's

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From the Eternal to the Forbidden Cit
independence. The Mongols w Khan's tribes who established a Hungary to Korea in the 12th China, destroyed the Abbasid Russia and threatened Poland.
Yoga refers to our trip ZUell-received by the Mongolian aut) accredited to Mongolia, the names Embassy in Peking are also in the Mongolian External Affairs Minist the National Day, we were invited Connected with it. The National Da. days and gave us an opportunity aspects of their political, economic a
The National Day Celebri the usual military parade, the colourful costumes, the horse citizens, all walking past the C whole event and in later years v the Foreign Ministry Officials good wishes. The Ministry had for visiting delegations - an Olc the Lamas followed the tenets the traditional Mongolian house milk and a cup of tea with fa housing Schemes. The archer's (

ere descendants of Genghiz vast empire stretching from ‘entury. His hordes annexed Caliphate in Iraq, defeated
as “interesting, educative and Orities. Since Our Mission is also of the diplomatic officers in our diplomatic list published by the ry and as our trip coincided with to the functions and celebrations y Celebrations stretched for three to meet the people and see Some ind cultural life."
ation was memorable. Besides 're were the archers in their men in their outfits and the rand Stand. Yoga filmed the ve enjoyed viewing it. He met and exchanged greetings and arranged several programmes Mongolian Monastery where of Tibetan Buddhism, a Yurt where we were offered mare's floating on it, and various vents were fascinating and we

Page 116
saw the feats of the bow and
milk and tea with fat in it, was a taste for Mongolian food. Th to a meal and took us out on a
Mongolia was largely livestock breeders had repla A distinctive feature of the cou shaped latticed structure. This strong and easily assembled. T home offering warmth in wil Rural life was fast changing u natural resources of the countr
Our next long journey Siberia. The clear blue lake li surrounded by mountains. The open land stretched across for 1 fifth of fresh Water on the ea the Lake, we returned home to
We were soon after, tral home posting. The farewel numerous. AS Imentioned Pek community and each one ki moment that our transfer v dinners were booked and e"

My Diplomat
arrow. Just as drinking mare's iifficult, one has to also acquire le Chinese Embassy invited us drive.
rural and the farmers and ced the old nomadic tribes. [ntryside Was the Yurt, a Cone was light and at the same time he Yurt is the typical nomadic hter and coolness in Summer. nder the Soviet influence. The y financed urbanisation.
was to Lake Baikal in Eastern es in a deep structural hollow : temperature was mild and the miles. Lake Baikal contains one th’s surface. And having seen
sferred back to Colombo on a lunches and dinners were ing then had a small expatriate lew the other. And from the las announced lunches and ren breakfast was part of the

Page 117
From the Eternal to the Forbidden Cit
farewell programme in the fin embassy in Peking hosted us - i. and the second in command an even the fourth too. The diploma Well knit.
One particular luncheon the Norwegian Ambassador's f long table with about twenty f realised that the host and hostess of the table and that Yoga was n host, I was told that he had jus soon. Though satisfied with the Yoga would not have gone with course was over and the lunch had happened. The dessert was returned; as we were being ser rushed in as usual with a Smile the toast - a lovely toast but replying began reading a note came from the Bureau asking in apartment because it was burning, had gone, five fire engines had that our friend the British Coun to her apartment on the fifth f. and little Naresh crying missing. Naresh was given a h bed and on seeing the father, he the father. "What happened Kunc
1. Kunchu means "darling in Tamil

al two weeks. Almost every some cases by both the head d still others by the third and tic family in Peking was truly
comes to memory as I Write - arewell lunch to us. It was a our guests in all. I suddenly were talking across the length hissing. On inquiring from the st gone out but would return answer, I was worried because nout informing me. The main was proceeding as if nothing s served and Yoga hadn't still ved the second helping, Yoga on his face. The host proposed said nothing. And Yoga in - "Fire, Your house on fire! This e to come immediately to our "he said. But by the time Yoga doused the fire. He was told sellor's wife had taken Naresh oor when she saw the flames Aith fear. The maid was ot drink and was lying on the burst out Crying and clung to u?" asked the father and the

Page 118
reply was that there was a box simply struck the match and th - this was all that he remembe
Yoga was concerned till on seeing him. The child was caught fire was the leftovers left the box of matches on the crate with all the packed S apartment itself was badly da the repairs and ensure that negligence by the Chinese au shaken and we assured her th
The Chinese Foreign N for us, a special honour exten practice of the Foreign M. Revolution to give farewell Ambassadors. Junior dipl Chinese authorities extende perhaps a reflection of the reg
The Directors of the F Protocol Division hosted th confident that Ceylon and Chi that these close ties would contributed to the developm Ceylon and China. He added the five principles of peace proposed a toast to the

My Diplomat
of matches on the table and he e whole thing went up in flames red.
he saw Naresh but was relieved badly shaken. The straw that after packing and the maid had table by mistake. The wooden tuff was safely outside. The amaged and we had to pay for the maid was not accused of (thorities. The maid was badly lat she was not to blame.
Ministry had a farewell dinner ded to Yoga. It was the general inistry during the Cultural banquets only to departing omats were not feted. The d an unusual courtesy to us, ard with which they held Yoga.
irst Asian Department and the at occasion. The Director was na would have friendly relations,
endure, and that Yoga had ent of this friendship between that the relations were based on ul co-existence. The Director
prosperity of Ceylon, the

Page 119
From the Eternal to the Forbidden Cit
development of friendly relatior and for the happiness and succ self." In reply, Yoga proposed at progress of China.
With the Vice Foreign Minister H. Yuan - near Peking
Yoga interpreted this as a tion of ties between China and Chinese have a Charge d'Affaires ar The Chinese authorities a normalising relations by sending a Yoga's thoughts which he Ministry. “The categorised ass Department dealing with our regio, him, are all expressions ( normalise and strengthen their rela tradition to look ahead, Calculate

s between Ceylon and China ess of your family and your past for peace, prosperity and
on. Nion Lung in a Launch Mi
- August 1968
step towards the normalisaSri Lanka "At the present the ld not an Ambassador in Ceylon. re paving the way for 1 Ambassador to Ceylon," were conveyed to the Foreign ertion by the Director of the 1 at the farewell dinner hosted by if their new attitude to tions with Ceylon. It is a Chinese heir moves and convey by their

Page 120
actions their feelings and desires. of China, even today, employ these submitted before we left Pekir
Mr. Robert Gunewarde not forward this report to our submit it himself upon his ret inter-personal rivalry in the S institution lacked an “esprit di
Elections were held ir power. Mr. Gunewardene was China upgraded its mission to of its own Ambassador. " Bandaranaike Memorial Intern
to our country.
Duraiswamys with the Di Ch,
daughter in

My Diplomat
The new rulers and administrators techniques," was the report Yoga
he, Sri Lanka's Ambassador, did Foriegn Office and Yoga had to urn to Colombo. Such was the ri Lankan Foreign Service. The e corp", and team spirit.
1970 and the SLFP assumed soon recalled to Colombo and Sri Lanka with the appointment The Chinese later built the lational Conference Hall as a gift
fongs- Taiwan Prime Minister's Manila - 1974

Page 121
With Hon. Lakshman Jayakody, D. External Affais and the Amb. for til departure to the Pl
uraiswamys arriving at the (being received by the Minister C attend the reception in honour
Yew of Sin

eputy Minister of Defence and he Philippines on the eve of Our hilippines- 1972.
President's Palace in Manila If Culture Fransisco Talad) to of Prime Minister Lee Kuan gapore

Page 122
With the President of the Asi, Signing on behalfo
With President Marcos and fo Philippines and Defe

My Diplomat
an Development Bank in Manila - f the Government - 1974
ormer President Macapagal of the nce Minister Enrille (left|

Page 123
Our Posting in Manila
Duraiswamys being received by Manila who hosted a Farewe
Hoisting the National Flag on the

Bishop of ell party for us -Nov. 1974
Cardinal Sin - the
morning of February 4th 1974

Page 124
Unveiling of Sir Waitialing Parliament by the Speak

My Diplomat
an Duraiswamy's Portrait at the er Stanley Thilakaratne - 1971
the F amilདུ་

Page 125
oga retired prematurely ice to come back and si inherited the ideal of se uncles. Yogas Wami, his Spi 'Sivathondu that is service to the Duraiswamy clan, Yoga Set was inclined to serve his peopl
Unlike most Tamil politic advocated a separate state whil and I came back to live and W there and we easily fitted in. A law to be a member of the lega enter the political field like otherwise and took him to the U diplomacy where he, "served W Country fame," to quote Laks Deputy Minister of Defence a early seventies.
Relations between the strained. There was a need for a of the leadership of both com. understanding to be restored. to work towards this end to equality free from fear or wan

from the coveted Foreign Serv 2rve his people in Jaffna. He rvice from his father, aunt and ritual mentor, emphasised man is service to Siva. And of ams to have been the one who
ians and expatriate Tamils who e in Colombo or abroad, Yoga ork in Jaffna. Our roots were fter graduation, Yoga Studied l profession, live in Jaffna and his father. But fate decreed uncharted field of international ith a commitment bringing his hman Jayakody who was the nd Foreign Affairs during the
Sinhalese and Tamils were change of attitude on the part munities for mutual trust and He was motivated by a desire nable every citizen to live in

Page 126
He understood that it Tamil youth. The policy of Badi-ud-din Mohammed, Mi Severe blow to Tamil stud difficult to enter university. issue and made a study onl standardisation was staggerir twice as hard and yet may enter the university, despite student. The proportion of T declined sharply.
Yoga issued a stateme the educational policy resulted being debarred from gaining un Education introduced arbitrary medium students and lower for student had to obtain 250 point Peradeniya while a Sinhala Likewise to enter the Katubed 232 points while the Sinhala si Tamil student needed 250 poi Peradeniya while a Sinhala stud student needed 181 points to el Sinhala student only needed 17 204 points to enter the Physica student needed 182 points and a enter the Architecture faculty 180 points.

My Diplomat
he ethnic conflict had hurt the standardisation introduced by nister of Education, had dealt a ents in 1971. Many found it Yoga had strong views on this ly to realise that the outcome of g- the Tamil student had to work not obtain the requisite grade to higher marks than the Sinhala amils in the student population
nt saying, "From December 1970, in an increasing number of Tamils iversity admission. The Ministry of qualifying marks, higher for Tamil Sinhala mediu111 Students. The Tantil to enter the Engineering faculty at student only needed 227 points. de Campus, Tamil students needed tudent only required 212 points. A its to enter the Medical faculty at ent only needed 229 points. A Tamil ter the Bio Science faculty (Uhile a 5 points. A Tantil student needed l Science faculty while the Sinhala Tamil student needed 194 points to (Uhile the Sinhala Student needed

Page 127
Return to Jaffna
"In 1972 and 1973 t) language media-Cuise Standardi Universities. In 1974 and 1975
Standardisation and district-(Uise
Students. Muslim students ho(U
restrictions a 1d cere Selecte Different rules applied to different et, study on this subject, Yoga wrot Sunday Times saying, "In 1969, (Uhen Selections (Uere 011 11terit, 51.7 and 48.3% Taniil medium students and 50.0% each of Sinhala and Tan Medical faculty. But in 1975, 83.4 and 16.6% of Tamil medium Stu faculty and 81.0% of Sinhala medii 11edium Students entered the Medi damaging the system of medium-(0. figures. "See diagrams on pages 11
"This procedure effectivel students from entering the Enginee mechanics of media-wise standard statistically incorrect. Subject vise procedure but media-wise (lang adopted by any other country. Th weightage is given to backwar the Tamil Students from gaining aS (Uell." Yoga was of the view th

te government introduced sation for admission to the it introduced both media-wise selection for Sinhala and Tamil ever were exempt from these d O1 (711 all island basis.
111 iC CO 1111111111 ities. After much e to the Sunday Forum of the before discrimination began and '% of Sinhala medium students entered the Engineering faculty til 111edium Students entered the % of Sinhala medium students lents entered the Engineering um students and 19.0% of Tamil cal faculty. One Could see how ise standardisation. (Uas in these
8 and 119
/ kept out the Tamil medium ring and Medical faculties. The lisation is morally unjust and standardisation is an accepted ruage) standardisation is not te district quota System (Uhere d areas, adversely affected admission to the University hat after twenty-five years of

Page 128
independence, it was sad to educationally backward ar have improved the school no excuse of backward are
“This educational pol State policy as en un ciated i According to Chapter V 16 eliminate economic and SOcial and ensure equality of opportu of opportunity to all citizen procedure adopted for sele admission encourages dispa natural justice and gives (Uei, It violates Article (1) of the Rights of the United Nation in this field," wrote Yoga.
I remember him takin the Secretary of Education a this whole exercise has cre among the Tamil people ero unity. “Thus it is in the int of media-wise standardisation Performance at qualifying e criterion for admission to (Ueightage being given on a te and areas till the standard of ti raised. Justice and fair play art

My Diplomat
) hear our educationists speak of eas. Government policy should
system and there should be
icy goes against the principles of H the Constitution of Sri Lanka. (5), 'The state shall endeavour to privilege, disparity and exploitation tity to all citizens. But this equality is as spoken is not ensured as the *cting candidates for university rity. It violates the principles of ghtage to the majority Community. Universal Declaration of Human is which prohibits discrimination
g this up with Mr. Paskaralingam, ind Higher Education saying that 2ated frustration and bitterness ding racial harmony and national prest of all sections that the system and district quotas be abolished. Yaminations alone should be the the University (with reasonable 2mporary basis to backward Schools he schools in those areas are suitably 2 essential. The majority Community

Page 129
Return to Jaffna
must take the initiative in th, Country," he argued with his fri have succeeded immediately b coming in, the policy was corre
Father Tissa Balasuriya Religion refers to the work Y admissions saying In his exc your Forum of December 19th details ........ ; it is true that there in Sri Lanka and that is why wer majority community must endeavour to build a country ba all. Can we not all get together all races and human groups? C serve the people and help reso looking for party advantages fr
In conclusion I Would li statement in his President Association for the Advancel referred to this development say for one racial group is constantl racial group. The question arise students of one racial group, V those two levels, have been re racial group. This is discriminat of justice and equity. It unde authorities and even in the s attempting to do well at an exal

is endeavour to build such a end the Secretary. He may not ut With other pressure groups "cted to some extent.
of the Centre for Society and oga had done on university allent article that appeared in 1976, he has pointed out the are disabilities for the Tamils
must all face the issue.........The take the initiative in this sed on justice and fair play for to ensure the human rights of lan the political parties really lve these problems instead of om political divisions?”
ke to quote Prof. H. Crusz’s ial Address to the Ceylon ment of Science wherein he ing **.......... the admission mark y lower than that for the other es then as to why these many who obtained marks between jected in favour of the other ion pure and simple. It is lack mines all confidence in the ense of Worth whileness in

Page 130
The following figures percen dures effectively kept out th the Engineering and Medical
Faculty Medium 1969 D.
(Peradeniya & Katubedda)
Sinhala 51.7
Tamil 48.3
(Colombo & Peradeniya)
Sinhala 50.0
Tamil 50.0
From December 1970
Authorities had resulted in students being prevented f University. In 1970, the Mi arbitrary qualifying marks, h. and lower for Sinhala mec figures released by the
information is given below -

My Diplomat
age-wise show how the proceTamil medium students from
faculties of the University.
c.'70 Jan.'72 Feb. 73 May '74 Ap. 75
57.8 66.7 73.4 815 83.4
42.2 33.3 26.6 18.5 16.6
56.7 58.6 62.O 72.7 81.0
43.3 41.4 38.0 27.3 19.0
the policy of the Educational an increasing number of Tamil rom gaining admission to the nistry of Education introduced gher for Tamil medium students ium students. The admission
Government Department of

Page 131
Return to Jaffna
Faculties Stud
Engineering – Peradeniya | Sin Tar
Engineering – Katubedde || Sin Tari
Medicine – Peradeniya Sin and Colombo Tari
Biological Science Sin Tam
Physical Science Sin Tan
Architecture Sin
Yoga was proud of his
In his search for peace he felt ti
had to be factored into a political se
before the Sansoni Commission
Sri Lanka, (ve have two nation
speaking nations, each of Uhi kingdoms before the advent of the W

Minimum total
ents marks for
admitted admission
hala || 86 227
nil 60 250
hala 60 212
nil 53 232
hala 137 229
nil 103 250
hala 111 175
nil 41 181
hala 178 183
nil 92 204
hala 16 18O
nil 28 194
Tamil Hindu inheritance.
hat history and geography
ttlement. When he appeared in 1979, he said , "Here in S - the Sinhala and Tamil
ch has had its respective
estern Colonial rulers. Leaders

Page 132
of both nations contributed t Today, each continues to maint language and a distinct geogra, Sinhalese and the Tamils ha?)e stipulated in the United Nation in Common between the tv00 peo in both languages. The cultural each other to a great extent and Taniil peoples profess Buddhist tenets are based on the Sanata11,
In 1977 he invited Tai
were of the view that the p. should be addressed on all
social, and that solutions m fashion. “The inmediate taski that all could live in this country and equal citizens. Mere sloga barren confrontation Zwill not ta, tory has painfully revealed."
He referred to the 1977 Liberation Front (TULF) cy reap electoral dividends. T expectations of militant Tan consequences of their sho polarised the country a foundations of Tamil Society

My Diplomat
o the struggle for independence. tain its national identity, a separate phical area. It is clear that both the
the right of Self-determination as S Charter. But there are many things ples. Many common words are found patterns of the two peoples resemble a great majority of the Sinhalese and 11 and Hinduism respectively whose a Dharmia. "
mils of different ideologies who roblems confronting the Tamils Fronts - economic, political and ust be derived in a constructive s to create the proper environment so f with honour and Self-respect as free 1-shouting on public platforms and ke the Tamils anywhere as recent his
elections, when the Tamil United nically raised the Eelam cry to he TULF raised the nationalist nil youth without realising the rtsighted rhetoric. Its politics nd destroyed the economic ... Our collective psyche was to be

Page 133
Return to Jaffna
forever scarred by such poli short-term electoral gain. politicians even claimed that t them success in the up coming greater harm is done to the people for which no adequate preparation was his angry reaction to the separate state on the eve of the
“A decision to form a se from a position of strength after a Carious factors involved in this q or emotional re-action but one long-term interests of the Tamils. for the Tamils?" Yoga asked. His he would refer to the irrespons and query, “Where is all this freedom and independence are fol Shouting slogans on election pla concessions from the government, platter. It has to be fought and (UC at the grass-roots level. Singleness are qualities essential in the leader
This is exactly the scenar from the fact that it is the yo challenge albeit with mixed c made irrelevant in a tragic situa to win the next election.
1. Paraphrased from Sunday Times Ma

tical posturing intended for One of the Senior TULF he cry for Eelam would bring 2 parliamentary elections. "No by misleading them with promises S have been made for fulfilment," TULF's manipulative cry for a
1977 elections.
parate Country should be made Careful assessment is made of the uestion. It should not be a hasty based on cold reason and the What would this Eelam slogan do words were prescient and later ible action of Tamil politicians taking us to? Movements for unded on blood and Sweat, not by tforms and then negotiating for Independence is not given on a In where the struggle is organised I of purpose, dedication, discipline 'ship of a freedom movement."
io today. One cannot run away outh that finally took up the onsequences. The TULF was tion they helped create, merely
y 22nd 1977

Page 134
But Yoga's intention was problem on the basis of long-te context of a united Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka but insisted on pow economic investment in the N
Solution to the ethnic problem ancient race (with a rich past and a have been in Sri Lanka for two t distinct identity, a rich language a
webe marginalised and made irre
In 1977 he said, "The T one state provided their relations and justice. One group Cannot respect and understanding are Tamil and Sinhala leadership f and understanding motivat considerations. This damaged the
"The Tamils lack econon aided development is conf, Employment opportunities and of learning are largely denied to ti criterion. The Tamil Language though it is spoken by twenty-Sec State Council had reached ConSens and Tamil shall be the official lang

My Diplomat
s to seek a solution to the Tamil arm equality and justice in the He did not advocate a divided ver sharing arrangements and forth-East. In his search for a
he added, "The Taniils are a11 culture. History reveals that they housand years and they retain a nd culture to this day. Why should
levant in our o Un country ?”
amils and Sinhalese could lice in hip is based on freedom, equality dominate the other and mutual needed. Since independence the ailed to 111aintain 111utual trust ed by shortsighted sectional fabric of national unity.
lic and political resources. State ined to the Sinhala a reas. admission to higher institutes lem as merit is no longer the main ’ is not given its rightful place en percent of the population The is before independence that Sinhala guages of the Country.

Page 135
Return to Jaffna
"In the sphere of land re Up-Country areas have advers, long-standing Tamil workers who vital Contribution to Sustain econ, thirteen percent of the membership a Sovereign body that makes the la plantation workers' franchise ( today (1977) they have no elected State Assembly. Their seats are tal giving (veightage to the majori political theory." (Since that peri the better - Tamil Members of Pa of the Provincial Council in th taking up the cause of Tamils liv
He informed the correspc in April 1978 that Tamil priority should be to concentrate on the i. objectives of strengthening oursel Socially so that (ce could challenges. The long term political as it is not in the interests of the Tai)
He strove for economic de
He recommended in 1978
a) Regional autonomy for b) Sinhala and Tamil as off
2. Paraphrased from Sunday Times, Apri

form, certain steps taken in ely affected the lives of the by their sweat and toil made a omic growth. Tamils form only in the National State Assembly, (US of this country. The Tamil (as up i flı dra Un in 1949 and representative in the National ken by Sinhala representatives ty - a Concept un heard of in od things have changed for rliament and Tamil Members e Plantation areas are there, sing in those areas.)
ondent of the Sunday Times at this critical period of time, mmediate future - "short term es economically, politically and
effectively meet today's objective Cannot be decided now 11ils to do So.”
velopment and human rights.
he North-East icial languages

Page 136
The right of a Tamil sp Island to transact bus
To teach all three lar English in all schools. Fundamental huma
Constitution and the those rights in a Court No discrimination on religion, caste or sex Government, Local Services and admissio
No State aided col intended to change t region.
"In strengthening ourselt
Five Year Plans and harness the
Tamils. We shall strengthen ou
up as a nation, Self-reliant and
that discriminates and Supprt peril... " he said.
While continuing the
with the Jaffna correspondent
- “Do you feel that a solution
possible in the context of a uni
- “Yes it is possible. It is
the people of Sri Lanka to have

My Diplomat
eaking person in any part of the iness with the government in
nguages - Sinhala, Tamil and
un rights enshrined in the enforcement, if necessary of of Law. the grounds of race, language, in recruitment to the Central Government or Corporation ns to Schools and universities. Onisation of the North-East he demographic balance of that
es economically (ve should develop : resources of expatriate and local rselves on these lines and Stand i independent. Any government 2Sses us, Uill then do So at its
discussion on decentralisation of the Sunday Times who asked to the problems of the Tamils is . ted Sri Lanka? Yoga's reply was
in the interest of all sections of a country of Contented people. A

Page 137
Return to Jaffna
discriminated and dissatisfied in tension which would affect the pea of the Country. It would be like a body politic and destroy all alike. (Uho shape and lead public opini Stability is an essential prerequisite justice. Political parties that cla the people should educate then 0. this message to every citizen in Sri found on the basis of freedom, equi (which we have paid lip Service for to reflected in the Constitution implemented in the day-to-day a favour."

1inority could be a source of Ceful progress and development canker that would eat into the Every citizen, especially those on should realise that political to economic progress and Social im to work for the Welfare of In these lines. They should take Lanka. And a solution could be Lality and justice - concepts to o long. These concepts should be of our country and must be dministration without fear or

Page 138
in the 14th of Octobe
news item speculat
appointed as the Di Agent for Jaffna. The article a appointed Government Navaratnarajah was to be des Trincomalee. Yoga's name sti the Tamil United Liberatio) Parliamentary elections were O the Eelam cry, promising to Eelam, within six months. Y failed in his attempt - in fact chance in that emotionally cha TULF candidate was returnec
The TULF manifesto
reiterated that the Constitu “brought into operation eithe action or struggle.” This pro euphoria amongst the Tamils education and employment, of Sinhalese in predominantly ment of the estate worker, the in race riots and a history of governments helped the TU

r 1978, the Daily News Carrieda ing that Duraiswamy was to be strict Secretary and Government dded that Pulendran was to be Agent for Vavuniya while signated Government Agent for irred up a hornets' nest among n Front (TULF) members. The |Ver in 1977. The TULF had raised establish an independent state oga contested the election and no non-TULF Contestant stood a arged environment. Every single
to Parliament.
for the 1977 General Elections tion of Tamil Eelam would be r by peaceful means or by direct mise of theirs created a sense of of the North. Discrimination in he state-sponsored colonisation Tamil areas, the disenfranchisedestruction of life and property broken promises by successive LF. The TULF soon forgot the

Page 139
District Secretary and Government Ag
promises they made on the e negotiated with the Jayewarc District Ministerial posts! The
position, which was not accepta Jaffna at that time was, " "Kett Japan jeep" (they asked for E Japanese jeep). The Jayewarde every UNP and TULF Member C includeda Pajerojeep. The TUL) to Jaffna. The youth were disap
It was at this time that the in the newspapers. The TULF Amirthalingam, Sivasithampar, disliked Yoga and therefore wal incumbent Government Agen Mr. Fernando's popularity and in Jaffna to manipulate the head brought up as to why Duraisy should not be appointed. The TU prefer a Sinhalese Government went ahead with the appoint District Secretary and Governme Jaffna with renewed vigour.
1. In 1983, when the Tamils were attacke sponsibilities and fled the country. The defend their interest and over the year Yoga condemned these killings. He pri tive in their approach

ent, Jaffina 27
ection platform and instead lene administration for two government only offered one ble to the TULF. The refrain in addhu Eelam, kiddaiththadhu elam and instead each got a ene administration had given f Parliament several perks that F members brought their jeeps pointed at the turn of events.'
inadvertent headline appeared reacted immediately. Messrs am, Rutnam and Yogeswaran inted Mr. Lionel Fernando, the t to continue. They built up used the death of his mother lines. Various arguments were wamy - a defeated candidate JLF reiterated that they would Agent But Mr. Jayewardene ment. Yoga's assignment as 2nt Agent enabled him to serve
d, the TULF leadership abdicated its reyouth felt betrayed and took up arms to S have murdered several TULF leaders. sferred that the Tigers be more construc

Page 140
On being appointed District S. Jaffna being congratulated by P
The government had ap after a lapse of sixteen years, Members of Parliament opp incessantly in Parliament ta immunity. Montague Jaya Public Administration Once r ment Agent that Jaffna has ha I am reminded again of anoth Yoga taking up office, whe annual convention in Jaffn responded: leave Yogendra would work towards econo exactly what he is doing. You us with empty promises!

My Diplomat
ecretary and Government Agent, resident Jayewardene - April 1979.
pointed a Tamil to this position and it was sad to witness Tamil losing it! They criticised him king advantage of their legal awickreme, the Minister of splied, “He is the best Governd; why are you opposing him?” er incident after a year or so of in the TULF members at their a attacked Yoga, the youth alone; he always said that he mic development and that is on the other hand have misled

Page 141
District Secretary and Government Age
Yoga assumed duties a worshipping first at the Nall homage at the Columbuthurai A was hard work from that day relentlessly hoping to build up neglected. His dear friend appreciation, paid a tribute say phase of his career was after hes and regalia of diplomatic life a and Government Agent at Jaffn purpose to a life-long passion would have loved to hear the always tell me during our postir day like to come back and work of returning to Jaffna was to ser refer to as Sivathondu' - servic
He took this opportun strategies for Jaffna. He felt t neglected North would help discord. As District Secretary ar the difficult task of representing also responding to the needs a the Northern province. He took fulfil the needs of the people. He in Jaffna and Kilinochchi in his
Mr. Ranganathan in continues: "Consequent to the G of government employees were
2, 16th July 1999 Ceylon Daily News

ʼnt, „/affina 129
t the Jaffna Kachcheri after ur Temple and then paying Ashram of Yogaswami. And it onwards. He endeavoured affna which had to date been Mr. Ranganathan in his ing, "To my mind, the finest hed the metaphorical plumes nd became District Secretary a. That period gave point and to serve his people." * Yoga se words because he would ngs abroad, that he would one c for his people. The purpose e his people, which he would e to God.
ity to rethink development hat economic growth in the heal the wounds of ethnic ld Government Agent, he had the central government while nd demands of the people in up this challenge in order to implemented several projects two and a half year tenure.
his appreciation of Yoga eneral Strike of 1980, hundreds dismissed from service (by the

Page 142
then government). He recru youth on a strictly impartial initiated an Integrated Rural cottage industries were establi increased. He launched hou new roads in the peninsula accelerated and a Sri Lanka E mitting Centre was establishe Work on the Mahadeva Caus office, the decentralised bu During his stewardship, all wanted to implement the
recommendations for the pe rehabilitate the Iranamadu ta would have come under the
With Minister Thondanan Kilinoc)

My Diplomat
ited approximately a thousand | basis to fill the vacancies. He Development Program whereby ished and milk production vastly using projects and constructed . Direct dialling facilities were Broadcasting Corporation Transd. He ordered the resumption of eway. Prior to his assumption of idgets were not fully utilised. funds were fully expended. He Israeli hydrological experts' aninsula. He also had plans to nk whereby an extra 20,000 acres
at the Milk Collecting Centre 'nchi -- I 980

Page 143
District Secretary and Government A
Lalith Athulatih mudali addre Kachchen
Yoga took effort to enhan boat Services to the offshore isla initiate small rural developme poultry and animal husbandry Schemes in Mirusuvil and Mu project was the resumption Causeway, which had been neg could have also facilitated the ex lagoon into a fresh water lake Mr. Premadasa, the Prime Mini included the Mahadeva Cause
convince him about the usefuln
3. A former Government Agent planned Mulangavil to cultivate cadju on a la

gent, Jafna 131
ssing the MPs at the Jafna ri - 1980
cebus transportation, improve ands, instala biogas plant and nt projects like coir, fisheries, I. He also implemented youth Ilangavil. A more important
of work at the Mahadeva glected over the decades. This entual conversion of the Jaffna for irrigation purposes. When ster visited Jaffna in 1980, Yoga Way in his itinerary in order to ess in completing it. The Prime
to settle two thousand Sinhala familes in ge scale

Page 144
Minister promptly agreed brought in the private sector causeway.
With the Prime Minister 1 Jaffnu
The government of tha pace of economic developm Integrated Rural Developi Districts depended on forei while Yoga felt that it wo prepared by those familiar W. of the people rather than Chairmanship, Mr. S. Sivath worked as the Secretary responsible for the Plan.

My Diplomat
that work should begin. Yoga hoping to expedite work on the
Mr. Prenadasa. On his visit to a ir 1980
time emphasised an accelerated ent. Each District worked on its ment Plan. However, the other gn consultants to do their plans uld be better if the plan was th the background and the needs by outside experts. Under his asan his Director of Planning, to the Committee, that was

Page 145
District Secretary and Government Ag
"An Integrated Rural D District was formulated after Ca the development objectives ( The needs and views of the p conditions in which they live system of Field Kachcheries (t were directly involved. My participation and subsequently in plan because such participati substance to the plan. Only plan results and the process of planni. focus and help in deciding the development activities, my (Uish economic and Social landscape of an investment of 750 million years and encompasses a vide ri Yoga stated on the eve of Nations Regional Developmer discuss this plan.
The Integrated Plan highlighte
a) Agriculture, Land and
b) Irrigation, Water Resol
c) Fisheries
d) Transport and Commu
e) Industries
f) Population, Health, E

ent, Jaffna 133
evelopment Plan for the Jaffna eful consideration was given to 11d the resources available. eople of the district and the d zUere obtained through the here my senior officials and I im was to bring in people's telping the implementation of the on (Uould give strength and ned growth Could give optimum g could bring ideas into a clear 2 priorities. In planning such was to change substantially the the District. This plan envisaged
rupees over a period of five ange of development activities,” is departure to the United ut Centre in Nagoya, Japan to
d -
Forestry rces and Water Supply
lucation, Housing and Social

Page 146
I accompanied Yoga C experts commended the plar endeavoured to build upon lo on outside resources. They concrete proposal. Yoga work month and made the nece discussions with the experts his team of committed office comprehensive strategy of d political events evolved rapi Soon forgotten. The hard wo)
Yoga was in close tou organised a Public Day - a wished to meet him in ord
issue. His Field Kachcher Mobile Secretariat of the Prel
at remote areas of the District this initiative. He visited rem to meet people and study th way, he helped solve many o take government to the gras effective in addressing devel
I too would accompar kachcheries. I remember one remote village in Chavak relocated. The bus stops wer their request was that these

My Diplomat
»n this trip to Nagoya. The UN and appreciated the fact that it cal resources rather than depend viewed it as a practical and 

Page 147
District Secretary and Government A
Village itself. Buses would thi commuters. This simple reques transport official on the spot w on for years un noticed inconve People at the grass roots gr Kachcheries. Development worl government officers from Colol recent eVents.
The TULF got active Development Council election. Councils in the North and East, where ten members were to b offence at what they perceived their promise to work towards
Districtelections were Scl Mr. Dharmapalan, the Additi assigned the special responsi Preparations were underwa Counting of ballots. He was cont planned well and he said the Jaf early.
The TULF, UNP and SL. the 31st of May 1981, the TUL: Nachchimar Temple in the Jaffn assigned for election securit opened fire on the policemen a

gent, Jafјіта 135
an enter the village and help was addressed by the relevant nich otherwise may have gone eniencing the rural commuter. eatly appreciated the Field c continued and several donors, mbo and Ministers took note of
with the anticipated District It decided to contest all seven the largest of which was Jaffna e elected. Militant youth took 1 to be the TULF's betrayal of an independent Tamil state.
heduled for the 4th of June 1981. onal Government Agent, was bility at the Jaffna Kachcheri. y for the elections and the ident that everything had been na results would be announced
FP campaigned vigorously. On held a massive rally near the a municipality. Policemen were y. Two unidentified gunmen nd got away. Three policemen

Page 148
died and two hundred o berserk. They rioted and buri buildings. The violent reprise enforcement authorities had manner. The violence perp further breakdown in race rel
A tired Yoga returned additional last minute prep elections. We were seated in O' felt uneasy that all was not too on hearing the news of the Temple. More pressing and fr policemen had torched the Je Valuable books and manuscri drove out into the burning city Water bousers from the Naval the municipality nearby in Municipal office was closed, One was around - not even the arrived but the force that it ge useless.
"What Security is the the custodians of the la cU bel, kept saying. This library hou manuscripts and out-of-date Was an attack on Tamil cultu. helpless in the Library premis

My Diplomat
ther police personnel went nt houses, shops, cars and other ls made things worse. The law no right to retaliate in such a 2trated by the police led to a ations in this country.
home late that evening after arations for the forth-coming ur Veranda at Mahendra” and I well. Yoga had alerted Colombo killings near the Nachchimar ightening news came in. Angry affna Public Library with all its pts. There was a high fire. Yoga 7 and briefly returned to request base in distant Karainagar and order to douse the flames. The
the Water tower locked and no TULF Mayor! The Navy bouser nerated was so weak that it was
're for life and property when ave in such a manner," Yoga sed several thousands of rare
first editions. The arson attack re. While Yoga stood alone and es, alone Tamil policeman came

Page 149
District Secretary and Government Ag
up to him and said in Tamil, ". because I am not sure what the you. Please go away,” he plead
Yoga left and many day whole episode, we realised that to Yoga. No one dared venture were not to be seen, Yoga alfire fighting. My father in Colol and our friends were worried
now and then to find out whetl
I called President’s Hou flames and spoke to Mr. Fest happened to be there. I informe of policeman running along Cl the library in flames. I added th responsible for the fire. His ini have proof that it was the poli library on fire."
I was helpless that night 5.00am. tired and disturbed. He
before he went to office. It was of Jaffna, Messrs J. Gunaratnar I informed them that Yoga has
4. he pioneered the first power-loon textile 5. he was the Chairman of the Chelvanayak

ent, Jaffna 37
Aiyah please do not stay here Sinhalese policemen will do to ed.
's later as we recollected the anything could have happened out that night - our politicians one Was out, unsuccessfully mbo, Yoga's Senior colleagues about his safety, calling every ner he had returned!.
se when I saw the Library in Ius Perera, the Minister who 2d him that I heard the boots ock Tower road and later saw at the police might have been tial reaction was, "You do not cemen who had set the public
... Yoga returned home around said that he would resta while an hour later that two citizens n" and K. Nesiah dropped by. i just gone to sleep after these
Itill in the North in 1965 an Memorial Trust and Director of the Jaffna

Page 150
incidents. The two men later m and alleged that the GA did r instead, asleep. These were Sl remained in their homes throug to accuse the Government Ager albeit unsuccessfully. I repea Mr. Festus Perera to them. Th alleged that the Government A perpetrators of the act
The District Developmer came soon after. Everything we abandoned the Kachcheri's plan officers. Total strangers were b Ministers, Messrs. Gamini Dis applied considerable pressure Presiding Officers.
"Duraiswamy flatly refus this was done, the whole elect official of the Kachcheri who discussions. It was at this junctul Secretary to the Ministry of Del security situation in relation to for the Development Council el for 4th June 1981 and in the in conduct of the poll I, Col. C.A. Ministry of Defence, by virtue the Emergency Regulations, 19.

My Diplomat
liciously twisted my remark ot seem concerned and was Ipporters of the TULF who h the night and emerged only it who tried to do something, ted my conversation with By twisted this as well and gent wanted proof as to the
It Council Elections in Jaffna ent haywire. The government s and removed the designated rought in from outside. Two sanayake and Cyril Mathew on Yoga to change the Senior
ed to do so and Warned that if on will go haywire," said an had been present during the re that Col. C.A. Dharmapala, ence said, “I have studied the he proper conduct of the poll actions for Jaffna District fixed erest of ensuring the proper Dharmapala, Secretary to the f the powers vested in me by ;1 do hereby direct you as the

Page 151
District Secretary and Government Ag
Returning Officer to revoke the Officers in the schedule attache been authenticated by me and t Presiding Officers in their place
Yoga was compelled to elections were held in a volatile running riot Many complaine properly conducted and added They alleged that ballot boxes polling centres had ceased to fu taken place at some booths. Sivasithamparam of the TULF, Tamil Congress and Chelliah complained that the election pro urged that the results should no
But once the TULF rea elections, they wanted Yoga to r earlier misgivings. He refusec gularities and referred the mat Mr. Chandrananda de Silva, Subsequently instructed Yoga to and then resigned from the p Government Agent. This ende Yoga's life.
A couple of years bef “Roving Correspondent” of thi
Yoga was a political stooge of
4. File - DDC Elections, Jaffna.

ent, Jaffna 139
ppointments of the Presiding d to this direction which has
make fresh appointments of o) وو
follow written orders. The environment with UNP thugs i that the elections were not that rigging had taken place. were misplaced while other inction. Counting too had not Messrs Amirthalingam and Kumar Ponnambalam of the Kumarasuriyar of the SLFP Dcess was flawed and initially t be declared.
ised that they had won the elease the results despite their l to do so owing to poll irre ter to President Jayewardene. he Elections Commissioner, ) declare the results. He did so ost of District Secretary and d another important phase of
ore Yoga passed away, the ) Sunday Leader alleged that he United National Party and

Page 152
added that he was ineffective correspondent went off at a te 8th 1997. I remember vividly rea anger; but Yoga took this Scatl manner and replied, "The chic perhaps a TUILF supporter; leave pride and backbone. He was ind to return to Sri Lanka only to se
I was hurt at the irres surprise a response by C.V.S. Sunday Leader on the 20th of Ju White Lotus: Cosmetic Exercise b which appeared in the Sunday patently unfair by Yogendra District Secretary and Govern Public Library was burnt.
"I was an official in the under Lionel Fernando, Panchalingam. I can unhesitatir not a political stooge of the UN Any one who has moved and W he cannot by anyone's stooge.
“The article mentionec Council elections which took destruction of the Public Libra it. We, in the Kachcheri at

My Diplomat
as Government Agent. The ungent in his column of June lding that feature column with ning attack in his usual calm p is not aware of facts. He is it alone." Yoga had integrity, lependent to the end. He chose rve his people.
ponsible write-up. To our Maniam was published in the une, 1997. I quote “The article y your Roving Correspondent Leader of June 8th, has been Duraiswamy who was the ment Agent, at the time the
Jaffna Kachcheri and worked Duraiswamy, Nesiah and gly say that Duraiswamy was P as it was stated in the article.
orked with him will know that
the District Development place a few days after the ry but had not given details of the time, were aware that

Page 153
District Secretary and Government Ag
Duraiswamy came under consid ministers, Gamini Dissanayake Some of the senior presiding offic who were brought by special tra flatly refused to do so and wal whole election would go haywi think a political stooge of the U done this? At that stage Dura order under emergency regulat of Defence who also formed directing him to replace the Sen was a legitimate order, DuraiSW, aware that Duraiswamy even ( spot, but the ministers asked hiu
"Duraiswamy contrib development of the Jaffna Distri and his team of ministers whe Duraiswamy's tenure as Distri Agent confirmed this in a st Duraiswamy was a man of convi hard to develop Jaffna despite a him by the TULF. He lived in J relinquished his post but the TU 1982 because of the opposition militants.
I was sincerely thankful the Editor. He had given a t contribution to Jaffna.

nt, Jaffina 14
erable pressure from the UNP and Cyril Mathew to change ers and put in their place those ns from outside. Duraiswamy ned that if this was done, the re the following day. Do you NP government would have swamy was served with an ions, signed by the Secretary part of the ministerial team, ior Presiding Officers. As this amy had to conform. We were )ffered his resignation on the m not to be hasty.
uted immensely to the ct. Prime Minister Premadasa in on a visit to Jaffna during ct Secretary and Government atement he made in Jaffna. ction and courage and worked ll the obstacles placed against affna as a free citizen after he LF could not enter Jaffna after of the people, particularly the
O the author of that Letter to 'ue picture of Yoga and his

Page 154
According to Yoga, the bl indictment on the conscience of to reconstruct it. I heard him obtaining new books and tracing been earlier microfilmed by Al particular instance, an Ame1 micro- film records in the United later found that the records wer published by Congregationalis century Jaffna.
Yoga was a member of Committee set up to reconstruct meeting convened by President C as Chairman of the Committee Introductory Address
"Sixteen years ago I had Jaffna Public Library go up in flam us, we were unable to extinguis happy to participate in a funct patronage of the President reconstruction of the Jaffna Public bigger and better Scale. It is a laut Springs from a desire of the gove It is our fervent wish that this (Uould lead to mutual trust an tuvo parties.
"The reconstruction of national venture. Besides the got of life and of all Communities ar

My Diplomat
Irning of the Library was an the nation. His one wish was speak to diplomats about ; documents which may have merican Missionaries. In one lican diplomat referred to States. Yoga was thrilled. He e of the Morning Star journal t missionaries in early 20th
i the Jaffna Public Library the Library. At the inaugural "handrika Kumaratunga, Yoga on Fund Raising said in his
the misfortune to (vitness the es. Despite the efforts by a few of h the fire. Today I am indeed ion, under the distinguished to formally inaugurate the Library on the same spot on a able act of reconciliation, which rnment to redress past (Urongs. initiative of the government i understanding between the
he Jaffna Public Library is a ernment, people from all walks ’ expected to participate in the

Page 155
District Secretary and Government Age
reconstruction of the Library, Weho) Campaign in every village in this co groups to contribute their share to t.
"The beautiful and impressi you. It is estimated to cost rupe vill take about two years to com Library will retain its Dravidia facilities will be provided inside. In will have two wings on eitherside. I Square feet, about three times the siz
“Though ve vill not be manuscripts destroyed in the fire, make the Library worthy of t government and people of this Cou, be a meeting place of people from particularly Scholars and research of many more efforts at nation b (Uhel (ve as Sons and daughters ( unitedly to create a new nation, and justice shall prevail and (chel honour and Self-respect, free from fe
Motivated deeply by the Hinduism, Yoga's actions reflect Gita inspired him to serve s discharged his duty with detac

пt, Ja//ha 143
pe to launchı “a book and a brick” Intry to enable individuals and le national effort.
e model of the Library is before 2s three hill 11 dred 111 illion and plete. The outer facade of the 1 architectul re, Ulı ile 111 odern addition1 to the old Structure Ue t vill have a floor area of 93, 144 e of the original building.
ble to get back the valuable yet every effort will be made to he combined efforts of the itry. We hope this Library will different parts of Sri Lanka, ters. It shall be the forerunner uilding. The day has da (Uned, of Mother Lanka, should work where peace, freedom, equality 'e every citizen shall live (with (ar Or (Ulant.'
tolerance and inclusivism of ed its wisdom. The Bhagavad sciety with dedication. He hment. He often quoted the

Page 156
Tamil phrase, o “Makkal seva Service to humanity is service to to action, never to the fruits
thy work be thy motive; neit attachment to inaction," says ti to this teaching. Work is w responsibilities are carried out, personal gain. These precep dedicated spirit. He learnt to ac With equanimity - not too sad joys. Both bouquets and brickb took them in his stride, always

My Diplomat
ai Madhavan Sevai aakum,” God. "Thou has a right only thereof. Let not the fruits of her let there be in thee any ne Gita (II-47). Yoga adhered orship if our humanitarian
Without any expectation of tS inspired him to act in a Cept prosperity and adversity in Sorrow nor over rejoice in ats were thrown at him but he

Page 157
in 1985, Mr. C. Rajadurai
Development, Hindu Relig
was to table the Hindu Tem Bill in Parliament. The Trustees ( concerned as to the future of t had built the temples, create maintain the temples, and har Moves were now afoot to take without proper notice. These Ti advice. They felt betrayed and All Ceylon Hindu Congress President Justice Sivasubrama General Secretary Mr. Sivarajah
The trustees approachec Vishva Hindu Parishad (Wor Which worked in Jaffna und displaced families, running are houses for several refugee fami address the aftermath of the poured into Jaffna on a large Sc and property. The country was Violence and counter violence v was considerable suspicion, di the two communities. 85% O.
1. He was the Judge of the Supreme Col.
Education Board.

, the Minister for Regional on, Hindu Culture and Tamil, poralities and Religious Trust of several Temples were deeply heir Temples. Their forebears d funds to administer and ded down this task to them. over the temple management ustees had nowhere to go for were seeking a reprieve. The was not active then with its niam' away in India and its
in Jaffna.
i Yoga as the President of the ld Hindu Council) Sri Lanka, ertaking valuable service to fugee camp and later building ies. The VHP endeavoured to 1983 race riots when Tamils ale - some losing their relatives
in the throes of civil conflict. vere the order of the day. There strust and bitterness between the Tamil population were
rt and President of the Colombo Hindu

Page 158
Hindus. The Hindus in Jaffna assist needy families. It was sac initiative came from certain Tl Yogendra leave it to the Christi a better job," was one such
running the Pannai Refugee Ca certainly not Yoga; he worked like minded people to help and
to collect funds for the projects. and conversions of the displac declining. And this Temporaliti to be introduced at this inoppo
Realising the gravity of th to be handled tactfully and dipl Colombo and organised a 1 Associations and Trustees of Ter with great difficulty that the Ramakrishna Mission on the 9th about a hundred participants.
Speeches and lengthy dis that certain Boards of Trustees needed transparency with rege discussions revealed the disi Hindus had for the Minister W end of the full day programme
A 1) That the present circ to introduce this Ac

My Diplomat
had organised themselves to to note that opposition to this JLF supporters. “Why can't an missionaries who would do
statement against the VHP mp. But we were not deterred; with more enthusiasm getting With his vast contacts was able Due to immigration overseas, 2d, our numbers were steadily es and Religious Trust Billwas rtune mOment.
e situation Yoga felt that it had omatically. We came down to meeting of Hindus, Hindu nples to discuss this Act. It was meeting was arranged at the of February 1985. There were
cussions took place. Some felt did not function well and rds to their finances. But the appointment and anger the ho had drafted the Act. At the those gathered resolved -
umstances were not conducive
in Parliament,

Page 159
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
2) That the government
B 1)
C 1)
this Co-ordinating CC
a) a need for a
Religious Trust b) the scope and cc decided to adop
That it views with gre the wanton assault perpetrated on Hind by misguided elemer armed forces. That the governmei disciplinary action ag repetition of Such il compensation for
That destruction of lif on a large Scale in S Northern, Eastern an innocent people are t That many displace country as refugees a a miserable existence land.
That the government protection and we withdraw the harsh alleviate the sufferin of the Northern, Eas and pay adequate Col

of Sri Lanka should consult luncil on the question of:- Hindu Temporalities and Act, Intents of such an Act, if it is t such a legislation.
lve concern the sacrilege and , damage or destruction u Temples and their priests ts, including Some from the
ht should take appropriate ainst the miscreants, prevent incidents and pay adequate damage done to life and
e and property is taking place ri Lanka, particularly in the d Central Provinces and that he main victims.
d persons are fleeing their nd some others are eking out in different parts of their own
, which is responsible for the fare of its people, should
regulations, take action to g of the people, particularly tern and Central Provinces npensation for those affected.

Page 160
1) That a Council of Hi to look after the Weld Sri Lanka in general for the Council to implement the decis
That the Agreementente by Sir Kanthiah Vait Thiruketheeswaram Ten one hand and Bishop. Em which was accepted by should be implemented feature of the Agreem vicinity of the Thiruketh the West of the Poone radius of one mille fro] interfered with in any in The unauthorised cons land at Manthai juncti Paala Vi Theertham Temple violates the 4 therefore be allowed.
A Council of Hindu Or
Yoga was unanimously elected that as a first step a Small nominated to meet President these resolutions.
The group met, presel
President. The resolutions w
government agreed not to table

My Diplomat
indu Organisations be formed are and interests of people of and Hindus in particular and take all necessary action to ions adopted at this meeting.
ared into on 30th January 1964 hianathan, President of the ple Restoration Society on the tiliaanuspillai, on the other and the Government of Sri Lanka by the Government. The main ent was that the land in the leeswaram Temple, situated to ryn-Mannar Road within a m the Temple should not be hanner adverse to the Hindus. truction of a Church on state on on the banks of the Holy of the Thiru ke the es waram Agreement and should not,
ganisations was formed and its Chairman. It was decided group of five members be J.R. Jayewardene and present
hted the resolutions to the ere discussed in detail. The the Hindu Temporalities and

Page 161
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
Religious Trust Act in Pau Thiruketheeswaram Temple, consisting of Messrs. Lalith
Dissanayake and Yoga were to constructions. But this did not ta were later informed that Constr
Since February 1985, this Council of Sri Lanka grew frc undertook steps to improve the Welfare of Hindus in various par to list the different projects t accomplished under Yoga's lead in different parts of the country Supporting annexes.
Yoga took note of the con our inability to contain them. displacement facilitated these C simply did not have the funds to and every refugee was a poten worker worked towards conver ran the refugee camp at Panna refugees in Kilinochchi.
The Hindu Council on val contributed towards refugee re Kilinochchi, Vavuniya, Mullaitiva

liament. Regarding the a ministerial delegation Athulathmudali, Gamini visit the site and stop illegal ke place due to the war. We action work had stopped.
Council known as the Hindu pm strength to strength. It political, economic and Social ts of the country. It is difficult hat the Hindu Council has ership. They were varied and ... I shall refer to a few with
versions of poor Hindus and The poverty and repeated onversions and the Council withstand such moves. Each tial convert. The missionary ing them. Despite all this, we i and later built houses for
ious occasions financed and lief and rehabilitation in the 1, Trincomalee, Batticoloa and

Page 162
Jaffna Districts. Yoga would sp Government Agents, finding
for the displaced and ensured t was received by refugees. Mo worked under him during h always ready to carry out his r
Yoga helped Hindu orga roots to access international channelled to the Young Men's to reconstruct houses damage frequently sends dry rations Committee of Tamils in Londo FORUT funds were also tapi Worked with the Sarada Sevash in Trincomalee, the Nallur Ramakrishna Mission and the F the Tirumurugan Temple ir Vivekananda Peravai in Ba Mattugam, Kahawatta, Chi tributes and the letters we appreciations of the time and his beleaguered people cruelly
The security forces Nagapooshani Amman Templ Council reacted strongly to thi: as Sacrilegious and inhuman." many people, the security forc

My Diplomat
end hours with the respective out what would be necessary hat the relief aid of the Council st of the Government Agents is tenure in Jaffna and were 2quests.
Inisations working at the grass funds. NORAD funds were Hindu Association in Batticoloa d by war. The Hindu Council to the Wanni. The Standing in helped finance some of this. ped. The Hindu Council also Aram in Point Pedro, the YMIHA Aadheenam in Jaffna, the Hindu orphanages in Batticoloa, Mannar, the Ramakrishna dulla and Hindu Sabhais in law and Puttalam. The rich 'eceived on his demise were efforts Yoga spent working for
displaced by war.
attacked the Nainathivu 2 in March 1986 and the Hindu saying, "We Condemn these acts Besides killing and injuring es are said to have burnt three

Page 163
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
chariots, used at the annual The door of the Temple. Houses, shop Again, when the armed forces Temple in Tellipallai and the Va Mullaitivu, the Hindu Count got compensation paid to the ten "Whatever the provocation, th the Security forces to attack pla civilians. If this state of affairs p
vill prevail...... ”.
In 1986, the Hindu Council Tamil employees on Special (Cor government institutions, with th to rescind it and succeeded. " concerned at the decision of th Special (Compulsory) leave 1 government institutions namely Corporation, the Rupa vahini, Air Telecommunications.......... If decision was made for security reas explosions in the Air Lanka Trist Telegraph Office. No legal judgeme, responsible for these deplorable Constitution, 'Every person shall be proved guilty. Conceding, for pur. individual or a group was responsil employees (vorking in other governi More so, when senior government l

r (Car) festival, and the main is and boats were destroyed. attacked the Durga Amman taapalai Amman Temple in cil took up the issue and nples. Yoga's thoughts were, Iere is no justification for Ces of worship and innocent ersists, the law of the jungle
took up the issue of sending mpulsory) leave from certain e President. It sought ways The Hindu Council is gravely le Government to Send 011 amils working in certain
the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Lanka and the Department of is also reported that this ons and is a sequel to the bomb ar aircraft and in the Central at has been made as to (who was acts and according to our 2 presumed innocent until he is Jose of argument, that a Tamil ple, why should innocent Tamil ment institutions be penalised? eaders on many occasions have

Page 164
repeated that their fight is aga not against the majority of th
2 وو
not an ethnic one.
The ethnic conflict ar
of the Council. The Coun confrontational policy is diplomatic training gave Yo; was one of dialogue and acco is actively engaged in finding National Question and in rest every Citizen of Sri Lanka col free from fear or want," wash made representations to the Ways and means of achievin Sri Lanka in 1992.
The Hindu Council r
officers with their shoes on Mission around 11pm on the ing that they search the pre manner, insulting the Resid touch with the President say government are endeavouring t incidents should not be permit,
2. Courtesy - The Island, Wednesday Tamil employees on Special (Com Stitutions.

My Diplomat
inst "Taniil Marxist terrorists' and te Tamils and that the problem is
ld violence was on the agenda cil was of the firm View that
is not the answer. Years of 2a these ideas and his approach ommodation. “The Hindu Council
ways and means of resolving the "oring peace and normalcy So that ld live with honour and equality is approach. The Hindu Council Select Committee to recommend g peace and political stability in
esponded strongly when army , Walked into the Ramakrishna 1st of December 1995, demandmises. They behaved in a rude 2nt Swami. The Council got in ing, “At a tinue (when you and your 0 (work for Communal harmony such 'ed. Checking of a place of worship
28th May 1986 on The question of sending pulsory) leave from certain government in

Page 165
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
should be ordered only by an office, and he should keep the Specia Secretariat informed that the searc) mentioned, "As you are a (vare, t. well-known religious Institution public in many (Ua/S. The Missio Hindu ideal propagating the harmor asked to remove their shoes but had
Prayer Hall (with their shoes on. worship are held Sacrosanct, wear Hindu and Buddhist Temples. It is could even have thought of entering on and it becomes more reprehensibl despite the objection by the Swami vanted to enter the Sanctum San C by the Swamiji."
The President respond following day senior army office and tendered their apologies f assured him that such actions Wi
again. “We are however pleased evening three army officers and Wellawatte Police Station had calle their apologies and had assured h be allowed to happen again. M
3. Courtesy - The Island, Tuesday 5th Dece

not below the rank of a DIG | Unit of the Presidential 1 is to be done........ ' He also
le Rahakrishna Mission is a loing yeoman service to the 11 (works in keeping with the ty of religions. These men were | refused and even entered the In a country where places of ing of shoes is prohibited in surprising that these officers the prayer hall with their shoes e that they should have done so -in-Charge at that time. They torum but was firmly resisted
ed immediately and the rs had called on the Swamiji or the misdemeanour and ll not be allowed to happen to note that on the following the Officer-in Charge of the ad on the Swamiji and tended in that Such action (Uill not Auch as ve apprecia te this
amber 1995 - "Boorish Officers

Page 166
gesture, we are bringing this it happening to other Hindu Council while thanking the
There are several Drav Saivism rather than the w( themselves from non-Tami diVide the 855 million Hir ethnic grounds. In March 19 in the school syllabus was re. up the issue saying, "Th of the Hindus in Sri Lanka should be known and unders for this, it would be proper 'Hinduism' is retained as the South Asia including India, been identified as Hinduism.... Hindu is used and not Saiva. gives the broad lines of Hindui world, the other chapters sh pathway," And to avoid any that we use the term 'Hindu subject. This has now been a of Education which is respo
The Hindu Councilne For example when Mr. Sivas said that the sole represente
4. Minutes of the Academic Affairs
September 1999

My Diplomat
incident to your notice to prevent Temple in the country,” said the President for her prompt action.
idian activists who prefer the term ord Hindu in order to distance ls. This would merely serve to du population world-wide on 97, when the subject of Hinduism phrased Saivism, the Council took ough the overwhelming majority are Saivites, the overall picture tood before going into details and and useful if the general term, name of the subject. In countries of Nepal and Sri Lanka, Saivism has ... In all official documents the word With an introductory chapter which sm and where the Hindus live in the ould mainly deal with the Saiva misconception, Yoga Suggested ism - Saivism' as the name of the |ccepted by the National Institute nsible for the syllabi."
vershied away on political issues. ithamparam the TULF President, tive of the Tamils was the LTTE,
Board of the National Institute of Education -

Page 167
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
the Council responded to the S saying, "If democracy was red people, by the people, for th represent the people should be chose elections where the principle of one particular individual or party majority of votes, yet no individua percent of votes at a free and fa. possible for an individual or party the people which is tantamount t and only representative of the p party no doubt represents the people say that at the present juncture not possible to choose represe election. And added that the go work towards an honourable Tamil opinion should be consul confining it to a 'sole representat to bring the LTTE into the negot substantial section of Tamil opinion
The Hindu Council wa commenting and seeking repri possible for the Tamils. Anothel the question and said, “We do no is a religious organisation and w political matters."
The Hindu Council alway incidents and condemned them. the unwarranted attack on the
1. Courtesy - Sunday Times March 29th 1

unday Times correspondent lly the government of the te people, then those who 1 by the people. This was done by 11an one vote prevails. Though a
may get an overwhelming I or party can get one hundred ir election. It is therefore not to be the 'sole representative, of to being considered as the one eople. Such an individual or : in a big way," and went on to with the ongoing conflict, it is 2ntatives at a free and fair vernment should continue to
settlement. "All Strands of ted in this regard instead of ive. Attempts should be made iating process for they form a ..."o
as always in the forefront eve whenever and wherever Hindu organisation, skirted tget involved in politics. Ours e don't want to comment on
7s reacted towards untoward In January 1998, it condemned emple of the Tooth, a sacred
998 "Can LTTE represent the Tamils?"

Page 168
shrine to Sri Lankan Budd civil responsibility to addr responding to each and ever
In September 1997 v Maha Sivaratri from the list Sri Lanka, the Hindu Counci Satyagraha on Sivaratrimorn Temple in February 1998. Th and Muslim holidays, in then retaining all thirteen Buddhis "Sivaratri is an important during the day the devotee Temple in prayer and medite important abhishekams and yaamas and religious discou whole day and the night a Council impressing upon th Cultural and Religious Affai importance of these observan to restore it as a public and
The Hindu Council to of the Palaly Air Port, th Tamils in the area and the the Tamils with Minister the repercussions of such a Minister, Yoga distinctly tolc detrimental and not to pursue look into it. Later in Novem the President considered this the government had no inter

My Diplomat
hists. It never lost sight of its ess the interests of the Tamils, y issue.
when the government removed
of public and bank holidays in l protested strongly and staged a ing at the Ponnambalawaneswara earbitrary decision to cut Hindu ame of increasing efficiency while it holidays intact, was insensitive. Observance of the Hindus and S fast and spend the day at the ation. The vigil is at night where pujas take place through the four rses in between these pujas. The re spent in worship," said the e President and the Minister of rs and the Minister of Ports, the ces. Yoga's untiring efforts helped pank holiday.
ok up the issue of the expansion e permanent displacement of acquisition of land belonging to Lakshman Jayakody, outlining acquisition. In his letter to the l him that this scheme would be 2 it. He was assured that he would ber 1999, the Council learnt that matter as a non-issue and that tion of taking over the lands.

Page 169
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
The last thing that Yoga a Hindu Council was the special tr Priests in the plantation areas. Successful programmes were conc the Department of Hindu Affairs trained
Vishva Hindu Parishad H
addressing the
The Vishva Hindu Parishad
Hindu Conference is Allahabad in
Hindu Parishad was formed in th religion. Swami Chinmayanan

accomplished through the aining of the non-Brahmin
Despite opposition, two lucted in co-operation with , about sixty Priests were
Prayag India, Yoga gathering
organised the Second World 1 February 1979. The Vishva e 1960s to protect the Hindu da was its first President

Page 170
and it. It had the blessings o was invited to participate as
In his address, he said, " F the world have a rich tradition
sink differences of caste and lan well being. In various countri practice the religion. In Malay are desecrated and Hindus atta
"We are free to practice c we undergo tremendous hardshi the population and have lived in are similarities between Hint can understand and appreciate values, be tolerant and discipline together in our country. We F promote our philosophy.
" While Several Hindu S study of our religion in differe Conference would help link up t Hindu Organisation becomes me
Yoga was impressed conference. There were tens o there and the whole program The delegates were comfortab with all facilities provided

My Diplomat
if the Dalai Lama as well. Yoga the representative of Sri Lanka. indus living in various parts of
and a (last civilisation. We must guage and unite as Hindus for our es, the Hindus find it difficult to sia, Fiji and Bangladesh temples cked.
ur religion in Sri Lanka. However p. Hindus Constitute 18 percent of 1 the country for 2000 years. There du and Buddhist cultures. If we each other's religious and cultural d, the Tamils and Sinhalese can live
Hindus need to be assertive and
ocieties and individuals foster the "nt parts of the world, a World hese activities. A permanent World Cessary for such co-ordination.”
with the organisation of this f thousands of Hindus gathered me was arranged meticulously. ly housed in pre-fabricated tents and the proceedings were in

Page 171
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
keeping with Hindu traditions. devotional songs sung, bhajans discourses in between.
At the Committee stage YC on a World Hindu body. "H organisation, which could loo organisation should take up the down trodden and discriminated should have a Data Bank (with different parts of the world, th problems. It should provide a f of the Hindus from different periodically, to discuss and decide A Hindu point of view to c. confront humanity should bef journals like Hinduism Tod Hindus informed of development in other parts of the world."
The objectives that he envisaged 1. to work for the Hindu ide,
inclusivism; 2. to assist Hindus to prote 3. to help decide on issues t Hindu approach to a pro 4. to enable Hindu represe of the world to assemble decide on issues that affe

Vedic mantras were chanted, organised with speeches and
ga expanded on his thoughts indus lack an international k after their interests. This cause of our people, who are against in several countries. It
information on Hindus in Leir organisations, aims and orum for the representatives parts of the world to meet on issues that affect the Hindus. on temporary problems that ormulated. It should publish ay which could keep the s affecting their co-religionist
Wereals of tolerance, pluralism and
ct their traditions; hat affect humanity so that a blem is known; ntatives from different parts a periodically to discuss and ct the Hindus;

Page 172
5. to collect information
If these objectives are to b organisation may have the fo
General Assembly - a
Executive Board — tC
International Secretariat - a
When Sri Lanka hoste 1982, Yoga helped bring tog and Malaysian delegates World Council of Hindus. initiative. Nepal hosted an in March 1988 and Yoga was i of the Hindu Council of Sri L international body and the formed. He helped set-up

My Diplomat
on Hindus in all parts of the
e fulfilled, the international llowing organs -
respectable gathering of Hindus ) meet Once in two years,
meet about twice an year to rview the progress made and to ake action with the Secretary eneral as its head; permanent body to execute the ecisions taken at the General issembly and the Executive oard. It should have regular ontacts with Hindu organisaons in different parts of the forld.
i a World Hindu Conference in ether several Indian, Nepalese . He mooted the idea of a He wanted Nepal to take the international Hindu Conference nvited to attend as the President anka. Here too he lobbied for an World Hindu Federation was his organisation, and wrote its

Page 173
Hindu Council of Sri Lanka
constitution. He was its Vice Presic Unfortunately, it lacks administra are ill equipped to administer it.
At World Hindu Confere with President R

ientin charge of South Asia. tive skills and the Nepalese
ܕ .
ence in Mauritius - 'amgoolam

Page 174
he general elections
Hindu Council unde
reviewed the situation will have to choose carefully
would shape and direct the di the many issues, the ethnic qu calls for an immediate soluti the internecine conflict ant destruction on a large scale an many billions of rupees." To "stunting our sensibilities an which if not arrested in time wi no point in talking about the rich day actions are destroying it."
The ethnic question is c it has defied a solution for
Sinhalese and the Tamils have thousand years should act as a live and let live on equal terms.
Unfortunately, the spil owing to mutual Suspicion of communal politics mainly S, the leadership of both sides ht

were scheduled for 1994. The er Yoga's leadership met and in the country concluding, "We he political party or group that estinies of our country. Among estion is the dominant one which on. The country cannot afford (more resulting in death and 1d the annual financial drain of Yoga, the ethnic conflict was, d creating a culture of violence, ll destroy our way of life. There is cultural heritage when our present
omplex and complicated. While decades, "Yet the fact that the lived side by side for over tuvo
challenge and an opportunity to
it of accommodation is lacking and distrust. Instead "a history İnce independence, engendered by is strained relations, which have

Page 175
The National Question and the Parliame
now led to open warfare. In the final settlement should not be Reconciliation has to proceeds Settlement has to be done in stages, the Israeli-Palestinian Agreeme settlement - "These are examples C rigid positions adopted by the respec coming to a mutually acceptable Tamil problem is relatively minol compared to these tavo problems.
"Each nationality has a l distinct language, a religion and a Strands and a definite area whic periods of time. Any lasting consideration these facts, which shared in a united country. I ansver," was Yoga's approach in Without compromising Tamil int within the framework of a united
He added on the eve of Council feels that any political part political power should have a clear-c and how it proposes to resolve it.
"The Sinhala political lead Cannot be obtained without the CO7 economic progress and social just

itary Elections 163
e circumstances a full and
attempted at this stage. rep by step and a political Yoga said and referred to nt and the South African f long standing disputes with ive parties to the conflict, later arrangement. The Sinhala
• and less complicated when
ong history of self-rule, a culture with many common h it has been occupying for
solution must take into means that power has to be Devolution of power is the finding a balanced solution, erests. He sought a solution
the elections, "The Hindu or group which aspires to seek ut policy on the ethnic question
’rship must realise that peace sent of the governed and that Ce Cannot be realised (without

Page 176
peace. Peace, to be enduring, I justice. This becomes all the
Sinhalese Say, they have only Sri fail to see that to us Sri Lankan may have close ties with South South India.
To the Tamil political pi he said, "As recent history has S Confrontation on Communal lines with honour and equality. This to (Urin elections. Personal and
interest of the Community and in the Tamil political leadership of the Tamil militant movement."
He felt that, "the CO1, misguided policies adopted by tragic situation today thanks to t. approach to the problem must cl of heart and a willingness on both ing the scenario in the hopeful when he said, "Fort brought about by this conflict, a 1 minds of the average Sinhales should end and that they should This trendaugurs well for a polit Provincial Council electi concluded showed that “beati bring political dividends."

My Diplomat
as to be based on equality and more important since, as the Lanka, to Call their own." They Tamils this is our home too. We India but this is our home, not
arties, he was forthright when ho(Un since independence, barren (vill not help the Tamils to live s may only help the leadership party advantage Supersede the the country. This loss of faith mainly contributed to the rise
ln try suffered by the narrow both sides and (Ue are in this he unenlightened leadership. Our lange. There should be a change Sides to lice and let live.' Watchcountry he was a little Inately, after years of suffering eU a(Uareness has da Uned in the e and Tamil that this conflict live in peace with one another. iCal Settlement.” The Southern on that had just been ng the Communal drum will not

Page 177
The National Ouestion and the Parliam
"A new chapter in our h; fresh initiative taken. Commun people should vete for the party of proposals for peace with implement it within a time frame." that repeated discussions at Select Committees of Parliame because the people concerned we
of view.
At this stage, the Hiu constructive proposal to resolvi package to alleviate the immediate lasting settlement."
1. "The elected government to
it would implement fully Acts of Parliament - the Constitution, the Provin of making Tamil an officia been approved by the Provincial Councils, th Parliament. "Let us in the laws of the land and see hou. are functioning and review Provincial Council has beer, implementation of these Confidence in the minds oft

entary Elections 65
story has to be opened and a al politics should go and the or group that puts a package justice and undertakes to Having said this, he also felt All party Conferences or nt were no longer necessary 're aware of the various points
hdu Council Suggested a e this conflict - "a three point situation which could lead to a
make a public declaration that within a time frame the three Thirteenth Amendment to the ial Council Act and the Act l language." These Acts had eople at the elections to the e Executive Presidency and first instance implement these the institutions created by them he situation after the North-East in existence for some time. The Acts will create the necessary te people particularly the Tamils,

Page 178
that the government is keer, Besides, such an act by
(Uay in getting many Tar national life,” the Counc
2. "The ethnic conflict is
affair. It assumed interna United Nations Human this ethnic question and Concerned that a settlemer that they could send back their Countries. Moreover, freedoms are no longer a (See page 281 - The Ethr Domestic Affair?)
The United Nations and
when there are violations of h
world. The discourse of human sovereignty. Yoga added, " services of an international thir warring sides to the conferen Sri Lanka is the other party to this mediator. The current practice is to help resolve violent cor Angola, Somalia, Cambodia a international third party could Norway, Canada or Australia.

My Diplomat
t in settling the national question. the government vill go a long mils to enter the mainstream of il said.
no more a purely a domestic tional proportions in 1983. The Rights Commission is seized of many foreign governments are ut of it should be reached soon so the Sri Lankan refugees now in
human rights and fundamental domestic affair of a country." nic Conflict in Sri Lanka - Is it a
member states express concern uman rights in any part of the rights has superseded national We should therefore, utilise the d party to help in bringing the ce table as the government of conflict and cannot expect to be a to bring in the United Nations flicts in a country as in 1d the former Yogoslavia. The also be a country like Sweden, Besides helping to bring these

Page 179
The National Question and the Parliar
parties together, the third party monitoring a cease-fire, layin, supervision of elections to the Nort
The Hindu Council felt drawn into the main stream of government should hold electio with the help of an internation, Council and the Provincial gov function without let or hindranc assistance to the Provincial govern The international third pari Provincial government has be During this period the Provinci measures to enable the refugees to 1
“After the Provincial gov) about two years, negotiations viti regarding the working of the sys to it. Important questions like a state aided colonisation and of mt North-East Province permanent cc through negotiations. This pro representatives of the North-Ea. of the people of the Province. Be enable a calm and objective conside
In conclusion, the Coun that this package of proposals vot fighting and help build on a st

entary Elections 167
could assist in the process of a down of arms and in the a -East Province."
that the North-East must be politics and that the elected ns in the North-East Province al third party. “The Provincial riment Should be allozUed to e. The Centre 111ust extend all ment to make the system work. ty should remain till the 'en in office for four years. al government should take all eturn to their homes.
ernment had been in office for 1 the Centre should be initiated tem and for any improvements ddition of devolved powers, of king the existing linkage of the uld also be resolved at this stage edure (Uill enable the elected it Province to speak on behalf sides, the passage of time (vill ration of the vexed questions."
il said, "It is our fervent wish ld defuse the situation, stop the aggered basis a constitutional

Page 180
structure mutually acceptable te hope that peace and normalcy (t Country."
This statement, on the e viewed as a "Voice of Sanity Newspaper of the 20th of July able for its sobriety and sinceri both community and country. note that what is recommende barren confrontation on com not help the Tamils to live w words echo the sense of Tamil leaders in the past Sir W. Duraiswamy and Sir A. the health of the majority ensul It was in that spirit that they ei
"Their confidence cam communities have,” as the Hiu by side for over two thousandy act as a challenge and an oppo equal terms in Sri Lanka. It communities who lived side years were not at any time in t century dawned) disturbed by Without such provisions the p Tamil kings, Tamil purohitas o prime ministers and Sinhalale Tamil. What prevailed then wa more binding than the laws pa

My Diplomat
the parties concerned. It is our vill then return to our strife-torn
ve of the General Elections was in the Editorial of the Island
1994, saying, "It is commendty in advocating the interests of
It is perspicacious enough to 'd by certain Tamil leaders is a munal lines' and that, it will ith honour and equality. The Avisdom of such admirable
like Sir P. Arunachalam, Vahadeva. They all agreed that red the health of the minorities. ntered politics.
e from the fact that the two hdu Council notes, lived side rears and that this should now )rtunity, to live and let live on is significant that these two y side for over two thousand heir past (before the twentieth he lack of such state provisions. eople in this country accepted , as we would call them today, aders who signed and wrote in S a customary law which is far SSed by a modern state......."

Page 181
he suffering of civilian Ta
deal. He empathised Wi
where they were caughti of food and medical supplies. He had broken down. Poverty had health indicators had worsened mortality rate had risen. Displace were frightened - "They woul harassment at check points than severely," he would say. He w speaking to senior security offic harass Tamils at police station Minister of Constitutional Affairs Integration, while paying Yoga at I have had occasion to associate W. he brought the grievances of disp who are now living in Colombo take remedial measures to alle result my Ministry has implem called 'On the spot service.' "
At a meeting several yea invited to speak on the United N the national question to the issu
1. Human Rights - the Key to Nationa
Jaffna in 1978

mils concerned Yoga a great th the Tamils in the Vanni the crossfire and were short lth andeducational Services xponentially increased and malnutrition, and maternal d Tamils living in Colombo d rather go through police complain and be dealt with as often at the telephone ials requesting them not to ns. Hon. Prof. G. L. Peiris, , Ethnic Affairs and National ribute said, "During the past th Yogendra especially when laced Tamil speaking people and emphasised the need to viate their sufferings. As a anted an action programme
is ago (1978), when he was sations Organisation, he tied of Human Rights, and said
Salvation - a speech delivered in

Page 182
that the United Nations Orgar on human rights as essential earth. The United Nations Cha encourage respect for humar "Human rights spring from suc conditions of life (chich permi and use his human qualities of it rights are therefore inalienable a without them (ve Cannot live as the United Nations in 1948 ado Human Rights, "as a common sta and all nations. The concepts w, are freedom, equality and justice the cause of Conflict in our count
While Sri Lanka has provisions in the Constit mechanisms are not effective violated these provisions with violated humanitarian law as
worsened as a result.
In 1986 he said that the and East is spreading inexora conflict in the world today ha occurring daily. In the Nor
2. A talk given at the Sri Lanka ASSO September 1986 on the Ethnic Crisis

My Diplomat
lisation rightly placed emphasis for the preservation of peace on urterendeavours to promote and h rights. And in Yoga's words, ih a desire and they concern those t a human being to develop fully telligence and conscience. Human nd fundamental to our nature and human beings. It was for this that pted the Universal Declaration of indard of achievement for all people hich form the basis of human rights and the non-observance of these is
incorporated human rights tution, the implementation . Successive governments have impunity. Non state actions have s well...The ongoing conflict has
internecine Conflictin the North bly to other areas. “No theatre of is witnessed so many casualties thern and Eastern provinces,
ciation for the Advancement of Science in
and the Indo-Sri Lankan Relations

Page 183
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
destruction of life and property are innocent people are the main victi, fleeing their country as refugees an existence in different parts of their are taking a heavy toll on them. Th of the people should stop immediat for the protection and welfare increasingly harsher regulations, innocent people. If this deterior alienating the two major communiti lead to greater suffering on a wider
"What is the cause of this the failure of the political lea majority community, to recognise multi-ethnic and multi-religiou suitable constitution to enabl honour and equality, free from fea highly centralised government con the Sinhala community by virtue to the detriment of the Tamil c. fields of language, education, empi Tamils felt that their interests w and demanded a change in th zuvanted a separate sitate and othe power.
"The situation got exace leadership of the Sinhalese (Uhipping up communal feeli

taking place on a large Scale and ns. Some displaced persons are lothers are eking out a miserable
own land. Hunger and disease e Severe hardships and suffering ely. No government, responsible of its people, should enforce
which add to the suffering of ating trend, which is steadily 2s, is not arrested in time, it would scale in all parts of the country.
conflict? It is due mainly to ldership, particularly of the the reality that Sri Lanka is a s country and to formulate a e every citizen to live with or want. A unitary system of a 1tinues to prevail which enables of numbers, to exercise power ommunity, particularly in the oyment and land settlement. The ere not adequately Safeguarded e form of government. Some 's advocated a share of political
bated when the main political and the Tamils resorted to 1gs to come to pover, little

Page 184
realising the consequences. For was buttressed by Tamil versa. Each indirectly helped t 110 minees elected to Parliamen instances they joined together a governments for narrow personal of the two ethnic communities, propaganda of their leaders, got having fostered a divisive app convert the people, earlier fed o to a new way of thinking on the sharing power. This is the predicar,
"The Tamil militant youth political leadership had failed, dec Tamils by resorting to direct ac were the worst affected by governm into the political arena dramatic Compelled the government to take importance of the militant / hierarchy abdicated their resp. people in their hour of trial and organisation in the North and E. circumstances made the g00 militant youth.
"There should be political (0 lem and the responsibility lies which has the authority and the

My Diplomat
decades, Sinhala Communalism CO1111111111al is 111 and () ice 'e other to get their respective it and subsequently, in many fter elections were over to form and party ends. But the members being victims of the communal more and more estranged. After roach, it is difficult now to F1 communalism and mistrust, merits of national unity and of "lent (Ue face 110ZU.
, after having realised that their ided to take up the Cause of the tion. They were the ones, who ent policies. Their violent advent ally changed the Scenario and steps to contain their threat. The uths grew when the TULF onsibility of being with the ribulations. The TULF political st collapsed and the change of rnment negotiate with the
lon both sides to settle this probmainly with the government leans to do so. Failure to settle

Page 185
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
this question on honourable violence on a larger scale,
grozwing probability of outside conflict and making the whole of Sr
To Yoga, the ethnic questi In 1992, he stated, "No lon fundamental freedoms a domestic Nations and member States ar violations of human rights in any principle that Sri Lanka spoke re. against racial discrimination in So of the Palestinian people. It is 0. expressed deep concern at the alleg of South Vietnam under Ngo Diem
“Today, there are not on the international Community at ti human rights by member states of t, body has also acted to rectify trag, minority fighting for freedom from supplies and medicines, the United planes under the aegis of the Unite for the starving Kurdish popula violating Iraqi air space or its Nations sent food supplies to the t
3. The Island, 5th July 1992

terms will lead to more greater suffering and the forces being drawn into the
Lanka a Zwar zone. ”
Dn was not a domestic affair. ger a re human rights and affair of a country, The United e concerned when there are part of the world. It is on this gularly at the United Nations uth Africa and for human rights n this premise that Sri Lanka 2d ill treatment of the Buddhists , the Catholic president.
ly expressions of concern by le continued violations of basic 1e United Nations, but the Uorld C Situations. When the Kurdish Iraqi rule was deprived of food States and the British Air Force i Nations, dropped food supplies ion. There was no question of overeignty. Again the United 2Sieged civilians of Sarajevo and

Page 186
the Security Council resolved Airport to ensure that the reli (around June 1992).
“Sovereignty, as ve kne concept. The improvement in tech growing interdependence o concern for human rights and contributed to an increasing a together for their greater good.
"Regional groupings and been formed to deal with vario which cut across state boundar and the number of subjects w} domestic jurisdiction of a state is (
In July 1992 when renew to portray the ethnic conflict in Yoga asked, "Is the ethnic quest already the concern of the intern question has been in ex, assumed international proportion 1983 against Tamils causing de scale. Tamils fled to foreign Countr and sucCour.
Yoga added, "Man their immigration laws to a governments expressed their grave international Human Rights

My Diplomat
o take control of the Sarajevo if supplies were sent regularly
it earlier, is now an outdated 'nology and communications, the f states, the international fundamental freedoms have all areness that people should get
international organisations have us problems, the solutions for ies. Sovereignty is now shared hich could come purely under onsiderably reduced."
red attempts were being made Sri Lanka as an internal issue, on a domestic affair, when it is itional community? The ethnic stence for decades but it ls after the organised attacks of ath and destruction on a large es by tens of thousands for refuge
governments even relaxed 'mit the refugees. Not only concern at developments, but also organisations and the media

Page 187
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
condemned the atrocities coni ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka was no (1992) there are about one million d number staggering by any standar. fỉoe hundred thousand in foreign coi nearly one hundred and twenty tho, Nadu, whose people have close ct Sri Lanka. Does one expect to Co confines of the territory of Sri Lan avhen Sri Lankan citizens, most native soil, for no fault of the Countries?
"The Indo-Sri Lanka Agri acknowledged the need for the
resolve the ethnic question and con not a domestic affair of Sri Lanka. It without which the Tamil political would not have accepted the con, the first time a comprehensive Agreement reconciled the basic con Tamils, and provided for devolutio unity and integrity of Sri Lanka. I and at the request of the Sri La a peace-keeping force to disarm prepared to hand over their arm forces. In addition both the Sri Lan, undertook to ensure the physic

hitted against Tamils. The onger a domestic affair. "Today isplaced persons in Sri Lanka, a ls for a Small island and nearly intries. In India alone there are lsand refugees, mostly in Tamil ltural ties with the Tamils of intain this problem within the ka and call it a domestic affair, of whom uprooted from their irs, are a burdel on those
2ement of July 1987 formally services of a third party to firmed the position that it was 1dia guaranteed the Agreement
parties and militant groups promise settlement. This was settlement (vas reached. The icerns of the Sinhalese and the 1 of power in the context of the 1 furtherance of the Agreement nkan government, India sent the militants who were not s to the Sri Lankan security an and the Indian governments al Security and safety of all

Page 188
Co111 111111 ities in the North-Ea Agreement was subsequently er of Ministers and later by ti provincial, presidential and referred to the episode to ill
issue had already been interna
“Certain conditions llave Tamils are to live in peace a relationship should be based on fr in other multi-ethnic States, S Canada. Domination of one Cont and the approach should be one C on the basis of race, religion, lan permitted. Power will have t character of the population Shc the basis of equality. Merit Shou, to government Services and to ins, Human Rights must be made ju! be easily available. Institutions S bove concepts and principles inti political concepts followed succe multi-ethnic Societies could devolution and to transfer adequ them to manage their interna Centre. A system of genuine executive is responsible to the

My Diplomat
st province of Sri Lanka. This dorsed by the Sri Lankan Cabinet le people of Sri Lanka at the parliamentary elections." He 1strate the fact that the ethnic
to be met if the Sinhalese and the nd harmony in one state. The eedom, equality and justice as Seen lich as SUitzerland, India and munity by the other should cease if live and let live. Discrimination guage, Caste or Sex Should not be O be shared and the composite uld be reflected in the state on 'd be the criterion for recruitment titutions of learning. Fundamental ticiable and legal remedies should hould be created to translate the a actual practice. Time honoured ssfully in various Countries with pe adopted to delimit units of ate power to such units to enable l'affairs, un trammelled by the levolution of power, where the 'lected representatives should be

Page 189
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflic
created. The Constitution shoul division of powers between the should also be incorporated in t while ensuring autonomy to ti the unity and integrity of the between a separate state and a Subsequent events in Northern prove the current thinking that I Concerns transcend national S0.
come for an internationally sponsc
Sri Lanka is a multi relig Upanishadic tenet that the diffe truth much as different rivers Religion could unite a plural oneness of our people will conti and appreciate and accept one anc deepest beliefs. These religions all the goodness and all the lig a round us. Let u S make u SI
Oneness,” Were his cherished ho
He supported inter-re member and later a Vice Preside for National Harmony, a men

t 77
d be suitably amended and the Centre and the regional units he Constitution. This system, he regions, will also maintain country. It is a compromise lighly centralised unitary state. Iraq, Kosovo and East Timor 1uman rights and humanitarian pereignty. The time has indeed pred negotiated Settlement."
ious Society. Yoga believed the 'rent religions lead to the same s lead to the common ocean. society such as ours. "The 111le to elude us, 1111 til (Ue 111 eet ther in depth at the level of our are there and they account for it by which human beings live e of the light and see our peful thoughts.
ligious dialogue. He was a 2nt of the Citizen's Committee nber of the United Religions

Page 190
Organisation, the Centre for National Conference on Relig in efforts at a political soluti also a member of the Nationa explain a Tamil point of Viev employment in the public ser levels and security of life, experience gave him the skill t solutions that respected the a groups. He could do this beca warm heart that were attuned t of a dispute. In discussions, ev and heated, he represented the abrasively," said Father Tiss tribute."
The Hindu Council u that the civil conflict called for the leaders of different commu trust and understanding. The meet the Mahanayakas of Chapters of the Siam Nik organisations in Kandy. The prelates on three occasions - ir attention to the underlying sim Buddhism whose adherents population. Hindus and Buddh
4. The Island 12th August 1999

My Diplomat
Society and Religion and the on and Peace. He participated on to the civil conflict. He was | Peace Council. "Yoga would v on issues such as language, rice, power sharing at different persuasively. His diplomatic o recommend fair compromise spirations and demands of all use he had an alert mind and a o listen and respond to all sides en when others got warmed up : Tamil case cogently but never a Balasuriya paying Yoga a
inder Yoga's leadership felt urgent action. It decided to meet nities to help introduce mutual First step in this process was to the Malwatte and Asgiriya aya and several Buddhist Council delegation met these 1986, 1995 and 1999 and drew ilarity between Hinduism and in Sri Lanka form 85% of the ists share common philosophic

Page 191
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflic
concepts such as dharma, karr two religions share similar
meditation as a means to enl adherents often venerate the s places on pilgrimage namely,
Adam's Peak. The Council re support a negotiated settler ethical principles of the Pancha that poor communications be Tamils contributed to the p initiative taken by the Council. that Tamil should be taught to th to Tamil children in order to b. integration.
Yoga hoped that the Bl help breach the impasse. He v between the two religions shot to restore peace. "The Hindu Sri Lanka for two thousand years Common cultural values, traditic These traditions emphasise toleran mankind and these ties have communities to live in peace and ( times, many factors have contri communities apart. Today we seem of the conflict, which is still cla omissions and commissions of t. of the divide are responsible fo Hindus and Buddhists as recipient together to find a way to co-exist

na, samsara and moksha. The traditions and emphasise ightenment. Moreover, their ame gods and visit the same Kataragama, Nagadeepa and quested the Mahanayakas to ment based on the Buddhist Seela. The Mahanayakas stated tween the Sinhalese and the roblems and welcomed the he Malwatte Mahanayaka felt e Sinhala children and Sinhala ring about national unity and
uddhists and Hindus would was convinced that the links uld be strengthened in order S and Buddhists have lived in . Due to their religious kinship, Ins and customs have emerged. ce, non-violence and the unity of ' generally enabled both the oncord. Unfortunately in recent Juted towards keeping the two to find ourselves on opposite sides inning lives and property. The 1e political leaders on both side this state of affairs. But the s of the noble heritage, should get peacefully on terms of equality,

Page 192
while preserving one’s cultura, to resolve our differences and br
among ourselves," were his thou
To this end he helped in Mahasabha in 1990 to empha Buddhism and Hinduism. The
was to revive the close ties of k among the Hindus and Buddhi bring about a closer Social and Cul Common features in the form of w. greetings, dress patterns and obs inaugural address.
On the Sinhala and Hind organise a Peace Walk where together in friendship from Bambalapitiya to the Hindu Ten those assembled would offer flo the Ven. Thero speaking on E Temple they would witness th and receive prasadam.
His aim was to consolid between the two religions. To discussions at the school level b Schools together in Colombo, advanced level students toget

My Diplomat
l identity. This will enable us ing about closer understanding
Laugurate the Bauddha Hindu sise the underlying unity of e main aim of the Mahasabha inship in religion and culture sts. "Our initial programme is to tural a(Uaareness. There are many orship, festivals, habits, modes of ervances," Yoga stated in his
uNew Year in April, he would Buddhists and Hindus walked the Vajirarama Temple in nple nearby. At the Vajirarama, wers, light lamps and listen to uddhism, and in the Hindu especial puja, make offerings
ate the points of convergence achieve this, he organised ringing Buddhists and Hindu
bringing their prefects and her and at the academic level

Page 193
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
with professors of the universitie Foundation, under the stewardsh Mahanayake Thero donated
A series of Buddhist religious cerem organised by the Bauddha - Hindu the Sinhala - Hindu New Year y Bambalapitiya on April 13. The Sabha was formed to revive an among Buddhists and Hindus, ana the country. Chief Incumbent of Vajiraramaya Nayake Thero, President Bauddha Duraiswamy, Bogoda Premaratne Sharvanando, Principal Royal Col members of the Sabha participated
5. He was the head of the Amarapura N

s. In 1994, the Dharma Vijaya ip of Ven. Madihe Pannaseeha relief supplies to the Hindu
lonies including a 'Bodhi Pooja' Maha Sabha, on the occasion of vere held at the Vajiraramaya
d strengthen close ties of kinship promote peace and harmony in
Tripitakacharya, Ven. Piyadassi - Hindu Maha Sabha, Yogendra Governor Western Province S. lege B. Sooriyarachchi and other
at the religious ceremony

Page 194
Council for distribution in close contact with the All Ce his friend Dudley Gunaseke ACBC. He was in close tou Bouddha Mandalaya to orga Buddhist youth.
Yoga was deeply col society. A small band of mem movement will gain mo Newspaper described the B group committed, “to find a and strengthening the ties of already exists among the mí in seeking such a solution is become more fruitful.'7
The Editorial of the question then arises as to solution to such an involvec the North-East could be ent fact that emerges from the All Party Conference anc Moonasinghe Committee i dialogue must be widened ways of resolving the N deliberations revolved arc
6. The Mandalaya passed a vote of
Annual General Meeting, presid President. Dr. H.S.S. Nissanka seç first Hindu leader to be honoure 7. Courtesy Island Editorial of 27th

My Diplomat
the Vanni. Yoga also maintained ylon Buddhist Congress through ra, the one time President of the ch with the Senkadagala Eksath Inise a Seminar for the Hindu and
mmitted to the activities of the hbers worked and hoped that the mentum. In 1993 the Island auddha Hindu Mahasabha as a in acceptable solution be reviving kinship and common culture that ajor communities. The advantage that it is likely to last longer and
2 Island went on to add, “The
whether the task of finding a land long drawn out problem as rusted to politicians only. A stark deliberations beginning with the i culminating in the Mangala s that the scope of the national
so as to bring in more practical orth-East conflict. So far, the ound theories of divisions and
condolence on Yoga's death at its 42nd ed over by Mr. W.M.E. Uduwawela, the Conded the vote saying that Yoga was the d and remembered by the Mandalaya April 1993.

Page 195
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
fragmentations. An effort mus acceptable solution by reviving a kinship and common culture th major communities, as has bee Hindu Mahasabha. These effo. drew inspiration from the worko. as Sir Muttu Coomaras Wal Sir P. Arunachalam and Anan Hindu leaders translated P. Sir W. Duraiswamy also beli underlying philosophic unity be
In 1995, the Vishva Hindu Buddhist Goodwill Mission to Sr delegation to Kandy, Anurac organised meetings in these are: Several academics felt that the cl be strengthened to consolidate p
With President of India

it now be made to find an and strengthening the ties of at already exists among the n initiated by the Bauddha rts at Hindu Buddhist unity fearlier Hindustalwarts such my, Sir P. Ramanathan, da Coomaraswamy. These ali classics into English. eved in emphasising the tween the two religions.
Parishad, India senta Hindu i Lanka. Yoga took the Indian hapura, Kataragama and as. They were well received. ose inter-religious ties should
Shri Venkataraman

Page 196
Yoga addressing under-graduat the Ethnic Issue of Sri Lanka i several Universities in the
With Dame Jaluith in Lo

My Diplomat
es at Bowden College U. S. A. on 1985 Fall. He was invited by US to speak on this subject
'ndon in Summer, 1985

Page 197
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflic
In September 1998, Rani of the Opposition convened a elections and depoliticisation country through the establishme Commission, Police Service Co Commission. In his invitation t consultations, Mr. Wickremasi moment in the history of C democracy and the multi-pa Restoring public confidence become an urgent necessity."
The Council in response Party to help solve the ethnic in Oitation, the Council (Ua11ted 11 greatest challenge facing our coul which is eating into the vitals of and destruction on a massive SI bleeding to death. At present ther (UOrld (Uhere the death toll of 1 a
in Sri Lanka. The international tragedy in Sri Lanka, as violence a Common Occurrence in our Coun, explosion in Jaffna killed the
8. Mrs Sarojini Yojeswaran, the elected and the second name was nominated

Wickremasinghe, the Leader Consultation on free and fair of the key institutions of the nt of an Independent Elections mmission and Public Service o the Hindu Council for these nghe wrote, “This is a critical ur country. The future of rty system is under threat. in the electoral process has
2 urged the United National crisis. "While accepting your 1e to convey the following - The 1 try today is the ethnic conflict, our body politic, Causing death cale. Our Country is gradually ! is no other theatre of War in the n average per day is as high as tedia now hardly reports on the ld Counter (iolence have become a ry. Three days ago a shattering nezU Mayor Pon Siva plan, o
TULF Mayor was earlier gunned down by the TULF.

Page 198
Senior army and police officers an again of the seriousness of the conflict, which was at one time 1 of our country, is gradually spre The time may come when no area i as Safe, if urgent steps are not tak
"It has been and Continues paramount Concern of us as respc about a political solution to the equality and justice. This can only sharing of power at the Centre an of a political party - the United N. Sri Lanka for the most number of doubt (Uill share the achievements this period. The ethnic question is unresolved since independence d major political parties to resolve i again to bring about a political set on a settlement and has put for AS (Ue llave mentioned earlier opportunity. We therefore appeal influence to settle this question you have raised for this Consuli considered after an overall settleme for which the support of the Unite
9. Courtesy - The Island, Wednesday 16

My Diplomat
tid key officials reminding us once crisis facing our country. This 1ainly confined to the North-East lding its tentacles to other areas. in our Country could be considered 211 to settle this question.
1 to be olur C011Sistent ()ie(U) that the nsible citizens should be to bring 2 ethnic conflict on the basis of | be done in a united Sri Lanka by i the periphery. You are the leader itional Party, which has governed years since independence. You no and failings of Sri Lanka during one of those problems remaining 2spite attempts made by both the E. An opportunity has arisen once tlement as the government is keen card proposals towards this end. (ve cannot afford to miss this to you to use your experience and as Soon as possible. The issue tation though laudable could be nt of the ethnic question is reached, d National Party is vital."
oth September 1998

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Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
The Newspaper referred and stated that two statements, Hindu Council of Sri Lanka and some blindingly fresh light o Sri Lanka. “The Hindu Col Duraiswamy encapsulated overtaken us.
“It was quite apposite fo role the UNP has played over til has been at the helm of affairs Crisis-Creating process in the Cou refuses to see sense. Although i devolution as a means of resol political gain prevents it fr government in the Constitution prolonged night of misery whic
"With devastating pertil focused on another dimension o the democratic rights of the una shamedly by some past mentioned are the infamous 1981 elections, the 1989 and 1994 ge local government poll in the E voting rights and the democrati of Southern Sri Lanka. These ha in both parts of the country, i reflections are relevant and ti:

to this consultative meeting one by the President of the he other by the EPRLF, threw in what has gone wrong in uncil President Yogendra the tragedy which has
r the speaker to point to the he decades, as a party which for quite some time, in the Intry. Unfortunately the UNP tagrees with the necessity of |ving the conflict, short-term om co-operating with the making exercise. Hence the n has enveloped the country.
nence the EPRLF statement four crisis. It pointed out that amil people were violated
governments. The polls District Development Council neral elections and the 1993 ast. It was pointed out that c process are not the preserve Ve to be uniformly activated justice is to be done. Such mely. It just wouldn't do to

Page 200
perfunctorily grieve at the mili be more pertinent to look at th stifling of the democratic pro discord? Ironically the UN process today champions the
Whenever attempts we crisis, extremists prevented that whenever serious atten Sinhala-Tamil question, which body politic, extremists forces misconceived nationalism, t ( question. We are reminded of the E of 1957, the Dudley Senanayake-C Annexure C of the All Party C Sri Lanka Agreement of 1987. Ez preventing the implementation o by the government in power, thi feeling of disillusionment and all Tamils and the demand for g progressively increased ana Struggle. While the problem Counter killings and destruction large Scale.
"The flower of our youth ( by the thousands, billions of rupee for the development of the coun

My Diplomat
tarisation of Sri Lanka. It would le roots of militancy. Didn't the ocess ignite the fuse of ethnic P, which contributed to this voting rights of the people."
are made to resolve the ethnic a solution. "History has shown 1pts are made to resolve the has been a running Sore in Our gang themselves in the name of prevent a resolution of this Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam pact Jhelvanayakam Agreement of 1965, onference of 1984 and the IndoJery time these forces succeeded in F agreements solemnly undertaken 2 situation further deteriorated, a ienation grew in the minds of the reater autonomy and Self-rule " noU, backed by an a rinned remains unresolved, killings, of property are taking place on a
in both sides of the divide are dying s, which could be productively used try are wasted every year on this

Page 201
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
fratricidal conflict. This make on foreign aid to balance our at (weak, the political structure is multi-religious and a multi-ling is riven with mutual suspicion, f we to allow this Sad state of affairs
"Let us resolve this problem of peace with equality and justice have lived in this country for over their mutual interest to live in kinship in religion and culture to e
"We have in our represent Parliament suggested a five p situation in the North-East p and normalcy in the country. T first point in this formula. T negotiations. It has been our Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement o implemented. This (vas the fi that a compromise settlement the basic concerns of the Sinhalese devolution of power in the integrity of Sri Lanka. The nec the constitutional framework and approved by the people presidential and parliamentary ele
"This Constitutional arraf Sincerity for a period of th issues that crop up could be S.

us to depend substantially inual budget. The economy is
inadequate for multi-ethnic, uistic country and the Society ear and distrust. How long are to Continue?
1 without delay and create an era '. The Sinhalese and the Tamils two thousand years and it is in peace. They have many ties of nable them to live and let live.
tions to the Select Committee of oint formula to alleviate the rovince and to restore peace le Cessation of hostilities is the he fighting must stop before consistent demand that the f July 29th 1987 should be rst time since independence (as reached, which recognised and the Tamils and provided for
context of the unity and essary legislation establishing Uas adopted by Parliament It the successive provincial, ctions.
gement should be worked in all ree years. A ny Outstanding tled by negotiations between

Page 202
the Centre and the elected re. government after the perio, passage of time and the expe Constitutional arrangement vil view the outstanding issue undue emotional attachments.
“Advocates of a milita opportune in view of various f dispense with the political pro step and Counter productive. M. may come and go but th remain, if it has not been sa enough examples in history to and equality cannot be suppresse
The Sunday Times po published various shades of o of the People. Some were of cannot be solved by const Fernando, President of the Ba the International Court of Juri sure about the Executive Pre remains, the President must S for him and good for Parliam there to answer the questions r
10. Courtesy - Island 30th January 1992

My Diplomat
presentatives of the North-East i of three years is over. The 'rience gained in working this | enable the parties concerned to S on their merits, free from
y solution feel that the time is actors to Crush the LTTE and to blem. This will be a retrograde litant groups and political parties 2 cause of the conflict will tisfactorily resolved. There are show that the spirit of freedom d by force of arms." "
psed this question in 1989. It pinion in its column, the Voice the view that the present crisis itutional reforms. Desmond r Association and a member of st said inter alia, “I am not too sidency. I think that even if it it in Parliament; it will be good ent. The President will then be aised in Parliament and he won't

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Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
have to depend on Ministers to Parliament.... I also think that the should be repealed with the CC people to challenge the law and will restore human rights in this
Others felt that constitutio guarantee a cessation of hostilit General Secretary, Eksath Lanka J. we are virtually at War. There subversive elements and the gove is to bring about a cease-fire an Constitutional reforms will not lea parties must get together irrespec and make a sincere appeal to the that the government should take cease-fire. We have always b Presidential system. It must be a rid of it we wont be able to attail
think constitutional reforms will n desired peace and normalcy in ol
A third person, C. V. Go Parliament, Colombo District, - . felt that the President who currer should report to Parliament anc new system should be evolved power sharing. At the momen opposition have very clearly dra has become highly politicised an

tell him what took place in clause 16 of the constitution Institution. This will enable fight for their rights which country to a great extent."
nal reforms alone would not ies. Dr. Gamini Wijesekera, anatha Party said, "Presently is a war going on between 'rnment forces. The only way nong the concerned parties. ld to cease-fire. All concerned tive of their party differences militant groups. But we feel the initiative to bring about a een against the operative bolished. But just by getting n normalcy at present....So I ot lead to achieving the much ur country.”
Onaratne, SLFP Member of a member of the opposition tly enjoys executive powers, stated, "I also think that a in which there will be more t the government and the (wn battle lines. Everything d political patronage is seen

Page 204
as the only way up. This le frustrated - political patronage be given more weightage."
Dr. Anton Cooray, D University of Colombo, felt tha structure in itself, would n( constitutional reforms can be u normality. Today we have co disenchantment among masses their feelings of frustration. Bu the situation has come to be so I am concerned, it is not the S that has brought about the pre
To the question of wh will help solve the crisis, Yoga that the concentration of p devolution of power was participation. “The presen accumulated acts of omission general and governments in necessary in various fields, in to alleviate the present situat process of rectification and educat
"However, an emergenc measures and steps should be contain the problem. The representatives of political a national government, (vhose t

My Diplomat
aves everyone outside very must cease and merit should
ean of the Faculty of Law, t a change in the constitutional at lead to peace. However, sed as a good vehicle to restore me to a point where there is . People on all sides have voiced t the main question is whether because of the system. As far as ystem but the political culture sent difficulties.'
ether constitutional reforms S answer was different. He felt ower was excessive and that s needed to ensure local t situation is the result of and commission by Society in articular. Many measures are cluding constitutional changes, fon. It should be a Continuous ion, which would last many years.
y situation calls for emergency initiated in the first instance to
government should in Oite arties in Parliament to form Sk would be to organise free and

Page 205
Yoga's Approach to the Ethnic Conflict
fair elections for the Executive P stipulated period of time not excee should be granted to the militant
Parliament Could consider suitab good of the people, including the Executive Presidency.
“Substantial devolution ( encourage peoples' participa Many of the present problems pover had been devolved to di Concentration of power at the ( cause of the present-day ills. Si concentrated in the hands of necessarily mean that the offic should be abolished. But its pot system of checks and balances. Presidency, the whole of Sri Lan aspirant has to voo the electo 1 Electors, from the minority con role in the election of the Execu Minister in a Cabinet form of g. from one of many constituen minority Communities may hardly
"There should be Constitut, criterion for selection to admission to higher institutions quotas should not be considered

residency and Parliament in a ding four months. An amnesty groups. The new President and le measures necessary for the the question of retention of
of power has to be granted to tion in their government.
could have been avoided if fferent levels of government. Centre had been an important imilarly, power should not be one person. This does not e of the executive Presidency vers Should be restricted by a
In the case of the Executive ka is one constituency and an rs in all parts of Sri Lanka. mmunities will play a greater tive President than of a Prime overnment, who (Uill be elected cies, where voters from the exist.
ional provision that merit be the the public service or for of learning. Ethnic or religious for they perpetuate thinking on

Page 206
narro (U, Sectional lines. Merit e the public Service and encourage united Sri Lanka. Disadvanta given special consideration f till suitable schools and facilities (
' Parliamentarians Sho functions like Selecting or 1 Candidates for jobs. It was ins and the job bank, where candidates jobs, which lowered the standard frustration and bitterness in th youths. The chit and the job Constitutional provision that responsible for recruitment to th must be changed and replace Service Commission.'"
11. Courtesy Sunday Times September

My Diplomat
nables the best person to enter 2s people to think in terms of a ged areas, however, should be or a limited period of time are provided in those areas.
uld not take over executive recommending for Selection, titutions like the chit system recommended by MPs were given of the public Service and created e minds of the better qualified ank systems floved from the
the Cabinet of Ministers is 1e public Service. This provision 'd by an independent Public
7th 1989

Page 207
oga's whole life was a
votion - faith in himsel
his ideals and spiri Vivekananda, his Prophet, Y Sustains and strengthens or inspiration and Support in time that helped him to do all that h the problems that he may have when it was difficult to keep Sensing my frustration and he back saying, "Get thee behir anything hamper our spirit or V determination to do what had t
Armed with faith and di taking Naresh and me along W. grand and beautiful because We and decorum. Troubles came O Was always there facing them through difficulties. Once in R cajoled by the Ambassador th untrue but he refused to do S the particular incident took pl. and the Burmese official. B Ambassador had made certail have been made. "Hot Could Something that I am not aware of letter to his parents. "I will not anything that will go against in have to pay a price for it!"

wonderful saga of faith and de if and in God and devotion to it of Service. With Swami soga might have felt - Faith Les self and is a source of 2S of despair' It was this faith le wanted to do and tide over had to face. There were times our faith and enthusiasm. alplessness he would bounce ld me Satan.' He never let ision, nor let doubts erode our O be done.
scipline he went ahead in life ith him. Our life together was lived it honestly, with dignity ur Way many times, but Yoga With equanimity steering us langoon, he was pushed and ere to Say Something that was O. He was not present when ace between the Ambassador ut it was bruited that our remarks, which should not | I and why should I endorse " were his arguments in his ko (U-to(0 to anyone. I (Uill not do | Conscience even though I may

Page 208
He was indeed a man his principles fearlessly “Naamaarkum kudi allom; 1 I fear not even the God of and fearlessness. Even in h was perhaps a littlefrail, he would not yield to pressur boss in Colombo when he the Returning Officers at t elections in Jaffna. But he w friend, Arvind Kandappah no better illustration of one was right - to use his owl courage of your conviction
Yoga was a National ethnic question in a United with justice towards all. "Yc of view persuasively, alway nation. Having had experi was very skilful in recomm that respected the aspiratio could do this as he had an were attuned to listen and says Father Tissa Balasuri theless he gave voice to his his community and the t innocent civilians on both bring an end to human suff of lives," was upper most it

My Diplomat
of integrity who always stood by . The words of Saint Appar, hamanaianjom' - 'subject to none; Death, gave meaning to his faith is later life though outwardly he was tough and fearless within and e. “Your head will roll,' said the refused to change the names of he District Development Council as not deterred by this threat. His in his tribute says, “there could be standing up for what he believed in words - 'You should have the to stand up and be counted.' "
ist who sought the Solution of the Sri Lanka to be realised peacefully ga would present the Tamil point s within the perspective of a single ance in the diplomatic service, he ending fair compromise solutions ns and demands of all groups. He alert mind and a warm heart that respond to all sides of a dispute, ya in his tribute to Yoga. Neveranguish to what was happening to errible consequences of War on sides of the divide. The need, "to ering, the destruction and the loss
his mind.

Page 209
Internationally, he was We personality, The General Secreta Religion and Peace, Yosiaki Iisak gripped by a great Surprise a instant when we were informed for the peace of his soul. He was and beloved leaders of our Cor ardent and faithful leader and multi-religious movement for pe understanding and co-operatio of a diplomatic career, he w reconciliation and collaboration
Yoga was deeply sensitive good in the worst of us,” Seeking lives. He always gave the benefi could have even wronged him." to his contribution to service.
All his life, he stood up truth, righteousness, peace, lov to these values made him wł injustice and feeling deeply community, he never supported and worked sincerely and truly reality. A deep sincerity infuses education, his career and deep affairs gave him the confidence and leaders in the political, Academics, journalists, membe like the Quakers, the World C Rights groups from abroad and ( called on him to get his views o

'll known and a much admired ry of the Asian Conference on a from Tokyo wrote, "We were nd became voiceless for an of his demise and we prayed S one of the most outstanding nference. He had been a most promoter of our inter- and ace based on mutual dialogue, n. Based upon his long years as a religious advocate of among conflicting parties."
and always found "something outpositive elements in their t of the doubt to a person who This gave a special dimension
for human values - values of e and ahimsa. His adherence hat he was; while opposing the pain inflicted on his violence. He was a visionary to translate those visions into his speeches and writings. His knowledge of international to move freely with scholars social and religious fields. rs of various religious groups ouncil of Churches, Human diplomats Serving in Colombo in the ethnic question.

Page 210
He Was involved in vari participate in all the meetings an the Council Meetings of the Ja University, the National Cour the United Religions Organisa and Religion, the Hindu Council Parishad, the Alliance of Peace, t University of Colombo, the Roy Council of Sri Lanka. He fou and was ready to give of his tir problem.
Presidential Address - March 19 University oj He was a good Hindu V give the answers to the present youth all over the world, frus questioning old values since they for the problems of the present c

My Diplomat
ous programmes and would d discussions whether it beat ffna University or the Open cil on Religion and Peace, ions, the Centre for Society of Sri Lanka, the Vishva Hindu he Alumni Association of the al College Union or the Arts ind time to study the briefs me and attention to discuss a
'99 Alumni Association of the
Colombo. tho felt that Hinduism could challenges of the world. "The trated and disillusioned are ppear not to provide the answer ay. They are not satisfied with

Page 211
the existing order of things and a Challenges that beset them. The, economic and Social reorganisatio, (Uhatever Creed, Caste or race may b full life. Have we the answer to this a new philosophy, a new 'ism' to times and do (Ue have in our an anSCUer to this question?" he ask people, who could boast of a ordered civilisation that dates bal
have been nurtured in a Hindu a solution to this challenge. "We and a system of values, which C this age. The Upanishads and the B the perennial philosophy of answer to our search for a philoso this modern age. Vedan ta is Science but is admirably suited to just and stable social organisation that Hinduism could help in challenges one faces in life. E endeavoured to bring about a p question by the concepts of sh human rights.
The Ancient Order of Sil by the President of the Philippi a departing envoy. In 1998, the confer the title of Deshaband declined to accept it.

regroping for an answer to the re is a demand for a political, 1 so that every human being of e given the opportunity to lead a challenge? Do we have to create meet the demands of the present cient philosophical thought the ed and firmly believed that a n ancient culture and a Well ck thousands of years and who background could easily find have in Vedanta, a Code of ethics ould meet the requirements of hagavad Gita, the Source books of Vedan ta, could provide the phy to meet the requirements of not only consistent with be a spiritual basis for a more l," he said feeling confident n finding a solution to the based on this philosophy he olitical Solution to our ethnic haring power and respecting
katuna was conferred on him
nes in 1974 - an investiture for
President of Sri Lanka was to hu on him, but he politely

Page 212
“Naamaarkkum Kudi Allol
"We are not subject to any on
We do not fear death. We will not be deterred by
hell's tortures, We do
not tremble.
We Shall exult. We do not
know disease. We
will not submit.
Eternal joy is Our lot, Sorrow is not for us.
We are the irredeemable sla
subject to noneThat King who has a ring O pendant on One ear; We have reached His feet.'
Tirunavukkarasu Nayan na

99 ll. . . . . .
ves of Siva who art
f genuine Conch
ar - 7th Century

Page 213
The Second Part of this few of Yoga's important spee both as a diplomat and as a Soc arrangement of these is chrono. representative selection, which his interests and endeavours.
The ethnic conflict is tear of his speeches and statemen remedialʻ measures that sh
exacerbation of the situation. W had to quote relevant portions statements. Certain portions should be read in full in orde and quality of his thinking and
These will remind us of
the cause of his people.

Biography is a collection of a ches and statements he made cial and religious worker. The logical. The aim is to present a would bring out the range of
ng apart our country and most ts were based on it and the ould be taken to prevent "hile narrating his story, I have rom some of these speeches or
may be repetitive but each to understand the substance
one who worked sincerely for

Page 214
Yoga sposting in Canberra cUas qui he was invited to address the memb, International Affairs on Ceylon ( Foreign Policy. His statement ha Sri Lanka in the late fifties and her p. blocs - “ Keeping aloof of power blo) blind eye to the various internation. contrary, we are deeply interest international questions and in pur open mind in order to judge issue Joining one or the other power blocs an objective approach to a question,
Mr President,
It is with great pleasure th
the Australian Institute of Inter
members on Ceylon with partic
I note that your Instituteh stands only for the promotion ( affairs. Greatissues and problem and retard the forward marc economic and social advance knowledge and proper appre problems contribute to the ac tension. A deeper and Wider St.

et but eventful. On one OCCasion Prs of the Australian Institute of ith particular reference to her 'S to be read in the Context of olicy of keeping acclay from pover CS does not mean that (Ue turn a all questions that crop up. On the ed in the peaceful solution of suit of that objective we keep an s that crop up, on their merits. in the present day context stifles „ ” (Uas his opinion.
hat I accepted the invitation of national Affairs to address its ular reference to her foreign
as no political affiliations and sf knowledge of international S strain international relations of humanity for political, ment. Sometimes a lack of ciation of these issues and centuation of international Idy of the various facets of a

Page 215
problem will, therefore, help it and will be a step forward in it the consequent result will, no d international tension. Your I important part in helping th Australian public to assist ir problems. I trust these efforts o also be of help to the policy ma
I, therefore, consider it a to deliver a talk on my country foreign policy.
Ceylon is situated in the I neighbour India. It has an area population of nine million pec statistics, the area of Ceylon is her population is nearly as grea communities who have been the inhabit this island, namely the ancestors of these two comm India, and the presentday custo and Tamils have been influen two-thirds of the population religion. The Tamils are mainly also Moors, Burghers, Malay island.
After many centuries of came under the rule of three E four hundred and fifty years

My Diplomat
a better understanding of it S Solution. This approach and oubt, contribute a lessening of nstitute, therefore, plays an 2 enlightened section of the the study of international in the part of the Institute will kers in the Government.
privilege to have been invited with particular reference to its
indian Ocean south of our great of 25,000 square miles and a ple. When compared to local almost that of Tasmania and tas that of Australia. The main 're for over two thousand years Sinhalese and the Tamils. The unities originally came from ms and culture of the Sinhalese ced by India. Sinhalese form and are mainly Buddhist by Hindus by religion. There are s and Parsees settled on the
independent existence Ceylon uropean countries. For nearly Ceylon, or parts of it, was

Page 216
Ceylon and her Foreign Policy
controlled by the Portuguese, D. The Portuguese arrived in Ceylc of the island. The Portuguese w ruled over their possessions in the Dutch yielded to the British of Ceylon came under the Britis
Though some material b these occupations, yet it cannot of these powers was in every people of Ceylon. It was, there Ceylon emerged as an indepen is today ruled by the elected under a democratic constit
model. We cherish our free
drawbacks of the rule of an ali that has made us now to ol manifestations.
Out of the debris of the S freedom and independence South-East Asia. Besides Ceylor Pakistan also attained their stat Allies over the Axis powers, th resurgent Asian nationalism Victors having two different sy one hand we had the West leadership of the United Stat preserve and propagate their w

utch and British Governments. on in 1505 and conquered parts vere ousted by the Dutch who
the island from 1640. In 1796
and in 1815 the whole island
enefits may have flowed from be said that the rule of any one way in the best interest of the 'fore, with great rejoicing that dent sovereign state in 1948. It representatives of the people ution based on the British
dom and are aware of the en power. It is this awareness ppose colonialism in all its
econd world war emerged the Df the peoples of South and l, India, Indonesia, Burma and ehood. After the victory of the ere emerged in this period of a great struggle among the stems of government. On the ern democracies under the es of America attempting to 'ay of life and on the other, we

Page 217
had the Communist countries Soviet Union endeavouring to World as to the Superiority oft the Western democracies.
The ideological conflicts From the competition to inf persuasion and propaganda battlefields, this great contest b two great sets of countries, went independent countries of ASi. possibilities of this conflict to consider seriously their posi groups.
After centuries of subject dynamism of these people got problems not only on the intel domestic sphere. They had top they had fought. Economically t the governments of these coun economic development, so thar could have a decent standard (
Political freedom is buta The government of Ceylon tak consideration felt that in the f
non-involvement would be the not only in regard to the wider World peace, but also in regard

My Diplomat
s under the leadership of the influence the peoples of the heir system of life over that of
took various shapes and forms. luence the mind of man by to the actual struggle on the etween two ideologies and the on. Ceylon and the other newly a, conscious of the damaging the peace of the world, had to tion vis-a-vis the contending
tion, when the initiative and the blunted, they were faced with rnational stage, but also in the preserve the freedom for which they were under-developed and tries were engaged in a task of t the peoples of these countries
f living.
prelude for economic freedom.
ing these and other factors into oreign policy field, a policy of best course of action to follow question of the maintenance of l to Ceylon's own interests.

Page 218
Ceylon and her Foreign Policy
It is in the interest of pea up with one or the other p ( from power blocs does not mea the various international que contrary, we are deeply interest international questions and in pu an open mind in order to judge merits. Joining either one or the present day context stifles, in approach to a question.
Already these two bloc concomitant to this division is armaments including nuclear a whose destructive potentialities reiterate them here. Any f conflagration which would brir Scale unknown before to humar one or other power bloc would international tension and thereb
In this regard the area o countries could be called an art
endeavour to increase this area
It is wrong to say that this a neutral policy. We are not neut As stated by the Prime Minister

ce that we should not be tied ower blocs. Keeping aloof in that we turn a blind eye to stions that crop up. On the ed in the peaceful solution of ursuit of that objective we keep 2 issues that crop up on their other of the power blocs in the in our opinion, an objective
is are sharply divided and the tremendous increase in ind thermo-nuclear Weapons, are too well-known for me to alse move may trigger a ng death and destruction on a lity. It is our view that joining only contribute to increase in y weaken the maintenance of
ccupied by the uncommitted ea of peace and it will be our of peace.
s policy of non-involvement is alas regards right and wrong. of Ceylon, “It is not a sign of

Page 219
Cowardice; it is not a desire to h is Something much more than a Something very positive."
This positive and object policy enables us to judge eve policy of non-involvement the action of the Soviet Union as reg invasion of Egypt by the Unite Our refusal to join one or the ot on our opposition to the creatic
This opposition also ma military aid given by the bi Countries. Military aid only incr is therefore undesirable. Many need capital investment and tec that is spent on armaments col the economic development countries.
We firmly believe in the and in our humble way strive purposes. The United Nations i 20th century world and it is strengthen this organisation th for the peoples of the world organisation is the preservation hope that the prestige and strel

My Diplomat
have the best of both worlds. It negative and passive attitude;
ive approach inherent in this y issue on its merits. It is this at made us disapprove of the yards Hungary and oppose the d Kingdom, France and Israel. her of the power blocs is based )n of such groups.
kes us oppose the concept of gger Powers to the smaller eases international tension and
countries of Asia and Africa chnical know-how, and money uld be usefully channelled for
of these under-developed
Charter of the United Nations to promote its principles and is a necessary institution in the our belief that the more we e greater will be its usefulness . The main objective of this h of peace and it is our earnest ngth of this body will increase

Page 220
Ceylon and her Foreign Policy
So as to consolidate peace in this note a new approach in the UN C and Economic activities by the Ur its objectives.
We are also members of the an organisation of independent, that membership of the Comn achievement of some of the ideals are aware, the Commonwealth C parts of the world embracing origin, speaking different langua ways of life.
It could, however, be sai countries share a common tradit believes in the parliamentary forn the independence of the judiciar from undue political influence. St Club has grown due, no doubt, to of both, the one time ruler membership brought forth an ap Sun never set on the Empire, the Commonwealth country alwa understanding and political, econ are worthy ideals, and Common the achievement of these ideals. T in fact we actively oppose Some of Commonwealth countries, like th Africa - yet, the advantages forth an association which fosters tl

world. We are also happy to harter on the need for Social nited Nations in fulfilment of
Commonwealth of Nations, sovereign States. We believe nonwealth helps us in the s for which we stand. As you onsists of members from all peoples of different ethnic ges and following different
d that the Commonwealth ion. It is the tradition which n of responsible government, y and an administration free Radily the membership of this the skill and foresightedness and the ruled. This large tremark, “If the 19th century 20th century satellites have a ys in view.” International omic and social development wealth membership helps in hough we do not subscribe - the policies adopted by some epolicy of apartheid in South emembers concerned of such he promotion of peace and

Page 221
progress, out-weigh the disagr of Some individual members in
Unfortunately, today th standing and mutual suspici created a sense of fear and large-scale race for armaments, War. Technological advanceme major conflict may well bring humanity. Conscious of these and aware of the destructive r belief that violence, as an instr disputes should be renounced differ, yet we could all live on our individual ways of life ifall co-existence. The five principl Pancha Seela as We call it, ca countries of the world as the cor These self-explanatory princip
1. Mutual respect for each
sovereignty. Non-aggression. Non-interference in eac Equality and mutual Peaceful co-existence.
We have in our humbl certain principles in our foreign and belief that our actions in t and promote our national intere and prosperity of mankind.

My Diplomat
'eements which certain policies hay produce.
he World is torn by misunderon and this state of mind has consequently, has led to a We cannot afford the luxury of 2nt has been so great that any
about the total destruction of disagreements among nations, nature of modern War, it is our ument of settling international . Even though ideologies may this earth peacefully, following the nations adopt the policy of es of peaceful co-existence, or n be usefully adopted by the ner-stone of their foreign policy. les are –
others territorial integrity and
h others internal affairs. benefits.
e way endeavoured to follow relations. It is our earnesthope his regard will not only protect sts, but also the peace, progress

Page 222
In 1960, Yoga was selected to her team to the First Non-aligned C return, he (CaS invited to speak on t (Ulho (Uere interested in International
he Conference of Heads
non-aligned countries me
ber 1st to September 6 period the Heads of State representatives of 25 count international problems with a effectively to world peace and operation among peoples. At the e made an appeal for peace to the particularly the USA and USSR t War preparations and approaches aggravate the situation and to peaceful settlement of all outst, them. They also made a declarat the solution of the Major internal
A preparatory conference of June, attended by representat observer, to agree on the criteria the countries to be invited for following criteria were decided -

go with the Prime Minister in onference in Belgrade. On his lis Subject by a group of people Affairs led by Mervyn de Silva.
of State and Government of et in Belgrade from Septemth 1960. During this short or Government or their ries exchanged views on view to contributing more security and peaceful coind of their deliberations they parties concerned and more o immediately suspend their s, to take no steps that would resume negotiations for a anding differences between on of their general views on ional questions of the day.
was held in Cairo on the 5th ves of 20 countries and one 'o be applied for deciding on
the main conference. The

Page 223
1. The country should have
based on the co-existenc cal and social systems a. be showing a trend in fa The country concerned ing the movements of N The country should not military alliance conclud conflicts.
If a country has a bilat Great Power, or is a mer the agreement or pact concluded in the contex
If it has conceded milita
concession should noth
Great Power conflicts.
This preliminary confe
adoption of the following ager
Exchange of views on t
2. Consolidation and stren
and Security,
a) respect of the right determination; the liquidation of color
b) respect of the territ of the States; in
intervention in the

My Diplomat
adopted an independent policy te of States with different politind on non-alignment or should avour of such a policy. should be consistently supportJational Independence.
be a member of a multilateral
led in the context of Great Power
eral military agreement with a mber of a regional defence pact, should not be one deliberately it of Great Power conflicts.
ry bases to a foreign Power, the ave been made in the context of
arence also recommended the
nda for the main conference -
he international situation, gthening of international peace
of peoples and nations to selfstruggle against imperialism; nialism and neo-colonialism, orial sovereignty and integrity on- interference and non
internal affairs of States;

Page 224
A Short Talk on the Belgrade Conference
c) racial discrimination a d) general and complete c
nuclear experiments; bases; e) peaceful co-existence b political and social sys f) role and composition o
implementation of its
3. Problems of unequa improvement of int technical co-operation
Many of the countries at th represented by the Head of their her Prime Minister, Mrs Bandarar India, Nu from Burma, Nasser o. Soekarno from Indonesia and Nkr stage Congo also sent her Prime accompanied by Gizenga.
At a time when internation. With major questions like CC unresolved, and when both the what they termed as preventive armed forces, the eyes of th Conference and expected the nc contribute to the easing of this t

nd apartheid; lisarmament; prohibition of problem of foreign military
between States and different
tem S; f the United Nations and the
l economic development, ernational economic and
e Belgrade Conference were Governments. Ceylon had Laike. There was Nehru from f the United Arab Republic, umah from Ghana. At a later
Minister Adoula who was
l tension was on the increase ngo, Germany and Laos : Power blocs Were taking measures to strengthen their Le World turned on this n-aligned countries to help ansion. On the first day the

Page 225
Conference met, the Soviet Uni a moratorium of 33 months, times We were in and the grav was under this shadow that t President Tito of Yogoslavia.
The Conference started the respective Heads of their C while the plenary sessions col Conference met in another b. reflecting the consensus of the Committee at the initial stage to draft the following docume
1) Danger of war and appe to President Kennedy Khruschev of the USSR 2) Final declaration of the of non-aligned countrie
The two Sub-Committe
drafts to the Main Committee on the danger of War and appe. Main Committee with hardly Burma and Yugoslavia forme draft of the Second sub-comi number of countries, dealt wil by the delegations on the item discussed in detail and was OWing to the limited time a\

My Diplomat
on tested a nuclear device after hus spotlighting the troubled 'e challenges we had to face. It he Conference was opened by
With policy statements made by telegations. On the second day intinued, the Committee of the uilding to draft a document 2 opinions of their Heads. The appointed two sub-committees htS –
al for peace which was sent later of the USA and Chairman
Heads of State or Government
es submitted their respective for its approval. The first draft al for peace was adopted by the 7 any changes. Ceylon, India, d the first sub-committee. The mittee, consisting of a greater h the various views expressed S in the Agenda. This draft was
Subjected to many changes. failable the work of the Main

Page 226
A Short Talk on the Belgrade Confere
Committee had at one stage to We started at 3pm. on one afte in the morning with only a br dinner, thus sitting through the not completed and we had to re lapse of only three and half hou delegations who had associatec Committee hardly slept that ni
Later, both these docu informal session of the Heads non-aligned countries. The pres from this discussion. Some of th remained unresolved were tak Session and a compromise was State and Government met at a am. and adopted these docun meeting was over it was 3 in th work at high pressure and for night as the Conference had t Conference of this nature wou about three to four weeks. Buts Heads of State or Government V quickly it was decided to com
It was felt that since t question of War or Peace and a world could make the best Co agreed that this appeal shoulc

[7C62 215
run through the whole night. noon and continued till 6 am. eak of one and half hours for whole night. Still the work was sume again at 10.30 am. after a rs. Most of the members of the themselves in the work of the ght!
ments were discussed at an of State and Government of sand the public were excluded econtroversial questions which en up for consideration in this reached. Finally, the Heads of formal plenary session at 1.30 nents. When the final plenary e morning. Delegations had to long hours, both by day and ) be over by 6th September. A ld normally have taken from since it was mostly attended by who had to return to their homes ress the duration to five days.
he over-riding issue was the , the two major countries of the ntribution to prevent it, it was
be addressed to the Heads of

Page 227
Government of these two coul you all know, this appeal to P. ally handed by Prime Ministel President Kennedy by Preside Modiba Keita of Guinea.
The final declaration ref questions like -
Disarmamer Reorganisat Peaceful Co. Congo Algeria Tunisia Apartheid World Econ
It was clearly stated Conference did not wish to m
solution of all international c between the two blocs, but tha' to the acute problems of ou rapidly and thus prevent any participants in the Conference countries should participa international issues concerning as none of them can remain una issues. They also felt that the

My Diplomat
Intries, viz. USA and USSR. AS remier Khruschev was person's Nehru and Nkrumah and to
Ints Soekarno of Indonesia and
erred to the major international
ion of the United Nations
omic Situation
in this declaration that the ake concrete proposals for the lisputes, particularly disputes t they wished to draw attention r time which must be solved irreparable consequences. The also stated that the non-aligned ate in solving outstanding peace and Security in the World ffected by or indifferent to these
further extension of the non

Page 228
A Short Talk on the Belgrade Conferenc
committed area of the world cons indispensable alternative to the world into blocs and intensificati
It may be asked whether significant contribution to v understanding. It is, no doub countries who participated at economically or militarily power of a major War. But circumstances day world.
The world is divided dee blocs. Ideologically, each is anxiou countries to their way of life. No by War as the instruments of war any major conflagration would contending forces but all manki men have to be won by persu economically backward and in countries who form a substantial population become an importar countries are, therefore, listened blocs. The non-aligned countries influence on the side of peace a ing. The Conference in Belgrade and in its deliberations and conc made a significant contribution these objectives.

titutes the only possible and olicy of total division of the on of cold war policies.
this Conference made any world peace and human t, true that none of these this Conference are either ul as to prevent the outbreak have changed in the present
ply between the two Power sto influence the non-aligned longer can this be achieved have been so developed that
destroy not only both the ind. Therefore, the minds of asion. In this struggle the lilitarily weak non-aligned area of the world with a large ut factor. The views of these to and valued by the Power lan, therefore, use their moral ld international understandwas conceived in this spirit lusions have, in my opinion, towards the achievement of

Page 229
Yoga (Uas a member of the Ceylon Committee of the United Nation, December 1970. This statement 1970.
he question of racial c government of the Re regularly considered first General Assembly in 194 the General Assembly this su by us as no solution has sti intolerable situation prevailin
Racial discrimination o doctrine devised by a white Africato perpetuate their di majority of the indigenous p concept directly violates the Universal Declaration of Hut false, morally indefensible, dangerous.
The government of the only propounded this vicious systematically implemented misery and hardship to the Africa. The actions of the Sc

Delegation in the Special Political at its 25th Session - September - Ivas made on the 22nd of October
discrimination practised by the public of South Africa has been by the United Nations from its 6. Today in the 25th Session of bject is again being considered ll been found to alleviate the g in South Africa.
r Apartheid is an ugly and evil minority racist regime in South omination over the non-white opulation of that country. This United Nations Charter, the man Rights and is scientifically socially unjust and politically
Republic of South Africa has not doctrine, but has ruthlessly and t, thereby causing widespread non-white population of South uth African Government goes

Page 230
Statement on Apartheid at the United N
beyond her borders. It challeng of the international community of the great religions of our time
Mr. Chairman, the deleg place on record its appreciati Special Committee on the P Government of the Republic of (A/8022) they have referred, perpetrators of this doctrine non-white population of South fundamental freedoms. They ha the measures adopted by the African regime and have made the achievements of the objective Africa.
It is distressing to note f Committee that, "the South Afr. continued to persecute the oppo pursued the widest and severes of racial Separation and segreg bitterness and increasing the da South Africa.” The South Afri the peaceful means advocated equitable settlement of the situ surprise to observe that the opp and the leaders of their liberation that their inalienable rights an

lations 219
es the enlightened conscience and contradicts the teachings
ation of Ceylon would like to on of the good work of the olicies of Apartheid of the South Africa. In their report inter alia, to the extent the have gone in depriving the Africa of their basic rights and ve also examined the effect of
Jnited Nations on the South certain recommendations for of the United Nations in South
rom the report of the Special ican Government has not only onents of its policies, but it has st application of the measures ation, thus heightening racial inger of violent conflict inside can Government has rejected by the United Nations for an lation and it is, therefore, no lressed people of South Africa movement are now convinced d freedoms recognised in the

Page 231
United Nations Charter, the U. Rights and in the resolution of this question, can be achieved and underground activities. T pointed out that the aggressiv heightened tensions in the wh the arms embargo instituted b 1964 and in 1970, South Africa from $60,000,000 in 1960 to $38 are said to include several sc submarines. Sheis also reporte equipment including rocket vehicles and electronic syste Stated that “the intensive arms of South Africa poses a rea sovereignty of independent racial policies of the governme the neighbouring States." We supplying military equipment not to do so, but to work with evil practice of Apartheid in St
Mr. Chairman, despite institutions and despite the inte the South African Governm perverted policy, which is b dominant section of a commu in spite of sincere advice to th suicide we would view such a

My Diplomat
niversal Declaration of Human the United Nations concerning only through armed struggle he Special Committee has also e policies of South Africa have ole of Southern Africa. Despite y the Security Council in 1963, S military budget had increased 30,000,000 in 1970. Her imports Juadrons of aircraft and three d to be manufacturing arms and s, missiles, trucks, armoured ms. The Security Council had build-up of the military forces all threat to the security and African States opposed to the nt of South Africa, in particular, would appeal to those countries and know-how to South Africa
the United Nations to end the
outh Africa.
the appeals of individuals and arvention of the United Nations, lent stubbornly pursues this found to end in disaster. If a nity in a country is determined, he contrary, to commit political conduct with regret, but if their

Page 232
Statement on Apartheid at the United N
actions would set in motion as lead to a racial conflict on a majc threat to international peace an gravely concerned with the
consider it the duty of the i. intervene promptly and effectiv of this conflict. The Secretary situation in Southern Africa, h prospect that racial conflict, if eliminate it, will grow into a des which the religious or ideolog present will seem like small fa will eat away the possibilities fo hitherto achieved and reduce
bestial level of intolerance and
It is said that the source practice of apartheid springs minority for the large majority C ideology of apartheid is the rati which has deep historical roo sympathise with this collective community, whether justifiab adopted by the South African GC lective fear" are neither justifiab ures are devoid of reason, hur proportion and perspective, th in a wider sense a grave reflec times that we should permit th our midst.

Vations 221
series of events which would or scale, thereby constituting a d security, then we would be tragic situation and would international community to 'ely to put an end to the cause
General, in referring to the ad stated, "There is the clear
we cannot curb, and finally structive monster compared to ical conflicts of the past and mily quarrels. Such a conflict r good of all that mankind has man to the lowest and most
from which the ideology and is the fear of the Afrikaner of the population and that "the onalisation of a collective fear ts. However much We may state of mind prevailing in this le or not, yet the measures overnment to alleviate this “colle or permissible. These measnan feeling and of a sense of ey are selfish and brutish and tion on the civilisation of our 2 existence of such a society in

Page 233
The Special Committee certain measures to alleviate til would in particular comm Secretary-General continues t of information on apartheic practice of apartheid, the rut adopted by the South African the miserable conditions in V South Africa are living will te man, wherever he is, to work i of this system. Governments helping the South African regi lukewarm to the anti-aparthe influenced by the pressure dissemination of informatic specialised agencies, nati governmental organisations o. including in South Africa shot
It is pleasing to note th African Students, an organisa speaking universities, is oppo of hope that among the whi movement Would start to und their kinsmen. Every effort sh engaged in the campaign agi assist such movements in Sou heartened by the fact that the given a substantial sum of mon This action is doubly welcon apartheid are doing it in then

My Diplomat
in its report has recommended he situation in South Africa. We end the suggestion that the promote wider dissemination l. Full knowledge of the evil hless and systematic measures Government to enforce it and which the non-white people of nd to awaken the conscience of in his own way for the abolition who are directly or indirectly me and those whose support is 'id campaign will naturally be s of their own peoples. The n by the United Nations, its onal governments and non n a large Scale in various media, uld, therefore, be encouraged.
at the National Union of South tion of students of the English sed to apartheid. There is a ray es in South Africa a powerful o the grievous wrongs done by ould be made by organisations ainst apartheid to support and th Africa. In this context we are World Council of Churches has ey for the liberation movements. led because those who enforce ame of Christian civilisation.

Page 234
Statement on Apartheid at the United N
Mr Chairman, this ye. anniversary of the establishmer organisation has achievements to with some satisfaction on its pa come up to our expectations in to remove the pernicious practic is a source of disappointmentar people all over the world. Th organisation rests in the hands could make or mar this body wh day world. We could strengthen more useful for the peoples of ol are becoming more and more subject is there than Aparthe effective action by this organis greater co-operation among its this organisation to effectively confronting it. There is almost u us here that apartheid is an evil regulations based on it should b of South Africa. Everyone of th this general debate has opposec need now concerted and effecti to bring the Government of Sou act with justice and fairplay. Sou but to follow the dictates of resolutions are fully complied In this age of interdependence

ations 223
ar marks the twenty-fifth it of the United Nations. This its credit and could look back st record. It has also failed to certain fields and its inability e of apartheid in South Africa ld despair to many millions of he success or failure of this Of its members. It is they who lich is essential for the present this organisation and make it ur respective countries, which interdependent. What better id, on which concerted and ation could lead the way for members, thus strengthening cope with the other problems nanimous agreement amongst doctrine and that the laws and 2 erased from the statutebooks e delegations which spoke in this practice of apartheid. We ve action by this organisation [th Africa to see reason and to th Africa would have no choice
the United Nations if our with by all the member states. South Africa cannot and will

Page 235
not stand isolated and ostracise
would have to bow down to
exercised in the cause of hun freedoms, which are the ideals this organisation was founded.
Let us hope that in the United Nations when the peopl the United Nations for an effec of Peace, Justice and Progres: formulated to eradicate the evils

My Diplomat
d from the outside world. She international pressure, justly nan rights and fundamental for the preservation of which
25th anniversary year of the les of the world are looking to tive contribution to the cause
s, suitable measures will be s of Apartheid in South Africa.

Page 236
On Yoga's return after participati delegation to the annual Sessions invited as Director, Foreign Rel External Affairs, to address a group 1971, on the United Nations and V
wenty six years ago, the
destructive war in recor
caused death and des Millions of human beings died wounded or maimed. Cities destroyed and countries wel damage went into many billior experience made statesmen an devise ways and means of prev happening again. The failure ( fresh in their minds and a det
made to create an internat succeeding generations from t faith in fundamental human r respect for international oblig progress and better standards c
The United Nations Org to provide the machinery for co-operate in the solution of in

ng as a member of the Ceylon of the United Nations, he was ations, Ministry of Defence and of new recruits of the army in World Peace.
world saw the end of the most ded history. It was a war which truction on a massive scale. and many more millions were were bombed, villages were e devastated. The material ls of rupees. The shock of this d rulers of many countries to enting such a catastrophe from f the League of Nations was ermined effort was, therefore, ional organisation to save he scourge of war, to reaffirm ights, to establish justice and ations and to promote social if life in larger freedom.
anisation was founded in 1945 sovereign member states to ernational problems.

Page 237
Since the power of the its member states it can be no of the people and governme Nations is not a supra-state w behalf of its members. The Ge Nations does not have the po resolutions are only recommen Security Council could tak aggressor, yet in the past owir Powers, who have the veto, col not taken. Despite the limitati Nations its continuance is esse the survival of mankind.
Today, many problems Social nature await solution a increasingly inter-dependent W enable all nations, the big and the strong and the weak to liv shrinking world inter-depend states has increased and if we co-operative and constructive becomes imperative. The Un forum for this purpose.
Radical changes in the taking place in our time and th appears now to be gradually The process of reappraisal a the great powers would natu and we in Ceylon should c developments.

My Diplomat
United Nations is derived from stronger than the collective will nts supporting it. The United hich could legislate for and on aneral Assembly of the United wer to enforce its decisions. Its datory in character. Though the ce military action against an ng to differences among the Big ncerted and effective action was ions and failures of the United ntial for the welfare and indeed,
s of a political, economic and nd we are called upon in this orld, to find answers that would the small, the rich and the poor, e in peace and harmony. In our ence between individuals and
are to progress and prosper, a } approach to world problems ited Nations provides us the
a relations between states are he scene of great power rivalry, shifting to the Asian continent. und change in the policies of rally affect the other countries arefully watch international

Page 238
United Nations and World Peace
Peace is threatened in mai East Asia a war is on, in South As of refugees from East Pakistani international problem, which 1 Pakistan in open warfare, ar cease-fire prevails. The Indian Oc as a peace zone isso vital for ou of great power activity. All these of uncertainty and fear, particula of Asia. Ceylon is in the midst of policy of non-alignment, which us away from involvement in ot now be subject to great stress anc Nations an organisation for the countries like Ceylon. We shoul international organisation to sti cause of peace in our continent. make our views known and cominded countries and no better Nations, wherein almost all sov could be availed of for this pur
The United Nations co-operation to solve interna problems and in encouraging fundamental freedoms. One of Nations is the ECOnomic and So co-ordinates the economic an Nations and its Specialised A

ly areas of the world. In South ia the influx of large numbers nto India has created a major may even involve India and !d in West Asia an uneasy ean, the preservation of which security, is becoming an area developments create a sense arly in the minds of the people this turbulent region and our has so far successfully steered her people's problems, would distrain. We have in the United benefit, particularly of small d, therefore, make use of this engthen our security and the It would be in our interest to ordinate our actions with like organisation than the United ereign states are represented,
believes in international tional economic and social espect for human rights and he main organs of the United ial Council, which directs and d social work of the United gencies. The achievement of,

Page 239
"higher standards of living, f of economic and Social progre. assist in the maintenance of i Any imbalance in the standarc from that of another, would friction, which may in turn le has not been substantial, the C to alleviate the economic an developed countries of the wo and more substantial efforts bridge the gulf between the sections of the world.
Despite its drawback Nations is essential for World UNESCO states, “that since w is in the minds of men that
The United Nations C helping in the creation of a cc that if mankind is to progres only in an environment c substantial section of human this proposition and is will interests and act on this conv and progress would suffer. anniversary of the United Nat ideals for which the United N

My Diplomat
ull employment, and conditions SS," for all peoples, would greatly international peace and security. of living of one part of the world be a source of discontent and ad to conflict. Though the effort Jnited Nations has endeavoured
d social conditions of the lessrld, and it is our hope that greater would be made in the future, to developed and the developing
S and frustrations the United i peace. The Constitution of the "ars begin in the minds of men, it the defences of peace must be
Drganisation has helped and is nsciousness in the average man is and prosper it could be done of peace. Unless and until a lity is convinced of the truth of ing to subordinate its national fiction the cause of world peace Let us, therefore, on this 26th ions, re-dedicate ourselves to the Jations was founded.

Page 240
This Prize Day Address wa 1972 at the Annual Prize Giving og was Director, Foreign Relations, Affairs in Colombo. Though he ha Addresses in later years, when Government Agent Jaffna, he woul, as being special and that he felt in School and his connections (Uith it a 'memorable event in my life.'
The Principal, Hon’ble Justice F and Students, Ladies and Gent
No greater tribute could Institution than to invite him to Address and to be under the whose services to this Institu education has been gratefully of his portrait today. This occas fond memories of his service al Country and his people, but als I spent in this Institution und teachers. This memorable even a desire to be of direct service

s given on the 16th of September Jaffna Hindu College when Yoga Ministry of Defence and Foreign i delivered quite a few Prize Day he was District Secretary and di remember this particular speech spired to make it. It was his old were important. He refers to it as
ernando, Members of the Staff
be paid to an old boy of this
deliver the Annual Prize Day benign shadow of his Father, tion and the cause of Hindu remembered by the unveiling ion brings back to me not only ld sacrifice for the cause of his ) of the short but fruitful years er the guidance of illustrious in my life has rekindled in me O my people.

Page 241
I also consider ita privil platform with one of the grea Justice T.S. Fernando. He is I Occupying the highest positic eminent jurist with an interna is a great gentleman, admired whatever caste, creed or comm the memorial speech he made Father especially when he said, was one of the greatest sons of
May I congratulate the this Institution for carrying on the Founders of this College. \ College is not only the premiel in Sri Lanka, but also one ( colleges in this country. This In of the religio-cultural revival led by Arumuka Navalar i Dharmapala in the South. It v and philanthropists of whol T. Chellappapillai, Pasupathy Hon. A. Sabapathy and T. Kai The torch that was lit in 1890 W distinguished men, who de v energy despite their other
education in a religious an recollects with pride that this I visits of those giants of our a

My Diplomat
ege tobe associated on the same at Sons of Sri Lanka – Hon’ble not only a distinguished judge n in our judiciary, but also an tional reputation. Above all, he and loved by his fellowmen of hunity. I was deeply touched by in unveiling the portrait of my "Sir Waitialingam Duraiswamy four country.”
Principal, Staff and Students of the healthy tradition started by We are proud that Jaffna Hindu Hindu Educational Institution of the important and leading Istitution began during the time of the late nineteenth century, in the North and Anagarika was started by eminent leaders m Sinnathamby Nagalingam, Chettiar, Proctor V. Casipillai, lasapillai were in the forefront. as carried by many selfless and oted much of their time and duties, for the promotion of d national background. One nstitution was sanctified by the ge - Swami Vivekananda and

Page 242
Jaffna Hindu College Annual Prize De
Mahatma Gandhi, leaders of thc shaped the destinies of their ow to the far corners of the world and good will to all men. It is th on all of us to carry on this trad
We are today on the cross of the changes in our Social difficulties that beset us and different parts of the world, p disappointed and disillusioned, established values and ways c Society must be dynamic to m But truths which are based on t endure, so long as man himself are universal and in spite of che would remain permanent an College has inherited certain t spiritual values and I am confid Sustained by a distinguished pa
On this 82nd year of you the Principal, Staff and St endeavours to maintain and str it could continue to play a vita We are fortunate in having Mr. able and experienced administ this Institution at a critical time line of selfless and untiring pri

y Address 231
ught and action, who not only in motherland, but also spread he message of peace on earth erefore a heavy responsibility ition.
-roads of history, when in view environment, the economic the free flow of ideas from eople, particularly the youth, have started questioning long f life. Change is natural and eet the demands of the times. he nature of man himself must endures. These are truths that anges in our environment they ld immutable. Jaffna Hindu raditions based on moral and ent these traditions will go on, Stand with faith in our future.
Ir Institution, let me wish you, udents all success in your engthen this Institution so that l part in educating our youth. Sabalingam the Principal, an rator, to guide the destinies of in its history. He is one, in the incipals of the college.

Page 243
The world today is un discoveries have contributed of life. Distances have been sh Oceans in a matter of hours ar knowledge and adventure. strides and man's fight agair successfully. Radio, televisior in communications have bro improved their knowledge al more vistas of knowledge hav pursued to improve the Socia people. All these advances i increased material comforts, developed world. For the peo economic conditions cont population, unemployment a have created a feeling of des. youth, who usually look forw badly frustrated. Neither acc nor old traditions, like strong have prevented the Youth in traditional values. Youth all disillusioned are questioning to provide the answer for the are not satisfied with the e groping for an answer to the
There is a demand for reorganisation, so that every caste or race, may be given th

My Diplomnat
dergoing vast changes. Scientific in changing the traditional way ortened and man is able to cross ld fly into outer space in quest of Medical science has made vast ist disease has been progressing and other forms of mass media ught men close to one another, hd widened their outlook. Many /e been opened up and are being land economic standards of the in Science and technology have articularly for the peoples of the ples of the developing world the inue to remain hard. Overnd a host of economic problems, pondency in the people and the ard to the future with hope, are )ndition of affluence in the West family ties prevalent in the East general from rebelling against over the world, frustrated and old values since they appear not roblems of the present day. They cisting order of things and are challenges that beset them.
a political, economic and social human being of whatever Creed, Le opportunity to lead a full life.

Page 244
Jaffna Hindu College Annual Prize Da
Have we the answer to this chal new philosophy, a new 'ism'
present times or do we have thought the answer to this ques
I believe that a people, w culture and a well-ordered ci thousands of years and who ha Buddhist background could e challenge. We have it in our Ve system of values, which coul this age.
The Upanishads and th books of the perennial philos handed down to us by the ai interpreted in a simple and luc Buddha and Sankaracharya, Col search for a philosophy to m modern age. Neither the unbridl nor the rigid regimentation ofs answer for the needs of our ti individual freedom to develop one's wishes within a society basis, would be the answer to only consistent with science bl spiritual basis for a more just a
Some of you when y C Institution will seek employme higher education to equip yours

y Address 233
lenge? Do we have to create a to meet the demands of the in our ancient philosophical tion?
sho could boast of an ancient vilisation that date back for ve been nurtured in a Hinduasily find a solution to this 'danta a code of Ethics and a d meet the requirements of
e Bhagavad Gita, the source ophy of Vedanta, which was ncient rishis and which was id form by great teachers like uld provide the answer to our eet the requirements of this ed nature of private enterprise ate control, could provide the mes. A system, which grants one's personality according to regulated on a co-operative this question. Vedanta is not ut is admirably suited to be a ld stable social organisation.
u leave the portals of this nt, others may join Schools of elf to enter certain professions.

Page 245
You are the future citizens of ol our future leaders. You will har the greater good of your comm large. Remember, it is here in could prepare yourselves to me
If we are to be useful citi be motivated by noble ideals a discipline to fulfil them. An ide is a cherished objective and in country a better place to live in
Many of us have he deterioration of standards in n factors have contributed to this the ruthless pursuit of advancir cost of the society. If in our lives either individually or through welfare of the society we live alleviate the demoralising d self-interest. This is where I College, could contribute by m so that noble ideals like Servic inculcated. More than impart nature, character-building anc are more desirable and necessa mind. Once the minds are becomes easier for achiev foundations is the first and m

My Diplomat
ur country, some of you will be e the opportunity to work for unity, country and the world at institutions like these that you 2et the challenges of life.
zens of our country we should hd should work with faith and all of service to one's fellowmen hany having it will make our
ard and seen the gradual nost parts of the world. Many state of affairs, one of which is ng one's own self-interest at the We could render some service, an organisation, to the general in, then we arrest or at least lesire to promote only one's institutions like Jaffna Hindu oulding the minds of the young e to one's fellowmen, could be ing knowledge of a technical the inculcation of high ideals ry to a growing and a receptive tuned to high ideals then it ement. The laying of firm ajor step in the building of our

Page 246
Jaffina Hindu College Annual Prize Da
super-structure. Armed with fa then go ahead with plans ti reconcile individual freedom W community at large.
It was Swami Vivekana objective could be achieved wit Faith Sustains and strengthens inspiration and support in time
Discipline and hard Wor nations, are necessary ingred examples of the Germans and ti rebuilt their countries after a c the last war. By discipline and rebuilt their shattered economic countries willing and able to a development.
Despite the difficulties a by our own efforts we could cl faith, discipline and hard worl and the world a better place to
Let me once again on be thank you, the Principal Staff College for your kind invitati memorable occasion. Iam fortif hallowed traditions and your c able to contribute to the welfa country and the cause of intern

y Address 235
ith and discipline one could ) build a society that will rith the general welfare of the
nda who once said that any h faith in oneself and in God. one's self and is a source of s of despair.
k, whether for individuals or lients for success. Take the he Japanese, who successfully levastating defeat suffered in sheer dint of hard Work they es and today they are two rich ssist others in their economic
ind drawbacks we are facing, hange our lives. Noble ideals, will make our lives happier live.
half of my wife and myself, and Students of Jaffna Hindu bn to address you all on this ed by the belief that with your istinguished past, you will be te of our community and our ational understanding.

Page 247
1972 milarked the hundredth and a special issue of the Sivathond. the Occasion. This article was (Urit
in 29th May 1872 was b
a man who became a li
in only a plain whil moving among people of all ty and cares and guiding them to neither a priest nor a preacher who radiated love and compas be in his presence and to listen returned relaxed, reassured normal life.
Who was this man with a Strode like a Colossus on the Yogaswami, the Sage of Jaffna w celebrating today. He had a str His white flowing hair and b demeanour. Years of meditation Serenity and an aura of saintline lived among his people, shared i yet remained above worldly life though worshipped and vener power and influence, he remai and shunned publicity. People.fr and far off lands came to his hul for guidance and enlightenmen

birth anniversary of Yogaswami in Magazine was released to mark ten for this publication.
born in Maviddapuram, Jaffna, iving legend in Sri Lanka. Clad te verti he led a simple life pes, sharing in their concerns lead a righteous life. He was , but a highly evolved being, sion. People flocked to him to to his words of wisdom. They and ready to resume their
un impressive personality who 2 spiritual scene? This was those birth anniversary we are iking face with piercing eyes. beard added to his majestic and a disciplined life gave him SS. He was indeed a saint, who in their concerns and cares and . He was a unique personality, ated by those in positions of ned humble and self-effacing om different parts of Sri Lanka mble abode at Columbuthurai

Page 248
In this complex, fast mo many people find it difficult to Some fall by the wayside and ( illegal actions to tide over thei follow the path of rectitude to S these people went to Yogaswar easily approachable. He treated a and appreciated the different enlightenment in each devotee. their problems to him but he wa telepathic means. His replies w which the particular devotee answered the devotee's problem were reprimanded and sent out. of strength and inspiration to pe and despair.
Yogaswami did not plan He left his Ashram at Columbut walked many miles as his moc went in the car of a devotee. On places and people received him went he exuded warmth and af. their problems and advised the them. Men and women waited tea with one devotee and lunc received this opportunity consi
In the evenings he was i various walks of life came for hi hymns were sung and tea and

ving and competitive world, cope with the rigours of life. others resort to improper and problems. Rarely do people urmount their difficulties. All ni for his grace, since he was all alike, though he understood levels of development and Many of them did not relate as able to understand them by Vere couched in the language could understand and these S. Some of the others who came Yogaswami was a great source ople in their moments of doubt
his life. He took it as it came. hurai early in the morning and d took him. Occasionally, he his way he stopped at various with reverence. Wherever he fection, discussed with people m, and at times reprimanded eagerly to meet him. He had h with another. Persons who dered it a blessing.
n his Ashram. Devotees from s darshan. After puja, religious ruits brought by the devotees

Page 249
were served to those in the gath Swami came out with pithy sayi helped the householder to lead the way for self-realisation. He propagate his beliefs but sprea living by his own conduct and it
Yogaswami repeated on sayings - Maha Vaakiyams. These
Oru pollaapum illai - There is not Eppavo mudlintha kaariyam - It wa Muluthum Unmai - All is Truth Naam Ariyom - We do not know
The great sayings and Song in the Book of Natchintanai, whic thoughts flowed from him spc down by his devotees. On his journal, 'Sivathondan' was st thoughts and subjects of relig Sivathondan Nilayam was ina blessings of Yogaswami as a m Later this was developed as a ( including meditation, singing O. of religion. Yogaswami's thoug series of thirty one letters he he was out of Jaffna, which surface, but contained deep reli published in a book called, "Swa

My Diplomat
ering. During these meetings ings of deep meaning which a good life and showed him did not address meetings to ud his message of righteous n conversation with people.
many occasions four great four in Tamil were:
even one wrong thing as all accomplished long ago
gs of Yogaswami are contained h means good thoughts. These ontaneously and were taken initiative in 1935, a monthly arted which contained his gious importance. In 1953, ugurated in Jaffna With the eeting place of his devotees. centre for religious activities, f devotional Songs and study ghts are also contained in a wrote to Yogendra, when appeared simple on the igious meanings. These were ami Thirumukangal."

Page 250
Unlike many sages, Yoga World completely and lead a s mundane world. He was a great a great blessing to society. Th teaching that, "Our work is to do Siva and he emphasised that w World. Service to God is se Natchintanai on "Those who do
"Those who do Sivathond Those who do Sivathondu Those who do Sivathonic
Ser VantS.
Those who do Sivathondl
He also taught that Siv blessed. He advised the devo without break and he exhortec anything. Victory is yours No. not lose courage. Failure relates consciousness- that is, you are You can never be destroyed. A achieve your aim, stop not on t zealous spirit." These inspiring Vivekananda's, "Arise Awake reached." We could see how gi occasion Yogaswami stated, success. Why do you continual mean, unpleasant things? Give pray to God with a full heart. Gl karma decrees for you. Finally e

Swami did not renounce the ecluded life away from the teacher whose presence was is was in keeping with his Sivathondu" - service to God e lived for that alone in this rvice to humanity. In the Sivathondu" he says,
u will be lords of all creation. 1 will escape the taint of birth. du will make the gods their
a will not be born again."
abakthi alone makes a man tees to practise Sivadhyana them: "Do not be afraid of matter how often you fail, do to matter but your nature is of the essence of knowledge. rise, be awake and until you he way, but march on with a Words are similar to Swami and stop not till the goal is eat minds agree. On another Persevere until you attain allow your mind to dwell on up that kind of thinking and dly accept and carry out what terything will end in success."

Page 251
Like Swami Vivekanand "have full faith in God." He col all your heart. Think that ther Sitting and standing, walking Let the thought of Him permeat Think that you are non-existen the aim of your life be to worsh
Yogaswami kept in line w as experienced and handed d wanted the householder to leac and to prepare himself gradua evolution. He explained the rel physical body and the journey ti Samsara to realise its true divine his letters tells us more about ot
"See! All is pervaded by am I? Who is your father not all Siva? Are you still
with you; you are with
being all, all remain as the change. Arise! Learn as what I say. Who are you? is my real nature? I am
can fear or anything else of Dharma that govern t fear sin and act righteous behaving in this way, bec here and hereafter. God li

My Diplomat
a, he wanted his devotees to, htinued, "Believe in Him with e is nothing other than God. br lying down, think of Him. e your nerves, flesh and blood. and that He alone exists. Let ip Him."
'ith the ancient Hindu thought own by sages and seers. He | a full life in a righteous way lly to enter a higher state of ationship of the Atman to the he Atman had to take through 2 nature. Yogaswami in one of ur true nature -
Siva. Then who are you? Who 'What are all others? Are they in doubt? Why fear. Look I am me. All being One and One y have ever been without any "ou go on. Listen carefully to Are you the body? Then what the Immortal One. Therefore ffect me? No. But by the laws he body and mind, you must ly. Wise men by thinking and ome worthy to gain bliss both tes in this house built of earth,

Page 252
water, fire, air and ether. T. and the mind pure, a calminess."
Yogaswami was a rare ph the world scene to guide humani moved with all, irrespective c explained to them in simple lang way of life. He showed by exam could attain self-realisation by ris various walks of life and from became his devotees, some o universal message of love and sacrifice. More and more people is my fervent prayer that on teachings will permeate every ce new world of peace on earth an

herefore keep the house clean ld conduct yourself with
anomenon, who appeared on ty on the path of Dharma. He If creed, caste or class and uage the virtues of the Hindu ple that each and every one ghteous conduct. People from different parts of the world f whom are spreading his brotherhood, of service and are following his teachings. It his birth anniversary, his frner of the globe and create a i harmony among peoples.

Page 253
In 1984, the President of S Conference of political and relig, Conflict. This was the first time re Conference. Yoga participated Sivasubramanian and represente present a paper and did not (U representative to present a paper was well received by those presen parties and the religious organisat the All Party Conference).
S Hindus, our approa
based on first princip
national basis. It is ou Lanka should live With honour or want. To achieve this obje justice should prevail. All for basis of race, religion, language disappear. Those entrusted wi acceptable solution to our nat suspicion and distrust exist be our people, should first conside and making a declaration acco should then follow from these

ri Lanka, summoned an All Party ous leaders to resolve the ethnic ligious leaders participated in the as Co-Chair in a 1 (0ith Justice d the Hindus. The TULF did 110t ant any other Tamil or Hindu either! But Yoga's working paper it - representatives of all political ions (Courtesy - Personal File on
Ich to this national problem is les and on a humanitarian and r view that every person in Sri and self-respect, free from fear ctive, freedom, equality and ms of discrimination on the , caste or sex should, therefore th the task of working out an ional problem, where mutual tween the various sections of r subscribing to the above ideal dingly. An acceptable solution oasic concepts.

Page 254
Statement at the All Party Conference 19
Institutions should be create into actual practice. Since institut people should be permitted to par Various levels, as they will kn problems and could assist effectiv in formulating and implementing a system of government, where p centre to the periphery, will t Devolution of power could also b officials as in totalitarian states devolution should be effected various levels. Further, since the development in communications of Sri Lanka cannot remain ir developments outside. The interon another compels us to view perspective. At the same time cultural identity. On the one han brings us together and on the other cultural identity tends to divide diversity, devolution of power pro
It transpired during the Sessions that some areas in Sri Lal not benefit adequately from the de Some parts of the Kandyan areas Northern and Eastern Provinces.
From 1931 - 1948 a Self - government was enjoyed Sovereign power was exercised b

84 243
d to translate the above ideal ions are for the people, the ticipate in their Workings at ow best their needs and 'ely in decision making and plans for development. Such hower is devolved from the he suitable and efficient. le effected through selected , but in democratic States through elected bodies at ! World has shrunk due to and technology, the people hdifferent to the various dependence of one country our problems on a global one cannot sacrifice one's d the international outlook the desire to maintain one's ls. In order to have unity in vides the necessaryanswer.
discussions at the plenary nka were neglected and did velopment process, namely, , Plantation areas, and the
substantial measure of by our people. From 1948 y the representatives of the

Page 255
people. But despite 53 years of were neglected and did not development plans of success centralised system of governn and aspirations of the people. bodies in these areas would h
Devolution of power v races and communities as c Switzerland, Belgium and Car create between the various island, mutual trust and unde and progress. Discussions at th there is a lurking fear that de wedge, which would lea unjustifiable fear, as historic devolution really strength fissiparous tendencies. It is the to the needs and aspirations of would create disaffection consequences. It will be seer creations of governments, wh of these areas to govern them autonomy to their former through locally elected bodies a multi-racial, multi-religious
Grievances are not cor the followers of one religion. of caste and sex. If we want a

My Diplomat
self-rule, many areasin Sri Lanka t benefit adequately from the ive governments. Obviously the hent did not cope with the needs Devolution of power to elected ave prevented such neglect.
vill also help in uniting diverse ould be seen in countries like hada. It is this approach that will races and communities of this rstanding so essential for peace le plenary sessions indicated that 2volution is the thin end of the d to separation. This is an cal experience has shown that ened unity and discouraged failure to recognise and respond the various communities, which that would lead to tragic n that Eire and Bangladesh are ich refused to allow the people selves by not granting sufficient regions. Devolution of power is, therefore, the answer to keep country united.
fined to one community nor to They are also found in the realms united Sri Lanka, where every

Page 256
Statement at the All Party Conference 1
person could call with pride this must ensure that the principle o. all peoples is upheld and enforce
Every person in this country mu
must have equality of opportunit
Cultural, linguistic, com geography and economic viabili taken into account in demarca combination of provinces could is too small an area and unnec administrative machinery is sav particularly when the people have and history in the contiguous ar implementation are also made
available in larger areas.
The Regional Council sho of the region on the basis of prop party commanding the majority Council should form the regional the Regional Council should b
population and area.

84 245
country his or her own, we F equality of all persons and d at all levels and at all times.
st be treated alike - he or she
y and equality before the law.
mon historical experience, ty are factors that should be ting regions. Provinces or form such regions. A district Cessary expenditure on the 'ed by having a larger area, 2 a common culture, language eas. Economic planning and
easier with more resources
uld be elected by the people ortional representation. The of members in the Regional executive. Constituencies for
e delimited on the basis of

Page 257
a) Powers and functions ( The Regional Council t
and exercise powers and perfo like -
maintenance of lav Social and econom cultural matters, education, health, land policy, administration of levy taxes, or fe through loans.
Adequate sources of re statute for Regional Councils the expenses required for adm
Financial assistance to Commission, should also be Centre, to help bridge the de observed on allocating fir embodied in a statute in or exercise of any discretionary include factors like area, popu financial resources available i
b) Mismanagement of th In the event of misman the President could dissolve Soon after dissolution election be held within a period of fiv.

My Diplomat
if the Regional Council D be empowered to enact laws m functions on certain subjects
V and order in the region, ic development,
ustice, and es and to mobilise resources
venue should be provided by to raise sufficient funds to meet inistration and development.
be determined by a Finance provided to the region by the 'ficit in revenue. Criteria to be ancial assistance should be der to reduce to a minimum powers. The criteria should lation, lack of development and n the region.
: Regional Council
agement by a Regional Council, he Regional Council. However, to the Regional Council should

Page 258
rement at the All Party Conference 198
The President and the Parlie overall responsibility over all sub regions and generally for all maintenance of the sovereignty, Republic as a whole.
Election to Parliament Proportional Representation.
Village Councils were in e. ancient times. Gansabha was or G called, comprised of elders in a intervals to look after the welfar village, especially in regard to the facilities. They also dealt with co. and dispensed justice in regard to instances they also collected taxes Organisation lasted through centu into desuetude during the Portug occupation and was revived Communities attending to the we group of villages. Though it has be be restored. Otherwise there willb at the grass-roots level. The Tow restored. Urban Councils and Mu as at present. All these local bod purview of the Regional Council.

ment will continue to have jects not transferred to the matters relating to the integrity and unity of the
Will be on the basis of
xistence in Sri Lanka from rama Sabhais as they were Community, met at regular e of the inhabitants of the ir sanitation and irrigation mplaints of the inhabitants minor offences. In certain on behalf of the King. This ries of indigenous rule, fell uese and Dutch periods of by the British as Village lfare of the inhabitants of a enabolished now, it should e no elected statutorybody in Councils should also be nicipalities should continue es should come under the

Page 259
The language of admir should be that of the majority or a Tamil speaking person in able to transact business in his the Central or Regional admi Central and Regional govern public, to have a Working knc
Provision should be m Tamil and English in all Schoc
No discrimination to religion, language, caste orse Central or Regional administr to schools and higher institut the criterion for such purpose best people to be recruited Central and Regional authc

My Diplomat
histration and justice in a region of its people. However, a Sinhala any part of the island should be respective language either with inistration. This will necessitate ment servants dealing with the owledge of Sinhala and Tamil.
ade for the teaching of Sinhala, ols in Sri Lanka.
pe shown on the basis of race, X in fields of recruitment to the
ation Services and for admission res of learning. Merit should be s. This provision will enable the for the administration of our rities and encourage the best

Page 260
Statement at the All Party Conference 1
talent to proceed for higher educa be made for reserving certain learning for people from backwa for a specified period of time, na minimum standards necessary lowered, as students should b education.
Ethnic quotas in whatev admissions to higher institutes of the objective of forging a unitec the best talents from being utilise developing country. On ground violate a sacrosanct principle. progress of countries like Singa principle of merit.
a) Fundamental Human Rig and legal remedies shoul
b) A High Commissioner ( appointed with Wide p inquiry to act as a Watch Human Rights. An aggri be able to represent m Commissioner, who sho action whenever he consi

984 249
tion. However, provision may places in higher institutes of ird areas. This should only be mely tenyears. Even then, the for admission should not be e fit to proceed for higher
er form for employment or learning will militate against i Sri Lanka and will prevent 2d, which is so necessary for a s of expediency we must not One of the reasons for the pore is the adherence to the
hts must be made justiciable i be easily available.
of Human Rights should be owers of investigation and -dog on any infringement of eved person or party should atters directly to the High uld be empowered to take ders them necessary,

Page 261
Sri Lanka is a signato enants on Human Rights an the obligations she has unde
The independence of tained. Provision should ber in each region. The Supremi appellate and constitutional
Each region will have a) officers and other put b) such other officers a seconded to the regio
Independent Central Independent Regional Publi entrusted with the responsit disciplinary control of publi Regions respectively.
Office of Vice Preside a Sinhalaspeaking person, til speaking person and Vice-ve in India.

My Diplomat
'ry to the two International Covshe should reflect in the statutes rtaken to observe and implement.
the judiciary to be strictly mainnade for constituting High Courts a Court of Sri Lanka will exercise jurisdiction.
: a Regional Service consisting of olic servants of the Region and nd public servants who may be
Public Service Commission and c Service Commissions should be bility for recruitment, transfer and C servants at the Centre and in the
nt to be created. If the President is
Le Vice President should be a Tamil rsa. Asimilar convention prevails

Page 262
Statement at the All Party Conference 1
All members of Parliame must cease to practise any profe being a member in a legislature should be provided to them.
Another legislative bod Centre. Since the modern state i of the political, economic and legislation should be carefully before adoption. Learned per professions who would normall hustings, should be brought into of the country. Another chan adoption of hasty legislation.
The Senate could compris region to be elected by their resp number of Senators from each on the basis of either five for e district for a period of six years than thirty years. One third oftl vacate every two years. The Vi States of America and in India, Sessions.
All bills for raising rev other House, but the Senate, 1 amendments as on other bills.

'984 251
"nt and of Regional Councils ssion, trade of business while ' and adequate remuneration
ly should be created at the is now involved in all aspects Social life of a person, draft examined in all its aspects sons and leaders in various ly not wish to go through the the legislature for the benefit liber could also prevent the
e of representatives from each lective Regional Councils. The Region could be apportioned ach province or two for each S. Senators should be not less he Senate membership should Ce President, as in the United could preside over the Senate
renue shall originate in the may propose or concur with Draft legislation could also be

Page 263
introduced in the Senate and other House before becoming of the other House should pre majority.
We welcome and Sl Venerable Mahanayake Th advocating the granting of c persons of Sri Lanka. This pri taken political overtones, sh on humanitarian grounds. It be done to a community w generations had contribut economic well-being of our rights to the stateless persons Nations Conventions relating which advocated, "the assi stateless persons." Suitable should be made, both at thi ameliorate the living conditic the other members of their obtained citizenship rights.

My Diplomat
should have the approval of the law. In case of conflict, the will vail if it is passed by a two thirds
upport the statement of the ero of the Malwatte Chapter, itizenship rights to the stateless oblem, which had unfortunately ould be viewed dispassionately is nothing but correct that justice ho by their toil and sweat for ed substantially towards the Country. Granting of citizenship will also be in line with the United to the Status of Stateless persons, milation and naturalisation of i administrative arrangements 2 Centre and in the Regions, to ns of these neglected people and community who have already

Page 264
'Devolution of Power' acci to the ethnic Conflict in our Countr their respective territories. Havi, and Government Agent, Jaffna, he itself, the officials in the Kachch peripheral villages - more so w Centre. Devolution gives a Sense o was firmly of the view that this Sharing of power creates mutual the people, helps in bringing t) commitment to the Country. Det provide not only a better and eff, the aspirations of the various ethn progress and development of the Cogently at a talk delivered at the Association on Thursday 24th University of Colombo.
oday, Sri Lanka is on the responsibility rests on away from internecine of peace and progress. Why sh Sinhalese and Tamils causing d Scale go on? There is no theatre

ording to Yoga is the only answer ly, drawing in the people to govern ng (orked as District Secretary realised that in the Jaffna District eri couldn't see the needs of the ould be the difficulties from the fbelonging to the people and Yoga is the answer to our problem. trust and understanding between iem together and enhances the olution will therefore be seen to icient government but also fulfils ic groups in being partners in the country. He expressed his ideas 2 university of Colombo Alumni July 1986 at College House,
a cross roads of history. Aheavy all of us to steer our country conflict and take it on the path ould this conflict between the eath and destruction on a large 2 of conflict in the world today

Page 265
where the death toll daily ir Sri Lanka. It is a national tra bleeding to death. It should devise ways and means to harmony, for it is in our over
The Sinhalese and the for over two thousand years. kingdoms and each has rule chequered history, they have originated from India an background. Some common and Tamil languages. Many C not similar. The New Year da The overwhelming majority are followers of the Buddhist tenets are based on the pere Buddhists worship Hindu C the Buddha. They can and in work for their mutual benefi nations enjoying the right of in the United Nations Covena
The Sinhalese and the provided their relationship is justice. Domination of one c cease and the approach sho vN&&&. N'SYSS 3

My Diplomat
recent times is higher than in gedy to see our country slowly not be beyond our ingenuity to restore peace and to live in all interest to do so.
Tamils have lived in this island They have had their respective d over the other. Despite their many things in common. Both d have a common cultural words are found in the Sinhala f their customs are the same, if y in April is observed by both. of the Sinhalese and the Tamils and Hindu faiths, whose main 'nnial Vedanta philosophy. The ods and the Hindus Venerate ust live together in peace and t, though they are two distinct self-determination as stipulated nts on Human RightS.
Tamils could live in one state
based on freedom, equality and ommunity by the other should uld be based on equality and &SWWN&S,\S,\\\&\SASS & Kass,

Page 266
Devolution of Power
religion, language, caste or se Institutions should be created to actual practice So that every citize honour and self-respect, free fro.
Devolution of Power, by functions are transferred by t regions, enables peoples partic government. At present it is a n in our country. It has created ur of some people, which is actii solution of our national problem government as it brings th administration. They will kn problems than the decision ma capital city and who are alrı problems. The local people col decision-making and in formula for development. This system i caste, creed or ethnic communit Kandy or Batticoloa will benefit the various ethnic communities and Wish to share power, to par of their region. Sharing of pov understanding between peop together and enhances their loy country.
What is the present situat Communities inhabiting this cour in terms of a Sri Lankan identit

X should not be permitted. translate the above ideal into an in Sri Lanka could live with m fear or want.
7 which certain powers and he Centre to the peripheral ipation at different levels of nuch misunderstood concept justifiable fears in the minds ng as an impediment to the . Devolution of Power is good he people closer to their ow better their needs and kers resident far away in the eady burdened with other uld also assist effectively in ting and implementing plans S good for all irrespective of y. People in Jaffna or Galle, in from this system. It also gives , who inhabit particular areas ticipate in the administration wer creates mutual trust and les, helps in bringing them alty and commitment to their
ion in our country? The ethnic try unfortunately do not think y. Our Constitution provides

Page 267
for a unitary form of highly power is not devolved to reg shared in a manner that take linguistic aspirations of the v by virtue of numbers has aly majority ethnic community. T commission by successive go' and the minority Tamil commu particularly in the fields of lan and land settlement. In these ci their interests have not been a demanding a change in the p Separate state and others want
The principle of major cannot apply in the case of the as this would tantamount to community by the majority situation would run counter determination, which is reco Covenants on Civil and Poli Social and Cultural Rights t signatory. Both Covenants stat freely to determine their polit their economic, social and cul
However, if power is communities, I feel the Tam arrangement and live in peac

My Diplomat
entralised government, where ional units. Nor is the power into account the cultural and arious people. Political power, ways been in the hands of the his led to acts of omission and vernments since independence Inity was discriminated against, guage, education, employment rcumstances the Tamils feel that dequately looked after and are olitical structure. Some want a
a share of political power.
ity rule in a multi-ethnic state a rights of the ethnic minorities the rule of the minority ethnic y ethnic community. Such a to the right of peoples to selfgnised in the United Nations tical Rights and on Economic, O which our government is a e, that all peoples have the right ical status and freely to pursue ural development.
properly shared by the ethnic ils in general will accept this } and harmony in one state. The

Page 268
Devolution of Power
composite character of the pop the state on the basis of equal measures will not suffice as n bring about this change, many
displacement of people and dest place on a massive Scale. Le Constitution suitably. There sh power and the division of powe devolved regions should be inci This system, while ensuring the different levels of government
ensure the unity and integ compromise between a separate unitary state.
Since sharing of power determination of a minority sovereignty of the state, the pov the Centre to the regiona administration of its internal aff development of the region. Th permit regional self-governmel minorities to assume responsib decision making processes in tl majority. Many specialists on C stated that the power granted t as wide as possible. It is esse powers transferred by the Ce exercised by both the executive regional unit. The executive arr legislative arm elected by the p

ulation should be reflected in ity. Patchwork and half-way hany lives have been lost to more have been maimed and ruction of property have taken it us, therefore, amend the ould be a genuine sharing of rs between the Centre and the orporated in the Constitution. participation of the people at in different regions, will also rity of the country. It is a ! state and a highly centralised
reconciles the right of selfethnic community with the vers that are transferred from l unit should be for the airs and for the socio-economic le powers transferredshould nt. They should enable ethnic ility and participate fully in hose areas where they are in a onstitutional affairs have also o the regional units should be ntial that in devolution the ntre to the regional unit are and the legislative arms of the n should be responsible to the eople.

Page 269
A clear understanding government is important. government in consultation w formulate a plan for socio-ec country. National targets should units could play in the various be stipulated. The regional unit own plans for the socio-econom These will naturally be in th national plan. Similarly, the Cer right to prescribe national stan economic sectors, which the reg necessary that the national p Central government should a should be exercised by the Ministers. Individual ministri intervene on an ad hoc basis.
The Parliament should al. policies in the form of legisla dispute as to the interpretatio devolved powers, provision sh by the Supreme Court.
The democratic concep necessary at the intermediate Provinces or a combination of p unitat the intermediate level. Vi bodies, were in existence in

My Diplomat
g of the role of the Central For example, the Central ith the regional units should 'onomic development of the be set and the role the regional sectors of the economy should S on their part could have their lic development of their areas. he overall framework of the ntral government will have the dards in the major social and tional units have to follow. It is olicy making powers of the oply to all regional units and President or the Cabinet of
es should not be allowed to
so be able to formulate national ation. Wherever there is any in of national policy vis-a vis ould be made for adjudication
it of devolution of power is level and the grass-root level. rovinces could form a regional llage Councils, grass-root level
Sri Lanka until they were

Page 270
Devolution of Power
abolished in 1981. These Villag from ancient times. They were c Sabhais and comprised elders i regular intervals to look after the the Village, especially in regard instances they also collected tax organisation lasted through Cen into desuetude during the Portu occupation and was revived Communities attending to the v group of villages. The Village ( them should be restored. Other statutory body at the grass-roo and Municipalities should cont local bodies should come under or Regional Council.
Two well-known way 1) Federalism and 2) Regional division of powers between the C is embodied in the Constitutio either the Centre or a federating by amending the Constitution. T Constitution is a difficult process concurrence of the Centre and federating units. But Regiona unitary form of government an regional sub-units could easily
It is a fallacy that devo separation. On the contrary devolution of power actually

e Councils were in existence
alled Gansabhawas or Grama in a community, who met at e welfare of the inhabitants of to minor offences. In certain es on behalf of the King. This turies of indigenous rule, fell 1guese and Dutch periods of by the British as Village welfare of the inhabitants of a councils or bodies similar to wise there will be no elected ts level. The Urban Councils inue as at present. All these the purview of the Provincial
s of devolving power are Autonomy. In Federalism the entre and the federating units n and cannot be changed by unit. It could be changed only he procedure of amending the s, which generally requires the a substantial majority of the l Autonomy comes under a d the legislation creating the pe revoked by the Centre.
lution of power will lead to 7, history has shown that helps to keep the different

Page 271
ethnic Communities together a Creates a sense of belonging ar they are equal citizens. In feder Switzerland, Canada and India; China. In this regard, Switze Sri Lanka to folloW. It is a mul four languages are recognised the German Speaking people f the French speaking 18%, the Ita Romansh speaking as low as 1 Simply administrative regions, e state. Though considerable an these cantons, yet they do not v mother Countries from Where t they are adjacent to these area jealously guard their indepe maintain a strong army to pro Neutrality, a fundamental prin also followed to maintain their
If we recollect recent hij failure of certain governments t needs and aspirations of the disaffection and the demand for to the actions of the Pakistan allow the people of these areas granting sufficient autonon Devolution of Power is the a country united.

My Diplomat
ls adequate sharing of power ld loyalty to the state in which alism we have the examples of in regional autonomy we have Irland is a good example for ti-racial country where all the as national languages. In 1980, ormed 65% of the population, alian speaking 10% and Rhaeto %. The Swiss cantons are not
ach one is a small autonomous lount of power is enjoyed by want to separate and join their hey came, despite the fact that as. On the contrary the Swiss ndence and way of life and tect their frontiers. Permanent ciple of their foreign policy, is independence.
story it will be seen that the o recognise and respond to the various communities, led to separation. Bangladesh is due government which refused to s to govern themselves by not ny to their former regions. nswer to keep a multi-racial

Page 272
Devolution of Power
It will be relevant at this st aspect of the proposals of Pres devolution of power to Provincial June 1986. In Article 9(a) “Exec matters in respect of which Provi enact legislation) shall be delegat be exercised by him either di subordinate to him. If it is to be Provincial Councils Should be er exercise executive powers. The E the executive, must be respons Council on the subjects and func the Proposals, the executive powe exercised by the Governor on de power that is delegated could Without assigning a IIES OI arrangement. Moreover, situa Provincial Council will pass leg to it by law, which will not Governor. Article 9 (a) tanta concept of devolution of pow enable the Provincial Council to Sri Lankan Constitution has to respect. The wording of Article 9 from the Indian Constitution bu operative word in the Indian Co "delegated as given in the Pro Constitution clearly states that

ge to draw attention to one ident J. R. Jayewardene on Councils announced on 25th utive Power (including all Icial Councils have power to 2d to the Governor and shall rectly or through officers eal devolution or power, the npowered to enact laws and oard of Ministers who form ible only to the Provincial tions devolved on it. But, in er of the Provincial Council is legation by the President. A be withdrawn at any time and this is not a proper tions may arise where the islation on subjects assigned be implemented by the mounts to a travesty of the r and should be altered to xercise executive power. The pe suitably amended in this a) appears to have been taken t with a basic difference - the stitution is 'vested' and not posals. Moreover, the Indian he Council of Ministers shall

Page 273
be collectively responsible to the State. ́Annexure C of the All Par Regional Councils "to enact la powers.” Article 9 (a) also contra Government of India by the published on 9th July 1986 wh making and Executive (includin devolved upon the Provinc constitutional amendments with Executive power must be veste otherwise in theory the Provincia debating Society.
The Constitution must als( of power, provisions that will ref equality and justice. For ex Commission should be creat investigation and inquiry and sh any infringement of Human Rigi
Grievances are not confin the followers of one religion. The of caste and sex. If we want a ur person could call with pride this must also ensure that the princi and all peoples is upheld and en times. Every person in this count or she must have equality of opp the law.

My Diplomat
Legislative Assembly of the ty Conference empowers the WS and exercise executive icts the proposals sent to the Government of Sri Lanka, erein it is stiated that “Law g Financial) powers shall be ial Councils by suitable out resort to a referendum." d in the Provincial Council, l Council will become a mere
) include, besides devolution lect the concepts of freedom, cample a Human Rights red with wide powers of hould act as a watch-dog on ltS.
ed to one community nor to yare also found in the realms ited Sri Lanka, where every jountry as his or her own, we ple of equality of all persons forced at all levels and at all ry must be treated alike - he ortunity and equality before

Page 274
Devolution of Power
The implementation of devolution of power will erase conflict and usher in the propere live together in peace and concor whichever quarter will then c preserved, equality of all peop integrity is to be maintained, m. enforced; and if democracy is to people's participation have to be

these concepts, including
the present bitterness and nvironment for all peoples to d. All forms of violence from isappear. If unity is to be les has to be established; if erit and fair play have to be be practised, devolution and | ensured.

Page 275
This talk (Uas delivered at a Association for the Advance September 1986. Section F deal speakers were invited to speak on also spoke on the same occasion.
oday, the people of Sri
history. A bitter interr
North and the East of inexorably to the other areas. S have been killed and many conflict in the world today, pe Iraq - Iran War, has witnessec daily. Destruction of public an a massive scale, running into thousands have been displace fled as refugees to other parts now costing the government a to recruit, maintain and equip militant youths. Mutual susp two major communitiesare wic and Socially the ethnic conflicti be stopped, if we are to surviv
What is the cause of this failure of the political leaders community, to recognise th

Meeting arranged by the Sri Lanka nent of Science on the 2nd of (Uith Social Science and (arious this subject. Professor Kothagoda
Lanka are on the cross-roads of hecine conflict is raging in the our country and is spreading ince July 1983, many thousands more maimed. No theatre of rhaps with the exception of the | So many casualties occurring d private property has been on oillions of rupees. Hundreds of ad from their homes and have of Sri Lanka and abroad. It is bout ten billion rupees per year the armed forces to combat the icion and distrust between the dening. Politically, economically Sanational calamity and should eas a united country.
conflict? It is due mainly to the hip, particularly of the majority e reality that Sri Lanka is a

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Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri Lanka Relati
multi-ethnic and multi-religious suitable constitution to enable honour and equality, free from fe of a highly centralised governme) enables the Sinhala communit exercise power to the detrimer particularly in the fields of langu and land settlement. The Tamils not adequately safeguarded and form of government. Some W others advocated a share of polit
Can the Sinhalese and Tam They can and they should, otherV disintegration of both. Despite 1 and the Tamils have lived in Sril years. The overwhelming majc Sinhalese are adherents of respectively, the two great religi tenets in common and teach lo conduct. Naturally, many cult communities are the same, if not these faiths should live amicably also reminded at this crucial ju significant words of a great Tai Poonkunranaar, who stated "Ya - every country is my own and all Nurtured in such ideals and trac Tamils are equipped to co-exist

country and to formulate a every citizen to live with ar or want. A unitary system nt continues to prevail which y by virtue of numbers, to nt of the Tamil community, age, education, employment felt that their interests were | demanded a change in the anted a separate state and ical power.
ils live togetherin Sri Lanka? vise it will lead to the gradual many conflicts the Sinhalese Lanka for over two thousand ority of the Tamils and the Hinduism and Buddhism ons which have many basic ve, tolerance and righteous ural practices of these two similar. The true adherents of as good neighbours. One is ncture in our history of the nil poet of the Sangam Age adhum oore yaavarum kelir” the people are my kinsmen. litions, the Sinhalese and the beacefully.

Page 277
Moreover, at a time whe space and to other planets and are breaking down national bar. think in terms of larger region world, it is prejudicial to the p new areas of division.
However, one must tak factors before deciding on as Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese anc majority and a minority in Sri nations. History tells us tha kingdoms and each had ruled C each inhabits certain areas, wh Sinhala or predominantly Te separate language and literature a distinct entity and wants to Sinhalese and the Tamils have t as stipulated in the two Unitec and Political Rights and on Eo Rights, to which Sri Lanka isa si that all peoples have the rig political status and freely to pur cultural development respectiv
In Sri Lanka we have for realities and to bring about the themajority was Considered der the principle of majority rule i

My Diplomat
n man is reaching out to outer when science and technology riers and making the people to al groupings and even of one rogress of humanity to create
e into consideration various uitable political structure for the Tamils are not a mere Lanka. They are actually two t they had their respective ver the other. Geographically, ich are either predominantly amil. Culturally, each has a 2. Above all, each feels that it is preserve it. As nations the he right of self-determination Nations Covenants on Civil conomic, Social and Cultural gnatory. Each Covenant states ht freely to determine their 'Sue their economic, social and ely.
too long refused to face these necessary changes. The rule of mocratic without realising that In a multi-ethnic state cannot

Page 278
Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri Lanka Relati.
apply to ethnic minorities withou tantamount to repudiating th determination.
During colonial times the keep nations under subjection in government. Decentralisation effected through selected officials after the Second World War and Nations Organisation, a new spir various parts of the world. Subj efforts were made by the internati Human Rights and fundamental became new states, many of ther communities, which at one tir Though political freedom was reg centralised government remained Power was not shared by the ethn of conflict were sown.
The situation got exacerbi leadership of the Sinhalese a whipping up communal feelin realising that they were rearing decades, Sinhala communalisr communalism and Vice versa. Ea to get their respective nominee subsequently, in many instance elections were over, to form gove

IS 267
it their consent as this would a right of peoples to self
imperial power was able to a highly centralised form of Of authority was generally as in totalitarian states. But, the creation of the United it of freedom swept through ect nations became free and ional community to promote freedoms. Colonial countries n incorporating multi-ethnic ne had remained separate. gained, the old form of highly in many cases as in Sri Lanka. ic Communities and the seeds
ated when the main political nd the Tamils resorted to gs to come to power, little a Frankenstein Monster. For in was buttressed by Tamil oh indirectly helped the other is elected to Parliament and s they joined together after rnments for narrow personal

Page 279
and party ends. But the communities, being victims o their leaders, got more and
fostered a divisive approach, people, earlier fed on commu way of thinking on the merits
of power. This is the predicam
The Tamil militant youth political leadership had failed, the Tamils by resorting to dir who were the worst affected violent advent into the politic the Scenario and compelled th contain their threat. The import when the TULF hierarchy ab being with the people in their Together with their families abroad, particularly in Tam organisation of the TULF i Sri Lanka collapsed with t leadership. The change of circu negotiate with the militant were conducted by the govern
Certain conditions have Tamils are to live in peace a relationship should be based o as seen in other multi-ethnic st

My Diplomat
members of the two ethnic the communal propaganda of more estranged. After having t is difficult now to convert the nalism and mistrust, to a new of national unity and of sharing ent we face now.
is, after having realised that their
decided to take up the cause of ect action. They were the ones by government policies. Their al arena dramatically changed he government to take steps to ance of the militant youths grew dicated their responsibility of hour of trial and tribulations. they had taken up residence il Nadu, India. The political in the North and the East of he hurried departure of its mstances made the government youths. Earlier negotiations ment only with the TULF.
to be met if the Sinhalese and ld harmony in one state. The n freedom, equality and justice ates, such as Switzerland, India

Page 280
Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri Lanka Relat
and Canada. Domination of O. should cease and the approach
live. All forms of discrimination language, caste or Sex should not to be shared and the composite should be reflected in the state ( should be the criterion for recrui and to institutions of learning.
must be made justiciable and le available. Institutions should be concepts and principles into ac political concepts, followed Suci with multi-ethnic societies, coul of devolution and to transfer ad enable them to manage their inte the Centre. A system of genuine the executive is responsible to should be created. The Cons amended and the division of pc the regional units should a Constitution. This system, whi regions, will also maintain th country. It is a compromise be highly centralised unitary state.
There should be politice this problem and the respons government which has the auth Failure to settle this question (

ons 269
he community by the other should be one of live and let on the basis of race, religion, be permitted. Power will have ' character of the population on the basis of equality. Merit lment to government services Fundamental Human Rights 3al remedies should be easily created to translate the above tual practice. Time honoured cessfully in various countries d be adopted to delimit units equate power to such units to 'rnal affairs, untrammelled by a devolution of power, where the elected representatives, titution should be suitably wers between the Centre and so be incorporated in the le ensuring autonomy to the e unity and integrity of the ween a separate state and a
will on both sides to settle ibility lies mainly with the ority and the means to do so. n honourable terms will lead

Page 281
to more violence on a larger St growing probability of outside conflict and making the whole
July 1983 was a watersl conflict was internationalised. T and in many other parts of Sr adverse publicity in the intern went to different parts of the India, where an estimated 140, Sought sanctuary. Fifty million the influx of Sri Lankan Tamils i feelings of anger and resentin India condemned the treatmen Prime Minister of India, Mrs. In was a national problem for Inc Nadu. The Indian government the Sri Lankan governmentanc resolve the ethnic problem. accepted this offer and the dir the ethnic question started. T India's good offices was a taci role in this problem, which ce affair of Sri Lanka.
It becomes the legitima community, when Human Righ international organisations and concern at the unfortunate de

My Diplomat
'ale, greater suffering and the : forces being drawn into the of Sri Lanka a war zone.
ned in our history. The ethnic he violent incidents in Colombo i Lanka were given wide and ational media. Tamil refugees world, particularly to South 000 are now reported to have Tamils live in Tamil Nadu and Into Tamil Nadu created Strong nent. Every political party in it meted out to the Tamils. The dira Gandhi announced that it lia and not a problem of Tamil expressed its grave concern to offered its good offices to help The Sri Lankan government ect involvement of India with he acceptance by Sri Lanka of t acknowledgement of India's 'ased to be purely a domestic
e concern of the international its of people are violated. Many i governments expressed their velopments in Sri Lanka and

Page 282
Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri Lanka Relati
welcomed the initiative take problem. Subsequent events hav decisive role on this question.
History and Geograph Sri Lanka and India together. Th Sri Lanka are almost all of Indial
at different times in her histor religion, language and culture Hindus and Buddhists, who for Sri Lanka, look up to India as “DI them go on pilgrimage to its hall language, Sanskrit and Pali have the growth of Sinhala, and Te contacts with Tamil scholars a
Music, dance and drama in Sri L interacted with similar, if not san festivals and days of religious sig countries. Many are the deepculture between the two countri find such ties as only twenty-tw tWO countries.
India by its sheer size, pop a dominant position in the So becoming a major power and he in the Councils of the world. The by India in the region and its proximity with Sri Lanka, will

(OJIS 271
n by India to resolve this e shown that India plays a
y have conspired to bring epresent day inhabitants of n origin, having arrived here y. They have strong ties of with their country of origin. m 86% of the population of hamma Dwipaʼ and many of lowed shrines. In the field of contributed substantially to mill has been enriched by ind their Writings in India. anka have in their own Way, he, art forms in India. Certain nificance are observed in both rooted ties of kinship and es and it is not surprising to to miles of sea separates the
pulation and potential enjoys uth Asian region. It is fast r voice is heard with respect pre-eminent position enjoyed close ties of kinship and naturally involve her, either

Page 283
directly or indirectly, with de time immemorial this has interaction lessened consider countries by the European po
After both countries colonial subjection in thi co-operation between Sri L non-aligned, developing Col together in international for Non-aligned Movement an approach on many questions Colonialism, Disarmament a Order was similar. They are no South Asian Association for R established to look after the in countries. Cultural exchanges took place in various fields Sri Lanka study in Indian ul Indian government scholarship and India have grown overth co-operation between Sri Lank in many fields. In addition economic co-operation, se corporations, private Compan the economic development of
Despite the close relati Sri Lanka and India there was many Sinhalese that India m

My Diplomat
velopments in Sri Lanka. From been the case, though the bly during colonial rule of both
regained their freedom from ) late forties, contacts and anka and India increased. As untries they generally Worked a like the United Nations, the d the Commonwealth. Their like Apartheid, Human Rights, nd the International Economic w members of the newly formed egional Co-operation (SAARC) terests of the seven South Asian between Sri Lanka and India . Hundreds of students from niversities, including some on S. Trade links between Sri Lanka a years. Economic and technical a and India have also expanded o government to government veral Indian public sector ies and banks have assisted in Sri Lanka.
onship between the peoples of a lurking fear in the minds of ly take over Sri Lanka. Earlier

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Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri Lanka Rela
history of invasions from South I in the North and East of the stateless people of recent Indiar and the economic influence exe men at one time, formed the basi explain the reason for the Defen Kingdom signed by Sri Lanka
granting of independence. The
territories" and "defence against ernment at that time dependec Security and protection and the and naval bases in Sri Lanka communication to Australia, Ne was because of this fear that Pu was in Ceylon a fear complete overwhelm Ceylon and absorb nobody in India thinks that W Ceylon and a friendly Ceylon. II us than any other country, cultul and even in the matter of rel continue to deal with Ceylon in
When SWIRD Bandarana Minister in 1956, United Kingd. bases as it was felt that it c principles. Bandaranaikes polic in the international field. Close between the two countries at th

tions 273
ndia, the presence of the Tamils Island, the question of the origin in the plantation areas 'rcised by the Indian business s of these fears. This may partly ce Agreement with the United in November 1947 before the stated purpose is "Security of external aggression." The govon the United Kingdom for latter on her part wanted air a to strengthen her lines of w Zealand and the Far East. It indit Nehru once said, "There ly unjustified that India may it. I have repeatedly said that ay. We want an independent every sense Ceylon is near to 'ally, linguistically, historically igion. We should treat and a friendly way."
like came to power as Prime om was asked to wind up the onflicted with non-aligned y was also to work with India nd cordial relations prevailed at time.

Page 285
When the present gove. turned to the Western bloc co in support of a policy of fre exchange and import regu attractive packages were off Large-scale assistance poured and certain actions of the Sri L close scrutiny of India, whicl Super power rivalry coming concerned at the decision of th to hand over the Trincomalee" to a consortium of three firms feared that the tanks may serv ships and submarines in the I renewal of the Voice of Ame thousand acre plot of land Airport, to install six transmit be strategically important con the Indian Ocean. She also su ment entered into with UK
Bandaranalike in 1956 was disappointed that Sri Lanka . own proposal made by Mrs United Nations, to make the These and other developmer concerned.
The ethnic problem c violence and counter violence passed, it became increasingl

My Diplomat
rnment came to power in 1977 it untries for economic assistance 'e and open economy. Foreign lations were liberalised and ered to investors from abroad. from the Western bloc countries ankan government came under h is always anxious to prevent g to her door stop. India was e Sri Lankan government in 1984 Tank Farm Development Project with Western connections. She seas refuelling facility for naval indian Ocean. India felt that the trica agreement in 1983, where
was given near Katunayake ters of 250 KW. capacity, would munication base for the USA in uspects that the Defence AgreeK in 1947 and neutralised by reactivated in 1981. India is now appears luke Warm to her Sirimavo Bandaranalike at the Indian Ocean a zone of peace. ts made India feel uneasy and
alled for an urgent solution as : continued to escalate. As days y clear that India's good offices

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Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri Lanka Rela
were essential to resolve the suspicion, both governments g Indian involvement in the settle the benefit of both the Sinh psychological fear of the Sinha Tamils will lead to separation \ the Sinhalese. If there is a mu between the Sinhalese and the autonomy for the Tamils, then guarantee that settlement. This Sinhalese. It should also benef India could ensure the pro agreement. It will therefore be in to maintain cordial relations wi will also be in the interest of Ind in the context of the unity and in settle this problem soon will at scene, widen the area of tensior flank of India. India could least a when she is engaged in fighting Northern and North-Eastern pa interest of the Sinhalese, Tamils about a mutually acceptable sol
An example of a third pa ; he communal conflict in North Agreement (1985) between th Republic of Ireland. This Agreen by the United Kingdom with

tions 275
e problem. Despite mutual got together for this purpose. ment of the dispute may be to talese and the Tamils. The lese is that autonomy for the With adverse consequences to tually acceptable settlement amils on the basis of genuine India as a third party could should allay the fears of the it the Sri Lankan Tamils, for per implementation of the the overall interest of Sri Lanka
th India. On the other hand it lia to bring about a settlement tegrity of Sri Lanka. Failure to tract outside powers into the and destabilise the Southern fford to have such a situation, fissiparous tendencies in her rts. It will therefore, be in the , Sri Lanka and India to bring ution of the ethnic problem.
rty coming in to help resolve ern Ireland is the Anglo-Irish e United Kingdom and the nent provides for consultation the Republic of Ireland on

Page 287
matters concerning Northerr Cyprus question, most proba parties to a settlement.
Switzerland is a good It is a multi-racial country, w recognised as national lan speaking people formed 65% speaking 18%, the Italian spea speaking as low as 1%. The administrative regions, each ( Though considerable amoun cantons, yet they do not w countries of origin from wher. they are adjacent to these ar. jealously guard their indep maintain a strong army to pr neutrality in their foreign poli theirindependence. It will besi to keep the ethnic communiti of power creates a sense of bel in which citizens are equal. N the French speaking, the Ita Romansh speaking peoples w also their adjoining cousins in not want to annex them to thei that a contented people is th stability within countries and

My Diplomat
Ireland. Again, as regards the ably Greece and Turkey will be
2xample for Sri Lanka to follow. here all the four languages are guages. In 1980 the German of the population, the French aking 10% and Rhaeto Romansh Swiss Cantons are not simply ne is a small autonomous state. t of power is enjoyed by these ant to separate and join their e they came, despite the fact that eas. On the contrary, the Swiss endence and way of life and otect their frontiers. Permanent cy, is also followed to safeguard een that autonomy actually helps es together as adequate sharing onging and a loyalty to the state Not only the German speaking, lian speaking and the Rhaeto ant to remain in Switzerland, but Germany, France and Italy do rrespective territories. It is clear e Sure guarantee of peace and between countries.

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Ethnic Crisis and Indo-Sri Lanka Relatic
Sri Lanka should endea
relations and better understan neighbour and like her the only region. Recent history has shown has been the first to come to Sri and heavy rains devastated vast and the North Central provinces i Force that dropped relief supplie 1971, when an insurgency nea constituted government, India cai and helped her to subdue the reb days the Indian navy maintainec the waters off the Sri Lankan Co Indian army guarded the Katuna that time that though the Sri La appealed for troops from a Weste turned down. India on her parts neighbours that she supports security, A feeling of mutual trus built. The South Asian Associatio (SAARC) could be strengthened members.
The ethnic crisis has to be us hope that all parties to the dis peace and harmony to Sri Lanka

)/ገS 277
vour to maintain cordial ding with India, a strong practising democracy in the that in times of crises, India Lanka's aid. When cyclone i areas of land in the North In 1958, it was the Indian Air es to the affected Victims. In rly destroyed the lawfully me to the rescue of Sri Lanka ellion. During those critical | a round the clock patrol of ast and a detachment of the yake Airport. It was said at nkan government had also *rn country, the request Was should work to reassure her their independence and st and confidence should be n for Regional Co-operation for the mutual benefit of its
overcome without delay. Let pute will co-operate to bring and the South Asian region.

Page 289
When the Indo-Sri Lanl Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gt J. R. Jayewardene, a Peace-Keepin sent by India in 1987 at the req But before the Agreement was fi President, Ranasinghe Premadas in 1989 and on behalf of the Hin this comprehensive statement. H with clarity and Said
The Hindu Council of S of Hindus of Sri Lanka, is gi situation in the country. Thes situation is the Sinhala - Tam decades and has eaten i politic. Despite many attemp SLFP governments, party pol national problem.
Since independence, th a period of increasing discr colonisation of Tamil areas, of agreements and of violence property. This resulted in the

can Agreement was signed by the indhi and the President of Sri Lanka ig Force to disarm the militants (vas test of the Sri Lankan government. illy implemented, the newly elected wanted the withdrawal of the IPKF du Council of Sri Lanka, Yoga made earticulated the Tamil point of view
Sri Lanka, a representative body avely concerned at the present single biggest cause of the tragic il problem, which has lasted for nto the vitals of our body ts to resolve it by the UNP and itics prevented a solution of the
four decades for the Tamils was mination and state sponsored broken promises and unfulfilled und destruction of persons and Tamils taking to arms to defend

Page 290
The Indo-Sri Lankan Agreement
their vital interests. Owing to collapse of mutual trust, the good of not only to stop the fighti compromise, constitutional fram a comprehensive settlement w reconciled the basic concerns of and provided for devolution of unity and integrity of Sri Lank establishing the constitutional
Parliament and approved by t provincial, presidential and parl
India guaranteed the se Tamils would not have accepte ance of the Agreement and at t government, India sent a Peace. militants, who were not prepare the Sri Lankan security forces. Ir and the Indian governments unc security and safety of all com Province of Sri Lanka.
Unfortunately, the Indobeen fully implemented. The Sr completed the process of devol Provincial Council and the II Some of the militants, though t going on.

pitter fighting and complete offices of India were availed ng, but also to agree on a ework. This was the first time as reached. The Agreement the Sinhalese and the Tamils power in the context of the a. The necessary legislation framework was adopted by he people at the successive iamentary elections.
ttlement without which the d the Agreement. In furtherhe request of the Sri Lankan -Keeping Force to disarm the 2d to hand over their arms to addition both the Sri Lankan lertook to ensure the physical munities in the North-East
iri Lanka Agreement has not Lankan government has not ring power to the North-East "KF has not fully disarmed he two parallel processes are

Page 291
The Hindu Council fee
Sinhalese and the Tamils that be implemented in full with presence of the IPKF becom According to the reports investigations, the vast major to remain till the Agreement i
The government of S institute consultations with tl one hand and the governmen the Speedy implementation of withdrawal of the IPKF. If the its mandate from the people the Same principle negotiate ou representatives of the Tamil p on breaking the Agreement. If the Tamils will be back to
HISTORY TO REPEAT ITSELF larger scale and the chances country will be gravely threate the Agreement should be imp delay as it is the only way out course of action will lay ti communal harmony in Sri presence of a third party will

My Diplomat
ls that it is in the interest of the the Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement out any delay. The continued les necessary till this is done. we got and from our own ity of the Tamils want the IPKF s fully implemented.
ri Lanka should immediately he Tamil representatives on the t of India on the other, to ensure the Agreement and the staggered government of Sri Lanka claims that elected it, it should also on itstanding issues with the elected eople. Vested interests are keen they succeed, the Sinhalese and square one. Let us not allow : Violence will start again on a of Sri Lanka remaining as one 2ned. It is our fervent prayer that lemented in good faith without of the present situation. Such a he foundation for peace and Lanka and the need for the
then not arise.

Page 292
To Yoga, the ethnic questio issue. The Indo-Lanka Agreement outlook into an international One. militants are the parties to the con necessary to settle the issue, withou In 1992, he nade this Statentent 1992.
enewed attempts are b
major offensive is taki
Province to portray the a domestic question, when it i. international community.
The ethnic question or the been in existence for decades, proportions after the organisec Tamils causing death and destru fled to foreign countries by ten succour.
Many governments even r to admit refugees. Not only gove concern of developments but organisations and the media committed against the Tamils. T was no longer a domestic affair.

11 (Uas certainly not a domestic itself had changed the domestic Since the government and the flict, a third party is absolutely E which no progress could be had. Courtesy - The Island 5th July
eing made, at a time when a ing place in the North-East ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka as s already the concern of the
: Sinhala - Tamil problem, has but it assumed international 1 attacks of 1983 against the 1ction on a large scale. Tamils s of thousands for refuge and
elaxed their immigration laws rnments expressed their grave international Human Rights
condemned the atrocities he ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka

Page 293
Today, there are about Sri Lanka, a number stagge: island and nearly five hund In India alone, there are r thousand refugees, mostly ir close cultural ties with the Lankan citizens most of whic for no fault of theirs, are abu expect to contain this prot territory of Sri Lanka and Ca
The United Nations seized with the Sri Lankan signatory to the United N Political Rights and on Econ both these covenants incorp of Self-determination of peo
By virtue of that rig political status and freely p cultural development. The entitled to exercise the right lived in Sri Lanka for over t their respective kingdoms.T identity and Want to prese geographical regions.
But the majority of th kinship with the Sinhalese live in a united Sri Lanka

My Diplomat
one million displaced persons in ing by any standards for a small ed thousand in foreign countries. early one hundred and twenty Tamil Nadu, whose people have Tamils of Sri Lanka. When Sri m uprooted from their native soil rden on other countries, does one blem within the confines of the ll it a domestic affair?
Human Rights Commission is ethnic question. Sri Lanka is a ations Covenants on Civil and omic, Social and Cultural Rights; orate as their first article the right ples.
ht they freely determine their ursue their economic, Social and Sinhalese and the Tamils are of self-determination. They have Wo thousand years and have had hey are conscious of their cultural rve them. They occupy distinct
e Tamils, who have many ties of in religion and culture, want to as equal citizens and are today

Page 294
The Ethnic Question - Is It A Domestic
struggling to achieve it. This obj So far and the struggle goes community, which is now in th that this problem is a domestic on or the other countries to accept Sinhalese and the Tamils have to agreement and live in peace, if th not to be seized with this proble)
No longer are human right a domestic affair of a country. Th ber states are concerned when til rights in any part of the World Sri Lanka spoke regularly at the discrimination in South Africa, Palestinian people. It is on this pre deep concern in the sixties at th Buddhists of South Vietnam ul Catholic President Diem and ser this question.
Today, there are expre international community at the human rights by member state the world body has also acted to
When the Kurdish minor Iraqi rule was deprived of food United States and the British Ail

Affair 283
ective has not been achieved
on. The majority Sinhala e seats of power, cannot say e and expect either the Tamils
this point of view. Both the forge a mutually satisfactory e international community is
ts and fundamental freedoms he United Nations and memhere are violations of human ... It is on this principle that United Nations against racial and for human rights of the mise that Sri Lanka expressed e alleged ill treatment of the nder the rule of the Roman ut an ambassador to report on
issions of concern by the continued violations of basic s of the United Nations, and
rectify tragic situations.
ty fighting for freedom from supplies and medicines, the Force planes under the aegis

Page 295
of the United Nations, droppe Kurdish population. There wa air space or its sovereignty.
Again, just a few days a supplies to the besieged civili Council resolved to take con ensure that the relief Supplies
Sovereignty, as we kne concept. The improvement in t the growing interdependen concern for human rights and contributed to an increasing get together for their greaterg
Regional groupings and been formed to deal with var.
which cut across state bounda and the number of subjects w the domestic jurisdiction of a
The Indo-Lanka Agre acknowledged the need for resolve the ethnic question ar was not a domestic affair of Agreement without which t militant groups would not Settlement.

My Diplomat
d food supplies for the starving as no question of violating Iraqi
go the United Nations sent food ans of Sarajevo and the Security trol of the Sarajevo Airport to were sent regularly.
w it earlier is now an outdated echnology and communications, ce of States, the international fundamental freedoms have all awareness that peoples should good.
international organisationshave
ious problems, the solutions for tries. Sovereignty is now shared which could come purely under state is considerably reduced.
rement of July 1987 formally the services of a third party to ld Confirmed the position that it Sri Lanka. India guaranteed the he Tamil political parties and have accepted the compromise

Page 296
The Ethnic Ouestion - Is It A Domestic,
This Agreement was sub Sri Lankan Cabinet of Minister Sri Lanka at the provincial, pre elections. Let us now fully imple faith.
Internecine wars are takir world but, in no other place ar. property taking place on a large continued for long and has becC that the international media do to this tragedy. This relentle counter-violence goes on due to and to learn to live and let live.
The political leadership C the main cause of this tragedy an our attitudes, our peoples are c need fresh thinking and it is they and Tamils, free from prejudices Conflict and create a country whe call it his or her own.

sequently endorsed by the s and later by the people of sidential and parliamentary ment this Agreement in good
g place in many parts of the e killings and destruction of scale as in Sri Lanka. It has me so normal an occurrence not now pay much attention SS pursuit of violence and
our inability to face realities
in both sides of the divide is d unless we resolve to change loomed to a slow death. We foung generation of Sinhalese , who could help resolve this reevery citizen could proudly

Page 297
In September 1993, the F Commemorated the Centenary of the Parliament of Religions in Cl borate arrangements in Calcul Religions inviting speakers from (Uas the only speaker from S1 gathering at the Netaji Stal celebrations, speaking of Swamiji
nehundred years ag.
a unique and repres
leaders of different fa on behalf "of the millions and classes and sects." His majesti voice and his universal approa those present at the Chicago . Monk, with faith in himself an Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, tradition, who spoke of the reli acceptance. When the various the exclusive merits of their Vivekananda took the audienc Oneness of humanity, indeed, acceptance of all religions wonderful hymn he had repea different streams having their

Ramakrishna Mission in Calcutta S(0a111i Vivekananda's Address at licago. The Mission had made ela Eta, organising a Parliament of various parts of the (UOrld. Yoga i Lanka and he addressed the dium on the first day of the as 'The Prophet of Our Age'.
) at the Parliament of Religions, entative gathering of religious iths, Swami Vivekananda Spoke millions of Hindu people of all c personality, his commanding ch captured the imagination of Assembly. Here was an Indian d in God, inspired by his Guru, and nurtured in the Hindu gion of tolerance and universal religious dignitaries advocated respective religions, Swami e by storm by emphasising the of all beings, and Hinduism's as true. He referred to the ted from his boyhood - "As the Sources in different places all

Page 298
Swami Vivekananda
mingle their water in the Sea, so which men take through differer they appear, Crooked or straight, c different approach of peace transformed the audience, who V the doctrine of the Sanatan philosophy.
Swami Vivekananda str Indian and International scene. humanity. He revealed Hinduism the Hindus of the East from the was born at a time when his co and his people were politicall impoverished and socially divid as a cohesive force and held the many millennia, despite their et was later misunderstood and in wake a stunted and a weak natio the imposition ofalien faiths coi State of affairs.
Swami Vivekananda re country resolved to work for its could be effectively reorganist basis of religion. According to h living, having survived many realised that the national ch thousands of years of a religiou cannot flow back. He exhorted

Oh Lord, the different paths it tendencies, Various though 'll lead to Thee.'A completely and harmony of religions vere yearning to hear more of a Dharma, the perennial
ode like a Colossus on the He made a deep impact on n to the West and reawakened ir slumber and servitude. He untry was under British rule y suppressed, economically ed. Religion which had acted people of India together for hnic and political differences, hisinterpreted bringing in its n. Centuries of alien rule with tributed substantially to this
alising the sad state of his upliftment. He felt that India *d and strengthened on the im the Indian nation was still
trials and tribulations. He aracter had matured after s tradition and like a river it his people to shake off their

Page 299
shackles of religious indiffe dependence and to march forv determination, to restore the them hope and strength. Stre every stage. "Strength is life, felicity, life eternal, immortal. misery," proclaimed Swami Vir minds of his fellow country. confidence. He declared, "Sta. the whole responsibility on yol are the creator of your own Succour you want is within yo own future."
Religion to Swami V promote peace and harmony devotee and an ardent advo preaches peace and harmon Separating themselves and for them to remain in the great Co. of Hindu, which to him wa glorious possession." He once the least of the Hindu race, yet ancestors. I am proud to call that no destruction of religio Indian Society, and that this account of religion but becaus to Society as it should have be and not in the religion. Im

My Diplomat
rence, political and economic ward, imbued with courage and pristine glory of India. He gave ngth was what he preached at weakness is death. Strength is Weakness is constant strain and
vekananda. He inculcated in the men a feeling of courage and nd up, be bold, be strong; take ur shoulders and know that you destiny. All the strength and urselves. Therefore, make your
ivekananda was essential to among people. He was a great cate of the Hindu faith which y. He did not like the Hindus ming different sects, but wanted mmon fold and retain the name is the "greatest and the most 2 exclaimed, "Here am I, one of proud of my race, proud of my myself a Hindu...' He stated, in is necessary to improve the
state of Society exists not on e religion has not been applied en. The mistake is in ourselves proper emphasis is placed on

Page 300
Swami Vivekananda
Superstition, rituals, fasting
weakening one's System perma caste system. Fasting for hous it is done in moderation. Ritual point, it should not detractus f which is to enable us to leat without fear. We should be stro to face successfully the challe encounter in life. Hinduism practised will enable us to meet
The spiritual traditions religion of humanity. The sprea rights has strengthened the il preserve his culture and idei community of like-minded indi\ either within or outside a state, and to preserve their cultur governments to appreciate the cultural identity has led to confli parts of the world.
While this tendency t identity is strong, there is a par and unite on regional and intern . Science and technology resul communications has shortened closer to one another. The interin this sense and people from

for prolonged periods and nently, and on the outmoded eholders is useful, provided s should be observed up to a "om the essence of Hinduism, i a righteous life on earth ng, mentally and physically, nges and problems that we properly understood and these demands.
of India could well be the ld of democracy and human hdividual and his desire to ntity. This desire enables a siduals to form political units,
to manage their own affairs al identity. The failure of luman urge to preserve one's its of a violent nature in many
o preserve one's cultural allel movement to co-operate ational levels. The advance in ing in the development of listances and brought people dependent world has shrunk ifferent parts are interacting

Page 301
with each other more often a new attitudes and ways of life. longer confined to national bou state jurisdiction and are also international organisations, I gradually eroding and giving The concept of one world ar from it are slowly but surely ta
These two movement: cultural identity and the other greater good are not contradict synthetic whole enabling peopl
A change of attitude is enlightened approach. We mu while recognising the differe) Hinduism's all embracing appr and universal acceptance are \ attitudinal change. Besides, it is not on personalities.
"These truths are unive across differences of race, relig to shelter anyone and everyon and adaptable to changing cil religions, accepts that there are cares not to oppose the prog promotes unity in diversity an

My Diplomat
nd at various levels, creating Problems and solutions are no hdaries. They have transcended the concern of regional and esulting in state sovereignty 3 way to shared Sovereignty. ld the way of life that flows king shape.
s, the one to preserve one's to co-operate and coalesce for ory. It could be forged into one e to live in peace and harmony.
necessary to adopt such an st treat humanity as a whole nt cultural streams within it. oach and its values of tolerance well suited to bring about this founded on eternal truths and
'rsal in their outlook, cutting ion and nationality, and ready 2." It is applicable to all times cumstances. It respects other various paths to salvation and ress of any other system. It i qualifies to be the religion of

Page 302
Swami Vivekananda
the entire World. Swami Vivek religion which will have no intolerance in its polity, which every man and woman and who force will be centred in aidi
own truth - Divine nature, is or now known as the Hindu Wa religion and all nations will follo
Swami Vivekananda h in bringing out so eloquently a of the Spiritual traditions of Ind this respect alone he made a me harmony and progress of humal a great Soul ordained by God to On our horizon, glittering like vision and joy. He gave strengt faint-hearted and hope to humar values of love and truth, live anc strife-torn world. He is indeed,

ananda proclaimed, "Such a place for persecution or
will recognise Divinity in se wholescope, whose whole ng humanity, to realise its ly found in our ancient way, y of thinking. Offer such a
ad the unique distinction nd forcefully the universality la to the outside world and in jor contribution to the peace, nity. Swami Vivekananda was serve humanity. He appeared a morning star, full of life, h to the weak, courage to the ity. He brought out the Hindu i let live, as a way of life to the the Prophet of our Age

Page 303
Swami Chinmayananda C there. Since then we have been When the Chinmaya Mission zu closely associated with it. Sivan Viss Ua Hindu Parishad i Ind Member and soon after, (with S Sri Lanka Branch of the VHP President. This was a speech t, that was held on the 5th of , Gurudeo Savanti Chinmayanand
e have gathered he
GurudeV, Swami (
and dynamic leac the virtues and values of Sa philosophy popularly known many. Hindusthemselves wer their own religion, and sol themselves Hindus, thanks to a time when interested parties denigrating the great relig appeared on the scene to dispe into the Wonderful Treasure-F
He followed in the foi and dynamic leader, Swami a colossus on the Indian and I

ame to Manila when we were posted following his yagnas and lectures. "as founded in Sri Lanka, ave zvere ji was the Founder President of the ia, of which Yoga was an active (vaniji's blessings he founded the in Jaffna and was elected its first hat was delivered at the Meeting August 1994 in memory of Pujya
are today to pay homage to Pujya Chinmayananda, an enlightened ter, who practised and preached natana Dharma, the perennial as Hinduism. At a time when e not fully aware of the tenets of me even felt ashamed to call their faulty upbringing, and at motivated by selfish aims were ion, Swami Chinmayananda their darkness and to lead them ouse, known as Hinduism.
otsteps of another enlightened Vivekananda, who strode like international Scene and brought

Page 304
A Tribute to Pujya Gurudev
out the essence of Hinduism in S Chinmayananda was a great ad In one of his articles on the "I Swami Chinmayananda refers
"people who give a fillip to th Society and uplift the entire gene life, a higher dignity of morality, men are called Saints and seers great virtues and values. Men
world, not for profit nor for suc they are doing the right thing, i. they will be recognised in thei achievement wants is the secret
of fulfilment that he has done th care whether others recognise hi lives on, against all obstacles, ir way of life and thus bringing abo change in the country. With tiu the civilisation of the society work. Christ, Vivekananda, San and a fillip to the ideal - a life and experienced, not merely con ideal individuals alone have up level, to a greater consciousness ( description of a Man of Achi Chinmayananda. He belong of Achievement, who by their fa have contributed to the proces generation, "to a higher standa morality, a greater virtue in livin

imple, clear language. Swami nirer of Swami Vivekananda. light Attitudes for Success," to Men of Achievement as, e general cultural beauty of ration to a higher standard of a greater virtue in living. Such prophets or incarnations of of achievement work in the :cess, but from a feeling that respective of whether or not r lifetime. All that a man of of joy in himself and a sense le best he could. He does not m or not. A man of fulfilment uspiring others by his joyous ut a new movement of moral me, the morality, the culture,
rises up because of their kara - all of them gave a push
that they themselves lived eived and talked about. Such lifted the world to a higher f the higher joys in life." This evement aptly fits Swami s to this galaxy of Men th, dedication and discipline s of upliftment of an entire d of life, a higher dignity of
2." ל

Page 305
There are many simil Swami Vivekananda and Sw faith in themselves and in ( message of Hinduism, not on but also to people of other cou approach to problems wer immersed in the Hindu way One should understand Hindt
Hinduism cannot be c because it is not a religion in Hinduism is a way of life base Unlike other religions it is r particular prophet or a par receptive in its outlook and ul not to oppose the progress of difficulty in including the oth fold. It is therefore not onl religions as paths to reach hig It is a religion for the entire said, "Hinduism strives for thi through them the entire wo Sarva Dharma Sama Bhat contribution to civilisation freedom to practise one's relig
It is the Hindu appr tolerant, all embracing atti of humanity to preserve

My Diplomat
arities in the life and work of ami Chinmayananda. They had God and carried the universal ly to their own people in India, intries. Their attitude to life, and e similar. They were deeply of life and to understand them, uism.
ompared to any other religion, the narrow sense of the word. 'd on certain timeless principles. lot based on the teaching of a ticular book. It is broad and niversal in its approach. It cares any other religion and it has no er religions in its all embracing y tolerant, but accepts other her levels of spiritual evolution. humanity. As Mahatma Gandhi e betterment of all religions and ld." Religious egalitarianism - ava - is one of Hinduism's and the fundamental right of ion flows from this concept.
oach to life that permits this tude and it is in the interest and promote this spirit of

Page 306
A Tribute to Pujya Gurudev
accommodation, for in a highly many states have multi-religio religions must be maintained fo the message of Hinduism, wh Swami Chinmayananda carrie World.
The belief in this noble religions does not necessarily unreasonable demands ma community in the name of reli jeopardised by placating com political gains. Such actions we and contributed to political insta opposed such moves. He lovec never filinched from his dut considered the right.
Swami Chinmayananda an Indian. He had exhorted his yourself worthy of the glorious the wonderful Treasure-House. Spiritual Empire. Let us be Hil Hindus, who despite being th independent India, were take their legitimate place. Centuri docile, disorganised and We affairs set in and Hindus stari retrieve their lost position. Swa

inter-dependent world, where us communities, harmony of r peace and progreSS. This was ich Swami Vivekananda and
2d to the four corners of the
: concept of the harmony of mean that we must give into de by some Sections of a gion. Religious harmony was munal forces for the sake of nt against justice and fair play bility. Swami Chinmayananda i his country and people and y to speak up for what he
was proud to be a Hindu and people - "Sit up! Awake! Prove heritage. Unlock the doors of . Make India regain her great indus!!" He felt deeply for the le overwhelming majority in n for granted and not given es of Subjugation made them ak. Reaction to this state of ted organising themselves to ami Chinmayananda was one

Page 307
who supported this idea a formation of the Vishva Hindu inaugural meeting. The Vishv maligned organisation, but its
a) to protect, develop and s
- ethical and spiritual. b) to consolidate and stren; c) to arouse the social cons d) to serve the poor and in all times and in all way on the basis of caste or C.
In furtherance of its objec all over India a number of social hospitals, dispensaries, hostels, Parishad works for the dynam concept of Dharma, which spreading the message of promotion of humanitarian va The Vishva Hindu Parishad ha: organisations in different parts
"Hinduism Today," a w monthly magazine published i Swami Chinmayananda as the "Hindu Renaissance Award" W "who make the strongest impa and teach Hinduism's vastnes

My Diplomat
und he participated in the 1 Parishad and presided at its a Hindu Parishad is a much noble objectives are:-
pread the Hindu values of life
3 then Hindu society. ciousness of the people. eglected sections of society at s, without any discrimination reed.
tives the Parishad has launched service projects which include , Schools and orphanages. The ic interpretation of the Hindu can revitalise society. It is social transformation and lues for the welfare of Society. s many branches and fraternal of the World.
idely circulated international n ten overseas editions, chose 1992, "Hindu of the Year." This as conceived to honour those, ct on all Hindus of the world S, tolerance, compassion and

Page 308
A Tribute to Pujya Gurudev
Spiritualdepth "The journal des as a, "tireless and illumined del of the Sanatana Dharma." Swan organiser who had commande one hundred Hindu Centres Chinmaya Missions. He had als - educational, cultural and med hundred Brahmacharis and Swa philosophy and had establish Institutions of Vedantic study teachers are in training. One C Library and Research Centre, r. Sankara, and its purpose was to philosophies and to find and pu to foster global peace and unde Venture
Swami Chinmaya had lectured to audiences in th was a powerful speaker, who concepts in Hindu thought. books and many articles on reli
I had the privilege a Swamiji on a few occasions, bol was a multi-faceted personality dignified presence. He kept his his wisdom, learning and fl dedicated worker, an able orgar a courageous leader. He wa standard, a Man of Achieveme

cribed Swami Chinmayananda ender, teacher and missionary ni Chinmayananda was a great d respect. He had started over around the world known as o established other institutions ical. He had trained about one mis to disseminate the Vedanta ed about ten Sandeepany or , where about one thousand f his objectives was to start a lear the ancestral home of Adi bring together all the world's blicise universal themes likely rstanding. It is, indeed, a noble
nanda, an erudite personality, e East as well as the West. He explained lucidly the various He had written about forty gious Subjects.
ind good fortune to meet h in Sri Lanka and abroad. He with a majestic figure and a audience in rapt attention with uency in speech. He was a iser, a strict disciplinarian and s, indeed, by his own high lt.

Page 309
At the World Conference held in Riva Del Guarda Italy i Supporting the idea of the Int Co-operation and Conflict R organisation based on inter-reli harmony among people founded create this co-operation through tolerance and understanding amo
he spread of democ strengthened the indivi his culture and ide. community and like-minded units, either within or outside affairs and to preserve their c governments to appreciate the cultural identity has led to conf parts of the world.
While this tendency to p is strong, there is a parallel unite on regional and interne science and technology resu communications has shortenec

on Religion and Peace (WCRP) 1. 1994, this statement (vas made arnational Centre for Religious esolutio #1. The WCRP is a na gious co-operation for peace and in 1970 in Kyoto, Japan to help inter-religious efforts promoting ng people of different faiths.
racy and human rights has dual and his desire to preserve ntity. This desire enables a individuals to form political a state to manage their own ultural identity. The failure of human urge to preserve one's licts of a violent nature in many
reserve one's cultural identity movement to co-operate and tional levels. The advance in lting in the development of distances and brought people

Page 310
International Centre
closer to one another. The inter-d in this sense and people from di with each other more often anc new attitudes and ways of life. PI longer confined to national bound state jurisdiction and are also t international organisations, res gradually eroding and giving Wa concept of one world and the way slowly but surely taking shape.
These two movements, cultural identity and the other to greater good are not contradictor synthetic whole enabling people
A change of attitude is I enlightened approach. We must while recognising the different Cl Hindu ideal as mentioned in "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam, thi This all embracing approach anc universal acceptance are well attitudinal change. Peace can de velopment, poverty alle vi conservation. Hinduism emphasi the needs of the individual and and nature, between righteousne of wealth (artha). One has to worl

ependent world has shrunk fferent parts are interacting i at various levels, creating oblems and solutions are no aries. They have transcended he concern of regional and ulting in state Sovereignty y to shared sovereignty. The of life that flows from it, are
the one to preserve one's co-operate and coalesce for y. It could be forged into one to live in peace and harmony.
necessary to adopt such an
treat humanity as a whole ultural streams within it. The the ancient Upanishads is a whole world is a family. i its values of tolerance and suited to bring about this not be disassociated from ation and environmental ses balance, balance between hat of Society, between man SS (dharma) and the pursuit towards Loka-Sangraha (the

Page 311
Welfare of society), whether World. One needs a reconci in the name of the commong
Hinduism is foundec personalities. These truths cutting across differences o and ready to shelter any one all times and adaptable t respects other religions, accel salvation and cares not to o system. It promotes unity in have no place for persec Vivekananda’s clarion cal *ASSimilation and not Des and not Dissension.” Fc Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, reli conformity or ceremonial p nature, the transforming c something different from w religion with such an out credal conflicts become ir pathways for the realisal fulfilment of our true nature. accept doctrines as different God and not as final stateme
We have gathered her of the WCRP, "to examine W mobilised in search for a so religious communities rep mobilisation.”

My Diplomat
it be the village, the nation or the liation and competing priorities good.
l on eternal truths and not on are universal in their outlook, f race, religion and nationality and everyone. It is applicable to o changing circumstances. It pts that there are various paths to ppose the progress of any other n diversity. Such a religion will ution or intolerance. Swami l was, "Help and not fight;" truction; "Harmony and peace or the Hindu as stated by gion is not so much doctrinal iety as the re-changing of our four personality - becoming that we are. When we identify look, doctrinal rivalries and relevant. We accept different Iion of the religious goal of Conflicts could be avoided if we pathways to the realisation of ints of the truth.
2, as stated by Cynthia Sampson rays in which religion might be ution and how WCRP and the resented, might assist in that

Page 312
International Centre
Let usin a nutshellhave ap of the sad conflict in Sri Lanka, in need for a settlement. A war rage where one community of citizer part of Sri Lanka including ev religious, is involved in this senst a heavy toll of life and property. V are the order of the day. Since 1 been killed and many more mai Destruction of property, both put a massive Scale. About six hur refugees in their own country, in towns and villages. Those who c. by fair means or foul, are doing : and these Sri Lankans are most foreign climes as unwelcome re direct victims of this conflict and in their homes are living in a stat
These developments are a our history. The human valu drowned in the sea of internecine Sensibilities and creating a feeling of our people. Many of us living particularly in Colombo, are not the situation andare suffering un when our body politic is being to economic progress and Social jus in the country as a whole, if one grip of violence and instability.

icture of the nature and scope Lorder to focus on the urgent S in the North-East Province, is is fighting another. Every ery community – ethnic or eless conflict, which is taking 'iolence and counter violence 983 tens of thousands have (med, leading helpless lives. blic and private, has been on hdred thousand people are many instances, in their own ould leave the country either so by hundreds every month ly eking out an existence in efugees. Those who are not are fortunate to remain alive e of uncertainty.
great tragedy unheard of in es we have cherished, are conflict. It is benumbing our of helplessness in the minds ; in other parts of Sri Lanka, fully, aware of the gravity of der a delusion that all is well, rn asunder. Political stability, tice will be adversely affected part of it, is in the continuous

Page 313
We, therefore, Welco establish an International C and Conflict Resolution. World are found in Sri L representatives could be ut trust and understanding communities, so essential fo earlier, Hinduism emphasis the need to treat all alike linguistic and caste differen promote peace and harmon
There are many Hind welfare of the people in the development and poverty organisations working toW the Hindu Council of Sri La working in this field.
The Hindu Council spectrum of the Hindus of percent of the Tamils of Sri Societies and Boards of different parts of the Island front on important issues a the Hindus in particular engaged in finding Ways question and in restoring citizen of Sri Lanka could from fear or want.

My Diplomat
me the initiative of the WCRP to entre for Religious Co-operation The four major religions of the anka and the services of their ilised for bringing about mutual between the different religious r resolving this conflict. As stated, ses the Oneness of humanity, and irrespective of ethnic, religious, ces. Its concepts are well Suited to
u institutions working towards the 2 fields of education, health, rural alleviation. There are very few ards conflict resolution. However nka is one of the very few societies
of Sri Lanka represents a broad this country, who form eighty six Lanka. It comprises various Hindu rustees of Hindu Temples from . It was formed to put up a united fecting our Country in general and The Hindu Council is actively nd means of resolving the ethnic beace and normalcy, So that every ive with honour and equality, free

Page 314
International Centre
In 1984, the President of Party Conference of religious an the ethnic conflict. This was th participated in such a conference Council participated in this cor United Religions Organisation wa Christian and Islamic leade understanding between the val The President of the Hindu C deliberations of the Organisatio) Sri Lanka together with other r message of peace and harmony.
The Hindu Council is af Federation whose headquarters its President is a Vice President c South and South East Asia.
The President of the Hin the Asian Conference on Relig Executive Committee Meeting initiated discussions on resolvir Executive Committee decided to Sri Lanka, comprising Japan, N. good offices to help resolve the
The Buddha Hindu Mah strengthen the religious ties of t form eighty six percent of the our belief that through interunderstanding could be c communities, which could lead ethnic conflict. The Hindu Coun its formation.

Sri Lanka summoned an Ail ld political leaders to resolve e first time religious leaders 2. The President of the Hindu ference. In the same year, a as formed of Buddhist, Hindu, is to bring about a better ious religious communities. ouncil participated in the n and toured various parts of eligious leaders, carrying the
filiated to the World Hindu are in Kathmandu, Nepal and of the Federation, in charge of
du Council, as a member of ion and Peace, attended its in Manila in June 1993. He ng the ethnic conflict and the ) send a Good-will Mission to epal and Thailand offering its conflict.
asabha has been formed to he Buddhist and Hindus who population of Sri lanka. It is religious dialogue, a better reated between the two in turn, to a resolution of the cil played a significant role in

Page 315
The Hindu Council ha other religious organisatio Council, the World Counci Society and Religion, on th the ethnic conflict.
In July 1993 there wi religious representatives Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pal for eight days near Negomboi item was to establish a basis participants, many of whom disposed towards their neig provide an opportunity for resolution of conflict in soci Quaker Peace and Service. Council participated in th member of the Co-ordinatin Asia Group 94 in Pakistan.
It will be seen that the F promoting inter-religious unc has worked for a healthy soc and justice will prevail.
We face many constra endeavours are noble and w uncertainty that prevails ab particularly the young are lea

My Diplomat
ld inter-religious dialogue with ns like the National Christian l of Churches, the Centre for a question of the resolution of
as a South Asia Gathering of from five countries, namely kistan and Sri lanka. It was held in Sri Lanka. The primary agenda for communications between
belonged to societies not well hbours. This network hopes to both, dialogue and practical ieties. It was organised by the
The President of the Hindu e Gathering and was elected g Group to organise the South
Hindu Council has been active in terstanding and co-operation. It iety, where democracy, equality
ints, though our objectives and orthwhile. Owing to a sense of pout the future, many people, aving the country in search of a

Page 316
International Centre
better and a more peaceful life. Ti to do social service. Even those are finding it difficult owing to and the need to do more than o
meet. Finances are also a ( Peace-makers should be equippe experience are necessary factors mission. There is a dearth of trai
The International Centref
Conflict Resolution could be est needs of the various religious co

here is a dearth of man-power who are willing to volunteer the escalating cost of living ne job in order to make ends constraint in this regard. 'd for their work. Training and in making a success of their ned personnel.
or Religious Co-operation and ablished keeping in mind the »mmunities.

Page 317
In South Africa, a large per who have been in the country for a Conference was organised by the D co-operation with the Universi leading academics and religious p the world assembled and presented "Hinduism - Vision for the Twent presented at the Conference held 1995. (We (vere pleasantly surpris living in present day South Africa their ancestors went to South Afr them one could count doctors, professors and political leaders).
remendous changes ar.
science and technology
every aspect of huma communications has shortened closer to one another. One C continent to another within a da telex and computer have ! technology, and happenings in C out the world in a matter of m range of subjects are readily making affecting millions of pec The World has shrunk meta different parts are interacting v

Centage of the Indians are Hindus bout 135 years. The World Hindu urban Hindu Association in close y of Durban, Westville (Uhere ersonalities from various parts of papers within the broad theme of y first Century." This paper was in Durban, South Africa in July sed to see that the Indian families are doing very well even though ica as indentured labour. Among
lawyers, engineers, teachers,
2 taking place in the world. In vast strides have been made in an life. The development of distances and brought peoples ould travel by air from one ly. Radio, telephone, television, evolutionised information ne country are known throughnutes. Detailed data on a vast vailable on call and decision ple, is made easier and quicker. phorically and people from with each other more often and

Page 318
Humanity at the Cross - Roads
at various levels, creating ne' Problems and solutions are boundaries as shown in the C the spread of the dreadful disea state jurisdiction and are now and international organisations gradually eroding and giving V concept of one world and the w slowly but surely taking sha
transformed the political, ecc people.
Politically, international
Nations are gaining in influence ganisations have been formed to co-operation as in South Asi Co-operation (SAARC), the O (OAU) and the Association o (ASEAN). Economically, probl development and aid are now in and global perspective for appr Organisation (WTO), World
Monetary Fund (IMF) and Asi are international institutions cre welfare measures for the improv of the less developed peoples a many countries and the interne in this endeavour. The growth ( has also contributed to a great

v attitudes and ways of life. no longer confined to state hernobyl nuclear disaster and e aids. They have transcended
the concern also of regional , resulting in state sovereignty /ay to shared sovereignty. The ay of life that flows from it are pe. All these changes have onomic and social life of the
organisations like the United and importance; regional ordeal effectively with regional an Association for Regional rganisation of African Unity f South East Asian Nations ems of trade and commerce, creasingly viewed in a regional priate solutions. World Trade Bank (IBRD), International in Development Bank (ADB) ated for this purpose. Socially, ement of the living conditions e now important concerns of tional community is assisting f information and knowledge er awareness of the need for

Page 319
human rights and fundamen communities. Efforts are bei free from prejudice and discri language and gender. Where human rights the internatio problem and efforts are mad The state concerned cannot international community as alone.
Politically, economically a part of the global system. T afford to ignore. We have to g to suit the new changes.
While this tendency to c and international scale is taki developing to preserve and st Humanity comprises many s religious and ethnic groups. human rights has strengthen to preserve his culture and id the collective will of like-r political unit, either within o management of their own aff: cultural identity. The right to one's culture and identity iss right of self-determination o United Nation's Covenants o on Economic, Social and Cu.

My Diplomat
tal freedoms to individuals and ng made to create a new world mination based on race, religion, ver there is a serious breach of nal community is seized of the e by it to alleviate the situation. dismiss the intervention of the an internal matter concerning it
y and socially we are increasingly his is a reality which we cannot ear our thinking and our actions
o-operate and unite on a regional ng place, a parallel movement is rengthen one's cultural identity. ections and is also divided into The spread of democracy and 2d the individual and his desire entity. This desire is reflected in ninded individuals to form a r outside a state, which enables airs and the preservation of their form a political unit to preserve upported by the principle of the f peoples contained in the two n Civil and Political Rights and tural Rights. But the desire for

Page 320
Humanity at the Cross - Roads
self-government is generally I mistakenly made by the au movements. The failure of g( human urge to preserve one' conflicts of a violent nature causing death and destruc dismemberment of the former and the attendant violence that These have resulted in some separate states. There are also to preserve their ethnic ident Sri Lanka. Lack of a political set violence on a large scale. S federalism and regional a devolution of power are advoc demands of the various people
A constructive appro. legitimate demands is therefore be to maintain unity in the mid maintained only with the co sightedness and statesmanship problems and effect solutions f
These two movements coalesce to form a larger unit a cultural identity in a smaller uni be forged into one synthetic wh peace and harmony. Such an ap

misunderstood and efforts are thorities to suppress such vernments to appreciate the s cultural identity has led to in many parts of the world, tion on a large scale. The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia followed are glaring examples. instances in the formation of 2thnic communities who want ity in a united country as in tlement in Sri Lanka has led to ystems of government like utonomy with substantial rated as means of meeting the S in a state.
ach of accommodating the necessary. The objective should st of diversity. Unity could be insent of the governed. Far are necessary to resolve such or the benefit of all parties.
, the one to co-operate and nd the other to preserve one's tare not contradictory. It could ole enabling peoples to live in proach reflects the reality that

Page 321
the world consists of people communities and each must b in its cultural milieu and in the world. If properly understo Scenario will be like a beauti
We need a philosophy greater good of humanity whe be protected. In this interde solutions have to be viewed regions and countries. There taking into account the, "Lok Society be it village, country ( safeguards both the individua contentment and peace.
A change of attitude approach. An attitude of min tolerance and universal accep live and let live is necessary. W because of our failure to ada values, which upholds trut love and universal brotherh international understanding.
Hinduism provides th approach. "Religion is the mai in man," said Swami Viveka

My Diplomat
of diverse religious and ethnic e allowed to develop peacefully 2 wider context of a harmonious od and developed the whole ul tapestry of rich and vibrant
and a way of life suited for the 're individual rights should also pendent world, problems and
globally and adjusted to suit should be a holistic approach, a Sangraha," the welfare of the or the world. Such an approach ul and society and contributes to
is necessary to adopt such an d, which brings in the spirit of stance and promotes the idea of le have astrife-torn world today pt and to adopt a set of human h and non violence, preaches lood and promotes peace and
Le answer. It has the universal lifestation of the divinity already handa. This states in a nutshell

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Humanity at the Cross - Roads
the Hindu concept that each which clothes it is enmeshed ir Hinduism is to bring out this d by exhorting him to lead a lifeb life. Divinity in each person c that prevails between people
humanity. Such a concept cuts a class, caste or gender and ur equality between individuals person. According to the Upani whole world is one family, "Va. all embracing, universal approa understanding and toleration t
Hinduism accepts that salvation and does not claim According to the Hindus, Truth various names-"Ekam sat vipr. of acceptance and accommodat
There have been too mu
Individuals and nations ar. forgetting that side by sid development to curb the acqu being. Disputes and conflicts u at the expense of the less fortur emphasis on "I" and "we" amo against the greater good of Soc Hinduism emphasises balance

soul is divine and the body ignorance and the object of ivine nature in an individual based on dharma, a righteous lenotes the inter-connection and signifies the oneness of crossbarriers of religion, race, lites people. It also implies and dignity of the human shads, a Hindu scripture, the sudaiva Kuttumbakam." This ch to life creates an attitude of owards other people.
there are various paths to solely to possess the truth. is one though sages call it by a bahudha vadanti." The spirit ion is basic to Hindu thought.
uch emphasis on materialism. 2 after material prosperity a there has to be spiritual isitive instincts of the human sually arise for material gains ate ones. There is too much of ng individuals and nations as iety and humanity in general. balance between the needs of

Page 323
the individual and that of so between dharma or righteous wealth. It avoids extremes
middle path so necessary to li
Hinduism is well suit the modern world. Dr S. Ra statesman, stated that for the doctrinal conformity or cerem his nature, the transforming something better from what approach avoids conflicts, st individual and makes him ab
Hinduism is founded personalities. It is applicable changing circumstances. It absorb new ideas as freed Hinduism. It is not confined prophet. Dr S. Radhakrish movement not a position, a tradition not a fixed revelatio time immemorial attained enl tation and righteous living. T enlightened souls who throl philosophy and a way of life.
On the threshold of organisers could not have c

My Diplomat
ciety, between man and nature, ness and artha or the pursuit of and teaches the virtue of the vein this complex world.
2d to meet the requirements of dhakrishnan, the philosopherHindu, religion is not so much onial piety as the re-changing of of his personality, becoming he is. According to him, this rengthens the character of the letter person for society.
on eternal truths and not on ' to all times and adaptable to has a tremendous capacity to om of thought is inherent in to a single book or to a single unan explained that, "it is a process not a result, a growing n." Hindu sages and seers from ightenment after years of medihey became, "Jivan Muktas" or 1gh experience propounded a
the twenty-first century, the hosen a better theme for this

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Humanity at the Cross - Roads
historic world conference. The t the twenty first century," is releva facing humanity, which is at Hinduism in its universal appr. humanity, equality between pers the acceptance of various pat thought, balance between indivic and nature and between righteo These are concepts which prope on earth and goodwill among m Vivekananda, the Hindu monk Religions in Chicago was, "Help and not destruction.” “Har dissension."
Hinduism is ready to she is, indeed the religion of humal the entire world.

heme, "Hinduism - Vision for int to meet the new challenges the cross-roads of history. bach preaches the oneness of ons, dignity of the individual, hs to salvation, freedom of lual and society, between man usness and pursuit of wealth. rly practised will bring peace len. The clarion call of Swami
at the historic Parliament of and not fight." "Assimilation mony and Peace and not
ilter anyone and everyone. It hity, of human nature and of

Page 325
A number of Sri Lankar problem and the Rotary Club meeting on the 11th of October 1 on this subject. During his yet impressed by India's Defen presentation of the Kashmir Issi,
et me thank the Rota.
giving me an opport
question. When werel of Jammu and Kashmir. This c between India and Pakistan question started soon after the creating two states of India an Congress under Mahatma Ga struggle for Indian Indepe Congress wanted to create a every citizen could live in fre of his creed. It was a relentle
decades and achieved fulfilm
This achievement si decolonisation resulting in and Africa gaining their f independence, differences ar Indian National Congress wh

is vere not avare of the Kashmir of Colombo Central arranged a 995 where Yoga was invited to speak irs at the United Nations he (Uas Ice Minister, Krishna Me 1011's
ry Club of Colombo Central for unity to speak on the Kashmir er to Kashmir it is really the state luestion has bedevilled relations for well over four decades. This 'partition of British India in 1947 ld Pakistan. The Indian National
indhi was in the forefront of the
ndence. The Indian National secular, democratic state, where 'edom and equality irrespective SS struggle, which lasted many ent in 1947.
at in motion the process of the Colonial countries of Asia reedom. In this struggle for ose between the leaders of the
lich resulted in Mohammed Ali

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The Kashmir Ouestion
Jinnah breaking away from the forming a new party the Indian League wanted a separate state the two nations theory and ac creation of Pakistan.
The basic differences in the National Congress and the atmosphere of mutual suspici the creation of Pakistan as a substantial number of Muslims after partition. They came unde of nationalist Muslims like Mau
President of the Indian Natio partition, Khan Abdul Ghaffar K Rafi Ahmed Kidwai a cabinet
Today, after Bangladesh SI that more Muslims are in India India have held and are continu trust and responsibility almost been Presidents of India, Chie States, important Cabinet Mini at the Centre and in the st institutions of learning and high forces.
Besides, in the private se commercial firms and indust. country human rights are obser

(ndian National Congress and Muslim League. The Muslim for the Muslims on the basis of hieved its objective with the
the thinking and approach of 2 Muslim League created an on and distrust. But, despite homeland for the Muslims a preferred to remain in India r the influence and leadership ulana Abdul Kalam Azad, the nal Congress at the time of Chan, the Frontier Gandhi and minister in the first Indian
eceded from Pakistan, it is said than in Pakistan. Muslims in uing to hold high positions of in every field. Muslims have f Justices, Chief Ministers of sters, Secretaries of Ministries ates, professors of higher ranking officers in the armed
actor they are owners of big rial units. As a democratic ved to a great extent in India

Page 327
particularly the freedom o education Muslim Schools are p interference by the governmer government grants. This speci. schools run by the majority Hi to the extent of subsidising the
In Pakistan, an Islamic actions of the government are become the President of Pakis it. There are hardly any Hil government services. Life forth most of them have emigrated to
One should takenote oft the governments of India and difficulty of bringing about a m the Kashmir problem.
The state of Jammu and to both India and Pakistan, has and a population according to t comprises three regions, namel Ladhak. The Kashmir valley ha with a population of 3,130,190, square miles with a population an area of 33,554 Square miles According to religion, of the million, the Muslims are 64%

My Diplomat
f worship. In the field of rotected constitutionally from it, though they are entitled to ll provision does not apply to indus. Secular India even goes annual Haj pilgrirmage.
State, the policies and the different. No non-Muslim can stan. The constitution debars hdus in the government or e Hindus became difficult and ) neighbouring India.
hese basic differences between
| Pakistan. to understand the utually acceptable solution of
Kashmir which is contiguous an area of 54,571 square miles he 1981 census, of 5,953,897. It y Kashmir Valley, Jammu and s an area of 8,639 square miles Jammu has an area of 12,378 of 2,690,616 and Ladakh has with a population of 133,091. total population of about 6 . In the Kashmir Valley the

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The Kashmir Question
Muslims are predominant; out of non-Muslims are only 150,000. in the majority with a popul non - Hindus are 800,000. Lada. state area-Wise, has a 54% Bu Muslims account for the rest. It Kashmir has a composite cultur have distinct identities and it will as having a single territorial el factors into consideration wh question.
What is the Kashmir pri princely states numbering more were semi-independent and cam paramount power, the United partition the princely states were: Kingdom government to accede Once the accession was accepte request made by the Ruler, th became an integral part of Indi then was complete and legal. Ni United Kingdom government in which transferred power to the conditional accession and there people of the princely states requesting accession. Partition C theory was confined only to Br. carved out of Muslim majority Eastern India. This theory did no

a population of 3,130,190 the . In Jammu the Hindus are ation of 2,700,000 and the kh, the biggest region of the ddhist population and the will be seen that Jammu and all character and many areas lbe wrong to talk of the state ntity. One has to take these en talking of the Kashmir
oblem? Before partition the
than five hundred and fifty Le under the protection of the Kingdom. At the time of given the option by the United either to India or Pakistan. d by India or Pakistan on a le princely state concerned a or Pakistan. The accession o provision was made by the the Indian Independence Act, people of British India, for a was no requirement that the hould be consulted before
in the basis of the two nation
tish India and Pakistan was Drovinces of North West and tapply to the princely states.

Page 329
It is interesting to note tha who wanted the provision that should be given the authority accession to India or Pakistan.
The Maharajah of Kashm question of accession. Frontier adjoining North West of Paki invaded Kashmir to force the ha to Pakistan. Since the troops defend his territory he immediat the invaders back and expresse to India. On October 26th 1947, t a letter to Lord Mountbatten, w India, requesting him to accept Kashmir to India. On 27th Oct. accepted it on behalf of the gove became legally and constitutior The accession was also supporte National Conference, the larges that time.
On accession Kashmir be troops were flown to Srinagar, t the invaders back. On 1st Janua the Security Council of the Un given by Pakistan to the invad Council to call upon Pakistant the giving of such assistance v

My Diplomat
tit was Mohammed Ali Jinnah the Ruler of a Princely state to decide on the question of
lir took time to decide on the tribesmen from the territory stan and Pakistan nationals nd of the Maharajah to accede of the Maharajah could not ely sought India's help to drive d a wish that Kashmir accede he Maharajah of Kashmir sent who was the Head of State of
the instrument of accession of ober 1947, Lord Mountbatten rnment of India and Kashmir ally an integral part of India. ld by Sheikh Abdullah and the t political party in Kashmir at
came part of India and Indian he capital of Kashmir, to push ary 1948, India complained to ited Nations of the aid being ers and wanted the "Security o put an end immediately to which is an act of aggression

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The Kashmir Ouestion
against India." On 15th January Pakistan denied this charge and its power to discourage the triba try to justify its presence in Kas there. Subsequently, Pakistan ac were in Kashmir and advanc Kashmir to support a liberation
The Security Council ar India and Pakistan accepted accession to India. On 4th Febru America's representative in the S that the external sovereignty of J. India.
Since India and Pakista. future status of Jammu and Kash the people of Kashmir, efforts Nations Commission for India a decision. On 13th August 1948, t and Pakistan passed a resolutio settlement. India accepted Subsequently the UN Commis offered an amended proposal v sides. This was included in a res In view of the acceptance by t Council of the legality of Kas distinction was drawn betwe
Pakistan in Kashmir. Before the h

1948, the Foreign Minister of added that it had done all in
movement. Pakistan did not hmir or to claim a right to be cepted the fact that its troops ed a reason that it went to
nd the UN Commission for
the legality of Kashmir's ary 1948 the United States of ecurity Council clearly stated ammu and Kashmir was with
n had both agreed that the mir should bedetermined by were made by the United nd Pakistan to implement this he UN Commission for India in containing proposals for a it, but Pakistan did not. sion for India and Pakistan which was accepted by both solution on 5th January 1949. he United Nations Security hmir's accession to India, a en the forces of India and olding of the plebiscite to find

Page 331
out the wishes of the people, Pakistani troops were to be w was to withdraw the bulk of i the local authorities in the 1 Besides the government of th was explicitly recognised and government of Jammu and
order. In the case of Pakistan ( stated that pending a final Sol Pakistani troops will be admi under the surveillance of the
was made for Surveillance of hands.
But the plebiscite could could not be fulfilled as Pakis forces from the occupied te. withdraw all its forces, thi Kashmir convened a Constiti up a constitution for the intel The members of the Constitue basis of universal franchise a which gave the people fre Constituent Assembly confirm and subsequent general electi people's support for accessior
As mentioned before, t of the two neighbouring states make a settlement of any prob a substantial population c

My Diplomat
he tribesmen from Pakistan and rithdrawn completely, but India ts forces retaining some to assist maintenance of law and order. Le State of Jummu and Kashmir the resolution provided for the Kashmir to safeguard law and occupied Kashmir the resolution ution, the territory evacuated by nistered by the local authorities UN Commission. No provision F the part of the State in Indian
not be held because the first step tan had refused to withdraw its rritory. Since Pakistan did not e government of Jammu and uent Assembly in 1952 to draw inal administration of the State. nt Assembly were elected on the nd they enacted a Constitution, 2dom and civil liberties. The ned the state's accession to India ons in Kashmir strengthened the
he whole thinking and approach based on different philosophies lem difficult. Secular India with if over one hundred million

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The Kashmir Question
Muslims and a Hindu populat million cannot afford to compro Moreover, Hinduism has a unive there are various paths to sa different ways of life. Pakistan itself from British India on th homeland for the Muslims base that the Hindus and Muslims are in one state. It feels that since Ka population it should automati though in the political settlemer not applied to the princely sta directly by the British.
This problem cannot be s( in the attitude of Pakistan that prosper in non-Islamic states as Sri Lanka. A democratic set u observed should enable any pe. equality in a state. The world iss a global village. States are bec dependent. Regional and Inte playing an increasingly greater conditions of the people in diffe maintaining ones cultural iden general upliftment of man Radhakrishnan, the philosophe out, "Our needs and problems Our loyalty should be to huma more is this thought relevant w twenty first century

ion of about eight hundred mise on its secular character. rsal approach and accepts that lvation. It accommodates on the other hand separated e need to have a separate 'd on the two nations theory different and cannot co-exist Ishmir has a majority Muslim cally form part of Pakistan, ut the two nations theory was tes, but only to India ruled
olved unless there is a change Muslims could remain and is seen in many countries like p with human rights being rson to live with honour and hrinking and is fast becoming Dming more and more interrnational Organisations are role in alleviating the living rent parts of the world. While tity one should work for the kind. As Dr. Saravapalli r-statesman rightly pointed are of the twentieth century. nity as a whole." How much hen we are on the eve of the

Page 333
On the 31st of March 195 nade its observation on the Dr. containing the Proposals of the G Devolution of Power.
In 1986, July 10th, the Hindu Council saying. “The C good of its people and should account the character and con history of its people and the present Constitution of Sri criteria and has resulted in a b is concentrated at the Cen people at the periphery. Nor i that takes into account the cui of the various people. If th Constitution that (uill treat various people of Sri Lanka ta of government, vill have to not suffice as many lives ha change; many more have bee, people and destruction of p1 massive scale. Let us there suitably. There should be a ge the division of powers betwe regions should be incorporate also ensure the unity and inte

6, the Hindu Council of Sri Lanka aft Provisions of the Constitution overnment of Sri Lanka relating to
Island front page featured the onstitution of a State is for the be so formulated as to take into mposition of its population, the 2ir hopes and aspirations. The Lanka does not satisfy these itter internecine conflict. Power tre and is not shared by the s the power shared in a manner ltural and linguistic aspirations e conflict is to be stopped, a all alike and vill enable the p share power at different levels be formulated. Patchwork will ve been lost to bring about this n maimed and displacement of roperty have taken place on a fore amend the Constitution nuine devolution of power and en the Centre and the devolved d in the Constitution. This will grity of the country.”

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Observations on the Draft Provisions
he Hindu Council of S
Hindu Societies and Bc
Temples. It represents ab who form about eighty five perce It was formed eleven years agot Hindu point of view on importa in general and the Hindus in par in finding ways and means of which has caused misery, deathal to all segments of the population
Hinduism believes in the ( approach to the ethnic questio concept of live and let live. We belief by the famous dictum of Sangam age, Poon kundranaar yaavarum kelir," - which means, all the people are my kinsmen.' of this conflict in our multi-ethnic ultimately destroy the social communities will suffer immeas patriotic citizens to stop this inte a united Sri Lanka, where every and equality, free from fear or w
On the eve of the Parliame 1994, the Hindu Council issued people to elect a government question, which was creating a

ri Lanka is a federation o ards of Trustees of Hindu road spectrum of the Hindus nt of the Tamils of Sri Lanka. o consolidate and establish a nt issues affecting Sri Lanka ticular. It is actively engaged esolving the ethnic conflict, nd destruction on a large scale
Dneness of humanity and our n is based on the universal are also strengthened in our the great Tamil poet of the who said, "Yaadhum oore; every country is my own and We feel that the continuation , multi-religious country will fabric of Sri Lanka and all urably. It is incumbent on all necine war and to help build citizen could live in honour
tary elections on August 16th a statement calling upon the hat would settle the ethnic culture of violence, which if

Page 335
not arrested in time, would d We made it clear that any polit political power should have a question and how it propo question is really a Sinhalaresolved amicably if there is Sinhalese and the Tamils hav distinct language, a religion an strands and a definite area, w for a long period of time. Any consideration these facts, whi shared in a united country. De the answer.
Certain sections of the devolution of power must realis without the consent of the progress and social justice can Peace to be enduring must be This becomes all the more im that they have only Sri Lanka
At present there is no Ta by the people at a free and fai behalf of the Tamils. Tamil p groups should endeavour to c and understanding so that ar reached. Care should be tak barren confrontation should n

My Diplomat
astroy our civilised way of life. ical party which aspires to seek clear cut policy on the ethnic ses to resolve it. The ethnic Tamil problem that could be a political will to settle it. The e a long history of self-rule, a da culture with many common hich each has been occupying lasting solution must take into ch means that power has to be 2volution of power is therefore
Sinhalese who are against the se that peace cannot be obtained governed and that economic not be realised without peace. based on equality and justice. portant as some Sinhalese feel o call their own.
mil political leadership elected election, who could speak on olitical parties and interested reate a climate of mutual trust acceptable solution could be n that the earlier policies of ot be adopted, which had not

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Observations on the Draft Provisions
helped the Tamils to live in peace reality this negative policy weak nity in Sri Lanka especially i traditionally formed the majori political leadership contributed Tamil militant movement.
Since independence the narrow, misguided policies adopt and Tamil political parties and situation thanks to their uner approach to the problem must change of heart and a willingnes live. After years of suffering bro new awareness has dawned in thi and Tamil person that this co they should live in peace with communal drum did not bring in the last parliamentary and pr trend augurs well for a political
President Chandrika Banc into the political scene at this c represented this new awareness decisive role in consolidating a thinking. She has openly ackno the victims of discrimination a about a political settlement by

with honour and equality. In ned the Tamils as a commuin the districts where they ly. The failure of the Tamil ubstantially to the rise of the
:ountry suffered due to the ed by the mainstream Sinhala
today we are in this tragic lightened leadership. Our change. There should be a S on both sides to live and let ught about by this conflict a eminds of the average Sinhala nflict should end and that one another. Beating of the political dividends as shown asidential elections. This new
laranaike Kumaratunga came rucial juncture. She not only but played a courageous and nd strengthening this line of vledged that the Tamils were nd is endeavouring to bring roposing a series of changes

Page 337
in the Constitution of Sri La manage their own affairs ince region. Earlier governments hel but did not openly put forw resolve the conflict. However i National Party and the left
concept of devolution of pov amendment to the Constitutio
We are in general agi devolution of power, the subje the necessary institutions to w to emphasise that the spirit an should always be kept in mind in performing their respective should be sincerity of purpose to make the system work. C matters that need clarification
We agree with 7(1) of th feel that there is no nee. proposed draft in the
could act as the need Unnecessary problems 7(2) and 7(3). It could involved in day to day 7(3) are included the directly or indirectly, a the other religions in th

My Diplomat
nka to enable the Tamils to rtain specified subjects in their d consultations and conferences ard their specific proposals to t must be noted that the United parties are committed to the ver in terms of the thirteenth
'eement with the concept of cts assigned to the regions and Tork the system. It is necessary d intention of the Constitution | by the Centre and the Regions : rolls. Unlike in the past there and a willingness by the Centre Dur observations are made on or change.
e proposed draft. However we d to include 7(2) and 7(3) of the Constitution. The government arises as is being done now. could be created by including make the Maha Sangha to be politics. In any case if 7(2) and 7 should not in any manner, fect the equal rights granted to e Constitution.

Page 338
Observations on the Draft Provisions
Chapter III - The Devolu!
Unit of Devolution. We feel the present Nor District of Amparai shi should be called the Nortl
to this conclusion after
consideration. This Uni contiguous area and com have lived in this area for
We are against non-contigl mous region. This concept part in the 1995 Daytol Hercegovina. It was not: tions Partition plan for P partition of British India have proved. If the pri non-Contiguousenclavesf is acceded to in the North also apply to Muslim maj North-Western and Sou" thirds of the Muslims Province. Moreover, tl -contiguous areas should a in the Central and Uva heterogeneous in populat in other Provinces shoulc

tion of Power to the Regions
th-East Province minus the ould form a region and it h-East Region. We have come taking various factors into t of Devolution forms one prises mainly of Tamils, who centuries.
uous areas forming an autonohas been rejected for the most h Peace Accord on Bosniasuccessful in the United Naalestine in 1947 nor with the in 1947 as subsequent events inciple of Muslim majority orming an autonomous region -East Province then it should ority enclaves in the Western, thern Provinces. About two are outside the North-East mis same principle of non lso apply to plantation Tamils Provinces. All Provinces are on and the principle followed also apply to the North-East

Page 339
Another proposal basec representation of giving North-East i.e. one Tam rejected. The North-Ea coherent and viable. I
conditions which do not should be uniform proc principle of weighted
Muslims in the East, it sh in the East and to Tamils
As suggested by us sinc of Muslims and Sinha. compromise could be Amparai District from tl
If this is not acceptable the present arrangeme under the thirteenth a
Referendum could be cor displaced people return
State land.
If the Centre makes u subject, it is presumed til give first preference top to persons in the region project.

My Diplomat
on the principle of weighted two equal sub-councils in the il and one Muslim - has to be st has to remain territorially t should not be subjected to apply to other Provinces. There edures of devolution and if the
representation is given to the ould also apply to the Sinhalese s in other Provinces.
e there is a substantial number lese in the Amparai District a 2 worked out by removing he North-East Province.
then we should continue with
ent of a North-East Province mendment. The question of a hsidered after normalcy and the to the North-East Province.
se of state land for a reserve he Centre will as far as possible ersons in the district and then in recruiting persons to run the

Page 340
Observations on the Draft Provisions
c). State of Emergency with As regards 26(4)(e) we wo be made the Chairman o a Regional Council is a possible we should ha independent and emine correctness of the decisio
d. Finance.
As regards 27(8) 4 anc Commission by the Minis Cabinet of Ministers in 5
One cannot expect to havi proposals submitted by the go honest attempt to settle this vex solution for decades. Let us imp make a beginning in creating a understanding between the val peace and harmony. The w Constitution could be reviewed

in a Region. uld suggest the Chief Justice F the tribunal. Dissolution of serious matter and as far as ve a tribunal, comprising nt people to decide on the
by the Centre.
| 5 consulting the Finance ter of Finance in 4 and by the may prove useful.
2 all that one wants. The draft overnment appears to be an 2d question, which has defied ement them in good faith and climate of mutual trust and ious peoples so essential for orkings of this amended after a lapse of five years.

Page 341
When the United States of A decided that the ethnic Albania protected and the Serbs taught a le the day, clearly showing Western This domination (Uas devastatingl Crisis andearlier in Iraq. During til talk that NATO may not necessar, The fear that it will use its military, was great and Yoga was concer Council was ineffective in the face fact the Kosovo question did n international community watche,
the UIN,
When India successfully can felt justly proud for India and mad May 1998, Ceylon Daily News)
ndia stuns the world with i headline in a popular daily India successfully carried 1998, not only showed India's capability, but also re-opened t

merica and the United Kingdom 1s in Yugoslavia needed to be 'sson, bombing was the order of domination of the world system. y illustrated both in the Kosovo lese bombings, there was also the ily confine itself only to Europe. muscle in other parts of the world ned, because the UIN Security of these military initiatives - in pt have UIN Sanction and the d helplessly NATO by-passing
"ried out the five nuclear tests, he 2 this statement - (Courtesy 24th
her nuclear tests,' ran a bold . The five nuclear tests which out on May 11th and 13th scientific and technological he question of global nuclear

Page 342
Nuclear Apartheid Receives A Surprise
disarmament leading to total elin The Nuclear Non-proliferation Tr Nuclear Test Ban Treaty have not spread of nuclear weapons or in the privileged Big Five - Unitec France, United Kingdom and Chi lack of political will to get rid ( the part of the five permanen Council. National Security consic this regard and in determining defence preparedness of a state.
It is precisely the nationals made India to resume nuclear te after a lapse of twenty four years. nuclear development for military in 1974 like what the great powe major nuclear power with an ar. weapons. She did not follow this own way to work towards comple this laudable objective was notap were only concerned with preven weapons to the have-nots. Toda She feels the security environme unsatisfactory and potentially d testing of nuclear weapons.
Who is to decide on the qui has to be the state concerned whicl the Soviet Union had introduced r States of America under Preside

Blow 331
lination of nuclear weapons. eaty and the Comprehensive succeeded in preventing the reducing nuclear arsenals of States of America, Russia, na. This is mainly due to the of the nuclear stockpiles on members of the Security lerations play a major role in g the nature and scope of
security consideration which asting for military purposes If India had continued with purposes after her first test rs did, she would now be a ray of sophisticated nuclear path and instead tried in her te nuclear disarmament. But preciated. The nuclear haves ting the spreading of nuclear V, India has her own fears. nt in her neighbourhood is angerous and has resumed
stion of national security? It will be the best judge. When hissiles into Cuba, the United It Kennedy was prepared in

Page 343
October 1962 to go to war wi were not removed from Cub have led to the Third World W a greater part of the world United States of America w national security. Why canr which believes in equality
concerns at this present jur China and Pakistan, two co fought wars with India. Ac sources, China is reportec nuclear tests and is said to be to become a nuclear power. I India. On her own she is n with China it is a formid therefore understand Ind weapons, which would act a the event of a war what is t will not use nuclear weap According to former Presic America has 8000 nuclear w destroy the world many tir national security. Similarly,
Security Council have la
members of the Security Col maintaining nuclear stock denying this deterrent to t Nations, whose Charter is b all its members. It is this lop
the total elimination of nucl

My Diplomat
th the Soviet Union if the missiles a. If this war had started it would War, which would have destroyed
This shows to what extent the as prepared to go to protect her lot the United States of America and fair play appreciate India's cture? India feels threatened by untries on her borders, who had 'cording to Western intelligence to have conducted forty five ! helping Pakistan, a strategically, Pakistan is not equal in strength to ot of much concern to India but able combination. One should ia's desire to possess nuclear as a deterrent to any aggressor. In he guarantee that a nuclear state ons against a non nuclear state. lent Carter, the United States of 2apons in her stockpile, enough to nes over. All this in the name of other permanent members of the ge stockpiles. The permanent ncil have double standards, while piles for their defence they are he other members of the United ased on the sovereign equality of ided approach that has prevented 2ar weapons.

Page 344
Nuclear Apartheid Receives A Surprise
The Sri Lankan governmen Kumaratunga has to be congratu nuclear tests. While expressing de nuclear tests, Sri Lanka want community with no exception to global nuclear disarmament lead nuclear weapons without whic security will continue to be reference to missile tests is meant of whom conducted such tests re Kadirgamar rightly stated that India or Pakistan becoming a nu countries which conduct nuclear with sanctions.
Besides China and Pakist nuclear tests has come mainly America, Canada and some I Union-states which are well prote Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Sir New Zealand have guarantee ( States of America. There is no su has to look after her own defence. by India and refused to be drawi
The International Atomic India was entitled to carry out nu international agreements aime nuclear weapons. According ti Energy Agency, "India has dones right to do."

t of Chandrika Bandaranalike lated on its stand on India's 'ep concern at the missile and is the entire international continue its efforts to achieve ing to the total elimination of h peace and international in constant jeopardy. The for China and Pakistan both cently. Our Foreign Minister Sri Lanka is not opposed to clear power and added that tests should not be punished
an, the opposition to India's from the United States of members of the European acted by nuclear armed North milarly Japan, Australia and of protection by the United ch protection for India which The non-aligned worldstood
in condemning India.
Energy Agency stated that clear tests as it had not signed d at curbing the spread of o the International Atomic omething that it reserved the

Page 345
After the nuclear tes
remains committed to a disarmament leading to total weapons. India's statemen Chemical Weapons Convent Convention as evidence of disarmament regime whi verifiable. India has also ann being an adherent to som Comprehensive Test Ban Tre
The United Nations had said that India's defia. world powers to deal more a nuclear disarmament. The its permanent members of opportunity to review th disarmament and bring abol would be a gradual and v weapons within an agreed nature of the earlier agreeme agreement to be acceptable tests are a welcome develop blessing in disguise.

My Diplomat
ts, India has announced that it
speedy process of nuclear and global elimination of nuclear t refers to its adherence to the ion and the Biological Weapons her commitment to any global ch is non-discriminatory and ounced her readiness to consider le of the undertakings in the
Secretary General, Kofi Annan nt steps must be a catalyst for ggressively with the problems of
United Nations, in particular the Security Council, has an e whole question of nuclear ut a just settlement wherein there erifiable elimination of nuclear time frame. The discriminatory 2nts should go to enable the new to all. If this is done the Indian
ment. It would indeed become a

Page 346

Page 347
The biography of Yogendra D. personality from his childhood becoming a leader among
occerful voice not only in Sri eno question Of The COUn
nei present sorry polich
The story covers with a deal diplomat, his return to an and Government Agent, Jaffn spokesman for the poorest, th: He as a man of principles . he end. He neger Changed his Was his bond the sea-green i
In this biography the at diplomat, and goes us not in One Doho lowed the life of a di later felt that he should give шork for his people aоho pere 歴エ、H2 エ。 km 。 fercently to see an end to thee Sri Lanka as equal citizens in
The scope of this book is nor. approach to the ethnic guestio important aspect to this guest Tami , o er on - his USheri
ISBN 955-97.048 x

the Book
uraisaany portrays the growth of his in a traditional aristocratic family, and e Hindus of Sri Lanka. He raised his Lanka but also in international fora on the explaining the story of the Tamils and
h of detail, the career of this charismatic a, huis assignment als District Secretary and his social work. He cons indeed the lonelliest and the lost. His friend ories maining loyal to his cause always and to steed for transient advantage. His word corruptible."
hor refers to her husband as "ny si la planean of praise but the true Story Of loma serving his country honestly but up the plumes of office and come back to denied opportunities that were rightfully ing some aspects and to his last day tried haic question and see his people living in onour and dignity free from fear or cant
than a mere narration of his story. His was caried and far sighted and the most от тоhere he apas concerned, aодs that the Intry with equality and justice free from alienable right.
Jacker designed by the autor